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Cristiana Brenna


(multiple of 6sts + 2sts)
Colour B) white
Row 1 (WS): knit
Row 2 (RS): purl
Row 3 (WS): knit
Row 4 (RS): purl
Colour A) melange
Row 5 , 7 (WS): 1edge st, * p2, slip2 sts, p2 *, 1edge st
Row 6, 8 (RS): 1edge st, * k2, slip2 sts, k2 * , 1edge st
Colour B) white
Row 9 (WS): 1edge st, * * p2, k2, p2 * , 1edge st
Row 10 (RS): purl
Anna, a friend of mine from Naples, talking about dishcloths, told me :” if Row 11 (WS): knit
this beauty is made to wash dishes than I wanna be a dish myself!”
Row 12 (RS): purl
Well, I wait on you hand and foot… this is a Scrubbing Cloth for you to
Colour A) melange
have a shower with. Think not you’re a dish , but a precious piece of
pottery instead! Row 13, 15 (WS): 1edge st, * slip1 st, p4, slip1 st * , 1edge st
Row 14, 16 (RS): 1edge st, * slip1 st, k4, slip1 st * , 1edge st

MATERIALS Colour B) white

Kitchen cotton [90 m per 50 g] Row 17° (WS): 1edge st, * k1, p4, k1 * , 1edge st

Straight needles n° 5 mm/US #8 ; Tapestry needle Repeat from row 2, working in color B) white Copyright©Cristiana Brenna page 1

Cristiana Brenna
Loosely CO 50 sts in melange
Work in ribbing 2x2 for 12 rows.
Continue in textured stitch pattern working from row 1 to row 17
Repeat the textured stitch pattern from row 2 to row 17 x 3 times
Start decreasing to shape the bath-mitt.

On RS with color B) white work as follows:

Row 1 (RS): p2tog throughout the row (25 sts)
Row 2 (WS): k2tog throughout the row, ending with k1 (13 sts)
Row 3 (RS): p2tog throughout the row, ending with p1 (7 sts)

Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread the needle ad pass it through
the live stitches twice to bind them off. Pull to secure. With the
same thread start sewing the mitten, leave and opening of nearly
4 cm for the thumb over the cuff. Finish the opening edge by
needle with an overcast stitch or working a round of single
crochet. Copyright©Cristiana Brenna page 2

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