Lesson 6 - Rizal - Activity PDF

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GEC- RIZAL: The Life and Works of Rizal

LESSON 6: The 19th Century Philippine Economy, Society, and the Chinese Mestizos


Create a worksheet containing the table illustrated below. Write the changes and
developments that were felt in the 19 th century Philippines. After listing the changes, plot them
within Rizal’s biography and write which aspects you think had a direct or indirect impact on
Rizal while citing events in his life.

Change and Development Relation to Rizal’s Life

Transformation of the
economy has been rolled due
to the dwindling economy of
the Galleon Trade.
Industrialization became the
way and created an
opportunity for the Rizal was financially well-off.
Philippines. Increase in He also was not blind to the
demand for raw materials discrimination and poverty on
helped boost the agricultural going in the society. It was
potential. Thus, Royal said that Rizal’s family’s
Philippine Company was agricultural business
established to finance benefitted from the economic
agricultural projects and changes in the 19th century
manage the new trade (Rizal’s family were
between Philippines, Spain, leaseholders of sugar lands
Europe, and other Asian in Calamba). They also
markets. However, the Royal defended that the agriculture
Philippine Company closed can prosper without friar
and then Manila was opened involvement (due to
to world trade herein foreign discrimination with the
traders and investments labourers/farmers).
came in the country. The
rapid economic development
began to flow in cash crops
such as tobacco, sugar,
cotton, indigo, abaca, and
POLITCAL Spaniards became Because of the rampant
suspicious when there was corruption of the government,
an influx of Chinese and Rizal was pushed and
Chinese Mestizos settlement. wanted to call for reforms in
They began putting state the government. In addition,
policies towards the sangley the lack of concern of the
ranging from higher taxes, government officials also
restriction of movement, to motivated Rizal to educate
actual policies of expulsion. It his fellow Filipinos. He also
was also in the 19th century created the La Liga Filipina
wherein guardia civil was and the famous novels Noli
established for monitoring
during the mass internal Me Tangere and El
migration for tax collection Filibusterismo where he
and the likes. However, graft depicted oppression,
and corruption were also corruption, and the inability of
rampant during the 19th the government to provide for
century and that Filipinos had basic need which impacted
limited participation in the the Philippines.
Discrimination against the
poor, especially the farmers
against the hacienderos are
Rizal was motivated to
also evident during the 19th
educate his fellowmen (of
century as land became
which he became a teacher
important. There was still the
in his time in Dapitan) and
issue of Filipinos treated as
also wrote that through his
low-class and the Spaniards,
studies, “the eyes of my
SOCIO-CULTURAL the higher-class. Literate
intelligence opened a little,
population was demanded by
and my hear began to cherish
society with the increase of
nobler sentiments.” He was
demand for more
motivated to speak his mind
professionalized workforces.
when his mother was
Thus, chance for higher
education spread to the
middle and lower-middle-

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