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Maximum Markss
Time Allowed: 3 Hrs
Same as Sample Paper-1
General Instructions:


1. The problem of the conservation of historical monuments (statues, columns, ancient buildinoeand
I. Read the passage glven
deterioration process
ildings) requi
about the
actual rateof deterioration. Among the most active which
causes bring
of weathering, We can cite: (i)rticular
the weolect
due t
environmental agents
accurate study of the many
is in
effects and partic ning of the
which is caused by complex and condensationie
outer layer of the art work, between the
effects ofrainwater
artwork (a comparison and wet phase.
of the outer layer of the in both the dry
action of pollutants captured
the chemico-physical of the monument, the capture an4
on many
factors: the past history particularly those supplyino st
2. The destructive processes depend conditions,
of some microclimatic variations on the monument a
of the pollutants, and the frequency and seasonal
chemical reactions. To this end studies of diurnal tof both
necessary for
are very important.
the heat wave and the fuxes
of moisture and energy
3. Some of these processes have been shown with microclimatic studies and microphysical investigation assoocases
material. Mathematical models in some
samples of weathered
with mineralogic and chemical analyses of reconstruction of past data.
radiation and temperature) permit
physical simulation,
different epochs, situated at various sit
(especially for solar
monuments from
into the future observation of many
extrapolation masked by, other effects.
fundamental processes that are
often associated with, or
gives examples of the
rainwater and atmospheric pollutant
are due to the
combined action of
4. The main weathering processes on the surtace of the monument. The wa
due to combustion) deposited
(particularly the carbonaceous particles activate the dry depositwithou
in fact, a short drizzle can
in which the surface is wetted is very important:
the is of secondary importance; on the other hand, showen
of rain droplets
washing it away, and in this case pH in a thinning of
water which favours dissolution
ofthe stone and removal of the solute, resulting
supply abundant
laminar or turbulent) ofthe vwater flowing
factor is the dynamic regime (i.e.
the original rock. Another important
over the surface of the monument.
or calcareous monuments is only wetted,
but protected from runoff, black
5. In zones where the surface of marble in the crusts) are
and calcite with carbonaceous particles embedded
crusts (characterized by crystals of gypsum
authentic calcite
also subjected to a thinning of the rock and small
formed. Zones subjected to heavy run-off are
crystals form that are white in appearance.
of the
marble and limestone sulphation is not the main cause
6. In the case of relatively unpolluted towns, where
deterioration process, biological deterioration mechanisms are
often very important, due to the activity of epiitne

and endolithic microflora and microfauna.

7. The case ofparticularly precious mortars, e.g. murals or frescoes, is discussed

in order to clarify the thermodynamie
that act on the causco
method proposed for the analysis of experimental campaigns. Finally actions are described
and not only on the effects.
1x10 10
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below:
List any two factors on which the destructive processes of historical monuments depend.

n The problem of the conservation of historical monuments requires 1

(a) an
understanding of the deterioration process
(b) an acurate study of the many environmental agents.
(c) an accurate assunmption of effects of rainwater.
(d) an
understanding of the effects caused by the chemico-physical action of pollutants.
(ii The main weathering processes of the monument are caused due to the deposition ot on the surface of
the monument.
(a)gypsum and calcite with carbonaceous
the heat wave and the fluxes of
(b) moisture and energy
() pollutants which weaken the art work
(d)the combined action of rainwater
and atmospheric pollutants
) What tavours the dissolution of
the stonc and removal of the solute, resulting in thinning of the
a original
()To understand the destructive process of a monument it is very important to study the
(a) moisture deposited on the monument yearly.
b) understand the variations of heat
affecting the monument.
(c) diurnal and seasonal variations on the
(d) fuxes of energy
experienced by the monument.
(vi) Fill in the blank by selecting the correct
Zones that experience
are also subjected to a thinning of the rock and small authentic calcite crystals
form that are white in the monument.
appearance on
(a) extreme air pollution
(6) acid rainfall
(c) harsh winds
(d) heavy run-off
vi) Which of the following will be the most
appropriate title of the passage?
(a) Deterioration Process of Historical Monuments (b) Monuments and
their Deteriorations
(c) The Legacy of Monuments
(a) The Science of Deterioration
(viin) Complete the following analogy correctly with a
word/phrase from paragraph 2:
tree: sap : hydrant :

(Clue: Just like a tree is a source

of sap, similarly a hydrant is a source of..)
(ix) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE:
When talking about weathering
processes, the way in which the surface is wetted is
(x) Substitute the word 'weathering' with ONE WORD similar very important.
in meaning, in the
paragraph 4: following sentence from
The main weathering
processes are due to the combined action of rainwater and
IL. Read the
passage given below. atmospheric pollutants... 1
1. The 10
report, progress household drinking water, sanitation and

inequalities, is the most recent publication by the hygiene (2000-2017): Special focus on
global progress in achieving the water and sanitation Monitoring Programme, which tracks
portion of the UN's Sustainable
2. The 17 SDGs aim is to "end
poverty in all its forms Development Goals (SDGs).
safe and adequate everywhere" by 2030. Goal 6 calls for universal access to
access to drinking water and sanitation services.
According to the new report, progress has been made since 2000,
report delineates between access to basic yet billions of people are still
services, which has greatly underserved. The
improved, and access to "safely managed"
Services, which is inadequate in many parts of the world. Only about 45 percent of the global no

access to safely- managed sanitation services. In 2017, an tinued toonope has

estimated 673 million people contin
detecate, most of them in 61 "high burden" countries where the practice remained common amono.

percent of the population.

among more openl
4. To quality as being "safely managed", drinking water must meet three criteria: be accessible on the
be available for at least 12 hours per day, and be free from E. coli, arsenic, or fluoride contamination. S

Is considered safely managed when facilities are not shared with other households, olds, and waste is
on-site or at an off-site facility.
S. In 2017, an estimated 5.3 billion people had access to safely-managed drinking water. Of that number
er, 14 billion
used basic services, 206 million used limited services, 435 used unimproved sources, and the remain
million relied on untrcated surface water.
6. Poor and nural populations are at the greatest risk of being left behind. In 2017, urban access to
basic d-
water services
7. In terms
was at 97 percent, while rural coverage was at 81 percent.

of sanitation, an estimated 2.1 billion basic services

but 2 billion remain without
people gained access to between 2000 and -

8. The report also focuses on

access. 2017,
improvements in eliminating open defecation. Between 2000 and
2017, the
2017, the global
rate of open defecation fell from 21 percent to 9 percent. e

Four SDGS regions had estimates for safely managed drinking water in 2017
100% 2628 2
2 100 100
80% 16 34 90 20 E Surface water
40 74 25 Unimproved
82 Limited
60% 29 Basic
40%28: 52
Safely managed
O 35

20% 18 26


(2019) Progress on household
Based on your drinking water, sanitation and
hygiene 2000-2017.
() What is the
of the
passage, answer the
percentage of population which has accessquestions given below: 1x10-10
(a) 45% to sanitation services?
(6) 22% 1
(i) The given passage focuses (c) 15%
on (d) 8%
(a) sanitation
(i) List any 2 criteria for water (6) drinking water (c) hygiene
to qualify as being 'safely (d) All of these
managed' drinking water. 1
(iv) State any 1 target that has 2.
been set
)What percentage of people in urbanby UN's Sustainable Development Goals
(a) 45%
areas have access
to (SDGs) programme. 1
(6) 21% drinking water?
(c) 97%
32 Suger0 ENGLISH LANGUAGE (d) 9%
(vu Complete the following analogy correctly with a
bow:obeisance : objective: word from paragraph 2
(Clue:Just like a bow is
synonym an obeisance, similarly an objective is a
Which countries have the maximum for

access to safely
synonym Jor..)
(a) Small Island Developing states managed water? 1
(c) Europe and North America (b) Australia and New Zealand
(d) Northern Africa and Western Asia
(viin Rank the following countries from the
highest to the lowest accessibility to surface
water 1
A. Latin America and the Caribbean
B. Occania
C. Sub-Saharan Africa
D. Europe and North America
(a) BADC
b) BCDA (c) BACD (d) BCAD
(ix) What is the nunmber of population that has gained access to basic services by 2017T
() Supply 1 point for the following question:
When is sanitation considered as safely managed?
(GRAMMAR) 10 Marks
Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions.
Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line.
It. our dog which barked continuously all night since it was sleeping inside with us.
(a) may not have been (b) can't have been (c) might not be d) shouldn't be
(i) Select the correct option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line. 1
Martin and Helen is planning to take a vacation after a long timne.

Option No. Error Correction

and or

(b) IS are

take takes

(d vacation vacations
the sentence. 1
(ii) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete
his/her share of serving his/her country.
Every Indian
(a) does (b) did (c) do (4) doing
Read the conversation between Jack and his
mother. Complete the sentence by reporting Jack's reply correctly.
(iv) Jack? 1
Mother : don't you go out and get ajob for yourself,
Jack Cheer up, mother, I'll go and get work somewhere.
Jack cheered up his mother and replied that
Mother asked Jack to go out and get himself a job to which

correct form of the word in

the bracket.
(v) Fill in the blank by using the
We visited an oil palm (plant) to learn more about the harvesting process. 1
blank with the correct option.
the given narrative by filling in the
(vi) Complete but my answer is wrong according to the
answer key.
Maths problem at least twenty times,
I've redone this
The answer in the book be wrong.
(c) must (d) shall
(b) should 1.
(a) have to the sentence.
the soldier and the witch by completing
(vii) Report the dialogue between the tinder-box?
Soldier : What
are going to do with
:That's no business of yours,
you've got your money.
Witch with the tinder-box to which she replied
the witch what she was going to do
The soldier asked the sentence.
the bills option to complete
(vii) Fill in the blank by choosing
weeks ago.
You the bills two (c) ought to pay
(d)shouldhave paid
(b) should pay
(a) had better pay
(ix) The traveller told the the
prince about his jouney. Report prince's question.
Do you really come from China
() dentify the error in the given sentence from well known
hete harcdworking and honest
l ed a tarmer named Krishna whe is verv

Error Correctton

S c I the c o r t pton tev complete the narration ofthe dialogue between the two crows
row I What wmuld you de tf you were a peacck
row 2 wwd dane to my heart's content
Crow I asked C'rw 2 what she had doneif she were a peacock. Grow I replied that
ashe wil dance to her hcart's content (h) she mnay dance to her heart's content
)she would have danced to
heart's content
(dshe might dance to her heart's content
(A) ldentify the error on the hoarding and supply the correction.
Relaunchng a Soda Pop lcon after decade of absence.
Error Correction

All the names and addresses used in the
questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely coincidental.
1. Attempt
ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
A. Aarush Mishra is a resident
of Ram Nagar, Bhopal. After reading a newspaper write-up that Bhopal
Development Authority has decided to allot an 80-acre plot of land reserved for a garden and green belt to
develop a residential colony, you express your resentment and dismay by writing a letter to the Director,
Bhopal Development Authority asking the authorities to drop this plan. Taking help from the hints
below and using your own ideas on the subject, given
complete this letter. (100-120 Words)
Bhopal, 20 May
Bhopal Development Authority has decided to develop a residential colony near Ram Nagar. It had decided to
allot an 80 acre area reserved for the green belt and garden to build flats. This decision
a strong opposition from the residents and the environmentalists
of the authority is facing
B. You Avyan
are of 221, Nai
Sarak, Karnal. Write
a letter to the
editor, The Hindustan Times, New Delhi
requesting the Railway authorities to improve the facilities for Second Class Travel.
2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below.
A. Thefollowing pie chart represents the sales of mobile phones of the leading companies of the world in India.
Summarise and analyse the chart in your own language. Give all
necessary details and compare the segments
where relevant. (100-120 Words)
10% Samsung
Nokia 35%

Reliance Vodafone
Jio 20%


B. The given report OR
presented by Times News Network illustrates the
average salaries of India Inc. to employ
for 2020. Summarise by
writing an analytical paragraph (100-120 words) highlighting the mainitsfeanures
details.Compare wherever relevant. a

E-commerce (In %)

India Inc to Professional Services

give 10
Pharma/Medical Devices
ave hike of Hi-Tech/IT

9%: Survey ITes


Lower Than Last Yr, 9.5

But 39% Cos To See Lacgards

Double-Digit Rise 8.1
Real Estate/intra8.8
Automotive/Vehicle Mig
Telecom A9
Source: Aon

V. Reference to the Context 10
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5
A. When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with
a blow of his fist. The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said: "God: of
the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But
don't send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho."
I n the extract the phrase ...bunch of crooks' has been used. Pick the option that DOES NOT collate with
bunch of , correctly. 1

(1) keys

(4) islands BUNCH OF (2) grapes

(3) flowers

(a) Option (1) (6) Option (2) (c) Option (3) d) Option (4)
office employees? 1
i) What did Lencho think about the post
that the postmaster expected in Lencho's second letter? 1
(i) What was the most likely response
(i) gratitude (ii) disappointment (iv) elation ()shock
() sorrowful
(b) (i) and (ii) (c) i) and (iv) () (ii) and ()
(a) (i) and (v)

(iv) State whether the following sentence is TRUE or FALSE 1
- Lencho's second letter included damage caused by the hailstorms.
) Pick the option that lists the option corresponding to-'with a blow of his fist." 1

(a) Option () (b) Option (ii)

(c) Option (iii) () Option (iv)
B. THINK-TANK: Mimor, miror, in my hand. Who is the most fantastically intellectually
gitted being in the land?
OFFSTAGE VOKE: (after a pausc) You, sir.
THINK TANK: (smacking miror) Quicker. Answer quicker next time. I hate a slow mirror. (He admires
himself in the miror.) Ah, there I am. Are we Martians not a handsome race? So much more attractive than
those ugly Earthlings with their tiny heads. Noodle, you keep on exercising your mind, and someday you'Il
have a balloon brain just like mine.
NOODLE: Oh. I hope so, Mighty Think-Tank. I hope so.
THINK-TANK: Now, contact the space probe. I want to invade that primitive ball ofmud called Earth before
NOODLE: I1 shall be done, sir. (He adjusts levers on switchboard. Electronic buzzes and beeps are heard as
the curtains open.)
) Choose the option that lists the most appropriate meaning of think-tank from those given below.
(a) A tank that helps you think deeper than an average person, if you use its contents regularly.
(b) Non-stop flow of ideas from a fixed source about one particular issue.
(c) A pool of ideas and solutions to various problems via an individual, group or organisation.
(d) A method by way of which people think collectively to identify stray thoughts among them.
(in Why does Think-Tank suggest mirror to exercise his brain?
(ii) Fill in the lank with ONE WORD
Think-Tank looks into the mirror and says
that are very handsomne.
iv) Choose the option that fits the example of an irony from the ones given below:
(a) "Who is the most fantastically intellectually gifted being in the land."
(6) "I hate a slow mirror."
(c) Noodle, you keep on exercising your mind, and someday you'll have a balloon
brain just like mine."
(d) I want to invade that primitive ball of mud called Earth before lunch."
() Choose the option that includes the display of
'smacking' as used in the extract.

(1) (2) (3) 4)

(a) Option (1) (6) Option (2)
2. Attempt any one of two extracts given below. (c)Option(3) (d) Option (4)
A. Some say the world will end in 5
fire, Ithink I know enough of hate
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire To say that for destruction
Is also great
I hold with those who favor fire.
And would suffice.
But if it had to perish twice,


Choose the CORRECT statement about the given poem.
(a) Fire and ice are images-they help the readers visualise the power of nature over man.
(6) Fire and ice are symbols-not ofnatural disasters, but of humanity's ability to create disasters ofits own.
(c) Fire and ice are elements-not of nature but man-made and possess the ability to create havoc for
( ) Fire and ice are agents they change the thinking of mankind from negative to positive and brin8

(n Select the option that correctly classifics the connotations for fire and ice, as suggested in the poem

. rage 4. hate 5. greed

2. violencc 3. indifference
(a) Fire-3,4; lce- 1,2,5 (b) Fire- 2, 5; lce-1,3,4 Ice- 2, 4 (d) Fire- 1,2,4; Ice- 3,5
(c) Fire-1,3,5;
) What is the profound idea expressed by the poet in this extract?
(iv) The poet uses the phrasal verb-hold with.
Choose the option that DOES NOT indicate a valid phrasal verb.

(1) off

(2) on
(4)back HOLD

(3) into

(a) Option (1) 6) Option (2) (c) Option (3) (d) option (4)
of hate among all. (TRUE/FALSE) 1
() The poet preaches love and kindness to combat the spread
B. The fog comes over harbour and city
on little cat feet. on silent haunches
and then moves on.
It sits looking
cat that Carl Sandburg applies to the fog?
Choose the option with qualities of the
1. Cats are independent animals, they don't
follow rules, they slip and slide in and out of our lives as they
distrustful of strangers and can be jealous and
2. Cats are

motion at times and they appear to be moving in a mysterious fashion.

3. Cats are stealthy, moving in slow
combination of a distinctive sound and body language.
4. Cats often communicate with a
and before you know it, they've disappeared.
5. Cats like to move on at their own pace
(c)1,3and5 (d) Only 4
(a) Only 1 (6) 1, 2 and 4
to the given lines?
(i) Which one/s of the following applies
2. Transferred epithet is a 3. Imagery is the language 4. Oxymoron is a figure
1. Personification is a| of speech in which|
literary device where you literary device when an used by poets, and|
adjective usually used writers to create visual contradictory terms
give an animal, object by side.
to describe one thing is representation of ideas in appear side
or natural phenomenon, the minds of the readers.
transferred to another.
qualities or abilities that
human can have.
only a
2 and 3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) Only 3
(a) 1 and4 (b)

(ii) Pick the option that includes an image of the cat on its haunches.

2. 3. 4.
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
( ) Why do you think the poct has used the short lines in the given extract?
() Fill in the blank with ONE WORD only.
Ifthe world has to end twice, would be equally competent in ending it.
VI. Attempt ANY FOUR of the in about 40-50 words each. 4
following x 3 12
Describe the loss caused by the heavy fall of hailstones in general and to Lencho in particular.
() Why did the young seagull ery "Ga, ga, ga"? Did her mother oblige him?
(in) Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?
) And stares with his brilliant
eyes 3
At the brilliant stars.
Why are the eyes brilliant? What is common between the eyes and the stars?
(v) What is the general rule of this 'world of possessions'? Why is money 'external'?
VII. Answer ANY TWO of the
following in about 40-50 words each. 2x3-6
) How did Mrs Pumphrey react when she heard from the doctor that Tricki needed to be
hospitalised for a
fortnight? 3
i) How and why did a brilliant scientist like Griffin degenerate into a lawless and homeless wanderer? 3
(ii) Describe the family of Ramlal, the Numberdar.
VII. Answer ANY ONE of the
following in about 100-120 words. 1x6 6
() The inauguration ceremony symbolised a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity and
the most hated apartheid regime based on racial against
discrimination. Comment. 6
(it) On the one hand, in the story 'Mijbil the Otter, the narrator has an
On the other hand, an animal is inseparable bond with an animal, the Otter.
kept in a cage (A Tiger in the Zoo). We can say that the animals which are
weaker are domesticated and given too much care.
Whereas, stronger animals are confined within cages. Do
you think this is the justification with the wild animals is it
or an
atrocity on wild animals? Give a reasoned
IX. Answer ANY ONE of the
following in about 100-120 words. 1x6=6
) Love, human sympathy and education can transform even a thief. How could Anil
Hari Singh? bring such a change in
(i) How did Richard Ebright's not winning anything at his first County Science Fair motivate him
great scientist? What lessons did he learn from his failure there? to become a


ANSWERS badrinliett
L ( 1. the capture and nature ofthe pollutants proposed project is meeting a stiff opposition from
cnvironmentalists and the residents of Ram Nagar.
2. the frequency of some microclimatic conditions
The green belts and forests are the support-line and
(b) lungs of Bhopal. This project will lead to felling
(iv) Showers that supply abundant water favours the innumerable trees. It will degrade the environment
dissolution of the stone and removal of the solute.
and the landscape. It is in the interest of residents and
(d) the environment to drop this project for good. I hope
() ()
the authority will never entertain the idea of spoiling
(vi) (a) (viin) water
environment of
(ix) TRUE (x) worn-out pcacc, tranquility, landscape and the
the place and the city.
I. )a)
(i) 1. Availability for at least 12 hours per day Yours faithfully
Aarush Mishra
2. Free from harmful substances
(iv) End poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030.
1B. 221, Nai Sarak
() (c) 97% (vi) aim
(vii) (c) (vii) (d)
(ix) 673 milion 20 September 20xx

(x) Sanitation is considered safely managed when The Editor

water without any harmful substances is accessible The Hindustan Times
whenever is required. New Delhi
(i) (6)
Subject: Highlighting urgent need for improvement
(ii) (a) in railway facilities
(iv) he would go out and get work somewhere
(v) plantation I
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper,
(vi) () wish to invite the attention of the Railway authorities
(vii) that it was no business of his and that he had got his
tothe deplorable conditions of the second class.
money The first thing one notices is the dirty and unhygienic
(vi) (d) condition of the compartment. Foul smell greets a
asked the traveller if he really came from
(ix) the prince passenger as he boards the train.
Washrooms are not
China. properly cleaned. Nobody ever checks at the starting
error correction station whether the compartments have been washed
was and cleaned properly or not. The passengers themselves
behave unsocially by spitting or by allowing children
(xi) she would have danced to her heart's content
to urinate wherever they like. I would like to say that
correction the second class travellers comforts should, be given
(xi) error

decade decades priority over other classes.

It is high time that the Railway Board should
IV. 1A. 12, Ram Nagar realize their responsibilities. Therefore, I request the
Bhopal concemed authorities to look into this matter and solve
20 May 20XX the problems as early as possible.

The Director Yours truly

Bhopal Development Authority Avyan Singh
2A. The given pie graph illustrates the percentages of the
sales of mobile phones of the leading companies of the
Sub: to allocate 80-acre green belt for
Proposal world in India. The overall trend shows that domination
housing colony of Samsung is still intact. Thirty five percent of mobile
Sir users in India use the established brand, Samsung.
The beautiful city of Bhopal is slowly but surely Reliance's Jio is a strong contender and challenger
converted into jungle. The recent
concrete in this race. It has grabbed 30 percent of the market.
being a

decision of Bhopal Development Authority to allot Another leading and popular brand, Vodafone hold 20
an 80 acre green belt near Ram Nagar for building
percent share of the market. Nokia which used to be
housing colony is quite unfortunate. As expected, the an old favourite, is losing ground to all other popular
brands. Its market share has been reduced to a marginal OR
5 percent. Other brands hold the
remaining 10 percent 2B. () (6) () (d)
of the market share. The emergence of Jio as a
popular () (d)
local brand has posed a big challenge to the foreign
brands, including the leader, Samsung. Nokia has been (w) By keeping the lines short, the
to control the pace to make the
poet has triea
marginalised and it holds just one seventh of the market reader slow
share of the leader down thereby reflecting the slow
Samsung. of the fog. rolling in
2B. The report issued (v) ice
by Times News Network illustrates
that India Ine. will offer an average salary to its VI. ( For an hour, the hailstones rained on the
employecs, which is just a shade less than last year. garden, the hillside and the cornfield. house, the
Despite economic challenges and the threats of a whole valley was covered with them.Actually, the
slow down, organisations and flowers were destroyed. Lencho's fields Leaves and
companies in India are with a white layer. The corn was
were covered
taking a positive view. Companies in India gave an
hail had left practically
totally destroyed. The
average inerease of 9.3 percent during 2019. As the nothing. There was no chance
overall trend reflects, the hardest hit is the automotive of any corn that year for Lencho.
manufacturing which reported the biggest drop, from (i) When the young seagull saw his mother
10.1% in 2018 to 8.3% from 2020. piece of a fish in her beak, the young seagullholding a
The other sectors that will see the almost mad with hunger. He cried became
lowest pay "Ga, ga, ga". He
hikes are
Transportation/ Logistics, Hospitality/ begged her mother to bring him some food. When he
Restaurants, Real Estate/ Infra and Telecom. saw his mother
In flying across to him with a
piece of
Logistics, the fall in hike will be from fish, he uttered a joyful scream. He started
percent. In Hospitality sector
8.1 to 7.6
rock with his feet tapping the
8.9 to 8.2
this fall is from impatiently. He was almost within
the reach of the fish but failed to
percent. In Real Estate/Infra, the trend get at it.
continues, from 8.8 to 8.3 percent. Even (ii) Anne believed that
paper had
the Telecom sector will be employees in people. No doubt, she had a
patience than
doling out lower pay family,
elder sister and friends. But she
her loving parents,
hike, from 9 percent in 2018 to 8.5 an
couldn't share her
2020. According to the percent in intimate experiences and
survey, the employees in decided to get all kinds of problems with them. So she
E-commerce, Professional things off her chest and
Tech/1T and ITes will receive services/Pharma, Hi- maintain a diary.
salaries. generous hikes in their (iv) The tiger's eyes shine
The stars are also
brightly in the darkness of night.
The shining in the
employees thing between the tiger's eyes andsky.the starscommon
in E-commerce and The
services will have the maximum hikes professional is that
in their salaries, both are brilliant.
the average rise
being 10 percent. The worst sufferers )Getting and losing is a natural cycle. Many
will be the
employees ofTransport/Logistics who will before him bought and lost their more boys
have to console themselves balls. This proces
witha meagre hike
percent in their salaries. of 7.6 will goon forever.
However, no amount of money
can buy back the
V. 1A. ) (d) same ball that has
been lost forever.
Money is external and has its own
(i) Lencho thought that the can't limitation. Wealth
post office compensate such emotional losses such as the
employees were dishonest. loss of one's childhood
VIL. () When Dr days.
(in (c) (iv) FALSE Herriot informed Mrs
) ) was to be Pumphrey that Tricki
kept under his Supervision,
almost fainted on Mrs Pumphrey
OR difficult for her to behearing this. It was
1B. () (c) away from her pampered
fortnight. She agreed only after Dr Herriot told pet for
(i) Think-Tank suggests the mirror to that that was the her
his brain so exercise only way of saving Tricki.
that he could have (i) There can't be any doubt that
like brain.
a big balloon scientist. After all, the man who Griffin was a brilliant
(ii) Martians of the human discovered invisibility
(iv) FALSE body couldn't be an
) ) misused the discovery. He ordinary person.
But he
petty interests. He indulged in utilised it for his
2A. () (b) petty thefts, burglaries
n ) and beatings of
innocent persons. He made
(ii) The poet expresses his idea that the world and unlawful entries in
stores and shops
would end either by ice or fire. and dress himself
without paying
only feed

iv) (d) illegal activities made him a lawlessanything. All these

() FALSE person and an


(ii) Ramlal was a Numberdar and collected revenue for the use to Anil, he retained to work for him. They
After all a thief couldn't leave
government from the village. He had seven children say old habits die hard.

three sons and four daughters. Radha, the eldest stealing and cheating. He made a rupee every day
the buying of the day's supplies. However, Anil was
girl was marricd. Mangla was the second daughter.
not a fool. He knew everything and also all about the
Her marriage had been fixed. All his daughters were
theft. But he was kind, large-hearted and full ofhuman
good looking and healthy. The boys were sent to the
city for studies. Ramlal was womied about Bholi. She sympathy. He taught the unfortunate boy to write his
name. He also promised him to write sentences
had neither good looks nor intelligence. It was rather add numbers. This left a deep impression on the boy-
difficult to get her maried off. thief. He started realising that education could bring
II. () The inauguration ceremony of the installation of a him respect and money.
democratically elected govemment in South Africa Hari Singh breached Anil's trust but Anil

was of a great historical importance. After the Boer all forgiving and compassionate. In the heat
war, the white 'peoples', patched up their differences. excitement of theft Hari Singh forgot about education.
They imposed the donmination of the whites through transformation. The
Then came the true realisation and
the apartheid based on racial discrimination. The boy-thief realised that the only man who could help
inauguration ceremony attracted a world wide him was the man he had robbedafew hours ago.
recognition. Intermational leaders and dignitaries from he realised the value of education that could give him
more than 140 countries assembled at the amphitheatre respect and more money than he get by stealing.
He realised where he should go. Large-hearted
in the Union Buildings in Pretoria. The whole world
not only forgave him but also gave him a fifty-rupee
hailed it as a common victory for justice, for peace,
for human dignity. The grand struggle of the black note, and promised to pay him regularly.
patriots against the most hated regime of apartheid OR
succeeded. There was a spectacular display of jets (i) Richard Ebright had started the work of butterflies
and the salute by the bedecked generals with ribbons and insects from a very early age. His main work was
to the President Mandela. It showed the militarist's based on buttertlies, particularly monarch butterflies.
loyalty to democracy. The playing of the two national By the time he was in the second grade, he
anthems symbolised a new regime based on equality collected all five species of butterflies found
irrespective of race and colour. around his hometown. But he learnt the lesson of
OR his life when he was in the seventh grade. He got a
hint of what real science was. He entered the County
(i) I think this is an atrocity on wild animals. Having
too much strength is not a sin. So much strength Science Fair with a project. His project was slides of

has been bestowed by God to some animals. We frogtissues, which he showed under a microscope. In
hide humans' the fair, he failed miserably. He didn't get anything
can say that animals are confined to
that while everybody else had won something. It was really
physical and mental weaknesses. They know
much a very sad feeling for him.
they cannot handle such animals as they are
more powerful than them. Humans claim that they From his first county science fair, Ebright came
are the wisest animals on the earth. But dealing to know what real science was. He also learnt a

with wild animals in this way does not prove it.

lesson of knowing what made a winner. He realised
animals. his mistakes. He had only made a neat display of
They fail to understand the feelings of
They must not Everyone
snatch animal's freedom. frog tissues under a microscope. He realised that
seems/tastes without winners had tried real experiments. From then
likes freedom. Nothing
edom. Humans love only to them who give
them onwards, he looked to Dr Urquhart for new ideas
and suggestions. Dr Urquhart gave him number of
too much respect and follow their order.
() Man is a product of circumstances and
environment. suggestions for experiments. Continuous research and
experimentations won him great honours and prizes
Hari Singh was just a boy of fifteen but
was an

hand. locally as well as internationally.

experienced and fairly a successful
Circumstances made him a thief. In spite of being no

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