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Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

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Transcription factors and chaperone proteins play a role in launching a

faster response to heat stress and aggregation
Sushmita Pal, Rati Sharma *
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal, Bhopal Bypass Road, Bhauri, Bhopal, 462066, India


Keywords: Proteins, under conditions of cellular stress, typically tend to unfold and form lethal aggregates leading to
Heat shock response neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. A clear understanding of the conditions that favor dis-
Mathematical model aggregation and restore the cell to its healthy state after they have been stressed is therefore important in
Stochastic simulations
dealing with these diseases. The heat shock response (HSR) mechanism is a signaling network that deals with
Protein aggregation
Sensitivity analysis
these undue protein aggregates and aids in the maintenance of homeostasis within a cell. This framework, on its
own, is a mathematically well studied mechanism. However, not much is known about how the various inter­
mediate mis-folded protein states of the aggregation process interact with some of the key components of the
HSR pathway such as the Heat Shock Protein (HSP), the Heat Shock Transcription Factor (HSF) and the HSP-HSF
complex. In this article, using kinetic parameters from the literature, we propose and analyze two mathematical
models for HSR that also include explicit reactions for the formation of protein aggregates. Deterministic analysis
and stochastic simulations of these models show that the folded proteins and the misfolded aggregates exhibit
bistability in a certain region of the parameter space. Further, the models also highlight the role of HSF and the
HSF-HSP complex in reducing the time lag of response to stress and in re-folding all the mis-folded proteins back
to their native state. These models, therefore, call attention to the significance of studying related pathways such
as the HSR and the protein aggregation and re-folding process in conjunction with each other.

1. Introduction accumulation of mis-folded/unfolded proteins in the cell, the HSPs are

titrated away from the HSF-HSP complex and bind to the hydrophobic
Survival under stressful conditions is one of the primary aspects of a residues of the unfolded proteins to fold them back. The free HSFs now
thriving species. In general, cells face various kinds of stresses such as dimerize, trimerize, get phosphorylated (activated) and through the
Heat (Lepock et al., 1993), Oxidative stress (Squier, 2001; Vasconcellos process of transcription and translation produce more HSPs. These HSPs
et al., 2016), Endoplasmic Reticulum stress (Hamdan et al., 2017) or can now fold back more of the accumulated protein aggregates.
stresses induced by chemical agents (Hamada et al., 2009b). Therefore, Modeling of HSR has closely followed experimental evidences that
living organisms have evolved various defense mechanisms to respond revealed pieces of the mechanism right from the beginning. The
to such stresses. Heat stress, in particular, leads to protein unfolding and modeling frameworks have explained data from heat shock experiments
misfolding, eventually causing protein aggregation in the cell. Such in various species such as bacteria (Srivastava et al., 2001; El-Samad
aggregation impairs protein function for normal cellular processes et al., 2005; Kurata et al., 2006; Kang, 2012), yeast (Zheng et al.,
(Richter et al., 2010; Morimoto, 2011). Response to this therefore re­ 2016; Krakowiak et al., 2018), worms (Dahlstrom and Levine, 2019),
quires re-folding these proteins to their native state, which is achieved plants (Schroda et al., 2000; Schmollinger et al., 2013; Magni et al.,
through a mechanism known as the heat shock stress response (HSR) 2018) and mammalian cells (Peper et al., 1998; Rieger et al., 2005; Petre
pathway. et al., 2011; Scheff et al., 2015; Sivéry et al., 2016). The earliest HSR
In broad terms, the HSR pathway follows the titration feedback model that fit the data from heat shock experiments in mammalian cells
mechanism (Anckar and Sistonen, 2011). Under unstressed conditions, (Peper et al., 1998), introduced a mathematical framework of the
Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs), which are small molecular chaperones, titration feedback loop. Following this, there were several other models
exist in the form of a complex with Heat Shock Factors (HSFs). On which included varying degrees of details into them, such as,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Sharma).
Received 18 February 2021; Received in revised form 22 May 2021; Accepted 17 June 2021
Available online 24 June 2021
1476-9271/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

transcriptional regulation (Rieger et al., 2005), translation and activa­ usually exist in the form of a complex with the Heat Shock Transcription
tion of HSF (Petre et al., 2011; Scheff et al., 2015) and later a more Factor (HSF). Unfolded proteins titrate away the HSPs from this com­
simplified model (Sivéry et al., 2016). plex. Increased stress causes more proteins to become unfolded thereby
Although the heat shock experiments have revealed the HSR mech­ increasing the demand for HSPs. This increased production of HSPs is
anism, they say nothing about the different mis-folded states of the facilitated through activation of free HSFs. The mis-folded proteins also
proteins themselves. In fact, many proteins are known to undergo go through several intermediates, both during the aggregation and the
spontaneous aggregation. This happens during amyloid formation that re-folding processes. In this study, we develop models that capture these
begins with a nucleation phase and then goes through a series of inter­ intermediate states along with the HSR mechanism.
mediate elongation steps and self propagates to spontaneously aggregate Taking into consideration the folding and aggregation process of
(Jucker and Walker, 2013). Such protein aggregation has been seen, for proteins along with the HSR pathway, we propose and analyze two
example, in β-lactoglobulin and its peptides when they spontaneously possible models for protein aggregation in this study. Both these models
aggregate to form amyloid fibrils (Hamada et al., 2009a). Spontaneous incorporate HSF and its interaction with HSP along with the different
aggregation also occurs in PHF6, a key hexapeptide of tau protein, the stages of the folding pathway, something that had not been considered
mechanism for which was shown in a recent molecular dynamics before. In Model I, we assume that the total HSPs and HSFs in the system
simulation study (Liu et al., 2019). In addition to such aggregation, are conserved. Model II is an extension of Model I where we let the HSPs
proteins are also known to show hysterisis between unfolding and be dynamically produced. We consider two models because they
folding. This kind of bistability (the presence of two stable states of represent varying degrees of detail in the HSR pathway, as will become
proteins) is exhibited in the guanidine hydrochloride induced unfolded clear when we explore the individual models through simulations. These
and refolded states of Transthyretin (Lai et al., 1997) and MTase proteins models give a better understanding of the Heat Shock Response and
(Capraro and Jennings, 2016). Such threshold crossing is therefore quite elucidate how HSPs are produced when the cell is exposed to Heat
common in protein folding and aggregation. Shock. A combined picture of Models I and II is presented in Fig. 1 and
The above mentioned mathematical models of the HSR explained the the reactions specific to individual models are listed in Table 1.
various mechanistic details. However, these did not look into the folded The models proposed consider aggregate formation from upto 3
and aggregated states of the proteins themselves. In recent years, there unfolded monomers of protein, taking into consideration that the higher
have been a few simplified models which looked at the interplay be­ degrees of aggregation show a similar pattern of aggregation. Such a
tween folded and aggregated states (Rieger et al., 2006; Pechmann and model helps us examine the unique behaviour of two distinct processes i.
Vendruscolo, 2010; Sandefur and Schnell, 2011). These models repre­ e., monomer-monomer dimerization and monomer-oligomer dimeriza­
sent over-simplified threshold cross-over (or bistability) between folded tion and the effect of their rate constants on bistability. In a cell, HSPs
and aggregated states. The first of these three models only included the exist in several different forms such as HSP16, HSP70, HSP90, etc.
HSP counts and ignored every other feature of the HSR framework, (Finka et al., 2015; Feder and Hofmann, 1999). Similarly, many
while the latter models did not even include that. Therefore, it is evident different kinds of proteins can be folded back by these chaperones when
that more work needs to be carried out to explore the bistable phe­ they get mis-folded. However, for the sake of simplicity and as per
nomenon in conjunction with HSR, where the interaction network is not standard practice, we choose not to differentiate between the various
just restricted to the folded and aggregated states, but also includes kinds of HSPs and proteins in both these models. Therefore, in our
specific entities of the HSR pathway, such as, HSF, HSP and the HSF-HSP models, HSPs, folded proteins (F) and unfolded proteins (U) serve as
complex. stand-ins for several possible different molecules of the same class.
In light of this, in this work, we explore bistability in the competition
between folded and aggregated states while still incorporating features 2.2. Choice of parameters
of the HSR framework. We include interaction of proteins not just with
HSP but also with the HSF-HSP complex in addition to activation of HSF As listed in Table 2, we chose our parameters from literature on
in response to heat shock. We explore these features through two spe­ mammalian cells. We found that Robinson et al’s (Robinson and Lauf­
cific models with increasing levels of detail. fenburger, 1996) work on Chaperone activity and protein folding pro­
Our main finding from these explorations is that the presence of HSF cess inside eukaryotic cells provided us with the range of values for
and HSF-HSP complex is important for conversion of misfolded proteins several of our parameters. In order to study the catalytic role of chap­
to their native folded state. Further, there is delayed response to heat erones in protein folding, we also assumed self refolding of unfolded
shock which manifests as a slowly decreasing aggregated steady state proteins to be several orders of magnitude lower than chaperone assisted
which then crosses the threshold of bistability to become completely refolding (Rieger et al., 2006).
folded. This feature only results when there is production of more HSP The stress was introduced in the model by specifying the value of the
through HSF activation due to increased stress and not otherwise. We f
parameter ku , i.e., the rate at which the folded proteins unfold. Previous
develop the mathematical models through a system of ordinary differ­
studies performed on various mammalian cells (Lepock et al., 1988;
ential equations (ODEs) and then carry out stochastic simulations to
Peper et al., 1998), show the nature of denaturation of proteins as a
explore the probability distributions of the folded and aggregated states
function of time. The proteins in these experiments were exposed to
of the protein. The methods used are discussed in Section 2. Section 3
gradually increasing temperatures and the differential scanning calori­
gives a detailed account of the specific results obtained via the two
metric data was procured for transition or melting temperatures. The
models, while Section 4 provides discussions and implications regarding
curve obtained from the fractional protein denaturation as a function of
the larger context of these results. f
temperature was approximated to obtain Eq. (1). The parameter ku ,
according to this equation, increases as a power law with increase in
2. Mathematical model and methodology
temperature. This equation depicts the rate of denaturation in the
temperature range of 37–45 ◦ C.
2.1. Model structure
( )
kuf = 1 − T− 37 × 1.4T− 37 × 1.45 × 10− 5 (1)
The basic pathway of the heat shock response is as follows. The cell e
activates its response mechanism when it receives a stress signal. In the
case of heat stress, the response is elucidated as increased production of In experimental studies of the HSR mechanism, cells are made to un­
Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) (Finka et al., 2015), which are small mo­ dergo hyperthermia, which is defined as the exposure of cells to tem­
lecular chaperones that act to fold back mis-folded proteins. The HSPs peratures above 37 ◦ C. In line with these experimental studies,

S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

Fig. 1. Our mathematical model. The single headed arrows represent irreversible reactions whereas single headed arrows from a pair running opposite each other
represent reversible reactions. U, A2, A3 are unfolded, aggregate with 2 monomers and aggregate with 3 monomers respectively. UH, A2H, A3H are unfolded
proteins and aggregates bound to HSP. S, H, F, SH are HSF, HSP, Folded Protein and HSF:HSP complex respectively.

in the reaction time and in the copy number of individual species un­
Table 1
dergoing the reactions. Therefore, a need for carrying out stochastic
The complete list of reactions corresponding to each model.
simulations arises in order to account for these fluctuations. The
⎫ ⎫ magnitude of these fluctuations (also called noise), has an inverse
F ⇔ U
relationship with system size. This is reflected in the copy number

⎪ ⎪

U + U ⇔ A2 ⎪

A2 + U ⇔ A3 ⎪

fluctuations in our system.

The system under consideration exhibits bistability. This means that
U+H ⇔ U:H ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

A2 + H ⇔ A2 : H ⎪
⎬ ⎪

the system fluctuates between two stable states through an unstable

A3 + H ⇔ A3 : H
A2 : H ⇒ U + U : H ⎪

⎪ state. The switch between the two states occurs when a fluctuation
A3 : H ⇒ A2 + U : H ⎪ ⎪
around one stable state pushes the system across the threshold taking it

⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪

U:H ⇒ F+H ⎪
⎪ ⎪

S:H ⇔ S+H

to the other stable state. This switch can be seen in the individual tra­

S:H+U ⇒ U:H+S ⎪

⎭ jectories of the simulations (presented in Figs. 2 through 4).
S ⇒ H
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to perform stochastic simula­
tions to get a better insight into the bistable behaviour of the system. The
hypothetical heat stress induced in our model was around 40 ◦ C and Eq. stochastic behaviour can be studied by writing down the corresponding
(1) was used to calculate ku at this temperature. Following the above rate of change of probabilities of the system being in a certain compo­
basic principles, we compiled the complete set of parameters. These are sition with respect to its components. This equation, known as the
listed, along with their respective references, in Table 2. Chemical Master Equation (CME), cannot be solved analytically for a
system of this level of complexity. Stochastic simulations of such systems
2.3. Deterministic analysis and stochastic simulations using the Gillespie algorithm (Gillespie, 1977), therefore, provide an
As a first step to defining our models, we wrote down the chemical The simulations in this study were run for 1000 replicates to study
kinetic rate equations corresponding to changes in the flux of the indi­ the noise in the system. The resulting probability distribution of the copy
vidual components undergoing the reactions. This system of ordinary numbers of all the components were plotted to see the effect of chap­
differential equations (ODEs) is shown in Eqs. (2)–(11). As mentioned in erones and HSF dynamics in determining the state of the cell. The sim­
Table 2, the kinetic rate parameters were chosen from literature. The ulations themselves were performed using the simulation software
descriptions of the various kinetic parameters of the models are also package, Lattice Microbes (Roberts et al., 2012) which incorporates the
stated in Table 2. We then solved this system of equations at steady state Gillespie algorithm. The simulations for both the models were carried
and determined whether the folded, unfolded and aggregated proteins out by setting up every reversible reaction as two individual indepen­
exhibited bistability. We further explored this bistability through sto­ dent reactions. The stoichiometric matrix and dependency matrix were
chastic simulations. explicitly written to describe the nature of the reactions and the effect on
Exploring the system through simulations is important because re­ species count after every time step.
actions taking place inside a living cell are associated with stochasticity
due to both population heterogeneity of the various components of the 3. Results
reaction system and the fluctuations inherent in the cellular environ­
ment. This inherent stochasticity in the system leads to fluctuations both We have, in this article, presented two models (I and II), which are

S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

Table 2
1 1
List of parameters. The rates have units of (item × s)− for second order reactions and s− for first order reactions.
Parameter Value [(item × s)− or s− 1] Description Reference
− 4
ku 10 Temperature dependent misfolding of folded proteins Eq. (1)
kru 10− Self Refolding of misfolded proteins Robinson and Lauffenburger (1996)
ka2 0.02 Rate of aggregation of two U Zettlmeissl et al. (1979)
kra2 0.04 Self disaggregation of A2 Rieger et al. (2006)
ka3 0.01 Rate of aggregation of A2 and U Zettlmeissl et al. (1979)
kra3 0.01 Self disaggregation of aggregate A3 Rieger et al. (2006)
kf 0.01 Rate of U and H binding Flynn et al. (1989)
krf 0.1 Rate of disaggregation of U:H Flynn et al. (1989); Liberek et al. (1991)
kd2 0.1 Rate of entrapment of H with A2 Robinson and Lauffenburger (1996)
krd2 0.1 Rate of disaggregation of A2:H Robinson and Lauffenburger (1996)
kd3 0.001 Rate of entrapment of H with A3 Robinson and Lauffenburger (1996)
krd3 0.1 Rate of disaggregation of A3:H Robinson and Lauffenburger (1996)
kd2 3 × 10− Rate constant for degradation of A2H to U and U:H Rieger et al. (2006)
kd3 3 × 10− Rate constant for degradation of A3H to A2 and U:H Rieger et al. (2006)
kf 10− 3 Catalytic refolding of proteins from UH Rieger et al. (2006)
krs 3.56 Rate of dissociation of S:H into S and H Petre et al. (2011)
ks 9.73 Rate of association of S and H Petre et al. (2011)
kus 10− Rate of S:H binding to U Szymańska and Zylicz (2009)
4 3
km 10− − 10− Rate of HSP translation Scheff et al. (2015), Petre et al. (2011), Sivéry et al. (2016)

representations of the protein folding and aggregation pathway with

increasing levels of details from the HSR pathway. We analyzed the two = ksf × S × H − ksr × SH − ksu × SH × U (11)
models to show how incorporating features from the HSR pathway
makes for a better model for the interaction of the HSPs with the We first carried out a deterministic analysis of Model 1. The con­
unfolded proteins. servation of total proteins, total HSP and total HSF are represented
mathematically in Eqs. (2) to (4). The kinetic rate equations of the in­
3.1. Deterministic analysis of Model I reveals the bistable regime dividual species are shown in Eqs. (5) through (11).
We solved the system of ODEs along with the constraints, i.e., Eqs.
Model I is represented in Table 1 and its mathematical equations (2) through (11), under steady state conditions (where the change in
representing the change in concentrations of the individual species are copy numbers with respect to time is set to zero) to find regions of
represented in Eqs. (2) through (11). parameter space that have 3 or 1 physically relevant solutions for the
copy numbers of folded (F), unfolded (U) and aggregated (A2 and A3)
[P]tot = U + F + UH + 2 × (A2 + A2 H) + 3 × (A3 + A3 H) (2) proteins. The region of space that has 3 steady state solutions shows
bistable behavior while that with only one steady state solution shows
α = UH + A2 H + A3H + H + SH (3)
monostable behavior.
Since the total HSP and HSF are conserved in Model I, the compo­
β = S + SH (4)
nents of the system in the bistable regime can potentially redistribute
df itself in such a way that there are two stable steady states with an un­
= kf × UH + kur × U − kuf × F (5) stable state in the middle. The deterministic analysis was explicitly
performed for Model 1. The corresponding parameter scan with the two
dA2 regions (bistable and monostable) explicitly displayed are plotted in
= kaf2 × U × U − kar2 × A2 + kdr2 × A2 H − kdf2 × A2 × H + kar3 × A3
dt Fig. 2A. Following this, stochastic simulations were also carried out. We
varied the total HSP and the kinetic rate constant for aggregate forma­
− kaf3 × U × A2 + kd3 × A3 H
(6) tion, ka2 , to carry out the two parameter scan in order to determine the
number of physically relevant solutions of the ODEs at steady state. We
dA3 did this while keeping fixed all the other parameters of the system. The
= kdr3 × A3 H − kdf3 × A3 × H + kaf3 × U × A2 − kar3 × A3 (7) f
dt choice of ka2 as one of the parameters to be scanned over for the bist­
ability analysis is arbitrary and a similar parameter scan could be per­
= kff × U × H − kfr × UH − kf × UH + kd2 × A2 H + kd3 × A3 H formed by choosing the other parameters as well and the results for
bistability would still hold true. However, as we later show using
+ksu × SH × U f
sensitivity analysis, ka2 is also one of the sensitive parameters in the
(8) models, thereby showing a restrictive range for the bistability regime (as
shown in Fig. 2A).
dA2 H
= kdf2 × A2 × H − kdr2 × A2 H − kd2 × A2 H (9) The parameter scan confirmed the presence of bistability in our
model. As mentioned earlier, bistablility leads to the threshold phe­
dA3 H nomenon where the system crosses the barrier and in this case goes to
= kdf3 × A3 × H − kdr3 × A3 H − kd3 × A3 H (10) the higher aggregated state which could be lethal for the cell. In the
parameter scan, shown in Fig. 2A, the white region depicts the bistable
region where the system has 3 steady state solutions, where, two states

S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

Fig. 2. Deterministic and stochastic analysis of Model I: (A) Parameter scan to determine the bistable regime. The white shaded region of the figure shows the
bistable regime where the system has of 3 steady states. The system of ODEs were solved with a two parameter scan over a range in parameter space. ka2 and
concentration of HSP were the two parameters chosen for the scan. The total protein count and S or SH count is 5000 and 1000 respectively. (B) Simulations for
1000 replicates with Total Protein ¼ 5000, Total HSP ¼ 2050, Total HSF ¼ 1000. (i) The presence of bistability for the entities present in the system for one
replicate. (ii) Depiction of stochasticity in the system and bistable behaviour for the formation of aggregates. (iii) The Probability distribution function for 1000
replicates. (C) Simulations for 1000 replicates with Total Protein ¼ 5000, Total HSP ¼ 2100, Total HSF ¼ 1000. (i) Depiction of stochasticity in the system and
the exhibition of bistability in the formation of aggregates. (ii) The Probability distribution function of folded proteins for a collection of 1000 replicates.

(lowest and highest values) represent the stable steady states and the
one in the middle represents the unstable steady state. Table 3
Sensitivity coefficients describing the role of parameters in the counts for various
species. The listed values are the ones that significantly alters the processes in­
3.2. Increasing HSP count leads to a preference for the lower aggregate side the cell and are most sensitive.
state Description Sensitivity Value
Once we had the bistable region identified from Fig. 2A, we could Temperature induced mis-folding of folded proteins ∂lnf − 1
choose parameters that would show either a single or a bimodal distri­ ∂lnkfu
bution of folded and aggregate proteins. As described in the previous Forward aggregation decreases the complex U:H ∂lnuh − 0.550
section, we laid down our model to study the role of HSP, HSF and the ∂lnkfa3
Smaller aggregates tend to decrease as chaperones ∂lna2 − 0.557
HSP-HSF complex in the bistability that the system exhibits. In Model I, bind to higher aggregates ∂lnkfd3
HSP and HSF are conserved in the system. The first set of simulations, as Folded proteins increases as chaperones bind to the ∂lnf 0.506
shown in Fig. 2B, were performed using total HSP counts = 2050, total smaller aggregates ∂lnkfd2
proteins = 5000 and HSF = 1000, which are typical values (Nagaraj Chaperones assisted refolding enhances its binding ∂lna2h 0.769
to aggregates ∂lnkff
et al., 2011). The simulations resulted in a transient state for short time
Folded proteins increases as S:H binds to unfolded ∂lnf 0.158
and eventually went to the higher aggregated state. The simulations proteins ∂lnkus
were run for 1000 replicates in order to get a smooth distribution Folded proteins increases as the rate of S and H ∂lnf 1.18
function. From Fig. 2B(ii), we could see that some replicates reach binding increases ∂lnkfs
higher aggregated state sooner than others. From the probability dis­ U:H complex increases as the rate of S and H binding ∂lnuh 1.18
increases ∂lnkfs
tribution in Fig. 2B(iii), we could infer that the probability for the system
S:H complex increases as the rate of S and H binding ∂lnsh 7.46
to be in lower folded protein concentration is higher than that of higher increases ∂lnkfs
folded protein concentration.
Later, a second set of simulations was performed to see the role of
HSP in the system. We hypothesized that the presence of more HSP
would help the system in remaining healthy and it would spend more Indeed, increasing HSP in the system helped it to be in the lower
time in the folded state and after a definite time would cross the barrier aggregated state. The system stayed in the lower aggregated state for a
and go to the higher aggregated state. Therefore, to test this hypothesis, long duration of time, which is validated from the probability distri­
we increased the HSP count to 2100 in our simulation of the system. This bution curve where most of the proteins stayed in the folded state.
is shown in Fig 2 C. The simulations tested positive for our hypothesis. The simulations of Model I rightly represent the scenario that

S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

increasing the amount of HSPs increase the concentration of the folded crosses the threshold barrier and goes to the state of lower aggregates.
proteins compared to the unfolded proteins, whereas, some of the pro­ The threshold barrier is crossed as the system reaches a certain level of
teins remain in the aggregated or unfolded state even at higher con­ HSP concentration. In this model, the HSPs are produced from the HSFs.
centrations of HSP. However, in a cell, the aggregated proteins do In the real scenario, it is this HSF in its activated form that acts as
become folded under increasing concentrations of HSP. We addressed transcription factors and translates HSP. The initial HSFs in the system
this drawback of Model I in Model II. are consumed to produce more HSP which helps in protein folding. Due
to the gradual decrease in aggregate concentration, there is a wider
distribution of folded proteins in the lower state i.e, around 1000 folded
3.3. Dynamical production of HSP from HSF plays a significant role in proteins (Fig. 3A(iii)).
maximizing protein folding In the simulations depicted in Fig. 3A, we assumed that there are no
HSP-HSF complex at the beginning of the simulation. But, the system
Model I was devised under the assumption that the HSPs are could exist in the form where all the HSPs and HSFs are either segregated
conserved. However, in the real system, the HSPs are produced or in the form of a complex. Therefore, we next carried out simulations
continuously with increase in stress. This phenomenon is addressed in where the system in its initial state had all the HSPs in the form of the
the second model. Therefore, as listed in Table 1, Model II has an HSP-HSF complex. Since it had higher HSP concentration initially, the
additional reaction where HSP (H) is created dynamically from HSF (S). system immediately went to the lower aggregate state as shown in
This means that the total HSP and the total HSF are no longer conserved Fig. 3B(i). However, it is to be noted that eventually simulations
which implies that Eqs. (3) and (4) are no longer valid for Model II. We depicted in both Fig. 3A and B had nearly equal amounts of HSP (counts
built on the results of Model I and further explored this dynamical sys­ 1000) in the final state. Further, Fig. 3B(ii) shows the probability dis­
tem through stochastic simulations. As per the response mechanism, tribution for the folded proteins in the system. The probability of finding
unfolded proteins tend to aggregate with an increase in the cell’s approximately 4500 proteins in the folded state is higher, thereby
exposure to heat stress. The HSPs are chaperones that help fold back depicting the healthy condition of the cell.
these unfolded proteins. The cells therefore, translate HSP as a response We next studied the role of the basal level of HSP in the system. The
to their fight against such a stress. Fig. 3A shows the threshold phe­ amount of the basal level of HSP present decides the response time for
nomenon inside the cell under stress. Under stress, there is rapid mis­ the cell. To study this, we simulated our system with (HSP count = 100)
folding and aggregate formation, but the presence of basal level HSP as and without basal level HSP, shown in Fig. 3C(i) and (ii) respectively. It
an initial response of the cell tends to gradually decrease the aggregates
was evident that the cell tried to be in slowly decreasing aggregated
and after a certain time due to the Heat Shock Response, the system

Fig. 3. Deterministic and stochastic analyses of Model II: (A) Simulations for 1000 replicates with Total Protein ¼ 5000, Total initial basal HSP ¼ 100,
Total initial HSF ¼ 1500. (i) The presence of bistability for the entities present in the system for one replicate (ii) Depiction of stochasticity in the system and the
exhibition of bistability in the dissolution of aggregates. (iii) The Probability distribution function for 1000 replicates. (B) Simulations for 1000 replicates with
Total Protein count ¼ 5000, Free HSF ¼ 0, Initial HSF:HSP ¼ 1500, Initial Basal level HSP ¼ 100. (i) 1000 replicates for the system where all HSF and HSP are
in the bound state. (ii) Probability distribution curve. (C) Significance of basal HSP. Simulations for 100 replicates (i) with basal HSP (counts = 100) and (ii)
without basal HSP (counts = 0) in the system. In both these simulations, total Protein = 5000 and Initial HSF = 1500.

S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

steady state for longer when it had no HSP initially. This indicated a folded state. Therefore, the folded proteins tend to be affected the most
delayed response in this scenario. during the Heat Shock Response where almost all the parameters tend to
affect its existence.
The parameter ka2 is a sensitive parameter which means that the
3.4. Sensitivity analysis reveals the most important parameters of the aggregation process is indeed an important step in our model. We also
system f
performed our parameter scan taking ka2 as one of the parameters to get
our bistable regime. The other parameters which showed a similar trend
To find the relationship between the species and the parameters used f f
in our model, we estimated the sensitivity coefficient for every species in terms of sensitivity were ka3 , kra3 , kd2 and krd2 .
and parameter (Turanyi, 1990). The details about the calculation and In our simulations, we also studied the role of HSF and the HSF-HSP
analyses are provided in the Supplementary text. complex. The rate constants for these reactions directly affect the U:H
The stationary sensitivity coefficient represents the change of sta­ complex and Folded proteins. Therefore, the reactions involving these
tionary species concentration as a result of a differential change in pa­ components are significant. The kinetic rate constant, ks , in fact, is a very
rameters. The most significant sensitivity coefficients are listed in sensitive parameter and corresponds to the production of the complex S:
Table 3. After close introspection of all the sensitivity coefficients H which in turn produces UH and F. Therefore, any small increment in
(Table 3 and Table S1), we found that the least sensitive parameter was this parameter could lead to more folded proteins in the system. The S:H
kra2 whose sensitivity coefficient value was way less than 0.1 for all the complex when bound to unfolded protein activates the response mech­
species in our system. To test this, we changed the value of kra2 with an anism leading to a stable state consisting of higher concentration of
increment of 10% and tested the steady state values. Since, this was the folded proteins.
least sensitive parameter, the values of none of the species changed The complete set of sensitivity coefficients are listed in Table S1 in
significantly. The sensitivity coefficient for self refolding turned out to the supplementary information.
be negligible in our analysis. This further supported our assumption that
the rate constants (kru ) for self folding of mis-folded proteins were
significantly smaller than the catalytic refolding. For e.g., when we 3.5. Increased production of HSP from HSF lowers response time for
compared the sensitivity coefficients for mis-folding and self refolding, folding.
we observed that the parameter ku was more sensitive than kru . The 10
Varying HSP concentration also varies the response time for the
fold increase in the parameter ku
changed the protein counts of folded system to go from the aggregated state to the folded state. Here, response
proteins from 1800 to 150 whereas, a 10 fold increase in kru changed the time refers to the time at which the cell toggles between the two steady
protein counts from 1800 to 1900 only. Further, the parameter ku is states in the bistable regime. The response time can be reduced by
temperature dependent (Eq. (1)), thereby experiencing the direct changing the number of HSFs, HSPs as well as the kinetic rate for the
consequence of heat stress. production of HSP from HSF, i.e., the rate constant km. This could be
The proper cellular functioning can only be performed by the cells observed in the simulation studies shown in Fig. 4. Initially, as per the
that contain folded proteins. All the response that is mounted in the parameter range listed in Table 2, we changed the rate constant, km, for
system drives the reactions towards folded state of the protein. Also, we the production of HSPs. Since, km is an important parameter for the cell
assume that initially all the proteins are in their healthy state i.e., the to mount a response, its value (Petre et al., 2011; Scheff et al., 2015;

Fig. 4. Role of HSF in Model II. Each figure depicts the role of molecular counts of HSPs and HSFs and the rate of production of HSP on the response time. The
stochastic simulations were carried out for 2 replicates. The value of km is in the units s− 1. We compare Fig. (A) with (B), Fig. (C) with (D) and Fig. (E) with (F).

S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

Sivéry et al., 2016) plays a key role in setting the response time. The about 10 hours to respond and switch into a higher aggregated state
wide range of km could be a reflection of the different forms of HSPs that whereas, an increase in the HSP count by 50, doubled the response time
are part of the HSR mechanism. We therefore increased the value of km for folded to aggregated state. Hence, these response times were
by an order of magnitude and observed a significant change in the consistent to our theory i.e., the HSP concentration affects the amount of
response time between the simulation trajectories shown in Fig. 4A and time the cell stays in one particular state.
B. On further increasing the value of km from 0.001 s− 1 to 0.005 s− 1, we Finally, as shown in Fig. 3B and C, we also extended the features of
could clearly see a decrease in the response time by several hours, as Model II to study the role of free versus HSP bound HSF and the role of
shown in Fig. 4C and D, even though the number of HSFs (S) in the basal HSP respectively. It is clear that initial high concentration of HSP
system is reduced to 1400. As mentioned before, the state of the cell can either in the form of the HSF-HSP complex (Fig. 3B) or in the form of free
also change depending on the nature of molecules present inside it. For basal HSP (Fig. 3C) leads to faster refolding dynamics. This is because
example, HSPs and HSFs could either be present in the free form or as a the aggregated proteins then do not have to wait as long for the synthesis
complex. We simulated a case where all the HSFs are in the form of the of new HSPs. Therefore, the re-folding process can start earlier. How­
HSF:HSP complex. By changing the amount of HSF:HSP complex, there ever, as can be seen, both from Fig. 3B and C, there is some time lag in
is a change in the HSP molecules which affects the response time inside the response to be established and the aggregated state of the proteins
the cell. The presence of 900 (1500 to 2400) more HSPs inside the cell, are stable for a long time. As shown in Fig. 4, this time lag can be reduced
even at a low km = 0.0001 s− 1, reduced the response time by several by either increasing the rate of the reaction that directly converts HSF to
hours. This comparison is shown in Fig. 4E and F. Therefore, the time at HSP or by increasing the overall concentration of HSF itself. This time
which the response is mounted is highly dependent on the parameter km lag also shows that the aggregated proteins, on an average, last any­
as well as the number of HSFs and HSPs present in the system. where between 10 to 25 h which corresponds to the half life of misfolded
and aggregated proteins (Guo et al., 2014, 2016). Such an effect of
4. Discussion increased HSF that we predict here can be tested experimentally by
overexpressing HSF in the cell. Further, this kind of time lag between
We have, in this work, developed and carried out Monte Carlo sim­ stress and response is a general phenomenon observed in several model
ulations of two specific model systems that tie the HSR pathway with the organisms. For example, in yeast, delayed proteomic response is
various intermediate states of the protein folding and aggregation observed under severe heat stress leading to delayed HSR (Muhlhofer
mechanism. In coming up with these models, we have tapped into two et al., 2019). Similar delayed response was also observed in C. elegans
basic assumptions. One is that the total protein copy number is under 34 deg Celsius high heat stress for 1 hour (Dahlstrom and Levine,
conserved due to the associated energy cost in increasing gene expres­ 2019).
sion (Wagner, 2007). Also, proteins lost as irreversible aggregates due to In conclusion, the study of the two models revealed novel features
very high stresses are replenished by translation which ensures protein regarding the specific roles of HSF, the HSF-HSP complex and the syn­
homeostasis (Muhlhofer et al., 2019). We have incorporated this phe­ thesis of HSP under stress in tipping the balance between folded and
nomenon in our models and simulations in the form of Eqs. (1) and (2). aggregated states. This would not have been possible without connect­
The second assumption is that chaperone assisted refolding kinetics is ing the HSR mechanism to the protein aggregation framework. In fact,
much faster than free refolding. This comes from many well studied apart from protein folding and aggregation, the HSR pathway is also
systems and models which show that chaperones inhibit aggregation by known to be connected to the p53 signalling (Lecomte et al., 2010;
binding to the exposed hydrophobic amino acid residues. Subsequently, Toma-Jonik et al., 2019) and the p38 MAPK pathways (Singh and
these chaperone bound proteins go through a series of folding in­ Aballay, 2006; Naidu et al., 2016). The p53 signaling mechanism gets
termediates which have lowered energy barriers to get to the native state activated under DNA damage and also plays a role in tumor suppression.
(Kim et al., 2013). Following these features, we studied two specific The p38 MAPK pathway, on the other hand, helps in providing innate
models. Model I simply incorporated the HSF-HSP interaction and the immunity, which is the first line of defense against stress or damage.
related reactions while keeping the total HSP constant. Model II, on the Therefore, future exploration of stress response mechanisms should be
other hand, in addition to the reactions of Model I also incorporated the directed towards connecting related pathways. This might make the
fact that HSP is produced continuously with corresponding increase in system more complicated, adding several more reactions and parame­
stress. Model II is therefore closer to reality and this is reflected in the ters, but will eventually give better insights into the larger
dynamical changes in the copy number of the folded and aggregated inter-connectivity of signaling pathways.
states of the protein. In the simulations of Model I (Fig. 2B and C), due to
reaction kinetic fluctuations, some of the proteins switched to the high Author statement
aggregated state early. And since the total HSP was held constant, these
high aggregated states once reached were long lived and highly stable. Sushmita Pal: Data curation; Formal analysis; Investigation; Vali­
In Model II as well, stress did cause the folded proteins to become dation; Visualization; Roles/Writing – original draft.
aggregated. But because of dynamical HSP concentration, as shown in Rati Sharma: Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis;
the trajectories of Fig. 3A, all the proteins in the high aggregated state Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project administra­
eventually re-folded. This also came about via the spontaneous transi­ tion; Resources; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Writing – review
tion characteristic of a bistable system, but as can be seen from Fig. 3A & editing.
(iii), there was a clear slowly decreasing aggregated state which was
missing in Model I. Both, Models I and II, give a bimodal distribution as Conflict of interest
shown in Figs. 2C(ii) and 3 A(iii) respectively. However, because of the
slowly decreasing aggregated state, Model II gives a much broader dis­ The authors declare no conflict of interest.
tribution for the low folded (highly aggregated) state. The main
advantage for the system to be explained by the latter model is that Acknowledgements
almost all the unfolded and aggregated proteins fold back to their native
state. This is only possible because of the well-studied role of HSF in Sushmita Pal is supported by the National Fellowship INSPIRE
translating new HSPs (Anckar and Sistonen, 2011). (Innovation in Science Pursuit of Inspired Research) funded by the
The concentration of HSPs in the system is what determines the fate Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.
of the cell. For Model I, we calculated the average time for 1000 repli­ This work has also been funded by the Science and Engineering Research
cates to switch from one state to another. With HSP count = 2050, it took Board (SERB) Startup Research Grant (Ref. No. SRG/2019/000726)

S. Pal and R. Sharma Computational Biology and Chemistry 93 (2021) 107534

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