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桃園市立中興國民中學 108 學年度第 1 學期 8 年級第 1 次定期評量英語科考卷 班級: 座號: 姓名:

一、聽力測驗(30 %):每題 2 分

1 . (A) (B) (C)

2 . (A) (B) (C)

3 . (A) (B) (C)

4 . (A) (B) (C)

5 . (A) (B) (C)

6. (A) I like summer very much. (B) Great! I visited a lot of vacation spots. (C) I walk dogs for my neighbors.
7. (A) We visited a cram school. (B) We watched a movie at home. (C) We studied math and did homework.
8. (A) OK. Remember to close the door before you go to bed. (B) I see. You can join the club with Sandy.
(C) No. You must stay home with Sandy.
9. (A) I became sad when I learned about the news. (B) I read before you came back.
(C) I fell from the chair this morning.
10. (A) It was hard. (B) I caught a cold. (C) It wasn’t here.
11. (A) The girl’s dad. (B) The girl’s neighbor. (C) The girl’s violin teacher.
12. (A) She is on a diet. (B) She doesn’t like banana cakes. (C) She just ate a lot of food.
13. (A) He is sick. (B) His arms are sore. (C) He has a headache.
14. (A) Cindy’s father doesn’t take care of her. (B) Cindy told a funny story today. (C) Cindy’s dad will (將會) stay by her side.
15. (A) A library. (B) A car wash. (C) A movie theater.

桃園市立中興國民中學 108 學年度第 1 學期 8 年級第 1 次定期評量英語科考卷 班級: 座號: 姓名:
二、綜合測驗 ( 20 % ):每題 2 分
16. Here is Jason’s plan for one week during his summer vacation. What kind of plan is this?
(A) A studying plan.
(B) An eating plan.
(C) A trip plan.
(D) An exercise plan.

17. The terrible noise is giving me a(n) . Can you do anything to stop it?
(A) break (B) hand (C) headache (D) arm
18. Mom: Honey, lunch is almost . Are you hungry? Dad: Yes. I can’t wait.
(A) good (B) ready (C) full (D) right
19. Mom: Are you going out now? It’s already 9 p.m.
Mary: I know, but it’s the last day to buy tickets to the basketball games, I must go.
(A) so (B) because (C) after (D) before
20. Dad: What after school? John: Well, he just read some comic books.
(A) does your brother do (B) did your brother do (C) is your brother doing (D) can your brother do
21. Susan speaks good English she lived in the UK for 10 years.
(A) so (B) when (C) because (D) before
22. We knew nothing about Taipei when we there.
(A) move (B) moving (C) moves (D) moved
23. Miss Wang: didn’t you go to school yesterday, Maggie? Maggie: I had a high fever yesterday.
(A) What (B) How (C) When (D) Why
24. Linda: Grandma, I can help you with these heavy boxes. Grandma: Oh, thanks. That’s very nice you.
(A) to (B) with (C) by (D) of
25. Jason studied for many years at school he became a doctor.
(A) before (B) after (C) because (D) when

三、克漏字測驗 ( 8 % ):每題 2 分
Twenty years ago, Susan joined a basketball club at school. She 26 basketball every Monday and Friday
afternoon. She also played basketball with her classmates on weekends. She always watched interesting basketball
games on TV. Michael Jordan 27 her favorite basketball player. 28
Now, Susan is a doctor. She works 12 hours a day. She is busy and tired after work every day. She doesn’t like
sports, and she 29 play basketball anymore.
26. (A) practice (B) practices (C) practicing (D) practiced
27. (A) be (B) was (C) were (D) are
28. (A) She watched all his games.
(B) She didn’t watch his games.
(C) She never joined his games.
(D) She didn’t play basketball with him.
29. (A) isn’t (B) wasn’t (C) didn’t (D) doesn’t

桃園市立中興國民中學 108 學年度第 1 學期 8 年級第 1 次定期評量英語科考卷 班級: 座號: 姓名:
四、閱讀測驗 ( 14 % ):每題 2 分
Dear diary,
I found a wallet in the street on my way to school six months ago. There was some money in
it but no name or address. I took the wallet to the police station. I told the police officer where I had
found it and at what time I found it. I also gave him my name, address, and phone number.
The policeman called me today and asked me to come to the police station. When I got there,
he told me that no one had come and asked for the wallet. He said I could have it. I thought about
this. It was a good wallet, and I needed a new one. However, I didn’t want the money. I said, “ I’ll
take the wallet, but please give the money to the charity.”
The policeman said he was very happy to do this. I felt happy about it, too.
☺ wallet 錢包 address 地址 charity 慈善機構
30. What was in the wallet?
(A) Money. (B) Nothing.
(C) Pictures. (D) We don’t know.
31. Why was the policeman happy ?
(A) He liked the wallet. (B) The boy did a good thing.
(C) The boy liked him. (D) He had a new job.
32. How would you describe(描述) a police station?
(A) A kind of car. (B) A kind of building.
(C) A kind of officer. (D) A kind of job.
Life is a long trip.
Both good and bad things happen on the road;
People love and hate,
They share and hide things.
Some things make me smile;
Some things make me cry.
Some days are sunny,
Some days are rainy-
Life is a long trip full of opposites.
I can’t know what will happen,
So I have decided to be happy right now, every minute of my life.
To remember all that is wonderful;
To let go of all that makes me sad-
In this way I will live a “ full ” life.
Adopted from Johnny Wang
☺ hide 隱藏 sunny 晴天 rainy 雨天 decide 決定
33. What does the writer think of life?
(A) He thinks that life is short. (B) He thinks that we only have love in life.
(C) He thinks that we only have hate in life. (D) He thinks we should enjoy life.

桃園市立中興國民中學 108 學年度第 1 學期 8 年級第 1 次定期評量英語科考卷 班級: 座號: 姓名:
34. What does opposites mean in the reading?
(A) Good things in life. (B) Bad things in life.
(C) Good and bad things in life. (D) The smile and hope in life.
Many people have a smartphone today. Smartphones are very useful and make our lives easy. People use them to take
pictures, make phone calls, and play music. They are wonderful and changed our lives so much. However, smartphones are
becoming a big problem in the USA. How? People are using them when they shouldn’t. Drivers are sending text messages when
driving. People are walking and talking on the phone at the same time. Science tells us our brains can only do one thing at a
time. When we try to do more things, we become “blind” to things around us.
When people are busy using their smartphones, they do not notice other people and things around them. More people are
going to the hospital because they got hurt texting and walking. Drivers talking on the phone do not notice other drivers and hit
them. In both problems, more and more deaths are happening. Police officers are working hard and trying to catch these people
and give them a fine. These fines can be from $50 to $2000, and in some parts of USA, people can also be arrested by police
officers and go to jail.
☺ send text massages 傳訊息 brain 大腦 blind 盲 notice 注意 death 死亡 go to jail 坐牢
35. Why can we only do one thing at a time?
(A) We can only do that because we are blind. (B) We can only do that because police officers ask us to.
(C) We can only do that because science tells us. (D) We can only do that because our brains work that way.
36. What do we know about fine?
(A) People say it when they are OK. (B) People have to give it to the hospital when they go there.
(C) People may get it when they do something good. (D) People may get it when they do something bad.
(第 37~53 題直接在手寫答案卷作答,請用藍色或黑色原子筆作答)
五、 單字填空( 10% )
A.單字中翻英 (5 %):每題 1 分
37. 牙齒(複數) 38. 學期 39. 不及格 40. 真實的 41. 獨自地
B.請將下列動詞改為過去式(5 %):每題 1 分
42. sleep 43. win 44. nod 45. play 46. buy
六、 翻譯及填空: (12 %):47-48 每格 1 分/ 49-50 每句 3 分
47. Maggie 昨晚在爸爸的洗車廠打工。
Maggie at her dad’s car wash .
48. Jack 每天吃藥。
Jack every day.
49. 發生什麼事了?
50. 沒有任何事可以阻止他。
七、 依提示作答 (6 %):每題 2 分
51. Amy baked a cake an hour ago.(改為否定句)
52. Betty exercised before she studied math. (用…after…改寫句子)
53. I have a sore throat.
I can’t sing. (用 Because 合併兩句)


桃園市立中興國民中學 108 學年度第 1 學期 8 年級第 1 次定期評量英語科考卷 班級: 座號: 姓名:
總分 答案卡


五、 單字填空 (10 %):每題 1 分

37. 牙齒(複數) 38. 學期 39. 不及格 40. 真實的 41. 獨自地

42. sleep (改過去式) 43. win (改過去式) 44. nod (改過去式) 45. play (改過去式) 46. buy (改過去式)

六、 翻譯及填空: (12 %):47-48 每格 1 分/ 49-50 每句 3 分,錯一字扣一分

47. Maggie 昨晚在爸爸的洗車廠打工。

Maggie at her dad’s car wash .

48. Jack 每天吃藥。

Jack every day.

49. 發生什麼事了?

50. 沒有任何事可以阻止他。

七、 依提示作答 (6 %):每題 2 分,錯一字扣一分

51. Amy baked a cake an hour ago. (改為否定句)

52. Betty exercised before she studied math. (用…after…改寫句子)

53. I have a sore throat.

I can’t sing. (用 Because 合併兩句)

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