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Module 15

El Filibusterismo

Relate the following characters to current social issues they represent and justify your answer

Character Current social issue he/she represents

Kabesang Tales He represent the indigenous peoples and farmers

whose lands were taken by friars. His character
represents the voice of minorities and injustices
faced by those who are less fortunate.

He represents the minority of Spaniards who

Placido Penitente sympathize with Filipinos but it also represents
those who have yet to develop a nationalistic
mindset. He also represents the youth, particularly
students, who are indecisive and quick to act.

Padre Camorra For me, the social issue he represents is those

students who doesn’t like studying and going to
school even though they have lots of potential.
Though his teachers dislike him and believe he is
disobedient, Placido Penitente is said to be
exceptionally intelligent but absolutely hates his

Hermana Penchang Hermana Penchang stands for those who abuse

their position of authority. She acts rudely towards
others and only because she is wealthy and rich.
She offered the government the territory of Tales,
much like when Kabesang Tales was captured.
She also claimed that she was a friars' friend.

Juli Juli is a representation for Filipinos who are

fighting for their lives despite their difficulties and
struggles in life.

1. Choose three most important characters in the novel and explain why you consider them as such.
 Simoun because he is recognized as having influence with the Captain-General and exerting
considerable influence inside the Spanish colonial administration in the Philippines. He wants to
start a revolution among Filipinos by stirring up their emotions.

 Basilio because He is the main love interest of Juli. Basilio joined Simoun's revolt after realizing
that Simoun is right and revenge is his priority to let Spain pay him with all he have lost fairly.

 Isagani because he is the symbol of the youth whose love for the country is great to the point of
being branded as idealistic.

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