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In the sunday morning the sky was so dark that she hardly to see the rain, but
she could feel it. Thunderclouds rolled in low, their bellies carrying even more rain.
Promising the kind of downpour that was to be expected when you lived so close to the
coastline. It was a lazy day for doing any activities but not for this girl.

The girl just woke up from her sleep and she took out her glasses from the table.
They were uncomfortable things to her, but stylish and simple with a brown frame and
black interior. She hated to wearing them in public so she just wear it in the house. She
took her phone and she flipped through her playlist, to find the perfect song to help her
to got out from the bed. She had trouble falling asleep at that night which made her
feeling not good. After awhile she turned off her phone and looked at the time. She
knew that she wouldn’t be able to fall back into that deep sleep she was in just a few
minutes ago. She got out of bed and walked towards her closet. Suddenly, her mom
knocked her door and called her name, Anya. Yes her name is Anya.

Anya is a tall girl with long hair. She has thick, volume and black hair. Everyone
loves her hair. Many of her friends tell that they want to have a hair like her. She has
many mole in her face that makes her cute. When she smiles, her eyes will close little
bit. Every morning after wake up she always takes a cup of water to drink. She believes
that it will make her digestion does good. She always takes a shower in the morning
even it is a holiday. In the weekend she always go to the gym or jogging with her friends.
After a hard day, she went to shopping or salon to rewarding herself. She is the one who
prefer does her homework at her bedroom rather than go to coffee shop. She is a girl
who has high imagination and sometimes it comes when she is alone. She is a cheerful
girl but when she sad, she wrote a poem to express her feelings.

Many people thought that Anya has perfect life. She has good family which is
love her so much, she has many friends to play together, she is from rich family and she
is pretty. Besides that, Anya had problem with love. She had traumatic in the past. She
seems like doesn’t want to love any man. The man that she loved left her just because
she is fat and ugly at that time. But look at her now, she is more pretty and smart.
Heartbreak changes everything.
One day, she went to the mall with her mom. When she walked from her house,
she saw a man passed in the front of her house brought his basketball ready to play. She
never saw that man then she asked her mom. Her mom told that he is their new
neighbor. He just arrived one week ago from London. The man who likes playing
basketball always pass Anya’s house. He is tall and handsome. Now Anya fall in love with
that man.

Every day he walked past her on his way to go somewhere. Wearing her favorite
t-shirt, Anya sat in the front of her house and watched him in hopes he would glance in
her direction. Anya didn't know where she went, but she knew he went to the basketball
yard every morning and she also knew what kind of coffee he liked by everyday he bring
the same coffee. At night, at home, she couldn't get her mind away from his smile with
dimples. She spent an hour each evening in the front of house just to make sure he had
come back home. Anya doesn’t have brave enough to talk with him.

At night she sat in chair and wrote poems about honesty, fear, inspiration, and
the future. She would then open the phone, call her friend to tell how she loved that
man. Anya is a wonderful listener. Anya let her friend to tell about their problem and
Anya looks directly to her friend. So her friend will did the same. Her mom knows
about this. She is support Anya and let her child find her love. Every morning she
would mail out the envelope enclosed with poetry describing her most personal
feelings. She didn't have a motive for doing so, she only wanted to tell someone how
she felt and hope that her words would evoke emotion in a world she thought was
rapidly becoming numb to true compassion or honesty.

One day, the man came home from his activity and saw he had a letter in the
mail. He grabbed the envelope and ran up the stairs to his apartment and delicately
opened it- being cautious not to tear it unnecessarily. Inside was a hand written poem
(hand written!) about a girl who spent her afternoons writing a poem in her garden
and talking to the flowers, rabbits, and bees. She told them about her day, and about
the people she met. When she was sad, they listened and when she was happy they
shared her good fortune. He read the poem through to the end, and then he read it
again. That night he took the poem, inspired, and wrote a song.
The next morning he went to the building where Anya know it was his favorite
place to relax, took out his guitar, and played his music with the anonymous lyrics that
so inspired him. That same morning on Anya way to she walked past the boy who was
there playing his love songs, and heard lyrics that made her pause. This boy was
playing her poem, with beautiful notes, and raw emotion in his voice. For the first time
that she could remember, she stopped to watch him play. He played her song through
to the end, and she smiled at him until he finished. Everyday after that morning she
come to listen to him play, sometimes they just smiled at each other, and other times
she had to leave before he finished and so she would drop a piece of paper with a
smiley face or a heart in his guitar case.

One day she hoped he would know that he had been her inspiration all along.
One day she hoped she could work up the courage to actually talk to him, tell him the
secrets that he sang to the world were hers.

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