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Chapter 7: Knowledge of the Absolute

- List Krsna’s eight material energies in their gross and subtle categories. (7.4)

Gross: earth, water, fire, air and ether

Subtle: mind, intelligence and false ego

- Give the English meaning of the words para prakrti and apara prakriti. (7.5)

Para prakriti: superior, spiritual nature/energy

Apara prakriti: inferior or lower nature

- List 6 ways Krsna can be seen in the material world. (7.8-11)

1. taste of water
2. ability in man
3. heat of fire
4. strength of the strong
5. sound in ether
6. syllabe om

- Give the English meaning of the terms duskrti and sukrti. (7.15-16)

Duskrti: impious/miscreants

Sukrti: pious

- List, in Sanskrit and English, 4 types who do and don’t surrender to Krsna. (7.15-16)


1. *ārtaḥ:* the distressed

2. *artha*-*arthī:* the desirer of wealth
3. *jijñāsuḥ:* inquisitive
4. *jñānī:* searching for knowledge of the Absolute

Don’t surrender:

1. *mūḍhas:* grossly foolish persons

2. *narādhama:* the lowest of mankind
3. *māyayāpahṛta-jñānāḥ:* the deluded speculators
4. *āsuraṁ bhāvam āśritāḥ:* the professed atheists

- Amongst those who surrender to Krsna, who is most dear, and why? (7.17)

jnani because he has no personal motivation

- Give the English meaning of the terms: hrta-jnanah (7.20); antavat tu phalam and
alpa-medhasam (7.23)

*hṛta-jñānāḥ:* deprived of knowledge

*antavat tu phalaṁ:* their fruits are limited and temporary

*alpa-medhasām:* those of small intelligence

- With what Sanskrit word does Krsna describe the impersonalists? (7.24)


- Define and briefly explain the significance of the terms iccha and dvesha (7.27)

*icchā*: desire (desire to be the Lord)

*dveṣa*: hate (envy of the Lord)

- Give the English meaning of the terms anta-gatam papam and punya-karmanam

*anta-gataṁ pāpaṁ:* completely eradicated sin

*puṇya-karmaṇām:* pious previous activities

Chapter 8: Attaining the Supreme

- Give the English meaning of the phrase mam anusmara yudhya ca. (8.7)

*mām - me
anusmara - go on remembering
yudhya - fight
ca - also*

“Think of Me and fight”

- Give the English meaning of the phrases ananya-cetah and tasyaham sulabhah.

*ananya-cetāḥ:* without deviation of the mind

*tasyāhaṁ su-labhaḥ:* to him I am very easy to achieve

- Give the English meaning of the word duhkhalayam (8.15)

place of miseries

- List the duration in years of Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali-yugas and the duration of
a kalpa. (8.17)

Satya: 1,728,000 years

Treta: 1,296,000 years

Dvapara: 864,000 years

Kali: 432,000 years

Kalpa: 4,320,000,000 years (a kalpa is a day of Brahma and one day of Brahma
consists of a thousand cycles of 4 yuga.)

- What is Brahma’s life span in earthly years? (8.17)

311 trillion and 40 billion earth years

Chapter 9: The Most Confidential Knowledge

- Give the English meaning of the terms: yogam aisvaram (9.5); udasina-vat, (9.9);
manusim tanum asritam (9.11)

*yogam aiśvaram:* inconceivable mystic power of the Supreme Personality of


*udāsīna*-*vat:* The Lord is always neutral in the material activities of the created

*mānuṣīṁ tanum āśritam: [Krsna]* assuming a body in a human form

- List 4 qualities of a mahatma. (9.14)

1. Always chanting Krsna’s glories
2. endeavouring with great determination
3. bowing down before Kṛṣṇa
4. engaged in different activities of devotional service

- List, in Sanskrit or English, 3 types of those worshiping Kṛṣṇa in different ways. (9.15)

(1) he who worships himself as one with the Supreme Lord

(2) he who concocts some form of the Supreme Lord and worships that

(3) he who accepts the universal form, the *viśva-rūpa* of the Supreme Personality
of Godhead, and worships that

- Give the English meaning of the phrase and vahamy aham (9.22)

I carry what they lack,( and I preserve what they have)

- Give the English meaning of the phrase yajanty avidhi-purvakam (9.23)

They worship me in a way not prescribed **

- Give the English meaning of the phrase bhajate mam ananya-bhak sadhur eva sa
mantavyah (9.30)

**anyone engaged in DS to me without deviation is certainly a sadhu**

anyone fully attached to Kṛṣṇa is a sādhu (SB 10.7.31, Translation and Purport)
Chapter 10: The Opulence of the Absolute

- Which phrase in text 12 proves that the Supreme is different from the individual
soul? (unsure)

*paraṁ brahma paraṁ dhāma pavitraṁ paramaṁ bhavān

puruṣaṁ śāśvataṁ divyamādi-devam ajaṁ vibhum*

- Define the phrases jnana-dipena (10.11) and ekamsena sthito jagat (10.42)

*jñāna-dīpena:* the shining lamp of knowledge

*ekāṁśena sthito jagat:* With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this
entire universe.

- Why does Arjuna ask Kṛṣṇa to explain His opulences? (10.17-18)

He wants to know the general process by which the all-pervading Lord can be
understood by the common man.
Chapter 11: The Universal Form

- Why did Arjuna want to see the universal form? (11.3)

1. In order toconvince others in the future who may think that Kṛṣṇa is an ordinary
person, Arjuna desires to see Him actually in His universal form, to see how He is acting
from within the universe, although He is apart from it.
2. to set a criterion, for in the future there would be so many imposters who would
pose themselves as incarnations of God.

- How does the universal form differ from other forms of the Lord? (11.5)

Universal form:

1. has hundreds of thousands of varied divine and multicoloured forms

2. is subject to the temporary time of this material nature
3. is manifested and nonmanifested
4. is not eternally situated in the spiritual sky like Kṛṣṇa’s other forms
5. is not possible to be seen by any ordinary man. Kṛṣṇa must give one the power to
see it.

- Define the phrases kalo smi loka ksaya krt and nimitta-matram bhava (11.32-33)

*kālo ’smi loka-kṣaya-kṛt:* Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds

*nimitta-mātraṁ bhava: Just become an instrument*

Chapter 12: Devotional Service

- Define the phrase tesam aham samuddharta mrtyu-samsara-sagarat (12.7)

for them, I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth and death.

- List, in Sanskrit or English, 5 qualities that endear a devotee to Kṛṣṇa. (12.13-19)

1. tolerant
2. non-envious
3. satisfied
4. self-controlled
5. kind to everyone (no-one is put into difficult)
6. equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety
7. engaged in devotional service with determination

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