Group-8 Midterm TP 4

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Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for the Professional



Secretaria, Honey
Sioco, Justine
Solomon, Zyra
Sotomango, Karylle Samantha
Yong, Shaira Mae
Villos, Sam

BSTM 3-1AA, 3rd YEAR

Jose Catolico Sr. Avenue, Barangay Lagao, General Santos City

• Culture – Describe the culture of the three (3) companies. Do they exemplify service culture? How is their
organizational climate?

Video 1
Zappos Family's workplace has a lively and friendly environment. They approach greater work-life integration, and
they emphasize integrating into the culture and embracing each diversity in order to develop strong relationships at work.
They all feel at ease talking to one another, treating one another like family, and can crack jokes and laugh at random,
which makes them enjoy their work. Zappo Family promotes broad viewpoints to value individuals' uniqueness and provide
them the ability to see positive impacts behind one another's differences as they have the cultural competence to
successfully apply personal literacy and cultural literacy in their company. The goal of the business is to create a solid,
harmonious relationship with its workforce; thus they favor applicants who can understand and contribute to the
development of its existing culture. They think that addressing the culture properly can motivate staff members and
improve job performance. Zappo Family believes that a job should not only focus on having a brilliant mind or amazing
talents, but also on having a nice work atmosphere where we can find happiness and comfort in our work.

Video 2

Best Western Hotels and Resorts is a loyalty-based business that gives its employees more opportunities. They have
numerous personnel who work in a variety of professions and settings. Although BW's organizational culture appears to be
open-minded, they make sure that they can provide good management to the wellbeing of their personnel. The company
developed cultural competency by having personal literacy, which helped them encourage their staff to lead healthy
lifestyles and find their interests. Employee relationships are valued by them by placing a high priority on hearing their
thoughts and addressing to their concerns. They take good care of their workers, recognizing their efforts with rewards and
chances for career advancement. Employees attest that working challenges allow them to grow and become closer to their
families and that stress promotes teamwork. The company also creates an employee community that brings people
together. Best Western promotes social literacy by actively encouraging their organizations to make charitable donations
and take part in event activities. They enhance their human values and social abilities, which have a positive effect on
workplace culture.

Video 3

Southwest Gallup aspires to see the individuality of its people; the organization's culture is to put people first and
provide a tool to bring out the best in them. The business adapts its strategy so that the entire workforce can recognize
individual capabilities and use those strengths to increase engagement and productivity at work. Southwest motivates
employees by giving them the flexibility to do what they want in a genuine way by giving them responsibility for the tasks
they are strong at. They use business literacy, whereby executives engage in dialogues with people to determine the specific
skill sets of their employees. They then supply the tools that will be important for their development and can be used to
strengthen the company's culture. Southwest allows individuals to become their best selves, as well as the best members of
their families, friendship circles, and communities. The organization's culture is to express awareness by applying a shared
personal literacy to monitor employee character and deliver productivity toward their purpose, and employees
demonstrate that the company works in good culture. As a result, there is a performance and a people's case that are well
integrated behind the southwest story.

• Artifacts of Organizational Culture – How are the artifacts of organizational culture evident in each of the three (3)
companies? How do you think they can improve on these?

The online shoe retailer Zappos, which is renowned for its customer service, has many artifacts that stand out
among the other cultures organically. As an illustration, the office premises are excessively cluttered with the
employees' personal belongings. Each brightly adorned cubicle is connected to another by a thread of party
decorations that spans the entire office. The Zappos workstations are quite cluttered with colorful, decorative stuff
and appear to reflect individual personalities, in contrast to most corporate offices that encourage fewer personal
items at work. In addition to the actual workspaces, the culture of the office stands out among most businesses in
terms of how its employees behave. At Zappos, it is uncommon to see someone not grinning. Society appears to be
fun as employees are encouraged to wear costumes and throw parades in the office. Overall, the culture appears to
be quite joyful and lively based on the artifacts, yet one might also contend a lack of professionalism.


The brand received high praise for qualities including cleanliness and quality of lodgings and facilities, the reliability
of the goods, the standard of brand sales and on-site personnel, and health and traveler wellness alternatives, as well as
overall value. Brand Western was also praised for its capacity to sustain crucial operations at crucial sites for business,
response to safety, security, and cleanliness concerns, and excellent communication with travel purchasers. To comprehend
and provide what is vital to guests throughout their stay, Best Western listens to and responds to the voice of travel managers
and guests. Best Western has changed into a dynamic hotel corporation with 18 unique brand options in every market area,
from luxury to economical. The corporation has recently invested a stunning 2 billion in property enhancements and
renovations, revitalizing its hotels all over North America. Because of its dedication to innovation and development, Best
Western Hotel has been able to achieve record RevPAR indexes, unmatched industry recognition, and unheard-of levels of
guest happiness.

The largest low-cost airline provider worldwide. This company's success and profitability throughout its life,
excluding the first year it existed, can be attributed in part to the fact that its plan is not only comprehensive and obvious
but also compatible with its corporate culture. The workers are reputed to be exceptionally dedicated to the organization's
purpose. Employees were frequently more able to respond appropriately when faced with difficult decisions because of the
very clearly expressed principles and norms that they can relate with. Southwest's approach to culture is a model for
businesses around the world that are struggling to understand it. (Chatman, Cha, 2003) 23 Herb Kelleher, one of the
business's founders and a past CEO, has always placed a strong emphasis on developing a culture that would grasp what the
company is trying to do and how. He wanted workers who would enjoy their jobs, and he chose them in a way that would
allow them to make judgments without having to oversee them. He also made sure that they would be appropriate for the
task in question. Their strategy is to enjoy themselves at work and treat their coworkers like trustworthy friends. People are
connected as a family, so whether there are any private joys or sorrows, Southwest wants to be a part of it by offering
comfort or support.

• Role of Leadership – Discuss how leaders and employees address the cultural perspectives of their respective
companies. Are there other things their leaders need to work?

A company's journey towards diversity, where all employees are recognized and valued regardless of their age,
ethnicity, gender, race, and/or other dimensions, can be accelerated by strong culturally responsive leadership. This calls for
the capacity to be receptive to the thoughts and judgments of others. Leaders must also enhance their cultural intelligence
in order to deal with the problems posed by global diversity. Quote: "A person's capacity to apply reasoning and judgment
abilities to analyze foreign gesture and scenario and device solution" is the definition of cultural intelligence. In general, a
good organizational leader must have confidence in their capacity to comprehend the various cultures. Three cultural
perspectives exist: an integrated perspective, a differentiated perspective, and a fragmented perspective. According to the
CEO of Zappos, they handle their cultural perspective by focusing on integration. removes uncertainty by focusing attention
on shared ideals and assumptions. Best Western represents a fragmented viewpoint and emphasizes the significance of the
interactions between many organizational meanings and symbols. This company has been in business for 70 years, so it is
obvious that they want to lead their employees or people, consider the relationships that are supposed to function, or
create pathways for practices and narratives that lead them to the path of top management. As a result, teams understand
and interpret how relationships within the organization should work. The final business described, Southwest, has a
perspective of differentiation and at times, various perspectives. Southwest is in the airline business, which exposes them to
a variety of cultures. Despite this, they have been able to create a positive work atmosphere through meetings and visits
that serve as sources of support and encouragement. As we've seen, there are no other goals for the leaders to pursue
because they are all skilled at what they do and have developed effective leadership habits.

• Inter-Organizational Learning – Describe how inter-organizational learning occurs in the three (3) companies. In your
perspective, how do these impact their culture and business processes?
The three companies' inter-organizational learning is a dynamic process that occurs in cooperative inter-
organizational relationships, in different structured and non-structured social spaces that encourage learning situations,
referred to as learning episodes. By transferring knowledge within an organization, it has an impact on their culture and
business processes. Your company's performance should improve over time as it gains experience. During this time, you,
your team, and your organization should be building a broad base of knowledge on all topics that could improve the way
you do business. For example, you should learn more about your ideal customer or develop more efficient business

The three (3) companies have made use of dialogue, one of the key components of inter- organizational learning.
Employees will have the chance to learn during exchange dialogues and interactions thanks to the knowledge and
understanding that they may obtain from other people's perspectives. To significantly develop and improve the skills and
abilities of the entire workforce or team, it is crucial for an organization to foster learning opportunities. This will help to
improve and boost work performance and may even allow them to provide their entire customer base with excellent
standards of quality service.

• Cultural Competence – Discuss which competencies are present in the three (3) companies. In your opinion, how do
these competencies affect their stability and performance in the global market?

The cultural competencies that are present in the three companies presented in the video are as follow; Personal
literacy, the three companies understand and value their employees and are critically aware on the ability of oneself. Social
literacy, the company encourage their employees to engage and challenge themselves to do work effectively and be
responsible in their job. Business literacy, the three companies have a set of goals and objectives to achieve. There is more
focus in developing and mobilizing their company to be more productive. Cultural literacy, the company values of their
employees so they promote cultural diversity at their workplace there are hiring employees who have positive views
towards people with other culture employees who are open to engage despite of the differences.

• Based on your research, were there differences between the organizational culture of tourism and hospitality-related
companies and those that are not (Zappos, for instance)? Discuss, if there’s any. If none, what are their similarities?

From our perspective, there aren't any significant differences between the organizational cultures of businesses
involved in tourism and hospitality, as well as those in other areas of the business sector, because all of them have
prioritized and used similar competencies, such as personal literacy, social literacy, business literacy, and cultural literacy, as
a part of their organizational cultures. In addition, they think that for each employee to perform their job roles more
effectively and efficiently, they must also have the necessary awareness, knowledge, and skills, which may be acquired
through receiving the right training, having more opportunities for professional advancement, and being given novel and
difficult work-related experiences.



GROUP #: 8


Secretaria, Honey Artifacts of Organizational Culture 100 Outstanding
Sioco, Justine Marie Cultural Competencies 100 Outstanding
Solomon, Zyra Summary, Compilation 100 Outstanding
Sotomango, Karylle Inter-organizational Learning 100 Outstanding
Villos, Sam Role of Leadership 95 Outstanding
Yong, Shaira Mae Culture 100 Outstanding

Prepared by:
Zyra Solomon
Group 8 Leader

Submitted to:
Kyla Denise Gonzales
Course Instructor

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