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Task 1:-

Simple Linear Regression

Steps / Procedures
● Import libraries
● Read Data set with the help of pandas
● Identify dependent variables and independent variables in our case, crop yield is
dependent on rainfall.
● Normalizing the data such that gradient decent works faster
● Plotting Scatter Plot for data visualization

Fig:- Scatter Plot for the data set

● Makin theta arrays

● Reshaping x such that dot product can be done between feature matrix and theta
● Making cost function (note:- goal is to maximization of the cost function)
● Making Gradient Descent Function with the creation of gif
● Defining theta, iterations, and learning rate
● Fitting the linear line in the data
● Collab link:-
● Ref1:-
● Ref2:-
Fig: Gif animation for linear regression
Task 2:-
Multi Variant Regression
Steps / Procedures
● Import libraries
● Read the Data set with the help of a panda object
● Identify dependent variables and independent variables (the price of the car)
● Data Cleaning includes replacing ‘?’ missing data and outliers

● Dividing the data into train and test data

● Making feature matrix and theta matrix
● Making cost function (note:- goal is to maximization of the cost function)
● Making Gradient Descent Function
● Maximizing the cost function

● Checking the working with sklearn

● Ref 1:-
● Ref 2:- Andrew Ng Notes
● Collab Link:-
Task 3:-
Polynomial Regression
Steps / Procedures
● Import libraries
● Read the Data set with the help of a panda object
● Making Polynomial Regression Model with the help of sklearn
● Making function with variable degrees of freedom

Fig:- Polynomial Regression with degree 2

Fig:- Polynomial Regression with degree 3

● Making Linear regression Model

Fig:- Linear Regression

● Collab Link:-
● Ref 1:-
● Ref 2:-
Task 3:-
Polynomial Regression
Steps / Procedures
● Import libraries
● Plotting sigmoid function in range(-10,+10)

Fig:- Sigmoid Function

● Since my roll number is odd, working on Forest Fire Dataset
● Reading Dataset with pandas
● Cleaning data
● Mapping no fire to 0 and fire to 1

Fig:- Clean Data with Strings mapping to int or float

● Splitting Data into Test and Traning Sets

● Making Model with Logistic Regression of Binary Classification
● Prediction of test data

Fig:- Binary Classification of Model Prediction on test data

● Making CNF-Matrix
array([ [40, 3],
[ 4, 51]
● Drawing ROC-Curve

Fig:- ROC Curve with AUC

● Collab Link:-
● Ref 1:-
● Ref 2:-

Complete Folder Link:-

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