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12  ■  Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning

opment of strength early in the range of motion,

especially at high velocities (13, 14, 19). Sensory neuron

Proprioception Intrafusal fiber

Proprioceptors are specialized sensory receptors

located within joints, muscles, and tendons. Because
these receptors are sensitive to pressure and tension,
they relay information concerning muscle dynam- Motor
ics to the conscious and subconscious parts of the neuron
central nervous system. The brain is thus provided spindle
with information concerning kinesthetic sense, or
conscious appreciation of the position of body parts
with respect to gravity. Most of this proprioceptive
information, however, is processed at subconscious Extrafusal fiber
levels so we do not have to dedicate conscious
activity toward tasks such as maintaining posture
or position of body parts. Figure 1.7  Muscle spindle. When a muscle is stretched,
deformation of the muscle spindle activates the sensory
neuron, which sends an impulse to the spinal cord, where it
Proprioceptors are specialized sensory receptors synapses with aE3392/NSCA/Fig.1.7/301144/GK/R1
motor neuron, causing the muscle to con-
that provide the central nervous system with information tract.
needed to maintain muscle tone and perform complex
coordinated movements.
vates the sensory neuron of the spindle, which sends
an impulse to the spinal cord, where it synapses
Muscle Spindles (connects) with motor neurons. This results in the
Muscle spindles are proprioceptors that consist of activation of motor neurons that innervate the same
several modified muscle fibers enclosed in a sheath muscle. Spindles thus indicate the degree to which
of connective tissue (figure 1.7). These modified the muscle must be activated in order to overcome
fibers, called intrafusal fibers, run parallel to the a given resistance. As a load increases, the muscle
normal, or extrafusal, fibers. Muscle spindles pro- is stretched to a greater extent, and engagement of
vide information concerning muscle length and the muscle spindles results in greater activation of the
rate of change in length. When the muscle length- muscle. Muscles that perform precise movements
ens, spindles are stretched. This deformation acti- have many spindles per unit of mass to help ensure
exact control of their contractile activity. A simple
example of muscle spindle activity is the knee jerk
reflex. Tapping on the tendon of the knee extensor
How Can Athletes Improve muscle group below the patella stretches the muscle
Force Production? spindle fibers. This causes activation of extrafusal
muscle fibers in the same muscle. There is a knee
°°Recruit large muscles or muscle groups jerk as these fibers actively shorten. This, in turn,
during an activity. shortens the intrafusal fibers and causes their dis-
°°Increase the cross-sectional area of mus- charge to cease.
cles involved in the desired activity.
°°Preload a muscle just before a concentric Golgi Tendon Organs
action to enhance force production during
Golgi tendon organs (GTOs) are proprioceptors
the subsequent muscle action.
located in tendons near the myotendinous junction
°°Use preloading during training to develop
and are in series, that is, attached end to end, with
strength early in the range of motion.
Accommodating-resistance apparatus, extrafusal muscle fibers (figure 1.8). Golgi tendon
such as isokinetic, hydraulic, and friction- organs are activated when the tendon attached to
modulated systems, do not load the muscle an active muscle is stretched. As tension in the
prior to contraction. muscle increases, discharge of the GTOs increases.
The sensory neuron of the GTO synapses with an

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