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People are living longer, but with greater disability

The Organization's estimates further confirm the increasing trend in longevity: in 2019, people
lived 6 years longer than in 2000, with a global average of more than 73 years in 2019 compared
to almost 67 in 2000. But on average, only five of those additional years were lived in good health.

In fact, disability is increasing. To a large extent due to the diseases and health conditions that are
causing the most deaths are those that are responsible for the greatest number of lost years of
healthy life.

Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were
collectively responsible for nearly 100 million additional healthy life years lost in 2019 compared
to 2000

UNICEF / Giacomo Pirozzi Young drug user

Accidents and drugs

Injuries are another significant cause of disability and death: there has been a significant increase
in road traffic injuries in the African region since 2000, with an increase of almost 50% in both
deaths and years of healthy life lost.

Similar increases were also observed, but slightly lower (about 40%) for the Eastern
Mediterranean region. Globally, road traffic injury deaths are seen in 75% among men.

In the Americas, drug use has become a major contributor to both disability and death. There was
a nearly three-fold increase in deaths from drug use disorders in the Americas between 2000 and

This region is also the only one in which drug use disorder is one of the top ten contributors to the
loss of healthy life years due to premature death and disability, while in all other regions, drug use
is not among the top 25.

OMS/Yoshi Shimizu Pneumonia can be prevented with vaccination, proper nutrition and
improved environmental conditions, the World Health Organization points out.

A message for countries

The estimates reveal trends over the past two decades in mortality and morbidity caused by
disease and injury and clearly highlight the need for an intensified global approach to prevent and
treat cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases.

"These new estimates are another reminder that we need to rapidly accelerate the prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of NCDs (Noncommunicable diseases). They highlight the urgency of
dramatically improving primary health care in an equitable and holistic way. Strong primary health
care is clearly the foundation on which everything from the fight against NCDs to managing a
global pandemic rests," explained Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
of the World Health Organization.
COVID-19 has tragically claimed more than 1.5 million lives. People living with pre-existing health
conditions (such as heart disease, diabetes and respiratory conditions) are at increased risk of
complications and death due to COVID-19.

Health authorities around the world depend on timely, reliable, and actionable data to make
informed decisions; this is especially true during a global pandemic. The next update of these
estimates will include an assessment of the direct and indirect impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on mortality and morbidity, the Organization reported.

Top ten causes of death overall

In 2019, the 10 leading causes of death accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million deaths worldwide.
The causes of death can be grouped into three categories: communicable (infectious and parasitic
diseases and maternal, perinatal and nutritional conditions), noncommunicable (chronic) and

1. Ischemic heart disease

2. Stroke

3. Obstructive pulmonary disease

4. Lower respiratory system infections

5. Neonatal conditions (birth, asphyxia, birth trauma, premature delivery)

6. Tracheal and bronchial cancers Alzheimer's disease and others

7. Diarrheal diseases Diabetes mellitus

8. Renal diseases

9. Diabetes mellitus

10. Renal diseases

Top ten causes of death in low-income countries

1. Neonatal conditions (birth, asphyxia, birth trauma, premature delivery)

2. Infections of the lower respiratory system

3. Ischemic heart disease

4. Cerebrovascular accident

5. Diarrheal diseases

6. Malaria

7. Traffic accidents

8. Tuberculosis

10. Cirrhosis

Top ten causes of death in rich countries

1. Ischemic heart disease

2. Alzheimer's disease and others

3. Cerebrovascular accident

4. Tracheal and bronchial cancers

5. Obstructive pulmonary disease

6. Lower respiratory system infections

7. Cancer of the colon and rectum

8. Renal diseases

9. Heart disease due to hypertension

10. Diabetes

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