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Benboulaid Secomdary School . School Year 2015/2016 ENGLISH 2° TERM EXAMINATION ¥ Stremmes : Scientific and Literary Timing : 2 howrs PART ONE: READING (15 pts) A-Comprebension (8pts) Read the text carefully and do the activities, ‘Beach pollution is an international issue. Ln the year 2002, it caused at least 12,184 closings of beaches in USA. This sine is hazardous to bath people's héaith and the environunent. » Bea. ~ Pollution it USA beaches results fram high levels of hnemfut micsoorganiams found in sewage teleascd directly or indirectly in rivers, seas and oocans. As oevnge i; full of bacteria and y svimeting in. witer contaminated with sewage can cause respimtory illoe< and cat, nose or throat é Fish { frown in sewge-contamingted walcrs can cause food polionitiy becouse they concentrate toxins in theirg tigeues, Adklitionaliy, people at the beach leave behind chem task and litter, mainly composed of, bottles cans, cigarette filtecs, and plastic bags .This litter kills wildlife, and costs millions of dollars to clear it up. Besides, turtles mista: plastic bags for jellyfieh and eat them |Thus, they block thelr stomachs, which often leads to death from sta-vat -. Scabirds mistake foating plastic litter for food, and ¢ --r 90% of them were found dead with plastic in their siomachs. From www. wsatodincamt a- Write the letter that corresponds to the right answer : (pty 8) A magazine b) The intemet ) Anewspaper d) A prospectus “SQeAce these statements true or false? Write T or F ext to the letter eprresponding to the statement. 8- Pollution of beaches is not harmful (05 pty ‘b- Sewnge released in seas doesn’t contain bast ria or viruses. (0.5 pt) Ea. - & Turtles eat plastic bags by mistake. (OS pt) d- Plastic bogs are safe for turtles and seabirds, (0.5 pt) od Answer the following statements according 1» text: 1- Is beach pollution caused by man? if yes , justily. (1 pty 2- How ca fish affect poople’s health? (dp) “Me Read the text and match each sentence with its corresponding paragraph. (1.3 pts) A-Swimmin inated water cnuses mn lot of diseases. fi i each halls animals === C-Pallution in beaches cause a problem tothe USA. _ [3 “"'& Who! what do the underlined words refer to in the text 7 (1S pos) a-This issue (§1) be they ($2) cotheir ($3) B=Text exploration: (7 pts) “iEFind in the text words that are opposites to the Following. (Upey a safe ($1) + treated (§2) e ‘Z-Complece the chart as shown in the example. @ps) Ineffective — harmless ~ unspeakable Prefix | Root Suits] Example pF Rewrite ser tence (b) so that it means the same os sentence a). (2 pts) Ie Te isi dtr Yt of chester Ss ceaed the cach" +The minister dectared. ho ee ee are stuck in oil spills, > —— ‘DBocmmss OF. es canoe 16 Sirs era pyres een aoe ve deClassify the following words according to their stressed syllabbe, (po Eevlogieal - pollute fetion- human 2 syliable 37) lable = ] S Fil in the gaps with words from the fist. (pty sastes - discharged ~ pollutants ~ stop Water pollutic s occurs when .......( marine life we have to... (3). Bart two; WRITTEN EXPRESSION (5 pts) Chose OM Gof the following topics: Topic Our; Water pollution has become a serious problem nowadays, Write a composition of about'0 to 120 words in which you suggest sore solutions to reduce the ef water eee in your country. You may ust Volunteering fo soa 8 Stop throwing factories’ wastes in rivets - Checking boats transporting oil ~ Recycling trash. Topic Two: Write a composition of about $0 to 120 words on the following: ‘Do teenagers practise sport nowadays? Why? coe in OL OF.

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