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After Truth (film) - Questions

1) What were the consequences of the news of the military training exercise Jade Helm 2015 in Texas?

- There were rumors spreading around that there will be a military attack.

2) How did the restaurant Comet Ping Pong end up as the alleged head quarter for human trafficking, led
by Hillary Clinton?

- false news - people thought that the manager kidnapped kids, and had them in the basement - terror -
a man came into the restaurant with an AK47 and went to the basement to check if the false news were
actually real, he didn't find anything so he just gave himself to the police.

3) What does the term «swiftboat» refer to?

- When you create a lie that goes viral, spreads quicly.

4) Why do people such as Jason Goodman feel the need to oppose the general media and create a
channel for themselves to speak from?

- Because people can get hurt.

5) What does the hearing with Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) revolve around?

6) What are the potential consequences of fake news, why does it matter if we cannot tell real news
from fake news?

- There's a lot of potentional consequences of fake news

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