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“Indonesia: 2014 and Beyond”

An Open Forum with

Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti

Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Economics
Chairman, Indonesia Center for Public Policy Studies (ICPPS)
University of Indonesia

October 14, 2011

Indonesia has been persistent in its long Professor Kuntjoro-Jakti began with an
and unrelenting search for a political- overview of the current facts that gave
economic system that can effectively rise to the importance of geography,
integrate and accommodate the diversity demography, and history as outlook
of the nation, giving power to both the parameters in Indonesia.
center and the regions, as well as
allowing for popular participation. Its The 2014 general elections, the third
successful transition into a stable and direct presidential election in Indonesia,
peaceful democracy has led many will be in a staggering scale. The number
observers to consider Indonesia as an of registered voters is expected to be
exemplary model for democratic reform. close to 200 million, and the
administration of the election presents a
To gain a deeper understanding on major logistical challenge given the size
Indonesia’s future outlook, on October and geography of the country. In 2014,
14, 2011, USINDO hosted an Open the proportion of Indonesia population
Forum with Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti, below 29 years old will be more than 50
a professor emeritus of Economics and percent, with many first-year high school
Chairman of ICPPS, at the University of students voting for the first time.
Indonesia. Professor Kuntjoro-Jakti,
spoke on the role Indonesia’s geography, The year 2014 will mark the rise of the
demography, history, and political 21st century generation. The impact of
economy have played, and are likely to information technology will increase
play, as well as the internal and external significantly. It has happened in almost
drivers of change in determining every instance, from the use of social
Indonesia’s nature and outlook beyond media for mobilizing civic engagement
2014, when Indonesia holds general to the increasing role of online and
elections for a new president. mobile communication in commerce,
both in urban and rural areas. Global
activism is increasing. Assertive -1- Kuntjoro-Jakti, 10-14-11

citizenship through election is expected, (districts/kabupaten) are emerging as a
though the outcome remains to be seen. result of decentralization, and BPS
district offices are still missing in these
With regard to geography, Professor regions.
Kuntjoro-Jakti pointed out that four
major sea lines of communication pass Throughout Indonesia’s history, there
through Indonesia. The most strategic have always been pressures from both
one is the Strait of Malacca where central and regional levels; these
hundreds of ships passing through each pressures sometimes led to political
day. Four countries are currently upheavals. Professor Kuntjoro-Jakti
patrolling the area – Thailand, Malaysia, asserted that Indonesia has managed to
Singapore and Indonesia. Traffic passing survive each upheaval. The “Indonesian
through Indonesia is likely to grow Spring” in 1998, as the most recent
exponentially, and therefore the example, has ushered in the “reformasi”
safeguarding of these SLOCs is critical era. It is not easy to understand how the
to the prosperity of the region. 1998 spring has enabled Indonesia to do
three political exercises
Indonesia is also one of the largest (democratization, reformation, and
mineral producers, both on- and off- decentralization) at the same time.
shore. Exploration of natural resources is President SBY, however, has decided to
ongoing. Northern Indonesia, for issue a moratorium on the formation of
instance, becomes increasingly more new regions, as the current system
attractive for plantation. cannot cope with the burden of
With a population of 240 million people,
Indonesia is currently the world’s fourth Indonesia survived the 1997 financial
largest nation. It has been successful in storm. Despite the downgraded credit
the implementation of its family rating, the non-oil/gas sector performed
planning program, reflected by its very well during the crises. The real
current population growth at 1.4 per sector from non-oil/gas has played and
annum. Indonesia’s net reproduction continues to play an important role. Oil,
rate is expected to reach 1 percent per mineral and gas generate only a quarter
annum in 10 years time, and to of Indonesia’s revenue. The real sector
eventually arrive at zero population performance combined with
growth in 2040 with around 300 to 350 decentralization and democratization,
million people. provide a solid base for the country’s
long-term development.
Indonesia, Professor Kuntjoro-Jakti
noted, will enjoy a demography bonus. Professor Kuntjoro-Jakti argued,
The dependency ratio will be below 1 however, that real sector development
for quite some time, and better quality has to be accelerated, particularly in
education is required to seize this agriculture, mining, and manufacturing
opportunity. He cautioned, however, that sectors. The manufacturing sector faces
Indonesia’s statistics bureau (BPS) an increasing competition with China,
might have underestimated the country’s due to the appreciation of Indonesian
population growth. New regions Rupiah. To grow faster Indonesia must -2- Kunjoro-Jakti, 10-14-11

develop infrastructure and create a complemented with the development of
credible banking system and financial infrastructure, better education, and an
institutions. He cautioned, however, that increasingly credible political system.
Indonesia’s growth might be The time is now while Indonesia is
underestimated due to the limited enjoying the demography bonus.
capacity of the statistics offices to
capture growth in the new regions.
A question and answer session followed
Indonesia’s deficit in budget is currently Professor Kuntjoro-Jakti’s presentation.
regulated by the Maastricht rule (less
than 3 percent deficit to GDP ratio). The Q: Bank Indonesia’s (BI) recent decision
goal is to eventually adopt the German to drop the interest rate took a lot of
golden rule (less than half percent deficit economists by surprise. What do you see
to GDP ratio). Foreign ownership of as the divergence of opinion between
Indonesia’s debt instruments is politicians and the Central Bank
significant, demonstrating foreign towards the global slowdown and how
investors confidence in Indonesia’s does politics influence the Central
economy. Interest payment, however, is Bank’s policy-making decision?
a major concern. Indonesia borrows
money a lot from domestic as well as Nobody can intervene with BI. Indonesia
outside, and still recovers the cost of no longer has monetary authority (BI,
financial crises. Decentralization also Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of
requires more money to be sent to the Trade) as in the past. The discussion
regions, which currently takes up about a between fiscal and monetary managers is
third of the national budget allocation. fairly informal. Some politicians have
tried to influence, but I never see them
2014 expects internal pressures for successful. We have been successful in
greater autonomy, deeper democracy controlling the budget deficit. On the
and wider reformation. Pressing regional monetary side, however, despite our
issues will likely involve cross-border anti- inflationary stance, we are sending
regional cooperation and ASEAN more money to the regions due to the
economic community. pressure of development. But most of
the time the money is used to buy BI
The deciding core combination in the certificates, and not for infrastructure
government will likely include the expenditure. This is annoying to BI, and
numerous political parties, the military is probably the reason they reduce the
as the most organized, a relatively weak interest rate. The cost of funds is still
academia, and many NGOs. The high. Big companies rarely want to
business sector plays a relatively passive invest in the long term. BI wants to force
role, despite efforts from political parties banks to lend more money because we
to gain their support. The middle class is have excess liquidity.
getting stronger and their number will
likely rise. Q: With Indonesia’s growing economy,
how can you avoid the trap of
Indonesia has excellent terms of trade in disappearing raw materials, such as
the long term. This, however, has to be palm oil and mineral resources? -3- Kunjoro-Jakti, 10-14-11

them. The new public finance law
Indonesia is not only successful in palm promulgated in 2003 is designed for this.
oil production, but also in cocoa, rubber, President SBY has issued a moratorium
and to a certain extent, in pulp and paper on the hiring of civil servants, but we do
production. Industrial forestry is also on not know for how long.
the rise. We have unbelievably empty
spaces as the population stops growing. Three things are important: 1) reform the
bureaucracy, 2) reform the police force,
Our problem is that we are a price taker. and 3) reform the district attorney
The price level is controlled by the offices. These are the trending topics
world commodity market. We have been among the younger generation. What
discussing this for more than three they want is not to change the
decades in IMF. It is difficult, but it can government, but to improve/reform it to
be done on a large scale. be more transparent and accountable.

Q: Only a small percentage of Q: Indonesia faces a problem of a

Indonesians go to college, and school growing workforce with a rising
tuition is also rising. What is the role of expectation of getting quality jobs, but a
government beyond 2014 for higher high percentage of present and new jobs
education? are in the informal sector. How are some
of the plans going forward going to
The government has amended the address that?
constitution to require 20 percent budget
allocation for education. We will see The informal sector remains the largest
what we can actually implement in the portion of Indonesia’s economic activity.
next five years. The amendment needs to The main challenge in shifting the
be institutionalized. We may need to workforce from the informal to the
revamp the education department to formal sector is confidence building -
make it more effective. But the private how to convince them that they are
sector is building many universities. eligible/bankable. We have developed a
They may be expensive, but we need model that uses technology and simple
them to take up the slack. interview instruments to demonstrate
their bankability. Given the large
Q: There are continued efforts of civil number of the informal sector
service reform in the country, but they workforce, however, it is difficult for
did not seem to work that well. How do banks to capture all of them.
you see that?
Q: Given the external drivers you
In 2004, we finally ended the mentioned, what should be the priority
bureaucratic type of expenditure used by in 2014? What advice would you give to
Suharto for such a long time. We are the young people?
now moving from simple financial audit
to performance audit, and to eventually First, do not be tempted to buy in short
move to a management audit. With a term. This is the mistake of Suharto’s
performance audit, we can identify era. Our short-term debts were bigger
defunct offices so we can close/reduce than the national reserve. Short term is -4- Kunjoro-Jakti, 10-14-11

tempting because it can be rolled over.
We now move to long term borrowing The military and the police still do not
by selling bonds. have the right to vote. They can do so
only after they retire.
Second, continue to have fiscal
discipline. Our current deficit is now Q: How does the Indonesian government
only 1.7 percent to the GDP, down from plan to increase infrastructure spending
4-5 percent to the GDP in 2001. This is and in what areas do they prioritize?
possible because we follow the
Maastricht rule/criteria. The Indonesian government is using the
public private partnership (PPP)
Q: Where will Indonesian new leaders platform and it is quite challenging. We
be coming from (which sectors)? have been successful in some projects,
but not so much in many others.
Technocracy will, most likely, continue
to be from the academia to ensure Land (topography) is a major issue in
independent fiscal and monetary building roads. Some areas are
decision makers. The second source is mountainous; others are swampy. Many
the most organized sector, the military. airports cannot accommodate big planes.
Currently two political parties, splinters The best way is probably to return to
from Golkar, are created by retired ferries for inter-island transportation.
military generals. Armed forces and the Indonesia inter-island sea condition and
police force were peacefully removed weather is relatively calm as it is circled
from the parliament in 2003, as all seats by a mountainous ring. But we will need
would be directly elected (not appointed additional hundreds of seaports.
as in the past).
Q: The voting age in Indonesia is 17
The third source is the regional groups. years old. These are high school
An increasing number of regional students who have never had real history
representatives are moving to Jakarta or civics. How do you expect them to
through political parties. Many demand vote?
that independent candidacies should be
allowed in the election. DPD (the Voting behavior is likely sociological in
regional council of representatives) is the big cities. In the regions, it is more
currently their only political outlet as anthropological, representing regional,
independents (parliament seats require ethnic, or religious interests. With many
political party affiliation). of the local dialects disappearing,
unfortunately, the role or the capability
Other sources include NGOs, sometimes of parents in passing on information in
celebrities. Political parties threshold Bahasa Indonesia is increasing. We may
and independent candidacy will be need another generation to finally have
among the big election debates. an informed democracy.

Q: In the past, members of the military Q: Some people are under the
were not allowed to vote. How about impression that Indonesia will likely face
now? population problem due to -5- Kunjoro-Jakti, 10-14-11

decentralization. What is the current
statistics of Indonesia population and
where can we find it?

It took Indonesia 25 years to reduce its

population growth to 1.4. If regions
neglect family planning policy, it may
take them another 25 years to control
population growth. It is difficult to get a
clear picture of the statistics. The
capacity of the statistics bureau to go
down to the regions is still very limited. -6- Kunjoro-Jakti, 10-14-11

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