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 Reaction Time
Lifestyle – it is how we do our daily routines _______________________________________
and what we do in our daily lives. typically _____________________
reflects an individual's attitudes, way of life,
values, or worldview. HEALTH
Poor Lifestyle = Many Diseases Health - a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the
Lifestyle includes: eating habits, physical
absence of disease or infirmity.
activity participation, and recreational choices
Community – defined as a sociological group in
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
a large place sharing the same environment.
- there are many ways to have a healthy lifestyle,
these might include healthy eating, maintaining Community Health – defined as the art and
healthy food choices, good physical activities science of maintaining, protecting, and
such as working out, decision-making skills, and improving the health of all members of
more… communities.
H – Healthy Environmental Health – aspects of all human
E – Everybody has the responsibility to take care health determined by physical, chemical,
A- biological, social, and psychological factors.
_______________ Characteristics of a Healthy Community
L – Lifetime Primary Health Care – addresses the majority of
T- a person’s health needs throughout their lifetime.
_______________________________________ This includes physical, mental, and social well-
_______________ being.
_______________________________________ SOLID WASTE
_______________ - materials being discarded of abandoned they
can be disposed of, burned, recycled, or even be
BMI considered as waste-like materials.
Formula – Wkg/(Hm)^2 - Garbage, Debris, Dirty Water Supply,
EX: Materials from Facilities, and other discarded
Weight = 46kg
- comes from industrial, commercial, mining,
Height = 1.62m demolition, or agricultural operations…
46kg/(1.62m)^2 = 17.52 including our household and community
- very useless but dangerous.
Below – 18.5 = UNDERWEIGHT Solid Waste Management
18.5 – 24.9 = NORMAL - the process of collecting, treating, and
25 – 29.9 = OVERWEIGHT disposing of solid wastes, it is how solid wastes
30 – 39.9 = OBESE can be changed and used as valuable resources.
PHYSICAL FITNESS - Methods include Sanitary Landfill,
- the ability of your body systems to work Incineration, Recycling, Composting, and
together efficiently to allow you to be healthy more…
and perform activities of daily living.
THE 3R’s
HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS  Reduce – create less waste or garbage,
 Body Composition making less garbage or waste can mean
we have less garbage or waste to clean
 Flexibility
 Muscular Strength
 Reuse – it is when we take old and
 Muscular Endurance
unwanted items to throw them away and
 Cardiovascular Endurance
make a new use for them.
SKILL-RELATED FITNESS  Recycle – commonly used in the 3Rs,
where we change abandoned and
 Balance discarded materials into useful products
 Coordination
 Power
so we can prevent using too many Sculptures
valuable assets and resources. - materials used vary according to region and
locality. Archeologists believed it was Erosion
REPUBLIC ACT 9003 that made it and not us humans.
- also known as the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000, is associated with the Architectures
control of generation, storage, collection, - man has developed a form of architecture,
transport, processing, and disposal of solid based on “megaliths” (big rocks) from the Greek
wastes that is now useless. word “lithos” (stone) and “megas” (big).
- this act provides for a comprehensive - probably intended for Burial.
ecological solid waste management program by - Menhir is a huge stone table standing vertically
creating necessary mechanisms and incentives, on the ground.
appropriating funds, declaring certain acts - Delmens means *stone table*, has 2 huge
prohibited, and providing penalties. standing stones supporting a horizontal giant
stone, served as a grave or an altar.
- Cromlech is literally just a circle of standing
YES-O – “Youth for Environment and stones… example of this is the Stonehenge in
Schools Organization, functions are SOLID Europe.
 389 - Forestry Reform Code of the EGYPTIAN ARTS
 704 - Fisheries 1975 Egyptian Hieroglyphs
 1219 - The Coral Resources - formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt,
for the Egyptian Language.
Development and Conservation Decree
- combines logographic, syllabic, and alphabetic
 1067 - the Water Code of the
elements with 1000 distinct characters.
- Cursive hieroglyphs were used for religious
 643 - ??? literature on papyrus and wood.
 1251 - Mine Wastes and Tailings Fee
 984 – Pollution Control Law Ancient Egyptian Art
- art produced in Ancient Egypt between the 6th
 825 – Providing Penalty for Improper
Millennium BC and the 4th century AD,
Disposal of Garbage and Other Forms
spanning from Prehistoric Egypt until the
of Uncleanliness and for other
Christianization of Roman Egypt.
- It includes paintings, sculptures, drawings on
 856 - Promulgating the Code on papyrus, faience, jewelry, ivories, architecture,
Sanitation of the Philippines and other art media.
RA 8749 Ancient Egyptian Paintings
- also known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of - the motive of these paintings is to make the
1999, is a comprehensive air quality deceased afterlife pleasant. With this in mind,
management policy and program which aims the challenge of introducing the deceased to the
to achieve and maintain healthy air for all gods of the underworld by using the skill of their
Filipinos. defending deities matters.
_____________________ Fresco – water-based pigment painting that is
ARTS done on wet plaster.

Prehistoric and Ancient Arts Encaustic – paint made from pigment mixed
with melted beeswax and resin and after
Prehistoric/Ancient Arts application fixed by heat.
– includes all human existence before the
emergence of writing. Their art is of interest not MUSIC
only to art historians but also to archeologists.
- Their artworks have been observed inside the Johann Sebastian Bach – Germany, March 21,
caves which can also have been their way of 1685 to July 28, 1750
speaking with others. In addition, their artworks Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina – Rome,
may be for non-secular or ceremonial purposes. 1525 to Feb 2, 1594
These paintings would possible be an artifact of George Friedrich Handel – Germany,
an archeological proof of a proper image of February 23, 1685, and London, April 14, 1759
humans’ first created art. Prehistoric drawings of Antonio Lucio “II Prete” Vivaldi – Venice,
animals were often suitable in proportion. March 4, 1678, and Vienna, July 28, 1741
Monophonic Plainchant was named after Pope
Gregory I, who made this the approved music of
the Catholic Church. His action made it popular.
Although it was originally transmitted orally,
scholars agreed to put it in a notation to assist
the dissemination of chants across Europe.
Characteristics of Gregorian Chant

 Monophonic
 Free Meter
 Modal
 Based on Latin Liturgy
 Neume Notation
During the latter part of the Medieval Period,
secular music, which was not bound by Catholic
traditions, emerged. Most of these songs were
performed across Europe by Troubadours.
Troubadour Music
- Monophonic, Improvised Accompaniment,
Chivalry and Courtly Love, Originated in
France, Written in French Language.

Adam de la Halle of France, 1237 to 1285?

- Famous Composer of the Medieval Period

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