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7 MAY 2018

CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Version 5.18.21

Moody's Analytics Support
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Table of Contents

1 About This Guide........................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Audience..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Related Documentation.........................................................................................................................................................................................5

2 Getting Started..............................................................................................................................................................7
2.1 System Requirements............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Accessing the Administration Tools....................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Understanding the Administration Tools..........................................................................................................................................................8
2.4 Auditing in the CreditLens System..................................................................................................................................................................... 8

3 Configuring Identity and Access Management Settings..............................................................................................9

3.1 Before You Begin......................................................................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.1 Understanding Important IAM Concepts........................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1.2 Understanding Configuration Conventions................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Understanding IAM Best Practices................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Creating and Managing Users............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Understanding Users and Roles...................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Searching for User Accounts...........................................................................................................................................................14
3.2.3 Creating User Accounts................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Managing Users................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.3 Creating and Managing Model Access Policies..............................................................................................................................................18
3.3.1 Before You Begin................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.2 Creating Entity Access Policies...................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.3 Managing Entity Access Policies....................................................................................................................................................24
3.3.4 Creating Document Access Policies............................................................................................................................................. 25
3.3.5 Managing Document Access Policies...........................................................................................................................................26
3.3.6 Creating Proposal Access Policies.................................................................................................................................................28
3.3.7 Managing Proposal Access Policies...............................................................................................................................................29
3.3.8 Activating Policy Updates............................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.4 Creating and Managing Functional Access Policies......................................................................................................................................31
3.4.1 Before You Begin................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
3.4.2 Creating Functional Access Profiles..............................................................................................................................................33
3.4.3 Associating Users with Functional Access Profiles................................................................................................................... 66
3.4.4 Managing Functional Profiles.........................................................................................................................................................67
3.4.5 Managing Functional Access Policies........................................................................................................................................... 67
3.5 Managing Password Security Rules..................................................................................................................................................................68
3.6 Specifying the Security State............................................................................................................................................................................ 69

4 Configuring Organization Level Settings....................................................................................................................71

4.1 Configuring System Wide Settings.................................................................................................................................................................... 71
4.1.1 Configuring Core Settings................................................................................................................................................................. 71
4.1.2 Configuring Email Settings...............................................................................................................................................................72
4.1.3 Configuring Workflow Settings.......................................................................................................................................................73
4.1.4 Configuring the Credit Presentation Setting...............................................................................................................................75
4.1.5 Configuring Salesforce Integration Settings................................................................................................................................ 75
4.1.6 Configuring MARQ Portal Integration Settings.......................................................................................................................... 75
4.1.7 Configuring BvD Integration Settings............................................................................................................................................76
4.1.8 Configuring Business Insights Settings......................................................................................................................................... 76
4.2 Entering General Information for Your Institution....................................................................................................................................... 78

5 Configuring Financial Analysis Settings..................................................................................................................... 79

5.1 Enabling or Disabling Financial Template Add-Ins ....................................................................................................................................... 79
5.2 Setting Required Fields in a Financial Template ..........................................................................................................................................80

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5.3 Organization Macros............................................................................................................................................................................................81
5.3.1 Variables for Macro Formulas......................................................................................................................................................... 82
5.3.2 Creating an Organization Macro Formula ................................................................................................................................. 82
5.3.3 Editing a Macro Formula ................................................................................................................................................................84
5.3.4 Deleting a Macro ............................................................................................................................................................................. 85
5.4 Rolling Statement Settings................................................................................................................................................................................ 85
5.4.1 Adding a Class, Type, or Account in Rolling Statement Creator............................................................................................ 85
5.4.2 Deleting an Item in Rolling Statement Creator ....................................................................................................................... 86
5.4.3 Setting Values in Rolling Statement Creator............................................................................................................................. 87
5.4.4 Specifying Miscellaneous Settings in Rolling Statement Creator.........................................................................................88
5.5 Managing Exchange Rate Settings................................................................................................................................................................... 90
5.6 Statement Settings.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 92
5.6.1 Including Hidden Statements in Calculations.............................................................................................................................92
5.7 Global Divisions.....................................................................................................................................................................................................92
5.7.1 Adding a Global Division ................................................................................................................................................................. 92
5.7.2 Editing a Global Division .................................................................................................................................................................93
5.7.3 Deleting a Global Division ..............................................................................................................................................................94
5.7.4 Mapping a Global Division to a Financial Template................................................................................................................. 94
5.7.5 Changing Sensitivity Parameters for a Financial Template .................................................................................................... 95

6 Working with Risk Model and Grading Settings........................................................................................................ 97

6.1 Configuring RiskCalc Models...............................................................................................................................................................................97
6.1.1 Editing RiskCalc Login Information.................................................................................................................................................97
6.1.2 Managing RiskCalc Models..............................................................................................................................................................98
6.1.3 Assigning a RiskCalc Model to Entities.......................................................................................................................................100
6.1.4 Editing Peer Analysis Service Information..................................................................................................................................101
6.2 Configuring Risk Grading System Settings...................................................................................................................................................102
6.3 Configuring Master Scale................................................................................................................................................................................. 103
6.3.1 Configuring Master Scale Grades................................................................................................................................................ 103
6.3.2 Configuring Mappings Between Model Scale Grades and Master Scale Grades.............................................................105

7 Working with Batch Utility....................................................................................................................................... 109

7.1 Conducting Batch Rating................................................................................................................................................................................... 109
7.2 Assigning an Internal Rating Model to Entities............................................................................................................................................. 111
7.2.1 Configuring Internal Rating Models.............................................................................................................................................. 112
7.3 Working with Batch Financial Analysis...........................................................................................................................................................113
7.3.1 Selecting Entities for Batch Financial Analysis........................................................................................................................... 113
7.3.2 Performing Reporting Table Batch Operation...........................................................................................................................114
7.3.3 Specifying Peer Assignments.........................................................................................................................................................114
7.3.4 Performing RMA Submission.........................................................................................................................................................115

8 MAP Configuration.................................................................................................................................................... 121

8.1 Managing MAP Server Connections................................................................................................................................................................ 121
8.2 Adding a New Connection String....................................................................................................................................................................121
8.3 Testing a Connection String.............................................................................................................................................................................122
8.4 Modifying a Connection String....................................................................................................................................................................... 122
8.5 Deleting a Connection String.......................................................................................................................................................................... 122

9 Working with Job Scheduler..................................................................................................................................... 123

9.1 Managing Job Scheduler.................................................................................................................................................................................... 123
9.2 Configuring Cron Jobs........................................................................................................................................................................................124
9.3 Using Scheduler Log...........................................................................................................................................................................................124
9.4 Trigger Covenant Status Job............................................................................................................................................................................ 125

iv Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

1 About This Guide

This guide provides instructions for security administrators and business administrators. This section contains
the following topics:
• Audience
• Related Documentation

1.1 Audience
This guide is intended for:
• Security administrators, whose responsibilities are to set up Identity and Access Management (IAM) and
manage IAM settings using the CreditLens™ administration tools.
• Business administrators, whose responsibilities are to configure and manage settings for business modules
using the CreditLens administration tools.
Note This guide does not provide information for:
• Configuration administrators, whose responsibilities are to implement new business
functions and customize the standard CreditLens software using the CreditLens
configuration tools.
• Database administrators, whose responsibilities are to manage the CreditLens database
and to migrate the CreditLens system to newer versions.

1.2 Related Documentation

To have a comprehensive understanding of the CreditLens software, we recommend that you read the
following document. All of these documents are available in the Content section of the Client Support Web at
• CreditLens User Guide—Provides information for business users tasked with managing borrowers, spreading
financial data, and scoring risk for borrowers. You can refer to this guide to understand how back-end
configurations affect front-end operations.
• CreditLens System Requirements—Provides the hardware and software requirements on the CreditLens
servers and end-user machines. This guide helps you adjust the CreditLens system for best performance.

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6 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
2 Getting Started

This section provides information that you should know before performing administration tasks. This section
contains the following topics:
• System Requirements
• Accessing the Administration Tools
• Understanding the Administration Tools
• Auditing in the CreditLens System

2.1 System Requirements

To enable you to access the CreditLens software, your system must meet certain requirements.
For more information about hardware and software requirements on the CreditLens server-end and client-end
machines, see CreditLens System Requirements.

2.2 Accessing the Administration Tools

As security administrators or business administrators, use administrator tools that the CreditLens software
provides on its website to perform tasks.
1. Open a browser, and enter the CreditLens software URL in the address bar.
2. Enter your User ID and Password, and click Log In.
Note The predefined super administrator ID is admin with the password of admin.
3. In the navigation menu, click Administration.
The Administration menu expands to display administration tools available to you. Depending on your
permissions that the super administrator assigned, you can view one or more tools. For example, security
administrators can view only Users and Access Control. Business administrators can view general
configuration, Financial Analysis Settings, Risk Models Configuration, and Risk Grading Settings.

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2.3 Understanding the Administration Tools
The following table describes tools that can be made available in the Administration menu option.
Description for administration tools

Tool Description

Users To create and manage user accounts

Access Control To create and manage model access and functional access policies
Organization Level Settings To configure system-wide settings and to enter general information for your institution
Financial Analysis Settings To configure settings for the Financial Analysis module
Risk Grading To configure settings for the Risk Grading module and the RiskCalc service
Batch Utility To perform financial analysis and score risk for multiple entities at one time
Job Scheduler To monitor and manage cron jobs
Data File Upload To import model data files and direct data files for table migration in a data movement

2.4 Auditing in the CreditLens System

Data versioning is implemented in the business modules in the CreditLens system (for example, Entity,
Financial Analysis, and Risk Grading). Created and updated business data can be audited and versioned.
In addition, data check is also applicable to Identity and Access Management (IAM) and other framework-level
Note There is no user interface available in the system to display audit information.
Administrators can create SQL scripts to query on specific audit-related information.

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3 Configuring Identity and Access
Management Settings

The CreditLens™ Identity and Access Management (IAM) settings protect CreditLens resources and functions
from unauthorized access. IAM controls who can access the CreditLens software (authentication) and with
which permissions (authorization).
This section provides instructions for security administrators to create and manage user accounts and access
policies. It also contains the following topics:
• Before You Begin
• Creating and Managing Users
• Creating and Managing Model Access Policies
• Creating and Managing Functional Access Policies
• Managing Password Security Rules
• Specifying the Security State

3.1 Before You Begin

Before you configure IAM for your institution, understand the following information:
• Understanding Important IAM Concepts
• Understanding Configuration Conventions
• Understanding IAM Best Practices

3.1.1 Understanding Important IAM Concepts

The CreditLens software grants users permissions based on access policies configured by administrators.
Learn about the following important IAM concepts before creating users and access policies.

Policies and Attributes

Policies state authorization scenarios in your institution and provide operating rules that the system refers to
when granting users permissions.

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In the CreditLens IAM, policies are described using attributes of subjects and objects. Attribute-based policies
provide the following advantages:
• Ability to capture the authorization policies of your institution at macro or micro level (or both).
• Users get automatic permissions based on attributes assigned to them at user creation. When a user joins or
leaves your institution, administrators only need to add or remove the user, the policies remain the same.
• Uses attributes of users and resources as factors in determining access to resources. Permissions are not
controlled by the single dimension of role but by administrator-defined attributes.
• Provides flexible and configurable access control by allowing administrators to define attributes that are
factors in access control.

Policy Types
Administrators can create two types of policies:
• Model access policies—Policies that control user access to CreditLens resources such as entities and financial
• Functional access policies—Policies that control user access to functions that are associated with the
CreditLens core business, configuration, and administration.

3.1.2 Understanding Configuration Conventions

The CreditLens software is a configurable system. Depending on specific requirements from financial
institutions, the CreditLens software varies in terms of configuration items, such as user and resource
attributes. To standardize procedural descriptions, the Configuring Identity and Access Management Settings
section provides instructions for setting up IAM in a CreditLens system customized for a fictional bank, ABC
Bank. This section provides configuration examples that take you through an entire configuration process.

10 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

ABC Bank is a large bank where business management and credit management are separated into two
• Business portfolio, which is a hierarchical structure for business management. The business portfolio node
that a user is assigned to determines on which entities the user can perform business management activities.

• Credit portfolio, which is a flat structure for credit management. A credit portfolio node that a user is
assigned to determines on which entities the user can perform credit analysis and approval activities.

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The CreditLens software customized for ABC Bank includes the following roles.
Job descriptions for Roles in ABC Bank

Role Job description

Super Admin A system-predefined role for super administrators.

The system automatically grants this role with permissions to all configuration and
administration functions.

Note: Super Admin is the only role that can control user access to the CreditLens
configuration and administration tools.
Configuration Administrator To customize the CreditLens software based on your institution's needs. For
example, create a model for a new business application that abstracts business
concepts into data models. Create business rules to enable automatic validations
on business data.
Users in this role have no access to entities.

Security Administrator To create and manage users and to create policies controlling user access to
resources, administration, configuration tools, and business functions. For
example, create model access policies to control who can edit entities in APAC.
Users in this role have no access to entities.

Business Administrator To configure and manage business functions. For example, designate a primary
rating model for a group of entities and enable or disable add-ins for financial
Users in this role have no access to entities.

Relationship Manager To maintain entities and carry out the credit decisioning and monitoring process on
behalf of a borrower.
Users in this role have search, view, edit, create, and delete entities access in the
business portfolios of which they are in charge.

Spreader To insert historical and projected statements for entities, create user-defined
analyses, and create and print reports.
Users in this role have search, view, and edit entities access in the business
portfolios of which they are in charge.

Credit Analyst To analyze the risk of entities based on financial statements and internal rating
Users in this role have search, view, and edit entities access in the credit portfolios
of which they are in charge.

Credit Manager To override entity ratings proposed by credit analysts and approve ratings.
Users in this role have search, view, and edit entities access in the credit portfolios
of which they are in charge.

3.1.3 Understanding IAM Best Practices

Use the following recommendations to configure IAM.

12 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

When the CreditLens software is first installed, you are given the predefined super administrator account
(admin) and respective password (admin) for login.
To protect the security of the predefined super administrator account, change the password for the Admin
account at the earliest opportunity. For more information about detailed steps, see Changing the User
As a super administrator, it is not recommended to perform all administration tasks. Instead, it is
recommended to authorize users into administrator roles to help them perform their duties. The recommended
administration procedures are as follows:
1. Use super administrator accounts to create user accounts for security and business administrators and create
IAM policies for them.
2. Use security administrator accounts to create user accounts for business users and create IAM policies for
3. Use business administrator accounts to manage settings for business modules (for example, the Financial
Analysis module, the Risk Grading module, Job Scheduler, and Data File Upload).

3.2 Creating and Managing Users

This task describes how to create and manage user accounts at your institution.

3.2.1 Understanding Users and Roles

Users are individuals who can access the CreditLens software to complete tasks (for example, create entities,
score the risk of entities, make credit decisions, or administer the CreditLens system).
Role is a required attribute for users. Users in the CreditLens software fall into the following role categories.
Role categories

Role category Description

Super admin A predefined role. Users in this role can automatically:

• Access any configuration and administration tools.
• Control users' access to the CreditLens configuration and administration

Normal administrator roles Roles for administrators whose duties are to configure and administer the
CreditLens system. For example, business administrators, security
administrators, and configuration administrators in ABC Bank are normal
administrator roles.
Users in these roles can access the configuration and administration tools that
super administrators grant, and use these tools to fulfill their duties. But they
cannot control users' access to the CreditLens configuration and
administration tools.

Business user roles Roles for business users whose duties are to perform business tasks on
entities. For example, Relationship Manager and Spreader are business user

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3.2.2 Searching for User Accounts
Before you create or edit a user account, search for the user account in the CreditLens user pool.
Note The user pool contains users in unlocked and locked statuses.

To search for a user account

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Users.
3. Specify the following search criteria as needed:
• Id—Enter the complete or partial user ID. Non-case sensitive.
• Name—Enter the complete or partial user name. Non-case sensitive.
• Account locked—Select the check box to conduct the search within locked user accounts. Otherwise,
keep it cleared.
• Business Insights License Type—Select the Business Insights license type that has been assigned to a
user. Refer to Assigning a Business Insights License Type for descriptions of the types.
Note The Business Insights module is purchased separately, so this setting may not be
Note A locked user account means that users cannot log in to the CreditLens using this user
4. Click Search.
User accounts with the specified characteristics appear in the Search Results area.

3.2.3 Creating User Accounts

When a new user joins your institution, create a user account for this user and specify user information (for
example: roles, portfolio in charge of ).

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.

2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Users.
3. Search for the user account by user ID or Name.
Note The user ID and name are not case-sensitive.
4. If the user does not exist, on the Users page click the Create New User icon.
The user configuration page appears.

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5. On the Information tab, enter the user information as described in the following table.
Descriptions for user information fields

Field Description

Id Enter an identifier for this user. Non-case sensitive and uniquely identifies this user in the
system. Users use user IDs to log in to the CreditLens software.
Note: If the CreditLens IAM uses "Windows® Authentication: Use Windows user
credentials" as the authentication method, enter the user's Windows domain name as the
user ID.
Name Enter a user name for this user ID. Non-case sensitive.
Email Enter this user's email address.
Password Enter a password for this user to access the CreditLens software. Case-sensitive.
Password is not a required field for user accounts.
Note: If the CreditLens IAM uses "Windows Authentication: Use Windows user credentials"
as the authentication method, the system ignores this password setting.
Confirm password Enter the password again for confirmation.

Is Super Admin? Enabled only when you are a super administrator. That is, only super administrators can
designate a user as a super administrator.
To indicate that the user is a Super Admin, select the check box. Otherwise, keep it
Role Select one or more roles for this user, and specify portfolios that these roles are in charge
Business Portfolio
For more information about detailed steps, see Designating a User with Roles and
Credit Portfolio Portfolios.

6. Click the Settings tab, and select the user-level settings as needed:
• User must change password at next login—Select this check box to force this user to change his/her
password the next time he/she logs in to the CreditLens software.

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• Account locked—Select this check box to lock this user account. Otherwise, keep it cleared. If a user
account is locked, users cannot log in to CreditLens using this user ID.
7. Click the Save icon.
To verify the creation, log in to the CreditLens software using the user ID.
Note After you successfully log in the system using a newly created account, if no policy is
applicable to this user account, you cannot access any resources and functions in the
CreditLens software.

Designating a User with Roles and Portfolios

When creating a user account for a user, designate this user with at least one role.

1. On the Users > Information tab, scroll down to the table in the lower pane.
2. Click the Add icon next to the table header.
3. In the area that appears, select a role for the user from the Role drop-down list.
4. (Optional) In the Business Portfolio field, click the Search icon, and then search for and select a business
portfolio for this role.
For more information about steps, see Searching for and Selecting a Business Portfolio.
Tip To remove the portfolio that you have selected, click the Delete icon.
5. (Optional) From the Credit Portfolio drop-down list, select a credit portfolio for this role.
6. Click the Check icon to confirm settings.
The new role appears in the Role table.
7. To add more roles to the user, repeat steps 2–6.

Searching for and Selecting a Business Portfolio

The Business Portfolio attribute is in a hierarchical structure. The system provides a Search function for you to
locate and select a node in the Business Portfolio hierarchy.

1. Click the Search icon next to the Business Portfolio field.

2. (Optional) In the Look-up window that appears, from the Search for Business Portfolio drop-down list,
enter the complete or partial name of a business portfolio (at least three characters are needed).
All business portfolios that contain the specified characters in their names will appear.
3. Select business portfolios as needed.
4. Click OK.

3.2.4 Managing Users

According to user requests, or your needs, you can manage users by editing user accounts. For example, you can
change user names, passwords, or lock/unlock a user.
Note The user account of a super administrator is editable only by super administrators.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.

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2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Users.
3. Search for a user by user ID or user name.
4. In the Search Results list, double-click a user as needed.
Tip To access a user account, you can also click the Edit User icon.
5. In the Users window that appears, edit the user settings as needed.
For more information, see the following:
• Changing the User Password
• Locking a User Account
• Unlocking a User Account
• Assigning a Business Insights License Type
6. Click the Save icon.

Changing the User Password

1. Access a user account.

2. On the Information tab, enter a new password in the Password field.
3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.
4. Click the Save icon.

Locking a User Account

As an administrator, you can lock a user account to deactivate it when needed.
If a user account is locked, users cannot log in to the CreditLens software using the user ID.
Note To delete a user account permanently, contact your database administrators.
1. Access a user account.
2. Click the Settings tab.
3. Select the Account locked check box.
4. Click the Save icon.

Unlocking a User Account

If a user account is locked, as an administrator, you can unlock the user account to activate it.
1. Access a user account.
2. Click the Settings tab.
3. Clear the Account locked check box.
4. Click the Save icon.
You can log in to the CreditLens software using the user ID and password for verification.

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Assigning a Business Insights License Type
The Business Insights module is purchased separately, so these settings may not be available.
1. Access a user account.
2. On the Information tab, select a license type in the License Type to access BI field.
• Advanced—These licenses provides access to the core dashboards and enable users to create custom
• Basic—These licenses provide access to the core dashboards only. Users cannot create custom dashboards
with this license.
• None—Select this option to revoke a user's license.
Note When you revoke a user's license, that license is considered quarantined and is
unavailable to be assigned to another user for seven days. However, you can
reassign the license to the user from whom it was revoked within the seven-day
3. Click the Save icon.

3.3 Creating and Managing Model Access Policies

Model access policies enable you to provide access control to CreditLens resources. Model access policies
contain three elements: users, actions, and resources. These access policies state which users can take which
actions on a given resource with specified characteristics.

3.3.1 Before You Begin

To ensure that your configuration accords with the system processing rules, read the following topics:
• Understanding the UI of Model Access Policies
• Understanding the Processing of Hierarchical Attribute Settings
• Understanding the Processing of Permission Conflicts
• Understanding the Match Conditional Operator

Understanding the UI of Model Access Policies

The Model Access page enables you to create and manage model access policies. This page consists of two areas
and as shown in the following screenshot.

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Areas on the Model Access page

Callout Area Description

A Toolbar Displays all action icons and a policy filter.

For more information about icon descriptions, see Commonly Used Icons.

B Model access policy list Displays all model access policies that are saved in the CreditLens software.
A model access policy consists of the following elements:
• User Dimensions—Used to define a group of users.
• Action—Used to define the permissible action.
• Model—Used to specify the resource type. Currently, only the Entity model
is supported.
• Model Dimensions—Used to define applicable resources.

Note: The User Dimensions and Model Dimensions columns only display
authorization attributes in the user and the specified resource models.

Commonly Used Icons

The following table lists icons displayed on the Model Access toolbar.
Descriptions for IAM icons

Icon Name Description

Add New Policy To add an empty policy to the policy list.

Save Policy To save all updates made to the policy list.

Reorder Policies To reorder policies in the policy list.

Activate Authorization Updates To activate all saved but not activated updates in the policy list.

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Understanding the Processing of Hierarchical Attribute Settings
The Business Portfolio attribute is a predefined hierarchical attribute in the User and Entity models. When
processing a policy, the system interprets the Business Portfolio settings on the user and entity dimensions in
different ways. It is important to understand these rules before you configure policies.
• A user is assigned at least one role at user creation, and each role can be associated with any node in the
Business Portfolio hierarchy. If a model access policy applies to users who assume a specific role in charge of
a business portfolio, this policy applies to all users who assume those specified roles in the specified business
portfolio, as well as in each of its dependent child portfolios. For example, a policy applies to users who are
Relationship Managers of the APAC business portfolio. After the system's interpretation, this policy applies
to Relationship Managers in APAC and in each country in the APAC such as China, Japan, and Singapore.
• An entity is assigned to a leaf-node at entity creation in the Business Portfolio hierarchy. For example, in
ABC Bank, an entity can be associated only with a country in the Business Portfolio hierarchy. If a model
access policy states to apply to entities associated with a non-leaf node portfolio, this policy applies to
entities that are associated with each leaf node under the specified portfolio.

The following example policies show how the system interprets Business Portfolio settings in model access
policies. For more information about the Business Portfolio hierarchy of ABC Bank, see Understanding
Configuration Conventions.
Example policy 1: Relationship Manager of the EMEA Business Portfolio can edit entities in the Germany
Business Portfolio. According to this policy:
• Relationship Managers of EMEA can edit entities that are associated with the Germany Business Portfolio.
• Relationship Managers of each child Business Portfolio under the EMEA portfolio can edit entities in the
Germany Business Portfolio. That is, Relationship Managers of the UK, Germany, or France business
portfolios, can also edit entities that are associated with the Germany Business Portfolio.
Example policy 2: Relationship Manager of the Germany Business Portfolio can edit entities in the EMEA
Business Portfolio. According to this policy:
• Relationship Managers of Germany can edit entities that are associated with each country under the EMEA
hierarchy. That is, Relationship Managers of Germany can edit entities in the UK, Germany, and France
Example policy 3: Relationship Manager in the EMEA Business Portfolio can edit entities in the EMEA
Business Portfolio. According to this policy:
• Relationship Managers of EMEA can edit entities that are associated with each country under the EMEA
hierarchy such as the UK, Germany, and France.
• Relationship Managers of each child Business Portfolio under the EMEA hierarchy such as the UK,
Germany, or France Business Portfolio can edit entities that are associated with each country under the
EMEA hierarchy such as the UK, Germany, and France.

Understanding the Processing of Permission Conflicts

When the system checks through the policy list to grant users permissions, it might encounter policies that
state conflicting permission settings on a particular user. This topic illustrates how the system processes
permission conflicts in the following situations.

20 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

• If two model policies grant different permissions to the same user group, the policy that is positioned in the
lower place of the list takes priority because the system processes policies in the top-to-bottom order.


Example 1
The following two policies are listed in the same order as in the policy list.
• Relationship Managers of the China Business Portfolio can edit entities associated with the China
Business Portfolio.
• Relationship Managers of the China Business Portfolio have no access to entities associated with the
China Business Portfolio.
According to the processing rule, the second policy takes effect, and Relationship Managers of the China
Business Portfolio have no access to entities associated with the China Business Portfolio.
Example 2
The following two policies are listed in the same order as in the policy list.
• Relationship Managers of the APAC Business Portfolio can edit entities associated with the APAC
Business Portfolio.
• Relationship Managers of the APAC Business Portfolio have no access to entities associated with the
Singapore Business Portfolio.
The two policies state conflicting permissions to entities in the Singapore portfolio. Based on the top-to-
bottom processing order, the second policy dominates when the conflict occurs. Specifically:
• Relationship Managers of APAC, which include Relationship Managers of APAC, China, Singapore, and
Japan, can edit entities in the China and Japan portfolios.
• Relationship Managers of APAC, China, Singapore, and Japan have no access to entities in the
Singapore portfolio.

• If a user is a member of different user groups, and these user groups are stated to have different permissions
to the same entity group according to policies, the system grants the user the highest permission stated in
these policies by default.


User A assumes the following two roles:

• Spreader of the APAC Business Portfolio
• Credit Manager of the APAC Credit Portfolio
The model policy list contains the following policies applicable to these two roles:
• Spreader of the APAC Business Portfolio can view entities associated with the APAC Business
• Credit Manager of the APAC Credit Portfolio can edit entities associated with the APAC Business
According to the processing rule, the system grants the higher permission to the user; that is, User A can
edit entities associated with the APAC Business Portfolio.

Understanding the Match Conditional Operator

When creating a model access policy, you can use the Match conditional operator to connect an attribute (for
example, Business Portfolio, Credit Portfolio) that is common to the User and Model dimensions.
When you use Match to connect a flat-structured attribute (for example, Credit Portfolio) in the User and
Model dimensions, the system considers it as a match when values of the two attributes are exactly same.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 21

When you use Match to connect a hierarchy-structured attribute, the system interprets the following situations
as a match at authorization:
• A user and an entity are associated with the same leaf-level portfolio.
• The portfolio associated with a user is the ancestor of the portfolio associated with an entity.


Policy XYZ states that users in the Relationship Manager role can edit entities when Business Portfolios in the
User and Model dimensions match. According to the policy, the system authorizes the following actions:
• Relationship managers in charge of the China portfolio can edit entities associated with the China portfolio.
• Relationship managers in charge of the Japan portfolio can edit entities associated with the Japan portfolio.
• Relationship managers in charge of the Singapore portfolio can edit entities associated with the Singapore
• Relationship managers in charge of the APAC portfolio can edit entities associated with each portfolio
under APAC (for example, China, Japan, and Singapore portfolios).
• Relationship managers in charge of the ABC Bank portfolio can edit entities associated with each portfolio
under ABC Bank (for example, US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, China, Japan, and Singapore

3.3.2 Creating Entity Access Policies

An entity access policy defines which users can access a given group of entities and at which access levels. To
create entity access policies in your institution:

According to user roles in ABC Bank, create entity access policies as shown in the following figure. For more
information, see Understanding Configuration Conventions.

1. Log in to the CreditLens software using the credential of a security administrator or super administrator.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
A list of model access policies appear. This list contains all model access policies that are saved in the
4. Click the Add New Policy icon.
A new record appears at the end of this policy list.
5. In the User Dimensions column of the new record, specify characteristics of the target users by setting
values for user attributes.

22 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

a. Click the Role field, and specify the characteristics of the target user roles using the = or != conditional
b. (Optional) Click the Business Portfolio field, and specify the business portfolios with which the
specified roles are associated using the = or != conditional operator.
For more information about searching for a business portfolio, see Searching for and Selecting a Business
c. (Optional) Click the Credit Portfolio field, and specify the credit portfolio with which the specified
roles are associated using the = or != conditional operator.
6. From the Action drop-down list, select a user action as needed.
Note The following table lists actions in ascending order of priority. These actions are
cumulative from the lowest to the highest priority; that is, an action automatically
contains actions that are lower than it.
Description for actions

Action Description Cumulative actions

None No access to entities Not applicable

Search Search for entities, and view the entity brief information, which is Not applicable
displayed in the Search results table.
View View entity details, which include entity basic information and Search
business data.
Edit Edit entity details, which include entity basic information and • View
business data.
• Search

Create Create entities. • Edit

• View
• Search

Delete Delete entities. • Create

Note: In this version, the Delete Entity function is not available. • Edit
• View
• Search

7. From the Model drop-down list, select Entity.

8. In the Model Dimensions column, specify the entity characteristics by setting values for entity attributes.
If you select Match as the conditional operator for a Model Dimension attribute, the corresponding
attribute in the User Dimensions automatically changes to Match.
Note For more information about what situations are considered as a match for a
hierarchical attribute, see Understanding the Match Conditional Operator.
9. Click the Save icon to save this policy to the database server.
10. Click the Activate policies icon.
Note By clicking the Activate policies icon, you can activate all saved policy updates made
in this list.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 23

3.3.3 Managing Entity Access Policies
Edit, delete, or reorder the entity access policies as needed.
Note After you save any updates to the policy list (for example, create or edit a policy), perform
an Activation action to bring them into effect.

Editing an Entity Access Policy

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.

2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
4. Locate the policy that you want to edit.
5. Click a field in the policy, and edit the field characteristic as needed.
For more information, see Creating Entity Access Policies.
6. To edit more fields, repeat steps 3–4.
7. Click the Save icon to save all changes made in the policy list to the database server.
8. Click the Activate policies icon.

Deleting an Entity Access Policy

Delete a policy by clicking the Delete icon next to the policy record. Specifically, the Delete icon enables you
• Delete a saved policy from the database and remove it from the policy list.
• Remove an unsaved policy from the policy list.

To delete an entity access policy

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
4. Click the Delete icon next to the policy record.
If this is a saved policy, the Delete icon is replaced by an Undo icon. If this is an unsaved policy, a
confirmation window will appear for you to confirm the deletion.
5. If this is a saved policy, do one of the following as needed:
• To cancel the Delete action, click the Undo icon next to the record.
• To save the Delete action, click the Save icon at the top of the policy list.
6. If this is an unsaved policy, in the confirmation window, click Yes to remove this unsaved policy from the
policy list.
7. Click the Activate policies icon.

24 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Reordering the Entity Access Policies
The system processes policies in the model access policy list in the top-to-bottom order. To change the
processing order of a policy, change its display order in the policy list accordingly.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
4. Click the Reorder Policies icon.
5. In the Reorder Policies pane that appears, adjust the order by dragging a policy to the desired place.
Tip You can use the Up or Down icon next to a policy record to adjust the order of the
6. Click the Save icon.
7. Click the Activate policies icon.

3.3.4 Creating Document Access Policies

A document access policy defines which actions users can perform on documents in the CreditLens
application. To create document access policies in your institution:

According to user roles in ABC Bank, create document access policies as shown in the following figure. For
more information, see Understanding Configuration Conventions.

1. Log in to the CreditLens software as a security administrator or super administrator.

2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
A list of model access policies appears. This list contains all model access policies that are saved in the
4. Click the Add New Policy icon.
A new record appears at the end of this policy list.
5. In the User Dimensions column of the new record, specify characteristics of the target users by setting
values for user attributes.
a. Click the Role field, and specify the characteristics of the target user roles using the = or != conditional

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 25

b. (Optional) Click the Business Portfolio field, and specify the business portfolios with which the
specified roles are associated using the = or != conditional operator.
For more information about searching for a business portfolio, see Searching for and Selecting a Business
c. (Optional) Click the Credit Portfolio field, and specify the credit portfolio with which the specified
roles are associated using the = or != conditional operator.
6. From the Action drop-down list, select a user action as needed.
Note The following table lists actions in ascending order of priority. These actions are
cumulative from the lowest to the highest priority; that is, an action automatically
contains actions that are lower than it.
Description for actions

Action Description Cumulative actions

None No access to documents Not applicable

View Search, view, download, preview, and attach documents Not applicable
Edit Edit document details • View

Create Upload documents • Edit

• View

Delete Delete documents • Create

• Edit
• View

7. From the Model drop-down list, select Document.

8. In the Model Dimensions column, specify the document characteristics by setting values for document
If you select Match as the conditional operator for a Model Dimension attribute, the corresponding
attribute in the User Dimensions automatically changes to Match.
Note For more information about what situations are considered as a match for a
hierarchical attribute, see Understanding the Match Conditional Operator.
9. Click the Save icon to save this policy to the database server.
10. Click the Activate policies icon.
Note By clicking the Activate policies icon, you can activate all saved policy updates made
in this list.

3.3.5 Managing Document Access Policies

Edit, delete, or reorder the document access policies as needed.
Note After you save any updates to the policy list (for example, create or edit a policy), click the
Activate policies icon to bring them into effect.

26 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Editing a Document Access Policy

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.

2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
4. Locate the policy that you want to edit.
5. Click a field in the policy, and edit the field characteristic as needed.
For more information, see Creating Document Access Policies.
6. To edit more fields, repeat steps 3–4.
7. Click the Save icon to save all changes made in the policy list to the database server.
8. Click the Activate policies icon.

Deleting a Document Access Policy

Delete a policy by clicking the Delete icon next to the policy record. The Delete icon enables you to:
• Delete a saved policy from the database, and remove it from the policy list.
• Remove an unsaved policy from the policy list.

To delete a document access policy

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
4. Click the Delete icon next to the policy record.
If this is a saved policy, the Delete icon is replaced by an Undo icon. If this is an unsaved policy, a
confirmation window will appear for you to confirm the deletion.
5. If this is a saved policy, do one of the following as needed:
• To cancel the Delete action, click the Undo icon next to the record.
• To save the Delete action, click the Save icon at the top of the policy list.
6. If this is an unsaved policy, in the confirmation window, click Yes to remove this unsaved policy from the
policy list.
7. Click the Activate policies icon.

Reordering Document Access Policies

The system processes policies in the model access policy list in top-to-bottom order. To change the processing
order of a policy, change its display order in the policy list accordingly.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 27

4. Click the Reorder Policies icon.
5. In the Reorder Policies pane that appears, adjust the order by dragging a policy to the desired place.
Tip You can use the Up or Down icon next to a policy record to adjust the order of the
6. Click the Save icon.
7. Click the Activate policies icon.

3.3.6 Creating Proposal Access Policies

A proposal access policy defines which actions users can perform on proposals in the CreditLens application.
To create proposal access policies in your institution:

According to user roles in ABC Bank, create proposal access policies as shown in the following figure. For
more information, see Understanding Configuration Conventions.

1. Log in to the CreditLens software as a security administrator or super administrator.

2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
A list of model access policies appears. This list contains all model access policies that are saved in the
4. Click the Add New Policy icon.
A new record appears at the end of this policy list.
5. In the User Dimensions column of the new record, specify characteristics of the target users by setting
values for user attributes.
a. Click the Role field, and specify the characteristics of the target user roles using the = or != conditional
b. (Optional) Click the Business Portfolio field, and specify the business portfolios with which the
specified roles are associated using the = or != conditional operator.

28 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

For more information about searching for a business portfolio, see Searching for and Selecting a Business
c. (Optional) Click the Credit Portfolio field, and specify the credit portfolio with which the specified
roles are associated using the = or != conditional operator.
6. From the Action drop-down list, select a user action as needed.
Note The following table lists actions in ascending order of priority. These actions are
cumulative from the lowest to the highest priority; that is, an action automatically
contains actions that are lower than it.
Description for actions

Action Description Cumulative actions

None No access to proposals Not applicable

Search Search for proposals Not applicable
View Search and view proposals • Search
• View

Edit Edit proposal details • Search

• View
• Edit

Create Initiate proposals • Search

• View
• Edit
• Create

Delete Initiate proposals • Search

• View
• Edit
• Create

7. From the Model drop-down list, select Proposal.

8. In the Model Dimensions column, select the proposal types allowed for this policy.
9. Click the Save icon to save this policy to the database server.
10. Click the Activate policies icon.
Note By clicking the Activate policies icon, you can activate all saved policy updates made
in this list.

3.3.7 Managing Proposal Access Policies

Edit, delete, or reorder the proposal access policies as needed.
Note After you save any updates to the policy list (for example, create or edit a policy), click the
Activate policies icon to bring them into effect.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 29

Editing a Proposal Access Policy

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.

2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
4. Locate the policy that you want to edit.
5. Click a field in the policy, and edit the field characteristic as needed.
For more information, see Creating Proposal Access Policies.
6. To edit more fields, repeat steps 3–4.
7. Click the Save icon to save all changes made in the policy list to the database server.
8. Click the Activate policies icon.

Deleting a Proposal Access Policy

Delete a policy by clicking the Delete icon next to the policy record. The Delete icon enables you to:
• Delete a saved policy from the database, and remove it from the policy list.
• Remove an unsaved policy from the policy list.

To delete a proposal access policy

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.
4. Click the Delete icon next to the policy record.
If this is a saved policy, the Delete icon is replaced by an Undo icon. If this is an unsaved policy, a
confirmation window will appear for you to confirm the deletion.
5. If this is a saved policy, do one of the following as needed:
• To cancel the Delete action, click the Undo icon next to the record.
• To save the Delete action, click the Save icon at the top of the policy list.
6. If this is an unsaved policy, in the confirmation window, click Yes to remove this unsaved policy from the
policy list.
7. Click the Activate policies icon.

Reordering Proposal Access Policies

The system processes policies in the model access policy list in top-to-bottom order. To change the processing
order of a policy, change its display order in the policy list accordingly.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Model Access tab.

30 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

4. Click the Reorder Policies icon.
5. In the Reorder Policies pane that appears, adjust the order by dragging a policy to the desired place.
Tip You can use the Up or Down icon next to a policy record to adjust the order of the
6. Click the Save icon.
7. Click the Activate policies icon.

3.3.8 Activating Policy Updates

After you make changes to the policy list and save them to the database, activate these policy updates to bring
them into effect.
Note The Activate action does not provide a save function. Before you activate updates made
in the policy list, make sure that you have saved these updates to the database. Otherwise,
any unsaved policy updates will be lost and removed from the policy list at next login.
On the Model Access tab, click the Activate policies icon.
Any saved policy updates will start working in the CreditLens software.
Note Logged-in users must log out of the CreditLens software and log in again for policy
updates to take effect.

3.4 Creating and Managing Functional Access Policies

Functional access policies enable you to provide access control to functions associated with the CreditLens core
businesses, configuration, and administration. A functional policy contains two elements: a group of users and
a functional profile. Functional policies also state which users have permissions to functions grouped in the
specified functional profile.
This section contains the following topics:
• Before You Begin
• Creating Functional Access Profiles
• Associating Users with Functional Access Profiles
• Managing Functional Profiles
• Managing Functional Access Policies

3.4.1 Before You Begin

To facilitate your configuration, read the following to understand how functional access control works:
• Understanding Access Control for Business Operations
• Understanding the Processing of Permission Conflicts

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 31

Understanding Access Control for Business Operations
To allow a user to perform a business operation on an entity, the system must ensure that the user is granted
with permissions in the following dimensions:
• Permission to access the business function, granted to the user according to functional access policies.
• The minimum entity access action required by this business operation, granted to the user according to
model access policies.
Note For more information about the minimum entity access action required by a business
function, see Functions on the Entity Tab, Functions on the Financial Analysis Tab,
and Functions on the Risk Grading Tab.
For example, a credit manager in the APAC business portfolio can override a model-calculated rating for entities
in the same business portfolio. Security administrators must grant the Credit Manager in the APAC business
portfolio with access to the Risk Grading module, the Add/Delete Rating Overrides function, and with the
permission to perform an Edit action on entities in the APAC business portfolio.
Note Although super administrators are automatically granted with access to all functions, they
cannot perform business actions on an entity if they are not granted with the required
entity access actions.

Understanding the Processing of Permission Conflicts

If the system detects conflicting permission settings on a particular user, the system grants the user with the
higher permission. For example, if a policy allows User A to access function X, and another policy does not
allow User A to access function X, the system grants User A permission to access function X.

32 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

3.4.2 Creating Functional Access Profiles
You can create a functional profile to group functions to a specified group of users. This topic describes how to
create functional access profiles for administrator users and business users.
Note Only super administrators can create functional access profiles for administrator users.
For more information about differences between permissions of super administrators and
normal administrators, see Understanding Users and Roles.


According to user personas in ABC Bank (For more information, see Understanding Configuration
Conventions), create the following profiles. These profile examples describe mappings between job
descriptions and functional permissions.

• Configuring the Profile for Configuration Administrators

• Configuring the Profile for Security Administrators

• Configuring the Profile for Business Administrators

• Configuring the Profile for Relationship Managers

• Configuring the Profile for Spreaders

• Configuring the Profile for Credit Analysts

• Configuring the Profile for Credit Managers

Note The system automatically grants super administrators with access to all functions. Thus,
you only need to create functional access profiles for non-super administrators.

To create a functional access profile

1. Log in to the CreditLens software:
• To create an administrator profile, log in using the credential of a super administrator.
• To create a business user profile, log in using the credential of a security administrator or super
Note Some senior business users (for example, senior relationship managers) need
permission to perform batch rating and batch financial analysis, which are provided
through two administration tools. Log in as a super administrator to create profiles for
these business users.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. On the Functional Access > Profiles tab that is preselected, click the Create New Profile icon.
The Profiles page is organized into multiple tabs. Each tab contains settings for a type of functional access.
The following figure shows the Profiles pages that super administrators can see. The Profiles page that the
security administrators can see does not contain the Configuration and the Administration tabs.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 33

Description for the Profiles tabs

Tab Description

Configuration Visible only to super administrators. Contains all configuration tools provided in the
navigation menu.
For more information, see Functions on the Configuration Tab.

Entity Lists functions associated with the Entity module.

For more information, see Functions on the Entity Tab.

Administration Visible only to super administrators. Lists all administration tools provided in the navigation
For more information, see Functions on the Administration Tab.

Financial Analysis Lists functions associated with the Financial Analysis module.
For more information, see Functions on the Financial Analysis Tab.

Workflow List functions associated with the Workflow module.

For more information, see Functions on the Workflow Tab.

Risk Grading Lists functions associated with the Risk Grading module.
For more information, see Functions on the Risk Grading Tab.

LGD Risk Analysis Lists functions associated with the LGD Risk Analysis and Deal Structuring modules.
For more information, see Functions on the LGD Risk Analysis Tab.

Credit Presentation Lists functions associated with the Credit Presentation module.
For more information, see Functions on the Credit Presentation Tab.

4. On the Profile Info tab that appears, enter a name for the profile.
5. (Optional) Click a functional tab, and select functions that you want to include into this profile.
6. (Optional) Repeat step 5 to include more functions on other tabs.
7. Click the Save icon.

Profile Configuration Examples

This section describes how to configure functional access profiles for user roles in ABC Bank.
This section contains the following topics:
• Configuring the Profile for Configuration Administrators
• Configuring the Profile for Security Administrators
• Configuring the Profile for Business Administrators
• Configuring the Profile for Relationship Managers
• Configuring the Profile for Spreaders
• Configuring the Profile for Credit Analysts
• Configuring the Profile for Credit Managers

Configuring the Profile for Configuration Administrators

Configuration administrators need access to all configuration tools.

34 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

To configure the profile as a super administrator
1. On the Configuration tab, select all items by selecting Select All.

2. On the Entity, Administration, Financial Analysis, and Risk Grading tabs, keep all items cleared.

Configuring the Profile for Security Administrators

Security administrators need access to the following IAM administration tools provided in the Administration
navigation menu option:
• Users
• Access Control

To configure the profile as a super administrator

1. On the Administration tab, do the following:
a. Select items under the Users and Access Control sections.
b. Keep the other items cleared.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 35

2. On the Configuration, Entity, Financial Analysis, and Risk Grading tab, keep all items cleared.

Configuring the Profile for Business Administrators

Business administrators need access to the following business administration tools in the Administration
navigation menu option:
• Settings
• General Configuration
• Financial Analysis Configuration
• Risk Models Configuration
• Risk Grading Configuration
• Job Scheduler

To configure the profile as a super administrator

1. On the Configuration, Entity, Financial Analysis, and Risk Grading tabs, keep all items cleared.
2. On the Administration tab, do the following:
a. Select items under the Organization Level Settings, Financial Analysis Settings, Risk Grading Setting,
and Jobs sections.
b. Under the Batch Utility section, select Batch Model Assignment (Internal Rating Model Assignment).
c. Keep the other items cleared.

36 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 37
Configuring the Profile for Relationship Managers
Relationship managers need access to the following business functions:
• Entity management related:
• Perform all Entity Management operations.
• Financial analysis related:
• View the Financial Analysis menu option in the navigation menu when working on an entity.
• Perform all Financial Analysis operations on an entity.
• Risk grading related:
• View and access the Risk Grading menu option in the navigation menu when working on an entity.
• Perform all Risk Grading operations on an entity.
• (Only for senior relationship managers) Batch rating related:
• View and access Administration > Batch Rating.
• Perform batch rating for entities, and have the capability to enable an automatic rating approval after a
batch rating is completed.
• (Only for senior relationship managers) Batch financial analysis related:
• View and access Administration > Batch Financial Analysis in the navigation menu.
• Perform all types of batch financial analysis operations, which include portfolio update, peer selection,
and RMA submission.
• Workflow related:
• Initiate a proposal
• Deal structuring with loss-given default (LGD) analysis:
• View and access LGD Risk Analysis > Product Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access LGD Risk Analysis > Risk Mitigants Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access LGD Risk Analysis > LGD Summary in the navigation menu.
• Perform all types of deal structuring operations, which include adding, editing, and deleting products,
collateral, and guarantees. Perform loss given default (LGD) calculations for a deal (for those
relationship managers with edit access to an entity).
• Facility and collateral structuring:
• View and access Deal Structuring > Facility Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access Deal Structuring > Risk Mitigants Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access Asset Search in the navigation menu.
• Perform all types of deal structuring operations, which include adding, editing, and deleting facilities,
products, collateral, assets, and guarantees.

To configure the profile for relationship managers

1. On the Entity tab, select all items.
2. On the Financial Analysis tab, select all items.
3. On the Risk Grading tab, select all items.

38 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

4. On the Workflow tab, select all items.
5. On the LGD Risk Analysis tab, do the following:
a. Under the Module Access section, select LGD Risk Analysis and/or Deal Structuring.
b. Under the Manage Asset section, select Enable Asset.

To configure the profile for senior relationship mangers

1. Log in to the system as a super administrator.
2. Perform steps 1–3 in the preceding configuration procedure for relationship managers.
3. On the Administration tab, do the following:
a. Under the Batch Utility section, select Batch Rating and Batch Financial Analysis.
b. Keep the other items on this tab cleared

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 39

4. On the Configuration tab, keep all items cleared.

Configuring the Profile for Spreaders

Spreaders need access to the following functions:
• View the Financial Analysis menu option in the navigation menu when working on an entity.
• Perform all Financial Analysis operations on an entity.

To configure the profile

1. On the Entity tab, do the following:
a. Select items under the Manage Entity section.
b. Keep the other items on this tab cleared.

40 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

2. On the Financial Analysis tab, select all items except for items under the Batch Financial Analysis section.

3. On the Risk Grading tab, keep all items cleared.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 41

Configuring the Profile for Credit Analysts
Credit analysts need access to the following functions:
• Financial analysis related:
• View the Financial Analysis menu options when working on an entity.
• Perform some Financial Analysis operations on an entity.
• Risk grading related:
• View the Risk Grading menu option when working on an entity.
• Perform some Risk Grading operations on an entity.

To configure the profile

1. On the Entity tab, do the following:
a. Select function items under the Manage Entity section.
b. Keep the other items on this tab cleared.

2. On the Financial Analysis tab, do the following:

a. Under the Financial Module Access section, select Financial Module Access.
b. Under the Analysis Setup section section, select all items.
c. Under the Financial Statements section, select Relabel Account, Hide/Show Account, and Setup
d. Under the Financial Projections section, select Hide/Show Account, Relabel Account, and Setup
e. Under the User Defined Analysis section, select Add/Edit/Delete User Defined Analysis.
f. Keep the other items under this tab cleared.

42 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

3. On the Risk Grading tab, do the following:
a. Under the Risk Grading Module Access section, select Risk Grading Module Access.
b. Under the Internal Rating section, select Cascade Rating, Reject Overrides, Model Structure
Documentation, and Set Entity in Default.
c. Under the Historical Rating section, select Historical Rating Tab.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 43

44 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
Configuring the Profile for Credit Managers
According to job descriptions, credit managers need access to the following functions:
• Financial analysis related:
• View the Financial Analysis menu options when working on an entity.
• Perform some Financial Analysis operations on an entity.
• Risk grading related:
• View the Risk Grading menu option when working on an entity.
• Perform all Risk Grading operations on an entity.
• (Only for senior credit managers) Batch rating related:
• View Administration > Batch Rating.
• Perform batch rating for entities, and enable an automatic rating approval after batch rating.
• (Only for senior credit managers) Batch financial analysis related:
• View Administration > Batch Financial Analysis in the navigation menu.
• Perform all types of batch financial analysis operations, which include portfolio update, peer selection,
and RMA submission.
• Deal structuring with loss-given default (LGD) analysis:
• View and access LGD Risk Analysis > Product Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access LGD Risk Analysis > Risk Mitigants Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access LGD Risk Analysis > LGD Summary in the navigation menu.
• Perform all types of deal structuring operations, which include adding, editing and deleting products,
collateral, and guarantees. Approve products (and associated collateral and guarantees). Perform loss
given default (LGD) calculations for a deal.
• Facility and collateral structuring:
• View and access Deal Structuring > Facility Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access Deal Structuring > Risk Mitigants Summary in the navigation menu.
• View and access Asset Search in the navigation menu.
• Perform all types of deal structuring operations, which include adding, editing, and deleting facilities,
products, collateral, assets, and guarantees. Approve facilities and products (and associated collateral and

To configure the profile for credit managers

1. On the Entity tab, do the following:
a. Select function items under the Manage Entity section.
b. Keep the other items on this tab cleared.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 45

2. On the Financial Analysis tab, do the following:
a. Under the Financial Module Access section, select Financial Module Access.
b. Under the Analysis Setup section, select all items.
c. Under the Batch Financial section, select all items.

3. On the Risk Grading tab, select all items.

4. On the LGD Risk Analysis tab, do the following:
a. Under the Module Access section, select LGD Risk Analysis and/or Deal Structuring.
b. Under the Manage Asset section, select Enable Asset.

46 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

c. Under the Manage Facility section, select Approve Product/Facility.

To create the profile for senior credit managers

1. Log in to the system as a super administrator.
2. Perform steps 1–3 in the preceding configuration procedure for credit managers.
3. On the Administration tab, do the following:
a. Under the Batch Utility section, select Batch Rating and Batch Financial Analysis.
b. Keep the other items on this tab cleared

4. On the Configuration tab, keep all function items cleared.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 47

Descriptions for Functions
This section describes all functions by function category and contains the following topics:
• Functions on the Configuration Tab
• Functions on the Administration Tab
• Functions on the Entity Tab
• Functions on the Financial Analysis Tab
• Functions on the Workflow Tab
• Functions on the Risk Grading Tab
• Functions on the LGD Risk Analysis Tab

Functions on the Configuration Tab

The Configuration tab provides access control to configuration tools that configuration administrators can use
to customize the out-of-the-box CreditLens software.
Functions under the Configuration tab:

Note The Configuration tab is visible only to super administrators.

48 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function description for the Configuration tab

Function item Description

Domain Models • View and access Configuration > Domain in the navigation menu.
• View and access the Models tab on the Domain page.
• Perform all actions provided on the Models page.

Reference Data • View and access Configuration > Domain in the navigation menu.
• View and access the Reference Data tab on the Domain page.
• Perform all actions provided on the Reference Data page.

Business Rules • View and access Configuration > Domain in the navigation menu.
• View and access the Business Rules tab on the Domain page.
• Perform all actions provided on the Business Rules page.

User Interface View Models • View and access Configuration > User Interface in the navigation menu.
• View the View Models tab on the User Interface page.
• Perform all actions provided on the View Models page.

Resources • View and access Configuration > User Interface in the navigation menu.
• View the Resources tab on the User Interface page.
• Perform all actions provided on the Resources page.

Menus • View and access Configuration > User Interface in the navigation menu.
• View the Menus tab on the User Interface page.
• Perform all actions provided on the Menus page.

Message Templates • View and access Configuration > User Interface in the navigation menu.
• View the Message Templates tab on the User Interface page.
• Perform all actions provided on the Message Templates page.

Business Process Tasks • View and access Configuration > Business Process in the navigation menu.
• View the Tasks tab on the Business Process page.
• Perform all actions provided on the Tasks page.

Wizards Wizards • View and access Configuration > Wizards in the navigation menu.
• Perform all actions provided on the Wizards page.

Modules Modules • View and access Configuration > Modules in the navigation menu.
• Perform all actions provided on the Modules page.

Tenants Tenants • View and access Configuration > Tenants in the navigation menu.
• Perform all actions provided on the Tenants page.

Document DoucmentGeneration • View and access Configuration > Reports in the navigation menu.
Generation Access
• Perform all actions provided on the Reports page.

Functions on the Administration Tab

The Administration tab provides access control to administration tools that security and business
administrators use to configure IAM settings and administer business modules.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 49

Note Business and security administrators only see information on the Administration tab that
is relevant to their roles. Super administrators see all information on this tab.
Function description for the Administration tab

Function item Description

Users Deactivate/Create/Edit User • View and access Administration > Users in the navigation

• Search for, create, and edit users. For more information,

see Creating and Managing Users.

50 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function item Description

Access Control Create/Edit Model Access • View and access Administration > Access Control in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Model Access tab on the Access

Control page.

• Perform actions provided on the Model Access page. For

more information, see Creating and Managing Model
Access Policies.

Create/Edit Functional Access • View and access Administration > Access Control in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Functional Access tab on the Access

Control page.

• Access the Profiles and Policies tabs.

• Perform actions provided on the Functional Access page.

For more information, see Creating and Managing
Functional Access Policies.

Password Security • View and access Administration > Access Control in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Password Security tab on the Access

Control page.

• Manage the password security rules. For more information,

see Managing Password Security Rules.

Security State • View and access Administration > Access Control in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Security State tab on the Access

Control page.

• Specify the user authentication method. For more

information, see Specifying the Security State.

Organization Level Organization Info • View and access Administration > Organization Level
Settings Settings > Organization Info.

• Configure general organization information.

Settings • View and access Administration > Organizational Level

Settings > Settings.

• Configure back-end settings.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 51

Function item Description

Financial Analysis Manage Model Addins • View and access Administration > Financial Analysis
Settings Settings in the navigation menu.

• View and access the Manage Financial Template Add-Ins

tab after accessing the Financial Analysis Settings page.

• Specify applicable financial templates for existing add-ins.

Manage Required Fields • View and access Administration > Financial Analysis
Settings in the navigation menu.

• View and access the Manage Required Fields tab after

accessing the Financial Analysis Settings page.

• Specify required fields in financial templates.

Modify Organization Macros • View and access Administration > Financial Analysis
Settings in the navigation menu.

• View and access the Modify Organization Macro tab after

accessing the Financial Analysis Settings page.

• Create and manage organization macros.

Manage Rolling Statement • View and access Administration > Financial Analysis
Creation Setting Settings in the navigation menu.

• View and access the Manage Rolling Statement Creator

Setting tab after accessing the Financial Analysis Settings

• Configure rolling statement settings.

Manage Global Divisions • View and access Administration > Financial Analysis
Settings in the navigation menu.

• View and access the Manage Global Divisions tab after

accessing the Financial Analysis Settings page.

• Manage global divisions and specify the financial

templates for them.

Exchange Rate Settings • View and access Administration > Financial Analysis
Settings in the navigation menu.

• View and access the Exchange Rate Settings tab after

accessing the Financial Analysis Settings page.

• Manage exchange rate settings.

52 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function item Description

Risk Grading Edit RiskCalc Login Information • View and access Administration > Risk Grading in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Edit RiskCalc Login Information tab

after accessing the Risk Grading Settings page.

• Enter login information for a RiskCalc server.

Manage RiskCalc Models • View and access Administration > Risk Grading in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Manage RiskCalc Models tab after

accessing the Risk Grading Settings page.

• Manage settings for RiskCalc models.

RiskCalc Model Assignment • View and access Administration > Risk Grading in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Edit Risk Model Assignments tab

after accessing the Risk Grading Settings page.

• Assign a RiskCalc model to a group of entities that are

using the same financial template.

Edit Peer Analysis Service • View and access Administration > Risk Grading in the
Information navigation menu.

• View and access the Edit Peer Analysis Service

Information tab after accessing the Risk Grading Settings

• Manage the URL that provides the peer analysis web


Risk Grading System Settings • View and access Administration > Risk Grading in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Risk Grading System Settings tab

after accessing the Risk Grading Settings page.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 53

Function item Description

Batch Utility Batch Rating • View and access Administration > Batch Utility in the
navigation menu.

• Rate multiple entities using an internal rating model.

Batch Model Assignment (Internal • View and access Administration > Batch Utility in the
Rating Model Assignment) navigation menu.

• Assign an internal rating model to multiple entities.

Batch Financial Analysis View and access Administration > Batch Utility in the
navigation menu.

Note: The system provides the following batch financial

analysis functions on this page: Reporting Table, Peer
Selection, and RMA Submission. Whether users can perform
any of these operations depends on whether they are
assigned with permissions to these functions, which are
controlled by three function items on the Financial Analysis
tab. For more information, see Functions on the Financial
Analysis Tab.

Jobs Scheduler Panel • View and access Administration > Job Scheduler in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Scheduler Panel tab on accessing

the Job Scheduler page.

• Manage job scheduler and configure cron jobs.

Job Logs • View and access Administration > Job Scheduler in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Scheduler Log tab on the Job

Scheduler page. Search for scheduler jobs and view
running results.

Data File Upload • View and access Administration > Jobs Scheduler in the
navigation menu.

• View and access the Data File Upload tab on the Jobs
Scheduler page. You can import data files.

Functions on the Entity Tab

The Entity tab provides access control to functions that business users use when managing entity information.

54 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function description for the Entity tab

Function item Description Minimum

requirement on
entity action

Manage Entity View Entity Card View brief information of an entity by clicking the Entity View
Card icon.

User experience:

An Entity Card icon appears next to an entity record in

the Search Results list and on an entity node in

Hierarchy Pane View the credit hierarchy of an entity in a separate pane. View
User experience:

A hierarchy icon accompanied by the entity name

appears at the top of the Entity Information page. By
clicking this icon, users can view the current credit

Manage Entity Create Entity Group Create an entity group. Edit to the current
Group entity
User experience:

The Add Group icon is enabled in the group view.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 55

Function item Description Minimum
requirement on
entity action

Edit Entity Group Edit an entity group. Edit to one of the

entities in the
Note: This function works only when View Entity Group
is selected as well.

User experience:

Details of an entity group are editable, and the Add

Entities into Group icon and Delete Entities from Group
icon are enabled.

Delete Entity Group Delete an entity group. Edit to one of the

entities in the
Note: This function works only when View Entity Group
is selected as well.

User experience:

The Delete icon next to each group name is enabled.

View Entity Group View the list of entity groups in the hierarchy and View to one of the
expand an entity group to view its details. entities in the
User experience:

The Groups link in the hierarchy view is enabled.

Manage Hierarchy Duplicate Hierarchy Duplicate relationships in the legal hierarchy to another Edit to the current
type of hierarchy (for example, the credit hierarchy). entity

User experience:

The Duplicated Hierarchy link is enabled on the Manage

Hierarchy > Legal tab.

Add Relationship Create relationships between an inside-hierarchy entity Edit to to-be-linked

and an outside-hierarchy entity. entity

User experience:

The Add New Relationship icon is enabled in the

hierarchy view and the grid view.

Edit Relationship Edit details for a relationship. Edit to either entity

in the relationship
User experience:

In the hierarchy view, links between two entities are

clickable. Clicking a link directs users to the Edit
Relationship panel.

In the grid view, fields in the Relationship table are


56 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function item Description Minimum
requirement on
entity action

View Relationship View detailed relationship information between two View to either
connected entities. entity in the
User experience:

Links between two entities are clickable in the hierarchy

view. In the grid view, the check boxes against entity
records are selectable.

Delete Relationship Delete a relationship presented in the Proposed View. Edit to either entity
in the relationship
User experience:

The Delete Relationship icon is enabled for users to

delete a relationship when editing entity relationships.

Replace Entity Replace an entity in a relationship. Edit to the to-be-

replaced entity
User experience:

The Replace Relationship icon is enabled in the

hierarchy view and the grid view.

Functions on the Financial Analysis Tab

The Financial Analysis tab provides access control to functions that business users use when capturing and
analyzing financial data for entities.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 57

Function description for the Financial Analysis tab

Function item Description Minimum

requirement on
entity action

Financial Module Financial Module Access Access the Financial Analysis module to spread View
Access and analyze financial data for entities.

User experience:

After users access an entity, Financial Analysis

appears in the navigation menu for them to
access the financial analysis module. When
working on this module, what users can perform
depends on their permission settings in the
following specific functions.

Note: If you keep this function item cleared, users

cannot access the Financial Analysis module and
therefore cannot access the following financial
analysis functions according to their profile

Analysis Setup Change Financial Template Select a financial template for entities. Edit

User experience:

On the Analysis Setup tab, the Financial Template

drop-down list is enabled.

Fill in Spreading Information Enter financial data for entities. Edit

User experience:

On the Analysis Setup tab, all fields on the

Spreading Information pane are enabled.

Fill in Combined Information Enter information required for combining Edit


User experience:

On the Analysis Setup tab, all fields on the

Combine Information pane are enabled.

Financial Delete Statement Delete statements. Edit

User experience:

On the Historical Statement tab, all Delete

Statement icons and links are enabled.

Duplicate Statement Duplicate statements. Edit

User experience:

On the Historical Statement tab, all Duplicate

Statement icons and links are enabled.

58 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function item Description Minimum
requirement on
entity action

Create Combined Statement Create combined statements. Edit to the target

entity and View to
User experience:
the source entity
On the Historical Statement tab, all Create
Combined Statement icons and links are enabled.

Insert/Delete Account Insert a user-defined account based on a standard Edit

account and to delete a user-defined account.

User experience:

On the Historical Statement tab, the Insert

Account/Delete Inserted Account links are

Relabel Account Relabel a statement account. Edit

User experience:

On the Historical Statement tab, all Relabel

Account icons and links are enabled.

Hide/Show Account Hide an account or account class if it is not used Edit

in a statement and unhide an account or account
class when needed.

User experience:

On the Historical Statement tab, the Hide Class,

the Hide Account, and the Unhide Account/Class
links are enabled.

Setup Rounding Configure rounding settings for financial accounts. Edit

User experience:

On the Historical Statement tab, the Rounding

action links are enabled.

Peer Group Define Peer Group Define a peer entity group for entities. Edit
User experience:

On the Peer Selection tab, fields are enabled.

Financial Create/Edit/Duplicate/Delete Create, edit, duplicate, and delete a financial Edit

Projections Projection projection.

User experience:

On the Projection tab, the corresponding action

icons are enabled.

Delete Statement Delete statements in a projection. Edit

User experience:

On the Projection tab, all Delete Statement icons

and links are enabled.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 59

Function item Description Minimum
requirement on
entity action

Duplicate As Projection Insert statements by duplicating existing Edit

statements in the same projection.

User experience:

On the Projection tab, all Duplicate As Projection

icons and links are enabled.

Insert/Delete Account Insert a user-defined account in a projection Edit

based on a standard account and delete a user-
defined account in a projection.

User experience:

On the Projection tab, the Insert Account/Delete

Inserted Account links are enabled.

Hide/Show Account Hide an account or account class if it is not used Edit

in projected statements and unhide an account or
account class when needed.

User experience:

On the Projection tab, the Hide Class, Hide

Account, and tUnhide Account/Class links are

Relabel Account Relabel a statement account in a projection. Edit

User experience:

On the Projections tab, all Relabel Account icons

and links are enabled.

Setup Rounding Configure rounding settings for financial accounts Edit

in projected statements.

User experience:

On the Projections tab, the Rounding links are

enabled under the Statement link on the toolbar.

User Defined Add/Edit/Delete User Defined Add, edit, and delete a user-defined analysis Edit
Analysis Analysis formula.

User experience:

On the User-Defined Analysis tab, the

corresponding buttons are enabled.

Batch Financial Reporting Table Update summary data of multiple entities to the Not applicable
Analysis database at one time.

User experience:

After accessing Administration > Batch Utility >

Batch Financial Analysis, Reporting Table is
displayed in the Batch Operation drop-down list.

60 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function item Description Minimum
requirement on
entity action

RMA Submission Submit multiple entities to RMA at one time. Not applicable

User experience:

After accessing Administration > Batch Utility >

Batch Financial Analysis, RMA Submission
appears in the Batch Operation drop-down list.

Peer Selection Assign a peer group to multiple entities at one Not applicable

User experience:

After accessing Administration > Batch Utility >

Batch Financial Analysis, Peer Selection appears
in the Batch Operation drop-down list.

Functions on the Workflow Tab

The Workflow tab controls access to functions that business users use when managing workflows in the
CreditLens™ Business Process and Collaboration Tool.

Function description for the Workflow tab

Function item Description

Workflow Initiate Proposals Select the check box to enable a user to initiate a proposal.

Functions on the Risk Grading Tab

The Risk Grading tab provides access control to functions that business users use when scoring the risk of
borrowing entities.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 61

Function description for the Risk Grading tab

Function item Description Minimum requirement

on entity action

Risk Grading Module Risk Grading Module Score an entity using internal and external PD View
Access Access rating models.

User experience:

After users open an entity, Risk Grading

appears in the navigation menu for them to
access the risk grading module of the entity.
When working on this module, what users can
perform depends on their permission settings
on the following specific functions.

Note: If you keep this function item cleared,

users cannot access the risk grading module
and therefore cannot access the following risk
grading functions according to their profile

62 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function item Description Minimum requirement
on entity action

Internal Rating Cascade Rating Cascade ratings between two entities in the Edit
same credit hierarchy.

User experience:

On the Internal Rating tab,

• The Cascade Rating To Current Entity link

is enabled on the Cascade Rating to
Current Entity pane.

• The Cascade Rating To Other Entities link

is enabled on the Final Proposed Rating
pane when the corresponding pre-
conditions are met.

Add/Delete Rating Propose a rating to override the current rating Edit

Overrides and delete the proposed rating to recall the

User experience:

View an enabled Add icon and Delete icon on

the Override Rating pane of the Rating
Scenario Result page.

Reject Overrides Reject the proposed rating override. Edit

User experience:

View an enabled Reject Overrides link on the

Override Rating pane of the Rating Scenario
Result page.

Approve Rating Approve the final proposed rating. Edit

User experience:

View an enabled Approved button at the

bottom left of the Internal Rating tab.

Model Structure View and print a complete set of View

Documentation documentation on the rating model structure.

User experience:

An enabled Complete Model Structure

Documentation icon appears on the top right of
Rating Model pane when users are processing
a rating scenario.

Set Entity in Default Set an entity to the In Default or Not In Default Edit

User experience:

An enabled Set Entity as Defaulted or an

enabled Set Entity Not in Default link appear in
the Final Proposed Rating pane on the Internal
Rating tab.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 63

Function item Description Minimum requirement
on entity action

Auto Approve After Specify whether the system will automatically Not applicable
Batch Rating approve ratings after they are generated in a
batch rating process.

User experience:

View an enabled Auto Approve Rating After

Batch Rating check box when configuring a
batch rating process in Administration > Batch
Utility > Batch Rating.

Historical Rating Historical Rating Tab View rating history of an entity. View

User experience:

The Rating History tab appears on the Risk

Grading page.

Functions on the LGD Risk Analysis Tab

The LGD Risk Analysis tab provides access control to functions that business users use when creating a deal for
an entity using the LGD Risk Analysis or Deal Structuring module.

64 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Function description for the LGD Risk Analysis tab

Function item Description Minimum requirement

on entity action

Module Access LGD Risk Analysis Create a deal for an entity and collect View
information about the product, collateral, and
guarantee. View loss given default (LGD)
calculation results.

User experience:

After users open an entity, LGD Risk Analysis

appears in the navigation menu for them to
access the Product Summary page, Risk
Mitigants Summary page, and the LGD
Summary page of the entity.

Users with edit access to an entity can also

perform LGD calculations for a deal.

User experience:

On the LGD Summary page, the Calculate

button and Extra Input link are enabled.

Note: If you keep this function item cleared,

users cannot access the LGD Risk Analysis
feature and therefore cannot access functions
according to their profile settings.

Deal Structuring Create a multi-option facility or standalone View

product for an entity and collect information
about the facility(ies), product(s), collateral,
asset(s), and guarantee(s).

User experience:

After users open an entity, Deal Structuring

appears in the navigation menu for them to
access the Facility Summary page and Risk
Mitigants Summary page of the entity.

Note: If you keep this function item cleared,

users cannot access the Deal Structuring
feature and therefore cannot access functions
according to their profile settings.

Manage Asset Enable Asset Search, view, create, edit, and delete assets. Not applicable

User experience:

After users open the CreditLens application,

Asset Search appears in the navigation menu.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 65

Function item Description Minimum requirement
on entity action

Manage Facility Approve Product/Facility For the LGD Risk Analysis and Deal Edit
Structuring modules:

Approve a product or facility (and associated

collateral and guarantees) for an entity.

User experience:

On the Facility/Product tab or pane, the

Approve button is enabled.

Functions on the Credit Presentation Tab

The Credit Presentation tab provides access to the Credit Presentation module.

Function description for the Credit Presentation tab

Function item Description Minimum

requirement on
entity action

Credit Presentation Credit Presentation Module Select the check box to enable a user to access View
Module Access Access the Credit Presentation module.

User experience:

After users access an entity, Credit Presentation

appears in the navigation menu for them to access
the Credit Presentation module.

3.4.3 Associating Users with Functional Access Profiles

After you create functional access profiles, create a functional access policy by defining the target user group
and associating them with a specific functional profile that you have created.
Note The system audits changes made to policies. As the security administrator, do not
associate business users with profiles that contain permissions to configuration and
administration tools.

To create a functional access policy by associating a group of users with a functional profile
1. On the Functional Access page, click the Policies tab.
2. Click the Add New Policy icon.
3. In the User Dimensions fields, define target users by specifying user attribute settings (for example,
Relationship Manager in charge of the APAC Business Portfolio).

66 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

For more information about permission inheritance brought in by user settings on the Business Portfolio
attribute, see Understanding the Processing of Hierarchical Attribute Settings.
4. Click the Functional Profile field, and select a functional profile from the drop-down list.
5. Click the Save icon.
The policy is activated in the CreditLens software after it is successfully saved.
Note Logged-in users must log out of the CreditLens software and log in again for the
policy to take effect.

3.4.4 Managing Functional Profiles

You can edit permission settings grouped in a profile or delete a profile if it is not associated with any
functional access policy.

To edit a functional profile

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. On the Functional Access > Profiles tab that is preselected, click the Edit icon associated with a policy.
4. Edit the profile name and permission settings by category.
5. Click the Save icon.

To delete a functional profile

1. On the Profiles page, click the Delete icon next to a policy as needed.
2. On the confirmation window that appears, click Yes.

3.4.5 Managing Functional Access Policies

If your institution adjusts a functional access policy, edit the corresponding policy through the Functional
Access tab accordingly. If a functional access policy is no longer valid in your institution, delete it from the
policy list. The system audits any changes made to policies. As a security administrator, do not change policies
that super administrators created for normal administrators.

To edit a functional access policy

1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. On the Functional Access page, click the Policies tab.
A list of policies appear.
4. Locate a policy in the policy list, and edit settings by clicking the corresponding fields.
5. Click the Save icon.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 67

To delete a functional policy
1. On the Functional Access > Policies tab, locate a policy in the policy list, and click the Delete icon next to
the policy record.
The Delete icon is replaced with an Undo icon.
Tip To revert the deletion, click the Undo icon.
2. Click the Save icon.

3.5 Managing Password Security Rules

Enable or disable password security rules in the CreditLens software, which include password creation rules,
expiration settings, and history policies.
Note Password security rules apply to all CreditLens users.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Access Control.
3. Click the Password Security tab.
4. Under the Creation Rules section, enable one or more password creation rules by selecting the
corresponding check boxes.
Creation rules

Check box Description

Override minimum password length User passwords must have at least a certain number of
characters. In the Password Length field, enter a number.
If you do not select this check box, the predefined minimum
password length is five characters.

Require at least one upper-case alphabetic character User passwords must have at least one upper-case
alphabetical character.
Require at least one lower-case alphabetic character User passwords must have at least one lower-case
alphabetical character.
Require at least one non-alphabetic character User passwords must have at least one non-alphabetic

5. Under the Expiration Settings section, enable one or more expiration rules by selecting the corresponding
check boxes.
Password expiration settings

Check box Description

Enforce password expiration All users must change passwords regularly. In the Expiration
Days field that appears, enter a number.
Force NEW USERS to change password at FIRST New users must reset their passwords the first time they log in to
login the CreditLens software.

68 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

Check box Description

Force ALL USERS to change password at NEXT All users must change passwords the next time they log in to the
login CreditLens software.
Note: The system determines whether to force a user to change a
password at next login based on the "User must change password
upon the next login" setting in each user account. After you
change the setting for this check box, you can choose whether to
change corresponding settings in each user account according to
this setting.

6. Under the History Policy section, enable one or more password history policies by selecting the
corresponding check box.
Password history policies

Check box Description

Limit invalid login attempts allowed before account lockout Limit the number of consecutive incorrect User IDs or
Passwords (or both) that a user can enter on the Login
screen before the user is locked out of the CreditLens
software. In the Number of Attempts Allowed field, enter
a number.
Note: To unlock a CreditLens user's account, search for the
user through Administration > Users, and edit the user's
Core settings. For more information, see Managing Users.

Prevent use of recently used passwords Limit how often a user can reuse a password. In the
Number of Passwords Maintained field, enter the number
of unique passwords that a user has to create before an old
password can be reused.

7. Click the Save icon.

3.6 Specifying the Security State

Settings on this tab enable users to have different authentication types within the same application.
Note For information about configuring your authentication settings via this tab, refer to the
Single Sign-On lab in the CreditLens™ Identity and Access Management Configuration

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 69

70 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
4 Configuring Organization Level Settings

This section provides information about configuring system-wide settings and entering general information for
your institution.
This section contains the following topics:
• Configuring System Wide Settings
• Entering General Information for Your Institution

4.1 Configuring System Wide Settings

This section provides information for settings that affect all users of the CreditLens software. The core settings
affect all users. The Credit Presentation setting affects all users of the Credit Presentation module. Workflow,
Salesforce integration, MARQ™ portal integration, and Business Insights settings are global settings that are
required to use these features. Salesforce integration, MARQ portal integration, and Business Insights are
purchased separately, so these settings may not be available.
This section contains the following topics:
• Configuring Core Settings
• Configuring Email Settings
• Configuring Workflow Settings
• Configuring the Credit Presentation Setting
• Configuring Salesforce Integration Settings
• Configuring MARQ Portal Integration Settings
• Configuring Business Insights Settings

4.1.1 Configuring Core Settings

These settings affect all users of the CreditLens software.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organization Level Settings.
3. On the Settings tab, select the Core tab.
4. Enter the system-wide information as described in the following table.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 71

Descriptions for system-wide fields

Field Description

Language Select the default language that is displayed in the user interface.
Note: This setting depends on the language package license that is required. This setting
can also be overridden by a user.
Region Select the language for the geographic region.
Note: This setting cannot be overridden by a user.
Session Timeout Enter the number of minutes of inactivity before a user is automatically logged out of the
Create New Version Time Enter the period of time after which a new data version is automatically created.
Note: When this period is set, a new data version is created even if the user is making the
Allow Save On Conflict Select this check box to enable saving a record if there is a data/session conflict.
Note: In these instances, the latest version is used.
Max Rows Enter the maximum number of rows that are retrieved from the database when a search is
performed. Note that you can configure the maximum rows for each Model View level. The
configuration at the Model View level overwrites the Max Rows configuration for the
organizational level settings.
Web Farm Primary Host IP Enter the IP address of the computer that the system administrator uses to import/export
Address the module configuration in a multiple application server environment.
Keep History Data in Enter the number of months that the data in history tables is stored. After this time period,
Months the data is moved to the archive tables.
DocumentFileSizeLimitInMb Enter the maximum size of each document to be uploaded to CreditLens.
Workflow Warning Days Enter the number of days from a workflow deadline in which a status turns into a warning.
from Due Date
Workflow Hide Process Select this box to hide the process variables table in the Process Tab of the Proposal
Variables Center.
Workflow SLA Cut Off Hour Enter the hour of the day to be used as a cut-off time for calculating workflow due dates.
Note: Time is determined by the server.
Default Display Rounding Select the default rounding for financial statement data. This field cannot be blank. The
out-of-the-box product is preset to Thousands. Users with admin rights can change it as
per your company's need but cannot leave it blank.
Default Currency Select the default currency for financial statement data.
Auto-Published Modules(s) Enter the business module(s) to automatically publish once data is saved within the
workflow. (For example, Entity)
Warning! Do not add a module to the auto-publish list while there are proposals in
progress that include this module and may have ongoing data changes as part of the

5. Click the Save icon.

4.1.2 Configuring Email Settings

This section provides information about configuring email settings for the CreditLens application.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organizational Settings.

72 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

3. On the Settings tab, select the Email tab.
4. Enter the server host. Click the Lock icon to encrypt this information.
5. Enter the server port. Click the Lock icon to encrypt this information.
6. Enter the email address to be used as the from email address in email notifications sent to participants.
7. Select Enable Workflow Emails to enable email notification for the Workflow module.

To review workflow notification information via the Job Scheduler

1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Job Scheduler > Scheduler Panel.
2. Review the Workflow Messages Job information under Business Processes Tenant. The Workflow Messages
Job CronTrigger describes the trigger for workflow notifications (for example, at 0023 Monday through

4.1.3 Configuring Workflow Settings

The workflow settings described in this section enable you to configure features of the Business Process and
Collaboration Tool.

To configure the user interface for nonworkflow modules

1. From the left navigation menu, click Configuration > Business Process > Tasks > Default
2. Select NonWorkflowTaskVisibility in the Visibility Rule field.

To configure workflow email messages and notifications

1. From the left navigation menu, click Configuration > Domain > Reference Data
2. Select WorkflowEvents.
3. Click the Data tab.
A table appears listing the following event identifiers.
• ProposalInitiate
• ProposalCancel
• ProposalFinalize
• ProposalDueDateChanged
• TaskComplete
• TaskAssigned
• TaskReturned
• TaskDueDateChanged
• ProposalCloseToDue
• TaskCloseToDue
• ProposalPastDue
• TaskPastDue

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 73

• TaskPending
4. Click the Edit icon next to the EventId column to edit the EmailMessageTemplate, AlertMessageTemplate,
and MessageType fields.
5. Select the box in the Active column to enable or disable the notifications.
6. Click the Check icon in the first column to submit your changes for the event identifier, or click the Cancel
icon to discard your changes.
7. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

To configure workflow SLAs

1. From the left navigation menu, click Configuration > Domain > Reference Data
2. Select WorkflowSla.
3. Click the Data tab.
A table appears listing the following SLA fields.
SLAs for Workflow

Column Description

SlaTitle Title of the SLA. (For example, Entity Management)

Description Enter a description of the SLA.
ProposalType Select a proposal type from the drop-down list.
TaskType Select a task type from the drop-down list.
DaysToDue Enter a number indicating the number of days until the due
DaysToWarn Enter a number indicating the number of days before a due
date to send a notification.
CloseToDue Select what type of notification to send a user when a task
or proposal is close to its due date. (For example, Email,
PastDue Select what type of notification to send a user when a task
or proposal is past its due date. (For example, Email,
Active Select the box to enable or disable the SLA.
Module The Workflow module is automatically selected.

4. Click the Edit icon next to the SlaTitle column to edit these fields.
5. Click the Check icon in the first column to submit your changes for the SLA, or click the Cancel icon to
discard your changes.
6. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

74 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

4.1.4 Configuring the Credit Presentation Setting
This setting affects all users of the Credit Presentation module and determines the document category for the
credit memos generated out of the module.
Note The out-of-the-box configuration for CreditLens prefills this setting to the Credit Action
Memos category.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organization Level Settings.
3. On the Settings tab, select the Credit Presentation tab.
4. Click the Search icon in the Document storage category field.
5. Select the desired document category.
6. Click OK.

4.1.5 Configuring Salesforce Integration Settings

Enter the information necessary to configure integration with Salesforce.
Note The Salesforce integration is purchased separately and may not be available from your
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organization Level Settings.
3. On the Settings tab, select the Salesforce tab.

4. Enter the information as described in the following table.

Descriptions for Salesforce integration configuration fields

Field Description

Salesforce Api Version Enter the appropriate version of the Salesforce API.
Auth Token Request Url Enter the URL for the API request.
Consumer Key Enter the Salesforce-generated consumer key.
Consumer Secret Code Enter the Salesforce-generated consumer secret code.
User Login Id Enter the API login ID.
Login Password Enter the API password.

5. Click the Save icon.

4.1.6 Configuring MARQ Portal Integration Settings

Enter the information necessary to configure integration with the MARQ portal.
Note The MARQ portal integration is purchased separately and may not be available from
your software.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.

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2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organization Level Settings.
3. On the Settings tab, select the MARQ Portal tab.
4. Enter the information as described in the following table.
Descriptions for MARQ Portal integration Configuration Fields

Field Description

Api Base Url Enter the MARQ portal URL used by the API for integration with CreditLens.
Note: The value entered in this field is provided by Moody's Analytics.
Api Key Enter the API key that is used to identify your institution.
Note: The value entered in this field is provided by Moody's Analytics.
Lender Id Enter a provider ID.
Note: This setting can be used to identify a specific branch within your institution. When
this setting is used, only the MARQ portal information that is appropriate for the branch is
Financial Template Select a financial template in the drop-down list.
The template you select will be the default template used when importing financial
statements from the MARQ portal.

5. Click the Save icon.

4.1.7 Configuring BvD Integration Settings

Enter the information necessary to configure integration with BvD Orbis BankFocus.
Note Use of this module requires a subscription for a technical account with the BvD Orbis
BankFocus product.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organization Level Settings.
3. On the Settings tab, select the BvD Portal tab.
4. Enter the Orbis user ID and Orbis password provided to you when you purchased a technical account
subscription for the BvD Orbis BankFocus product.
5. Click the Save icon.

4.1.8 Configuring Business Insights Settings

For on-premise installations of CreditLens, take the following steps to configure settings that are required for
connecting the CreditLens application to the Qlik Sense server. Connection to this server is required to view
visualizations. If you access CreditLens in the cloud, the fields on this page are read-only. The page accessed
using these steps also provides information about your Business Insights licenses.
Note The Business Insights module is purchased separately and may not be available from your
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organization Level Settings.

76 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

3. On the Settings tab, select the Business Insights tab.
4. Enter the information in the Default section as described in the following table.
Descriptions for fields in the Default section

Field Description

Qlik Server Host Name Fully qualified URL for the Qlik Sense server.
Is Secure Select this checkbox if the Qlik Sense server is set up with HTTPS protocol.
Qlik Virtual Proxy The name of the virtual proxy set up for use by the Credit Lens application to handle
authentication, session handling, and load balancing on the same physical server.
Virtual Proxy Port 4243 is the preset port used for QPS Qlik API communication.
Note: The port can be changed if Qlik installation is customized to use a different port.
Xrfkey Sixteen-character key used to protect against cross-site request forgery.
Click the Decrypt icon to the right of this field to hide the characters.

Note: The only characters that are allowed for use in the Xrfkey are 0 - 9, a - z, and A - Z.
Session Cookie Name The Session Cookie Header Name setting on the Qlik Virtual Proxy.
Session Cookie Domain The Session Cookie Domain setting on the Qlik Virtual Proxy.
Qlik User Account Qlik account that is used to make changes on the Qlik Sense server, for example,
assigning or revoking a user license.

User Directory Directory of Qlik user accounts.

Qlik Tenant Id The name of the Qlik stream containing the apps that a group of your users has specific
access to.

Certificate Friendly Name Certificate that is used by the CreditLens Web Server to make API calls with the Qlik
Sense server.
QRS Port Certificate password verification port.
This is only used within multi-node sites by Qlik Sense Repository Services (QRSs) on rim
nodes to receive the password that unlocks a distributed certificate. The port can only be
accessed from localhost and it is closed immediately after the certificate has been
unlocked. The communication is always unencrypted.

5. If you use Cloud Foundry, enter information in the Cloud Foundry Settings section as described in the
following table.
Descriptions for fields in the Cloud Foundry Settings section

Field Description

Certificate Location Location of the self-signed Qlik certificate.

Certificate Name Name of the self-signed Qlik certificate.
Certificate Password Password for the self-signed Qlik certificate.

6. Click the Save icon.

Viewing Business Insights License Information

The following Business Insights license information appears in the Licensing section:

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 77

Descriptions for fields in the Licensing section

Field Description

Total Purchased Total number of licenses that you have purchased.

Total Available Total number of licenses available to be assigned to users.
Total Available = Total Purchased - (Basic + Advanced + Quarantined)

Basic Total number of Basic licenses that have been assigned to users.
Basic licenses provide access to the core dashboards only. Users cannot create custom
dashboards with this license.

Advanced Total number of Advanced licenses that have been assigned to users.
Advanced licenses provide access to the core dashboards and enable users to create custom

Quarantined Total number of licenses that are quarantined.

When you revoke a user's license, that license is considered quarantined and is unavailable
to be assigned to another user for seven days. However, you can reassign the license to the
user from whom it was revoked within the seven-day period.

4.2 Entering General Information for Your Institution

Enter general information for your institution that is used in the Batch Utility module.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Organization Level Settings.
3. On the Organization Info tab, enter the information for your institution as described in the following
Descriptions for institutional information fields

Field Description

Name Enter the name of the institution.

Address Enter the address of the institution.
City Enter the city in which the institution resides or is headquartered.
Region/State Enter the geographic region or state of the institution.
Zip/Postal Code Enter the ZIP or postal code for the institution.
Chapter Number Enter the Risk Management Association (RMA) chapter number of the institution.
Member Number Enter the Risk Management Association (RMA) member number of the institution.

4. Click the Save icon.

78 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

5 Configuring Financial Analysis Settings

This section provides information about configuring the settings for the Financial Analysis module.
This section contains the following topics:
• Enabling or Disabling Financial Template Add-Ins
• Setting Required Fields in a Financial Template
• Organization Macros
• Rolling Statement Settings
• Managing Exchange Rate Settings
• Global Divisions

5.1 Enabling or Disabling Financial Template Add-Ins

As a system administrator, you can decide which add-ins will be available with each financial template. The
following table describes available add-ins.
Add-in description

Add-in Description

Reporting Table Updates the CreditLens™ database with financial data and EDF™ (Expected Default
Frequency) values returned from the RiskCalc™ web service for an entity. You can
configure the Reporting Table settings in the Studio application.

Batch Reporting Table Automates the process of updating the CreditLens database with the financial data and
EDF values returned from the RiskCalc web service for multiple entities. You can configure
the Reporting Table settings in the Studio application.

PFAAddIn Enables and disables the Proposed Loans and Expand Chart of Accounts add-ins for the
PFA financial template.

PFAAddIn Loans Enables or disables the Proposed Loans add-in for the PFA financial template.

PFAAddIn Schedules Enables or disables the Expand Chart of Accounts add-in for the PFA financial template.

Batch RMA Submission Generates peer data in a transmittal file for the entities that you select.

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To enable or disable an add-in for a financial template
1. From the navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
The Manage Financial Template Add-Ins tab is selected automatically.

2. Select an add-in.
3. Click Edit.
All financial templates are selected automatically. This enables the add-ins for all the selected financial
4. Do either of the following:
• Keep the check boxes selected if you wish to enable the selected add-in for all the templates.
• Click to clear the check boxes for the templates for which you do not wish to enable this add-in.
5. Click OK.

5.2 Setting Required Fields in a Financial Template

As a system administrator, you can specify fields for which entry is mandatory before data can be saved. For
example, you can set up the system so that your institution will require the selection of statement-level source
currency for an entity before the entity can be saved.
A required field is indicated with a red asterisk. When users try to save data without completing the required
field, a validation failure message appears.

80 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

To set required fields
1. From the navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Required Fields tab.

3. Select a field type.

4. Select a financial template.
5. Click Edit.
Note Not all field types are available for all financial templates. If no field type is available
for a financial template, the system displays a messages indicating that no fields are
defined for the selected field type and financial template.
6. In the Edit Required Field area, select the check box to the left of the fields that you want to make required.

7. Click OK.

5.3 Organization Macros

As a system administrator, you can create organization macros and incorporate them into other organization
macros. Organization macros are available to all users at the institution. Users can incorporate these macros in
their user-defined analysis formulas and in their formula macros.
Before you create organization macros, you must be familiar with a financial template and have a thorough
understanding of its components such as classes, types, flows, and accounts.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 81

5.3.1 Variables for Macro Formulas
The system provides a list of variables to create a macro formula.
Variable description

Variable Description

Classes A class is a general group of accounts. For example, the Net Worth/Owner's Equity Class contains the
accounts: Preferred Stock, Common Stock, Paid in Capital, Other Equity, Retained Earnings, Currency
Translation, and Treasury Stock (-).

Types An account type is a broad classification that summarizes and groups related accounts in a general
category. Each account within a class is linked to an account type. The system analyzes accounts
assigned to a particular type similarly without regard for the individual account.

Flows An account flow is a broad classification that summarizes and groups related accounts in a general
category for cash flow purposes only. Each account within a class is linked to an account flow. The
system analyzes accounts assigned to a particular flow similarly in the cash flow without regard for the
individual account.

Accounts An account is associated with a class, type, and flow. Accounts are the most basic component of
financial reports in the system.

Values Values are numeric amounts that do not affect the balancing of financial statements and can only be
added by customizing the financial template with the financial template authoring language. Values are
similar to notes except that you can designate which reports to print on.
Values are not available in the standard general business financial template. However, if you have a
custom financial template, values might be available.

Macros A macro is a financial template-specific mathematical calculation that can be reused in other
mathematical calculations.

Org Macros An organization macro is created and modified only by system administrators. It is available to all users
in an institution for use in calculations. An organization macro can be used within other organization

Operators Mathematical operators are used to build calculations.

5.3.2 Creating an Organization Macro Formula

You can create an organization macro formula with variables. Alternatively, you can create a macro formula by
editing a system-provided macro formula.

To create a macro formula with variables

1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Modify Organization Macro tab.

82 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

3. Select the financial template for which the macro is available.
4. Click Add.

5. Enter a macro name.

6. Select a macro type: Calc or Object.
7. Place your cursor after "MacroValue=" in the formula area.

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8. Click a tab, and select an item to build a formula.
9. To verify that the formula is correct, click Check Syntax.
• If the formula is not correct, the system displays a message indicating where the error exists.
• If the formula is correct, the system displays a success message.
10. To release the macro to users, select the Release macro to production check box.
Note You cannot release a macro to users until its formula is error free.
11. Click OK.

To create a macro formula by editing a system-provided macro formula

1. On the Modify Organization Macro page, place your cursor after "MacroValue=" in the formula area.
2. Click the Macros down arrow.
3. Click Formula next to a macro name.
The system inserts the formula after "MacroValue="
Note If you click the macro name, you cannot edit the macro formula.

4. Edit the formula.

5. Check the formula syntax.
6. Click OK.

5.3.3 Editing a Macro Formula

1. On the Modify Organization Macro page, select a financial template.
2. Select a macro.
3. Click Edit.
4. Edit the name and formula of the macro.
5. Check the formula syntax.

84 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

6. Select the Release macro to production check box.
7. Click OK.

5.3.4 Deleting a Macro

1. On the Modify Organization Macro page, select a financial template.
2. Select a macro.
3. Click Delete.
A confirmation message appears.
4. Click Yes.

5.4 Rolling Statement Settings

As a system administrator, you can enable the Create Rolling Statement function for a financial template.
When you enable this function for a financial template, you must specify the items such as classes, types,
accounts that will be added into a new statement based on existing interim statements. You can manage the
settings for creating a rolling statement.

5.4.1 Adding a Class, Type, or Account in Rolling Statement Creator

1. From the navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Rolling Statement Creator Settings tab.

3. Select a financial template.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 85

4. Click Add Class, Add Type, or Add Account.
5. Select one or more classes, types, or accounts in the list.
Tip To select multiple items, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key, and click the items that you

6. Click Add and Back.

The added item appears in the Items to Sum list.

5.4.2 Deleting an Item in Rolling Statement Creator

1. From the navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Rolling Statement Settings tab.

3. Select a financial template.

86 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

4. Select one or more items from the Items to Sum list.
Tip To select multiple items, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key, and click the items that you
5. Click Delete.
A confirmation message appears.
6. Click Yes.

5.4.3 Setting Values in Rolling Statement Creator

You can select a class, type, or account, and set it at a specific value. For example, you can add the Income/
Expense class and set all values in this class at 0 (zero).
1. From the navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Rolling Statement Settings tab.

3. Select a financial template.

4. Click Set Values.

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5. To add a data item to the Data Items list, click Add Class, Add Type, or Add Account.
6. Select one or more items.
7. Click Add and Back.
8. Enter a value for data items.
9. To use the value of the first interim statement for a data item, select its check box in the Use First
Statement column.
10. Click Save and Back.

5.4.4 Specifying Miscellaneous Settings in Rolling Statement Creator

1. From the navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Rolling Statement Creator Settings tab.

3. Select a financial template.

4. Click Misc. Settings.

88 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

5. Specify the settings as needed.
Setting description

Setting Description

Retain Projection Balances This option is selected automatically and applies only to items that are not
summed or not set to a specific value. To retain the actual values of Balance Sheet
items in projections other than copying the projection type and the entered value,
select this option.
For example, if you select this option and use Projection Type C (% increase/
decrease over prior period) with an amount of 5 that generate a result in a value of
575, the value will be 575, and the Projection Type will revert to A_Actual Amount.
If you do not select this option, the projection item remains at Projection Type C
and 5%.

Use Multiplier Select this setting to enable the following options:

• Apply Multiplier to Statement Periods
• Apply Multiplier to Non-Summed, Non-Specific Value Accounts
• Multiplier Settings

Apply Multiplier to Statement When the Use Multiplier option is selected, the system can apply the multiplier to
Periods summed account values. You can choose whether the multiplier applies to the
initial value in the Period box.
For example, if you select the Apply Multiplier to the Statement Periods option,
when you select a 3-month statement and have a multiplier of 2, the Periods value
is 6.

Apply Multiplier to Non- To apply the multiplier value to all remaining accounts that are not summed or set
Summed, Non-Specific Value to a specific value, select this option.

Multiplier Settings If you select the Use Multiplier option, multiplier settings are available.
• Number—To enter a number for the multiplier, select this option. Usually, the
number can be a value such as an exchange rate that you want to apply to
statements, or Balance Sheet items.
• Account—To use the value of an account as the multiplier, select this option.
You can select an account from the drop-down list.

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6. Click Save and Back.

5.5 Managing Exchange Rate Settings

In the CreditLens system, two types of exchange rates are available:
• The exchange rate that users enter in the chart of account
• The exchange rate that the system generates from the entity-level target currency and the statement-level
source currency
As a system administrator, you can determine which type of exchange rate that the system uses in calculations:
• To use the user-entered exchange rate, specify relevant settings in the Chart of Account Exchange Rate
Settings area.
• To use the generated exchange rate, specify relevant settings in the Exchange Rate Settings area.

To specify settings for the user-entered exchange rate

1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Exchange Rate Settings tab.

3. In the Chart of Account Exchange Rate Settings area, select the settings as appropriate:
• Financial Reports and Consolidations—To use the user-entered exchange rates for financial reports and
consolidations, select this check box. This option is selected automatically.
• Reporting Table, RiskCalc Integration, Internal Rating Models, and Batch Ratings—To use the user-
entered exchange rates for reporting tables, RiskCalc integration, internal rating models, and batch
ratings, select this check box.
• Enforce currency requirements with chart of accounts exchange rates—When either of the preceding
options are selected, this check box becomes available. If you select this option, the system checks the
statement-level source currency and the entity-level target currency. For example, if you select Financial
Reports and Consolidations and this option, the system checks these currencies before generating
financial reports and consolidations. If neither of these currencies is available, the check fails, and a
message appears.
4. Click OK.

90 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

To specify the accuracy level for the generated exchange rate
1. Note If you select the Financial Reports and Consolidations option and the Reporting
Table, RiskCalc Integration, Internal Ratings Models, and Batch Ratings option in
the Chart of Account Exchange Rate Settings area, the Exchange Rate Settings area is
From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Exchange Rate Settings tab.

3. In the Exchange Rate Settings area, select the settings as appropriate:

• Exchange Rate Date Accuracy—The system defines the exchange rate accuracy level by the statement
• Exchange Rate Period Accuracy—The system defines the exchange rate accuracy level by the statement
period. The system only supports the statement period of 3, 6, and 12.
The predefined value in the Exchange Rate Period Accuracy drop-down list varies with the option that
you select.
Predefined period accuracy based on the date accuracy

If you select this date accuracy option Predefined period Period accuracy is disabled?
accuracy is

Exact Exact Periods Yes

Preceding Same Month Any No

Preceding 30 Days Any No

Preceding Year Any Yes

Preceding Any Any Yes

• Require Period End and Period Average exchange rates for dual exchange rate financial templates—To
use the predefined Period End or Period Average exchange rate in a financial template, select the check
Note If this check box is not selected, the system uses both Period End and Period
Average exchange rates in a financial template for calculations.
4. Click OK.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 91

5.6 Statement Settings
On the Statement Settings tab, you can chose to include hidden statements for reconciliation, reporting, or
downstream modules.

5.6.1 Including Hidden Statements in Calculations

To include hidden statements in calculations
1. Log in to the CreditLens software.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
3. Click the Statement Settings tab.
4. Select the Include hidden statements in calculations check box.
5. Click OK.

5.7 Global Divisions

As a system administrator, you can manage global divisions and specify the financial templates that a global
division is available for. You also can configure the sensitivity parameters that indicate moderate, significant, or
very significant ratio changes in consultant reports.

5.7.1 Adding a Global Division

1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Global Divisions tab.

3. Click Add.

92 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

4. Enter a division ID up to three characters.
5. Enter a description up to 50 characters.
6. Click OK.

5.7.2 Editing a Global Division

1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Global Divisions tab.

3. In the list, select a global division.

4. Click Edit.

5. Edit the division ID and description.

6. Click OK.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 93

5.7.3 Deleting a Global Division
1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Global Divisions tab.

3. In the list, select a global division, and click Delete.

A confirmation message appears.
4. Click Yes.

5.7.4 Mapping a Global Division to a Financial Template

To set sensitivity parameters for a global division, you must first map the global division to a financial template.
1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Global Divisions tab.

3. In the list, select a global division.

4. Click Template Mappings.

94 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

5. Select the financial templates that you want to use with the global division.
6. Click OK.

5.7.5 Changing Sensitivity Parameters for a Financial Template

You can change sensitivity parameters for a global division. Consultant reports use sensitivity parameters to
explain the increase, decrease, or both in the borrower's data.
Note Consultant reports are an optional function purchased at additional cost. Your system
might not include Consultant reports.
To change sensitivity parameters for a global division, you must first map the global division to a financial
template. For more information, see Mapping a Global Division to a Financial Template.

To change sensitivity parameters for a financial template

1. From the left navigation menu, click Administration > Financial Analysis Settings.
2. Click the Manage Global Divisions tab.

3. In the list, select a global division.

4. Click Sensitivity Parameters.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 95

5. In the Template list, select the financial template for which you want to edit sensitivity parameters.
A list of sensitivity parameters for the selected global division appears.
6. Select a parameter, and enter a value in the Value column.
7. Click OK.

96 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

6 Working with Risk Model and Grading

As an administrator of the CreditLens™ software, you can perform the following operation to administer the
Risk Grading module:
• Configuring RiskCalc Models
• Configuring Risk Grading System Settings

6.1 Configuring RiskCalc Models

If your institution subscribes to the RiskCalc™ web service, you can use it in the Risk Grading module to
return Expected Default Frequency (EDF™) values for private firm entities. As an administrator, you can
configure the administration settings for RiskCalc models. We strongly recommend that you make
modifications to RiskCalc models when no business users are logged in to CreditLens. For example, make
modifications to RiskCalc models either before or after normal business hours in your organization.
This section provides information and procedures about configuring the administration settings for RiskCalc
models. It contains the following topics:
• Editing RiskCalc Login Information
• Managing RiskCalc Models
• Assigning a RiskCalc Model to Entities
• Editing Peer Analysis Service Information

6.1.1 Editing RiskCalc Login Information

As an administrator, you can enter and edit the RiskCalc login information, including the RiskCalc web service
URL, user ID, and password. All business users in the CreditLens system use the same user ID and password to
access the RiskCalc web service.

To edit RiskCalc login information

1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading Settings.
3. On the Edit RiskCalc Login Information tab, enter the RiskCalc service URL.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 97

This version of the CreditLens software does not support the local RiskCalc service. Therefore, to use the
RiskCalc service, you must use the public RiskCalc site provided by Moody's Analytics instead of the local
RiskCalc site. The public RiskCalc site URL is
4. Enter the RiskCalc user ID and password.
5. Click OK.

6.1.2 Managing RiskCalc Models

On the Manage RiskCalc Models tab, you can edit the general information for each RiskCalc Model and
choose which RiskCalc outputs appear in the RiskCalc reports. You can also select a predefined RiskCalc
model for private firm entities.
Note If the entity's currency is different from the currency of the RiskCalc model, you must
enter an exchange rate between the two currencies to get an EDF value from RiskCalc.
For more information, see Managing Exchange Rate Settings.
This section contains the following topics:
• Editing General Information for a RiskCalc Model
• Editing Outputs for a RiskCalc Model
• Setting the Predefined RiskCalc Model

Editing General Information for a RiskCalc Model

As an administrator, you can edit the general settings for a RiskCalc model.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading Settings.
3. Click the Manage RiskCalc Models tab.
4. Click the RiskCalc model that you want to edit.
5. Click General Info.
6. Enter the appropriate URL for launching a RiskCalc model.
Typically, the URL is
7. Depending on the RiskCalc model you selected, you can configure the credit measure settings. In the EDF
Credit Measure Request area, select one of the options described in the following table.
Option Description

Financial Statements Only Select this option to use the Financial Statement Only (FSO) EDF credit
measure. When this option is selected, no macro variables are used in
determining EDF values.
Credit Cycle Adjusted Select this option to use the Credit Cycle Adjusted (CCA) EDF credit measure.
When this option is selected, macro variables are used in determining EDF
values. RiskCalc does not provide an EDF credit measure for projection data
when this option is selected.
Both Select this option to return both FSO and CCA EDF credit measures.

98 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide

8. If you selected Both in the EDF Credit Measure Request area, the Primary EDF Mode subarea appears.
Select an option to specify the primary EDF mode.
RiskCalc will use both FSO and CCA credit measures to calculate EDF values. However, the External
Rating tab of the Risk Grading Summary page will only display the EDF values calculated using the
primary credit measure (primary EDF mode).
9. In the Financial Template Mappings area, select the financial templates that you want to be available for
business users to use with the selected RiskCalc model.
Not all financial templates are available for your choice with every RiskCalc model. It depends on the
RiskCalc model you selected.
10. Click OK.

Editing Outputs for a RiskCalc Model

As an administrator, you can select which RiskCalc outputs in a RiskCalc model appear in the RiskCalc
1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading Settings.
3. Click the Manage RiskCalc Models tab.
4. Click the RiskCalc model that you want to edit.
5. Click Outputs.
The system displays all available outputs in the model, the financial templates for which each output is
available, the output label that appears in the reports, and a check box for each output per financial
6. For each output that you want to appear in the reports, select the check box in the Show In Report
There is an individual check box for each financial template for which an output is available. If the output
is available for two financial templates, and you want the output to appear in both of those financial
template reports, you must select both check boxes.
Tip To display all outputs for all financial templates in the reports, click Select All.
7. For each output you do not want to appear in the reports, ensure the check box in the Show In Report
column is cleared.
There is an individual check box for each financial template for which an output is available. If the output
is available for two financial templates, and you do not want the reports to appear in either of those
financial template reports, you must ensure both check boxes are not selected.
Tip To remove all outputs for all financial templates from the reports, click Unselect All.

Setting the Predefined RiskCalc Model

As an administrator, you can set a RiskCalc model as the predefined RiskCalc model for private firm entities
that have no RiskCalc models yet.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading Settings.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 99

3. Click the Manage RiskCalc Models tab.
4. Click the RiskCalc model that you want to edit.
5. Click Set as Default.
For private firm entities that have no RiskCalc models yet and use financial templates associated with the
selected RiskCalc model, the system sets the selected RiskCalc model as the predefined RiskCalc model.
For example, suppose a private firm entity is newly created or has no RiskCalc model yet. A business user
selects a financial template for the entity.
• If the financial template is associated with the predefined RiskCalc model, on the External Rating tab,
the system automatically assigns the predefined RiskCalc model to the entity. The business user can
change it if needed.
• If the financial template is not associated with the predefined RiskCalc model, on the External Rating
tab, the system assigns no RiskCalc model to the entity. The business user can select a RiskCalc model as

Input Launch and Load Root URL

1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.

2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading.
3. Click the Manage RiskCalc Models tab.
4. Select a RiskCalc model.
5. Click General Information. The General Info page opens.
6. In the Launch and Load text box, enter [].
7. Click Ok. The Launch and Load and Peer Analysis functions will use the new URL.

6.1.3 Assigning a RiskCalc Model to Entities

As an administrator, you can assign a RiskCalc model to a batch of entities that satisfy specified criteria.

To assign a RiskCalc model to entities

1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading Settings.
3. Click the Edit Risk Model Assignments tab.
4. Click a financial template, and click Edit.
In the Entities List of the Search Results area, the system displays all the entities that use the selected
financial template.
5. To narrow the search results, enter search criteria in the Search Criteria area, and click Search.
In the Entities List of the Search Results area, the system displays all the entities that satisfy the search
6. For the entities that satisfy the search criteria, perform one or more of the following operations as needed:

100 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
To ... Do ...

Select one entity 1. In the Entities List, click an entity.

2. Click the right arrow button to add the entity to the Selected Entities list.
Select multiple entities 1. In the Entities List, perform either of the following operations as needed:
• Hold down the Ctrl button, and click multiple entities.
• Click the first entity that you want to select, hold down the left mouse
button and drag to the last entity that you want to select.
2. Click the right arrow button to add the entities to the Selected Entities list.
Deselect one entity 1. In the Selected Entities list, click an entity.
2. Click the left arrow button to remove the entity from the Selected Entities

Deselect multiple entities 1. In the Selected Entities list, perform either of the following operations as
• Hold down the Ctrl button and then click multiple entities.
• Click the first entity that you want to select, hold down the left mouse
button and drag to the last entity that you want to select.
2. Click the left arrow button to remove the entities from the Selected Entities

Select all entities Perform either of the following operations:

• Click the double-right arrows button to add all entities in the Entities List to
the Selected Entities list.
• Select the Set Default Risk Model for all entities meeting the search
criteria check box.

Deselect all entities Click the double-left arrows button and then click Yes to remove all entities from
the Selected Entities list.

Note: If you selected the Set Default Risk Model for all entities meeting the
search criteria check box to select all entities, you can clear the check box to
deselect all entities.

7. From the Risk Models drop-down list, select the RiskCalc model that you want to assign to the selected
8. If the RiskCalc model supports the peer analysis feature, select the Peer Group for it.
9. Click Finish.
10. Click Yes to confirm the operation.
The system assigns the RiskCalc model to each selected entity no matter what RiskCalc model the entity is
using now.

6.1.4 Editing Peer Analysis Service Information

As an administrator, you can edit the URL for the peer analysis web service.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading Settings.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 101
3. Click the Edit Peer Analysis Service Information tab.
4. Enter the URL for the peer analysis web service.
Typically, the URL is
5. Click OK.

6.2 Configuring Risk Grading System Settings

As an administrator, you can edit settings controlling the display of the Final Proposed Rating pane for all
business users in the CreditLens system.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Risk Grading Settings.
3. On the Risk Grading System Settings tab, specify the settings as needed.
Warning! The Enable Master Scale should not be set. Setting this option can cause problems
with data integrity. This setting should only be modified during the initial setup by
Moody's Analytics. For questions regarding this option, contact Moody's Analytics
Field Description

Enable Rating Gauge This option determines whether the Final Proposed Rating pane appears on the Internal
Rating tab of the Risk Grading Summary page.
Enable Grade Validation for This setting is used to enforce the use of grades and PDs. In the case that a rating model
Approve only outputs a score, and no grade or PD then this should be disabled to enable score-only
model outputs to be approved.

102 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
Field Description

Gauge good - bad direction This option determines the direction of the rating scale in the Final Proposed Rating
• From right to left—Bad ratings appear on the left of the diagram while good ratings
appear on the right.

• From left to right—Good ratings appear on the left of the diagram while bad ratings
appear on the right.

4. Click Save.

6.3 Configuring Master Scale

If the Master Scale feature has been enabled during software installation, as an administrator user, you can
configure master scale grades as well as mapping between model scale and master scale grades.
This section describes how to configure master scale and model scale grades for the CreditLens software.

6.3.1 Configuring Master Scale Grades

1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator user.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Configuration > Domain.
3. Click the Reference Data tab.
4. Select Tenant from the Active Module drop-down list.
5. Enter MasterScale in the search box, and click Search.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 103
6. Click MasterScale in the search results area.
The MasterScale reference data page appears.
7. Click the Data tab.
8. Perform the following steps to add a master scale grade.
a. Click the Add icon in the master scale grades table.

b. Enter values for the master scale grade fields.

c. Click the Check icon in the first column of the master scale grade to confirm the input.
9. To add additional master scale grades, repeat the preceding steps.
10. After you have added all master scale grades, click the Save icon located above the master scale grades table.

104 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
6.3.2 Configuring Mappings Between Model Scale Grades and Master
Scale Grades
1. Log in to the CreditLens Studio software.
2. In the top menu bar, select File > CreditLens Studio Mode > Configuration Console.
3. Connect to the CreditLens web server.
4. Click the Internal Rating Model Settings link.

5. Click the Block Input/Properties tab.

6. Locate the row of the rating model for which you want to configure mappings between model scale and
master scale grades, and click its Configure column.
An icon with three dots appears beside the Configure column.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 105
7. Click the … icon.
8. Locate the row whose Input ID column is GradePDMap, and click its Value column.
An icon with three dots appears beside the Value column.

9. Click the … icon.

10. In the Master Scale Id column of each model scale grade, input the corresponding master scale ID to map
the model scale grade to master scale grade.
Note The master scale ID is the ID that you entered for a master scale grade in Configuring
Master Scale Grades.

106 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
11. Click OK three times.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 107
108 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
7 Working with Batch Utility

The Batch Utility module enables business administrators to process information for multiple entities. The
system enables the selection of multiple entities and specific batch operation options (for example, Batch
Financial Analysis, Batch Rating) to be performed and executed upon the selected entities. For example, the
Batch Financial Analysis operation enables the ability to update a database with summary data, specify peer
assignments, and perform Risk Management Associations (RMA) submission for the entities selected.
This section includes these topics:
• Conducting Batch Rating
• Assigning an Internal Rating Model to Entities
• Working with Batch Financial Analysis

7.1 Conducting Batch Rating

The Batch Rating function enables you to simultaneously rate multiple entities with a single internal rating
model. The system can calculate a borrower rating for each entity successfully processed.
The system might require some specific entity information for a rating to be assigned successfully. Before you
run a Batch Rating, make sure that the entities meet the required criteria. The required criteria is rating-model
specific, but typical conditions include the following:
• If the internal rating model contains financial values, the balance sheet must balance.
• If the internal rating model contains financial values, Retained Earnings must reconcile.
• The entity must have a valid peer. You can assign peers to multiple entities in the Administration module.
For more information, see Specifying Peer Assignments.
• The entity must be assigned an internal rating model. You can assign an internal rating model to multiple
entities in the Administration module. For more information, see Assigning an Internal Rating Model to
• If you have selected a statement-level source or target currency (or both), an exchange rate must be defined.
• If an entity does not meet the criteria designated for the internal rating model, the
Batch Rating process is unsuccessful for those entities.
• If there is missing data for an entity, such as user-entry fields that have not been
entered, the internal rating model might not produce a rating (depending on the
model) though there are results for any completed sections.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 109
1. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Batch Utility > Batch Rating.
2. In the Search Criteria area, specify the search fields.

Field Description

Long Name Enter the long name of the entity.

Alias Enter an abbreviated version of the name of the entity.
Country of Risk Select the country of risk from the drop-down list.
Financial Template Select a financial template from the drop-down list.
Firm Type Select a firm type from the drop-down list.
Rating Model Select a rating model from the drop-down list.
Approved Date Click the Calendar icons to specify the approved date
Primary Banking Officer Select a primary banking officer from the drop-down list.
Primary Credit Officer Select a primary credit officer from the drop-down list.
Business Portfolio/Banking Unit Select the business portfolio or banking unit category in
which the relationship manager belongs to. (For example,
Commercial Banking > APAC - Asia Pacific > Singapore.)
1. Click the Search icon to select the team that is in
charge of the business portfolio or banking unit. The
Look-up dialog box appears.
2. To filter the team, enter the exact word or expand the
3. Based on your search results, select the team, and click

3. To automatically approve ratings after the batch rating, select the Auto Approve Rating After Batch Rating
check box.
4. To select and rate specific entities, do the following:
a. Turn on Is Search Result Required?.
b. Click Search.
c. From the search results, select one or more entities.
d. Click Process.
Note If you do not turn on Is Search Result Required?, the search results will not be
displayed, and the system selects all the entities that meet the search criteria
5. To rate all entities that meet the search criteria, click Process All.
The system launches the Batch Rating process and saves the logs in the BatchRating Domain Model.

110 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
Note While Batch Rating can be useful in several situations, the following scenarios require
that you run Batch Rating to ensure entity data is up-to-date.
• If your organization modifies an internal rating model (for example, modifies
weights, adds or deletes factors, etc.), all entities assigned to that internal rating
model should be processed using Batch Rating. After processing, you should also
run these entities through the Reporting Table batch operation to ensure that the
Reporting Table data reflects the most recent entity data.
• If your organization modifies a financial template (for example, modifies
calculations, adds or deletes accounts, etc.), and the modification impacts a factor
in an internal rating model, all entities assigned to that financial template should
be processed using Batch Rating. After processing, you should also run these
entities through the Reporting Table batch operation to ensure that the Reporting
Table data reflects the most recent entity data.
• If your organization makes internal rating model-related configuration changes in
the Configuration Console, all entities assigned to the internal rating model or
models to which the changes were applied should be processed using Batch Rating.
After processing, you should also run these entities through the Reporting Table
batch operation to ensure that the Reporting Table data reflects the most recent
entity data.
• If your organization modifies RiskCalc Inputs in the Financial Template Author,
any entities assigned to an internal rating model that includes an EDF assessment,
or any entities assigned to a facility model that uses the EDF measure as the
probability of default, should be processed using Batch Rating. After processing,
you should also run these entities through the Reporting Table batch operation to
ensure that the Reporting Table data reflects the most recent entity data.
• If you update your RMA data, any entities affected by this should be processed
using Batch Rating. After processing, you should also run these entities through
the Reporting Table batch operation to ensure that the Reporting Table data
reflects the most recent entity data.

7.2 Assigning an Internal Rating Model to Entities

As an administrator, you can assign an internal rating model to a batch of entities that satisfy certain criteria.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator.
2. In the left navigation menu, select Administration > Batch Utility > Internal Rating Models Assignments.
3. Click a financial template and then click Edit.
In the Entities List of the Search Results area, the system displays all the entities that use the selected
financial template.
4. To narrow the search results, enter search criteria in the Search Criteria area, and click Search.
In the Entities List of the Search Results area, the system displays all the entities that satisfy the search
5. For the entities that satisfy the search criteria, perform one or more of the following operations as needed:

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 111
To ... Do ...

Select one entity 1. In the Entities List, click an entity.

2. Click the right arrow button to add the entity to the Selected Entities list.
Select multiple entities 1. In the Entities List, perform either of the following operations as needed:
• Hold down the Ctrl button and then click multiple entities.
• Click the first entity that you want to select, hold down the left mouse
button, and drag to the last entity that you want to select.
2. Click the right arrow button to add the entities to the Selected Entities list.
Deselect one entity 1. In the Selected Entities list, click an entity.
2. Click the left arrow button to remove the entity from the Selected Entities

Deselect multiple entities 1. In the Selected Entities list, perform either of the following operations as
• Hold down the Ctrl button and then click multiple entities.
• Click the first entity that you want to select, hold down the left mouse
button, and drag to the last entity that you want to select.
2. Click the left arrow button to remove the entities from the Selected Entities

Select all entities Perform either of the following operations:

• Click the double-right arrow button to add all entities in the Entities List to
the Selected Entities list.
• Select the Set Default Risk Model for all entities meeting the search
criteria check box.

Deselect all entities Click the double-left arrow button and then click Yes to remove all entities from
the Selected Entities list.

Note: If you selected the Set Default Risk Model for all entities meeting the
search criteria check box to select all entities, you can clear the check box to
deselect all entities.

6. From the Internal Rating Models drop-down list, select an internal rating model that you want to assign to
the selected entities.
7. Click Finish.
8. Click Yes to confirm the operation.
The system assigns the internal rating model to the primary rating of each selected entity no matter which
internal rating model the entity's proposed primary rating is using now.

7.2.1 Configuring Internal Rating Models

As an administrator, you can use the CreditLens Studio software to configure the internal rating models. For
more information, see the Using the Configuration Console > Internal Rating Model Settings section of the
CreditLens Studio Online Help.

112 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
7.3 Working with Batch Financial Analysis
The Batch Financial Analysis operations enable business administrators to process financial analysis for
multiple entities. The system enables the selection of batch operation options (for example, Reporting Table,
RMA Submission) to be performed upon a specific batch. For example, the Reporting Table batch operation
updates a database with the summary data for all entities selected.
This section includes these topics:
• Selecting Entities for Batch Financial Analysis
• Performing Reporting Table Batch Operation
• Specifying Peer Assignments
• Performing RMA Submission

7.3.1 Selecting Entities for Batch Financial Analysis

Select entities for a Batch Financial Analysis operation by specifying the desired search criteria.
1. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Batch Utility > Batch Financial Analysis.
2. From the Batch Operation drop-down list, select Reporting Table, Peer Selection, or RMA Submission.
3. In the Search Criteria area, specify the search fields.

Field Description

Long Name Enter the long name of the entity.

Alias Enter an abbreviated version of the name of the entity.
Financial Template Select a financial template from the drop-down list.
Entity Type Select the type of an entity from the drop-down list.
Industry Classification Select an industry classification from the drop-down list.
Industry Code Enter an industry code, or click the Search icon to search
for and select an industry code.
Primary Banking Officer Select a primary banking officer from the drop-down list.
Primary Credit Officer Select a primary credit officer from the drop-down list.
Business Portfolio Select the business portfolio category in which the
relationship manager belongs to. (For example,
Commercial Banking > APAC - Asia Pacific > Singapore.)
1. Click the Search icon to select the team that is in
charge of the business portfolio. The Look-up dialog
box appears.
2. To filter the team, enter the exact word or expand the
3. Based on your search results, select the team, and click

Credit Portfolio Select the team that is in charge of the entity credit portfolio
from the drop-down list. (For example, APAC Team)
Country of Incorporation Select a country of incorporation from the drop-down list.

CreditLens™ Administration Guide Moody's Analytics Confidential Information - Do Not Redistribute 113
4. To select specific entities, do the following:
a. Turn on Is Search Result Required?.
b. Click Search.
c. From the search results, select one or more entities.
Note If you do not turn on Is Search Result Required?, the search results are not
displayed, and the system selects all of the entities that meet the search criteria

7.3.2 Performing Reporting Table Batch Operation

Each time a financial statement in the Completed or Reviewed status is saved, the CreditLens™ software
calculates and stores financial data in the Reporting Tables. The Reporting Table batch operation enables you
to update a database with the summary data for all the selected entities.
1. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Batch Utility > Batch Financial Analysis.
2. From the Batch Operation drop-down list, select Reporting Table.
3. In the Search Criteria area, specify the search fields. For more information, see Selecting Entities for Batch
Financial Analysis.
4. Click Next.
5. In the Private EDF Data Current Date field, enter a date, or click the Calender icon to select a date.
This field ensures that the Private EDF measured in the Reporting Tables are calculated using market data
from the same month.
• If you leave this field empty, the system automatically uses the current date.
• HOSP117 users do not use EDF measures. The information in this field is not
relevant if and only if HOSP117 entities are selected.
6. Click Process.
The system launches the Reporting Table batch process and saves the logs in the BatchUpdatePortfolioLog
Domain Model.
Note Depending on how many entities are selected, the batch process might take a few
hours. We recommend running this process overnight if many entities have been

7.3.3 Specifying Peer Assignments

The Peer Selection batch operation enables a peer to be assigned to multiple entities simultaneously. Select the
appropriate financial template, and assign the peer to the selected entities associated with that financial
1. In the navigation menu, selectAdministration > Batch Utility > Batch Financial Analysis.
2. From the Batch Operation drop-down list, select Peer Selection.

114 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
3. In the Search Criteria area, specify the search fields. For more information, see Selecting Entities for Batch
Financial Analysis.
4. Click Next.

5. From the Data Set drop-down list, select a data set.

Note Depending on the data set that you select, some fields on the Peer Selection page
might not be available. For example, if you select Defaults Database, the Category
field is not available.
6. From the Industry drop-down list, select the industry.
7. From the Product/Service drop-down list, select the product or service category.
8. From the Category drop-down list, select one of the following categories:
• Assets—Select this category to compare the entity to companies within a specific asset size range.
• Totals—Select this category to compare the entity to all companies within the industry.
• Sales—Select this category to compare the entity to all companies within a specific sales size range.
9. Click Process.
10. In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click Yes.

7.3.4 Performing RMA Submission

The RMA Submission batch operation enables you to generate data and submit it electronically to Risk
Management Association (RMA). You can specify the industry model and select multiple entity files for RMA
Note RMA Submission is available only for the standard MMAS, AUTO, CONTR, and
HOSP117 financial templates. If running a customized version of one of the financial
templates, you cannot use the standard RMA Submission. Contact Moody’s Analytics
Support for further assistance.
The RMA Submission batch operation creates a submission file RMASUBM<YY>.TXT. After generating the
submission file, you can send the file to RMA.

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Note Depending on the year when the system creates the file, the last two digits of the year
replace YY in the RMASUBM<YY>.TXT file name. For example, if the program creates
the file in 2017, the file name is RMASUBM17.TXT.
This section includes these topics:
• Preparation: Entering the SIC/NAICS Code
• Creating an RMA Submission File
• Creating Multiple RMA Submission Files
• Sending RMASUBM.TXT Files to RMA
• Translating Encrypted RMA IDs

Preparation: Entering the SIC/NAICS Code

Before you generate RMA submission files, enter the SIC/NAICS code of the entity.
1. In the navigation menu, select Entity Search.
2. Search for and open the entity.
3. On the Entity Information page, navigate to the Manage Information > Business tab, and select the entity
a. In the Industry Information pane, select an option from the Industry Classification drop-down list.
b. Click the Add icon. A new row of cells appears.
c. Click the highlighted cell in the Industry Code column.
d. Click the Search icon. The Look-up dialog box appears. You can filter the industry code based on the
following: Data Set/Industry/Product/Service.
e. Based on your search results, select the industry code ID, and click OK.
f. Click the highlighted cell in the Percentage column.
g. In the Percentage cell, enter a distribution percentage.
• Make sure that the sum of distribution percentages for all industrial
classifications is 100%.
• CreditLens automatically assigns the primary code according to the percentage
• If industry codes are of the same percentage, for example, 50%/50%, you need
to tag a primary code.
h. Click Save.
4. Click the Basic Details tab, and enter the entity address information.
a. In the Address pane, click the Add icon.
b. Enter the address information. This information is required for RMA submission.
c. Click Save.

116 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
Creating an RMA Submission File
Create a submission file by performing the RMA Submission batch operation.
1. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Batch Utility > Batch Financial Analysis.
2. From the Batch Operation drop-down list, select RMA Submission.
3. In the Search Criteria area, specify the search fields. For more information, see Selecting Entities for Batch
Financial Analysis.
4. Click Next.

5. In the Statement Date Range pane, specify the statement date range.
• Beginning—Enter or select the earliest annual statement date that you want to include for submission.
• Ending—Enter or select the latest annual statement date that you want to include for submission.
Note If a selected entity has a year-end statement that falls within the selected date range,
the entity is included in the submission file. If the entity has more than one year-end
statement that meets the criteria, only the most recent statement is submitted.
6. In the Total Assets Range pane, select one of the following total assets ranges:
• All Assets—Select this option to include all entities regardless of the asset size.
• Selected Sizes—Select this option to specify an asset range in the From and To fields. Enter the asset size
in thousands. (For example, enter 100 for an asset size of 100,000.)
7. In the Submitter Information pane, enter the submitter information.
• Name—Enter your name. Do not enter your organization name.
• Telephone—Enter your telephone number where RMA can reach you.
• Fax—Enter your fax number.
• Email—Enter your email address.

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8. In the Options pane, select one of the following check boxes:
• Include Hidden Statements—Select this check box if you want to include the hidden statements of the
• Include Previously Submitted Entities—Select this check box if you want to include entities that you
have submitted previously. This option is only for this RMA reporting period.
9. In the Organization Information pane, enter your organization information.
Note Before you can submit information to RMA electronically, ensure that you complete
the organization information including the three-digit Chapter Number and the
eight-digit RMA Member Number.
10. To append an existing submission file, in the Destination pane, select the Append to Existing File check
box, and click Choose File to select the target file.
11. Click Process.
The RMA submission file (RMASUBM<YY>.TXT) is generated. You can open and save the file to your
local drive.
• To ensure confidentiality, the entity long name is not submitted to RMA. The
long name is encrypted before being submitted. To translate the encrypted entity
long name, use the translation tool. For more information, see Translating
Encrypted RMA IDs.
• The system does not include consolidated entities in the submission.

Creating Multiple RMA Submission Files

If you are generating multiple RMA submission data files, select a different directory for each file. To create
multiple RMA submissions, you can do one of the following when creating the RMASUBM<YY>.TXT file:
• Append all the RMA submission data into a single RMASUBM<YY>.TXT file. RMA strongly prefers to
have all submitted data in a single file. For more information about how to append the existing file, see
Creating an RMA Submission File.
• Change the destination directory of the RMASUBM<YY>.TXT file. You can create multiple
RMASUBM<YY>.TXT files and save each in a separate directory.
Note Do not rename the .TXT file to correspond to the folder (directory) name. Each
RMA submissions file must be named RMASUBM<YY>.TXT. When shipping to
RMA, include the corresponding RMASUBM<YY>.TXT file in each of the
directories. For example,\Middlemkt\RMASUBM<YY>.txt, \CLOTHING
\RMASUBM<YY>.txt. RMA suggests that you include a note with your submission,
indicating that data files are in subdirectories.

Sending RMASUBM.TXT Files to RMA

After you generate the RMASUBM<YY>.TXT files, send the files to RMA.
1. Send the submission file that you generated to RMA via an email message (, or copy the
file to a CD, and send the CD to RMA at the following address:

118 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
Risk Management Association, Statement Studies Unit, 1801 Market Street, Ste 300 Philadelphia, PA
You can also call RMA at 1-800-677-7621.
2. To send multiple submission files to RMA, follow the instructions as described in Creating Multiple RMA
Submission Files to create multiple submission files and send them to RMA.

Translating Encrypted RMA IDs

To ensure confidentiality, the entity long name is not submitted to RMA. The long name is encrypted before
The RMA Submission batch operation produces the RMA ID in place of the long name. The RMA ID is
included in the RMASUBM<YY>.TXT file that you send to RMA. The entity long name is not included in the
To translate the RMA ID into the entity long name, use the RMA ID translation utility that you can find in
the CreditLens installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Moodys Analytics\CreditLens).
1. To locate the directory, use Windows Exporer.
2. Double-click the RMAID.EXE file.
3. Enter the RMA ID in the ID to be Translated field. You can find RMA IDs in the RMASUBM<YY>.TXT
Note This field is case-sensitive.
4. Click Translate.
The entity long name will appear in the Translated ID field.
5. To translate another RMA ID, click Clear Entries, and repeat steps 3-4.

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120 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
8 MAP Configuration

The Model Authoring Platform (MAP) module enables CreditLens to link to an external calculation engine in
order to perform PD analysis and LGD calculations.
As an administrator, you can configure the connections to the external servers you wish to use in the
Administration module.

8.1 Managing MAP Server Connections

As an administrator you can configure the connections to the external servers you wish to use in the
administration module.
1. Log in to the CreditLens sofware as an administrator user.
2. In the Navigation menu, click Administration.
3. Select Model Authoring Platform. Any existing connections display in the table.

8.2 Adding a New Connection String

1. Log in to the CreditLens sofware as an administrator user.
2. In the Navigation menu, click Administration > Model Authoring Platform. Any existing connections
display in the table.
3. Click the green Plus icon. Fill the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description

Name The name you wish to apply to this connection string. This
handle will be used througout the system for this
Engine Select which programming language is used for the
external calculations at this connection.
Connection string This is the address of the web service, including the port
which is exposing the external calculation model.
Active Whether or not this connection string is active and available
for use in calculations in CreditLens.

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4. Once you fill the table, click the green Check to save the record.
5. Click the Save icon at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

8.3 Testing a Connection String

You can check to see if a connection string is valid by following these steps from within the Model Authoring
1. Check the boxes on the left of the rows you wish to test.
2. Click the blue Test Connection button at the bottom of the page. The software displays the test results in
the third column from the left. The possible results are described in the following table.
Test Result Icon Description

Connection untested, status of the external calculation server unknown.

Connection test is successful and the connection is valid.

Connection test failed. Click the red exclamation mark to find more information on the cause of the

8.4 Modifying a Connection String

To update a connection string from within the Model Authoring Platform
1. Click the Edit icon associated with the row you wish to update.
2. Edit the fields as required.
3. Click the Green Check after modifying each row.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for any other rows you wish to update.
5. Click the Save icon at the bottom of the page to save all updates.

8.5 Deleting a Connection String

To delete a connection string from within the Model Authoring Platform.
1. Click the red Delete icon associated with the row you wish to delete.
2. Repeat step 1 for any other rows you wish to delete.
3. Click the Save icon at the bottom of the page to save the changes to the configuration.

122 Produced by Moody's Analytics - ERS Technical Communications CreditLens™ Administration Guide
9 Working with Job Scheduler

Job Scheduler is a time scheduler utility that can run cron jobs for specific tasks at certain scheduled times (For
example, run monthly update portfolio job for projections statements), or run a job on-demand (For example,
migrate legacy financial templates). The following recurring jobs are available in CreditLens and have been
scheduled using cron triggers:
• Batch Update Portfolio Job
• Batch Rating Recurring Job
• Purge Data Job
• Update Portfolio Job

9.1 Managing Job Scheduler

As an administrator, you can use the CreditLens software to manage a group of jobs, a single job, or triggers
associated with jobs.
1. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator user.
2. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Job Scheduler. The Job Scheduler properties, statistics,
controls, and jobs group appears. Each job group may have one or more jobs grouped together, and each
job may or may not have a trigger assigned to it.
3. Click the Job Name (For example, Purge Data Job). More details about the job appears.

4. Click the Arrow icon next to Group, Job, or Trigger names.

5. Select the relevant actions to manage the job (For example, delete job from the Job Scheduler), as necessary.

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9.2 Configuring Cron Jobs
After the CreditLens™ software is installed, change the cron job schedule through the qrtz_cron_triggers
table in the database.
1. Connect to the database using any Postgres SQL tool.
2. Locate the qrtz_cron_triggers table, or run the following SQL script: Select * From
xxx.qrtz_cron_triggers where xxx denotes the schema name. A list of cron jobs appears.

3. Edit the cron expression as needed.

4. Log in to the CreditLens software as an administrator user.
5. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Job Scheduler.
6. Check whether the schedule of the cron job has been updated accordingly, or you can run the job

9.3 Using Scheduler Log

The Scheduler Log page enables you to search for jobs that have been run or find jobs that have errors.

To search using the scheduler log page

1. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Job Scheduler > Scheduler Log.
2. Enter information in the search fields as shown in the following table. You can enter complete or partial
information in the fields, or select from any of the drop-down lists.
Search Criteria Pane

Field Description

Job Id Enter the job Id.

Message Enter the message (For example, job started or job completed).
Log Type Select the type of log from the drop-down list.

Note You can click Search History to retrieve the last 15 search criteria and then click the
desired search history to display the search results.
3. Click Search. A list of jobs with the following information appears on the Search Results pane.

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Search Results pane

Field Description

Job Id Displays the Job ID.

Message Displays the message.
Log Type Displays the log type.
Time Stamp Displays the time stamp of the trigger.

9.4 Trigger Covenant Status Job

You must trigger the covenant status job to begin tracking covenants.
1. In the navigation menu, select Administration > Job Scheduler.
2. From the Scheduler Panel, scroll down to Covenant Status transition Job.
3. Click the drop-down menu on the right and select Execute Now.

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