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My opinion about today’s session in English was so excited that the teacher explains very well and easy

to understand.

What I got in this lesson is:

How to introduce myself

Name, company, description


Hello my name is Sinta. I’m from Jakarta. I work for PT. tama as an admin finance. Our main company is
in Jakarta

What is business English?

Business English is conversation use English language, that used in business such as:

- Commerce
- Trade
- Professions
- Politics
- International relations
- Regulation
- Program
- Management
In business English on professions, English uses:

- Business meetings
- Sales presentations
- Negotiations
- Business correspondence
- Business reports
- Executive summaries

English business is so important to develop your profession, especially if you can mastering the English

What is need to pay attention on English business?

- Service
- Product
- Organization
- Public
- Legal
- Govermant issues

Why is it important to learn business English?

In the now global society, where the communication with almost every part of the world, business
English was the language of international business has made it more important to use for people
working, clients, partners from other countries, reading website with English word, and so on. If you
already fluently in English, you at the next level.

Employees use English primarily at work

How to learn English business?

1. Expand your vocabulary with conversation, movie, music, and movie

- Bilingual dictionary with conversation at the office
- One lexical set at a time
- Read and translate
- Thesaurus = use english note
- Crosswords = definition of particular words
- Radio, tv, youtube, tiktok etc = watching with add english subtitle
- Reading = reading english novel for pleasure


- S + V + 0 + adv = I watch tv = watch (V)

- Setelah ini, saya akan mengikuti kelas perpajakan = after this, I will join a tax class (kalimat tidak
baku) = after business English class, I will enroll a tax subject (lebih formal)
- What do you do exactly? = menanyakan pekerjaan seseorang
- How did you get here? Bagaimana/ cara kamu sampai kemari, penggunaan kata did karena
kejadian yang masa lampau atau sudah terjadi, jika pertanyaan how do you get to campus /
work? Kata “DO” digunakan saat kejadian akan terjadi
JAWAB: I come to campus/work on motorcycle
- How long did that take? Menanyakan berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan
- Marseilles’s really beautiful, isn’t it? Kata isn’t it merupakan pertanyaan / question tag
Contoh lain: gado-gado is delicious, isn’t it? Penggunaan isn’t it (V-/+ + S)
jika dalam kalimat sudah terdapat kata positive maka di akhir pernyataan menggunakan kata
Contoh 2: the flowers are’nt beautiful, are they?
person = I, they, we, you merupakan kata jamak sedangkan he dan she merupakan kata tunggal
Thing = they merupakan kata jamak dan it merupakan kata tunggal
Noun = tunggal = it dan jamak = they

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