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Disappearing Drones

By: Andrei Lorenz Pinar

• What is the Disappearing Drones issue all about?
-Disappearing Drones are a wide range of benevolent applications and reasons for what we’re going
to call “disappearing drones” including delivering food, medicine, water, and supplies to isolated
communities and military units in the field. With this technology, our drones will no longer fall into
enemy hands once they’ve completed their task.

• What factors or events led to the introduction of this Disappearing Drones?

-DARPA (Defense Advance Research Project Agency) has been working on disappearing material since 2013
with the inception of the VAPR (Vanishing Programmable Resources)program aimed at developing electronic
system that could physically disappear when it triggers.

• What ethical dilemmas does the introduction of the Disappearing Drones you have chosen pose?
-Drones also known as UAV and other related advanced technological devices has been used by United states
and countries for military purposes and the dependence on these devices have been increased in the past
• Why is it important to question the moral and ethical issues surrounding the
assigned Disappearing Drones?
-In the used of Disappearing Drones, its may have the capability to suffer many
innocent people and every technologies are dangerous drones can be rescue or
destroyers for many lives.

• In the face of this new Disappearing Drones innovation, why is it important to

study Science, Technology, and Society?
-Because as we living in the modern era, we have a lot of invented technologies
around the world thanks to science technology helps a lot to upgrade many things
specially to the future next generation.

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