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"Tetanus is an acute, often-fatal disease of the nervous system that is caused by nerve toxins produced

by the bacterium Clostridium tetani" (Tetanus: Lockjaw & Tetanus Vaccination). This particular
bacterium is found in all regions of the world in the soil as well as the intestines of animals and humans
(Tetanus: Lockjaw & Tetanus: Vaccination). Clostridium tetani is also noted as being very hardy and
resilient and can exist for many years in its spore form. Tetanus is an infectious disease caused by
contamination of wounds from bacteria that live in the soil. However, a vaccine was produced by S.
Kitasato, the first scientist to isolate this bacterium (Tetanus).

As noted, the toxins that are created by the bacterium have a serious effect on the muscles of the
human body. It can also have a disruptive effect on other muscles besides the face and can affect the
respiratory organs, often with fatal consequences.

Tetanus results in severe, uncontrollable muscle spasms. The jaw is "locked" by muscle spasms, causing
the disease to sometimes be called "lockjaw." In severe cases, the muscles used to breathe can spasm,
causing a lack of oxygen to the brain and other organs that may possibly lead to death. (Tetanus)

Studies have indicated that in the United States the total number of cases of this disease have been
comparatively low, averaging between 40-50 cases per year since 1995. This is largely due to the
widespread immunization of the disease. However, the situation is different in many developing
counties in Asia and Africa, where the occurrence of this disease is much more common. "The annual
worldwide incidence is between 500,000-1 million cases. The majority of new cases worldwide are in
neonates in Third World countries" (Tetanus). It should also be noted that this bacterium cannot be
transmitted from person to person.

There are a number of different types of this disease. These include the most common form which is
Generalized tetanus; Local tetanus which occurs near the wound that has been infected and Cephalic
tetanus, which affects the muscles of the face. (Tetanus). The most common symptoms of generalized
tetanus includes the following symptoms; Irritability, muscle cramps, sore muscles, difficulty swallowing,
facial spasms, and spasms of the vocals chord or muscles that affect breathing.

This widespread diseased has important social as well as healthcare ramifications, especially in less
developed areas of the world. These aspects will be explored in the following sections. However, the
focus of the discussion will be on the anatomy and physiology of this disease.

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