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The differential leveling is the procedure that the group followed in this survey using
the tilting or the automatic leveling instrument; which is the transferring of an
elevation of a bench mark to the line of sight of the instrument, and then back to a
second bench mark. This process is repeated to a multiple of points according to the
map provided until we reach a final bench mark. The aim of this survey is to
.determine the reduced level of each bench mark

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2. Procedure for field work and post field work ( Office Work ).
We, as a group, were handed a closed circuit to perform differential leveling to
determine the reduced level of each new benchmarks. Note that a closed circuit is a
path of survey where the Initial starting point and final point have known elevations.
Thus making it possible to determine the misclosure of our survey, and distribute the
error on our data.

2.1. Field work procedure.

The Circuit given to us to work with was circuit #2. We started from ST26,
and moving along the path given, until we reached ST22. We collected the raw data
using the following procedure.

Firstly, we set up the tripod between our first two points, ST26 and ST25
respectively. The Distance between the tripod and the two points should be equal (i.e
the tripod is set halfway between the two points ). This distance was measured using
the pacing method. After we were sure of the position of our station, we installed the
automatic leveling device on the tripod. Then, we used the spherical bubble to
calibrate the leveling device to make sure that is does not make an angle with the
horizontal. At that time, one of the students held the staff at the starting point (ST26),
also using the spherical bubble to check that the staff is perfectly vertical. Finally,
when all proceedings were set up correctly, we would make one student take the
reading using the automatic leveling device, another student writing down the
reading, in addition to that student who is holding the staff. The first point with
respect to the stations position is a BACKSIGHT. Afterwards, the Student holding the
staff picks 2 random points to be Intermediate sights, and finally to the second point
in our map (ST25), which is considered to be a FORESIGHT. Then, the Station is
moved to a point between ST25 and ST24, and the same procedure is repeated.

NOTE: The horizontal distance between ST24 and ST20 is too big to be done using
one station, therefore, a Change Point is set up between them. The same is done
between ST21 and ST22. This is done because the leveling device's maximum
horizontal distance is estimated to be 40 meters.

2.2. Post Field work procedure, i.e. office work.

After all the field work is done, and the raw data is collected, we should calculate the
potential collimation error that may have aroused. Using an automatic level device,
we only have the ability to calibrate the spherical bubble. Then the automatic
compensator must define automatically a horizontal line of sight if it is in proper
adjustment. However, we must take the possibility that it is not on perfect adjustment,
especially when we take the distances using pacing, which is an approximation of the
distance between the station and points really. Note that if the distances between the
points and station are exactly equal, then the collimation error will not cause errors in
differential leveling. Our raw data is presented on the next page.

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P.N Bs Is Fs
2.2.1. Calculation of Leveling ST26 1.462
Misclosure: 1 1.380
2 1.389
∆Htrue= Elev. end BM - Elev. start BM ST25 1.060 1.522
3 1.275
∆Hmeasure= ∑BS - ∑FS
4 1.203
σ= ∆Hmeasure - ∆Htrue ST24 1.970 1.760
5 1.416
σ= (10.907 - 9.851) - (16.989 -15.929) 6 1.414
CP1 1.448 2.341
σ = 1.056 - 1.06 = - 0.004 m = - 4 mm 7 1.260
8 1.255
note: BM26 Elev = 15.929 m ST20 1.121 0.780
9 1.195
BM22 Elev = 16.989 m
10 1.388
To check if the misclosure we have ST21 1.967 1.732
11 1.308
measured is acceptable or not, we should
12 1.102
calculate the Tolerance of our survey: CP2 1.879 0..830
13 1.582
14 1.750
Where m is a constant and chosen from a ST22 0.886
table provided in the book.

K is the horizontal distance of our survey measured in Km.

K=0.43813 Km , m=24.


T=±240.43813= ±15.8859

our Misclosure is in the interval [15.8859, - 15.8859 ]. Therefore, our misclosure is

acceptable, and the survey should not be repeated.

2.2.2. Correction of the raw data:

The correction is defined to be : C = - σ = - ( - 4 mm ) = 4 mm

Thus, we divide this 4 mm to the FS and BS readings, making a total correction for
the BS 2mm, and FS 2mm.

Correction each reading = (C/2) / # readings = 2 / 7 = 0.2857 mm/reading.

However, 0.2857 mm < 1mm, so it is not rational to modify less than the least
decimal we can see when we take the reading ( Which is 1 mm ). Therefore, we will
choose the highest 2 readings in the BS, and 2 highest readings in the FS, and modify
each one 1 mm. The Highest BS readings occur on ST21 and ST24. The Highest FS

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readings occur on ST24 and CP1.Thus The modified data is provided on the following
Table 2.2.2: Modified Data. Table 2.2.1: Raw Data.

The Corrected Data is presented in table 2.2.2. P.N Bs Is Fs

ST26 1.462
The modified BS and FS readings are in Bold 1 1.380
and underlined. 2 1.389
ST25 1.060 1.522
To check that the data is modified correctly, 3 1.275
we should check if the following statement is 4 1.203
true: ST24 1.971 1.759
5 1.416
∑BS - ∑FS = Elev. end BM - Elev. start BM
6 1.414
(10.909 - 9.849 ) = 1.06 CP1 1.448 2.340
7 1.260
1.06 = 1.06 8 1.255
ST20 1.121 0.780
Thus, the raw data was modified correctly. 9 1.195
10 1.388
ST21 1.968 1.732
11 1.308
12 1.102
CP2 1.879 0.830
13 1.582
14 1.750
ST22 0.886

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3.Calculation of RL:

3.1 using rise and fall method:

P.N Bs Is Fs Rise Fall RL
ST26 1.462 15.929
1 1.380 0.082 16.011
2 1.389 0.009 16.002
ST25 1.060 1.522 0.133 15.869
3 1.275 0.215 15.654
4 1.203 0.072 15.726
ST24 1.971 1.759 0.556 15.170
5 1.416 0.555 15.725
6 1.414 0.002 15.727
CP1 1.448 2.340 0.926 14.801
7 1.260 0.188 14.989
8 1.255 0.005 14.994
ST20 1.121 0.780 0.475 15.469
9 1.195 0.074 15.395
10 1.388 0.193 15.202
ST21 1.968 1.732 0.344 14.858
11 1.308 0.66 15.518
12 1.102 0.206 15.724
CP2 1.879 0.830 0.272 15.996
13 1.582 0.297 16.293
14 1.750 0.168 16.125
ST22 0.886 0.864 16.989

3.11 Equation to be used:

to calculate rise or fall  BS-FS OR Is – Is Or Is – Fs

if it is positive  rise

if it is negative fall

(to calculate Rladd or subtract previous RL from (rise or fall


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rise  then add it to previous RlRL1= 15929+0.082= 0.082=1.462-1.380

3.1.2 checks

10.909= ∑ B.S

9.849= ∑ F. S

3.678= ∑ Rise

2.618= ∑ Fall

1.06 = ∑ B . S−∑ F . S

Rise−∑ Fall=¿
1.06 ∑¿

1.06 = ∑ Rise−∑ Fall=∑ B . S−∑ F . S

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3.2 using height of collimation method:

ST26 1.462 17.391 15.929
1 1.380 16.011
2 1.389 16.002
ST25 1.060 1.522 16.929 15.869
3 1.275 15.654
4 1.203 15.726
ST24 1.971 1.759 17.141 15.170
5 1.416 15.725
6 1.414 15.727
CP1 1.448 2.340 16.249 14.801
7 1.260 14.989
8 1.255 14.994
ST20 1.121 0.780 16.590 15.469
9 1.195 15.395
10 1.388 15.202
ST21 1.968 1.732 16.826 14.858
11 1.308 15.518
12 1.102 15.724
CP2 1.879 0.830 17.875 15.996
13 1.582 16.293
14 1.750 16.125
ST22 0.886 16.989

3.21 Equation to be used:

HPC=first Rl +bs

Rl=HPC of the station – FS or HPC of the station – Is

Example: HPC1 =15.929+1.462 =17.391

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Then RL1 = 17.391 – 1.380= 16.011

RL2 = 17.391 – 1.389=16.002

RLst25 = 17.391 – 1.522=15.869

3.2.2 Checks

18.917= ∑ IS

9.849= ∑ FS

328.237 = ∑ RL(except the first)

= ∑ (each HPC∗number of application)


except the first

357.003= IS+ ∑ FS+ ∑ ¿

except the first

357.003= ∑ (each HPC∗number of application) = IS+ ∑ FS+ ∑ ¿

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There are different ways that can be compute elevations of land. But the way we did
it in the field is called differential leveling. It is clear from the Name it depends on
calculating the difference in elevation between two points on the ground. For
summing up how its work we basically look at a ruler held on the ground and see how
high above the ground your level is set up. Then we look at the same ruler on a
different spot on the ground and see how high above that spot your level is set up.
That’s gives us the difference in elevation between the points. Then we Calculate the
Leveling Misclosure by equation that we got it in the lab and we find out the tolerance
to be sure about our survey measurement that logically and theoretically acceptable.
Finally we calculated the reduced level in tow method (Rise and fall & the height of
collimation) and with checks we find out that all measurement we did it outside and
.the calculations was accurate enough to show up such a good data

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