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Social media usage among teenagers

Group leader:
Devera, Rocky D
Group member:
Balolong, Jeraldin U.
Camara, Elizabeth
Lim ormoc, Earldon H.

I- introduction
to present social media among teenagers.
Does social media help teenagers? Yes because
We need to use social media to listen and
learn what's happening in the media young and old we need it and social media is a great
way to connect with people who you may not see all the time and
important role in every student's life It is often easier and more convenient to access
information, provide information and communicate via social media.

II- Personal data of researcher

1.Devera, Rocky D 18 years old Male
2..Balolong, Jeraldin U. 18 years old Female
3..Lim ormoc, Earldon H. 18 years old Male
4.. Camara, Elizabeth S. 18 years old, Female

III. Total members of survey

Junior high-10
Senior high-10
IV- Graphic illustration with 1 paragraph explanation
A. Demographic profile of respondent -Age/gender
If you can see that more people answered 16-18, it has 53.3% the color red and second is
19 and above it has 33.3% in the color yellow and the few who answered is 13-15 it has
13.3% in the color blue.

as 46.7%In terms of gender, more respondents answered the survey, male 46.7% compared
to female, it has 46.7%.

in terms of respondents, more respondents answer the survey, 33.3% Junior high, 43.3%
senior high and 33.3% College.
B. Survey question

Most of students spend more time in social media like Facebook and messenger.

On average, internet users spend 2 hours and 29 minutes on social networks most of them.
most of them spend 4-6 hours using social media.

However, social media use can also negatively affect teens, distracting them, disrupting their
sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's
lives and peer pressure. The risks might be related to how much social media teens use.
Having a social network, especially during these social distancing times, is incredibly
important and has been shown to have a positive effect on mental health and well-being. It
allows students to connect with likeminded peers, breaking limitations of distance and time.

V- Conclusion
-Teenagers' use of social media helps them to get information but some of the teenagers
use social media in a wrong way because by using social media a lot of time is wasted so
we made a survey to find out how do teenagers use social media, what time do they often
use social media, does it have positive and negative effects on them and we can see their
answers in the pie graph. using social media is not bad as long as it is used to the right and
not to the wrong.

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