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Recently, though I’m not sure very recent, but

the legal rate is reduced to 6%. But, under the

regulation, the regulation specifically mentions
12%. So, when I checked the regulation, there is
no amendatory regulation which uses 6%.

So, apparently, in determining the difference on

the interest of the loan granted to the manager
or supervisor, versus the market rate, we still use
So, this is just an explanation on the term “group
insurance”. Two scenarios there, it’s either the employer
grants a loan to the manager or supervisor at no
Again, when you get that group insurance, the
interest since such case, 12% of the principal will
beneficiary is the employee in general, not a
be considered as the monetary value of the
specifically named employee.
Fringe Benefit, divided by 65%, times 35%, that’s
your Fringe Benefits Tax.

The second scenario is the interest being

collected by the employer is made lower than 12
percent. So, in such case, the difference between
the interest collected by the employer and 12%
times the principal will be considered as the
monetary value of Fringe Benefit.

To get the Fringe Benefits Tax, that monetary

How about for other benefits? value will be divided by 65%. We actually
experience this in one of the clients before, they
Say for example, Household Expenses, which is
are granting loans to their employees and it’s a
being shouldered by the employer. Of course,
recurrent finding in our tax compliance review.
the monetary value which will be subject to FBT
Of the employer wants to retain the employees,
there, would be 100%, of the Household
that’s really understandable, but we always have
to remind, that you know, if you always grant
This includes the salary of the driver or the salary loans to your employees and this will be checked
of the yaya which is being paid by the employer. by the BIR later on, there is always the Fringe
But of course, the driver or the yaya must not be Benefits Tax exposure.
under the payroll of the employer.
The good thing though is, this situation may not
They must on the payroll of the employee and necessarily fall within the radar of the BIR,
the employer either reimburse their salary or because often times the loan are short term,
pays their salary directly. In such case, 100% may meaning it’s being paid in a month, or even less
be subject to Fringe Benefits Tax. than a month.

Interest on Loan at less than market rate, when So, by the year end, there is really no loans
we talk of market rate, by the way, we are receivable coming from the employees. There
looking at 12% legal interest. will be no record because it will be zero out.
That’s what they are doing.
More so, they are not reporting any interest In that case, will there be a Fringe Benefits Tax
income, because again there’s no interest to exposure?
speak of. It can’t easily be find out, but really, if
Not necessarily. Why?
the BIR looks at the entire operation of the
company, that could be considered as loan Because they are just mere assignees. They are
exposure. not the listed owners, or listed member of the
club or athletic club or social club.
That practice of granting employees loan with no
interest or below the market rate, that’s actually But it would be a different story if the
a good practice. As an employee, I will appreciate corporation will pay the membership dues or
that. fees in the name of their president and claim it
as expense in their books or for taxation
But, as a tax compliance officer, it brings an
So, it opens exposure on Fringe Benefits Tax
What’s the best way to manage the exposure?
imposition. And 100% of the value of
Create a COOP of your employees. That’s what membership fees or dues will be subject to
being used in big companies. Fringe Benefits Tax.

So their employees would create a credit Then of course, your holiday and vacation
cooperative, they contribute to that credit expenses.
cooperative and if they want to get a loan, they
Unlike the foreign travel wherein you can
don’t loan from the company, they loan to their
present proof that is related to business. If it’s
credit cooperative.
holiday and vacation expenses, all expense paid
But there is one key officer of the company, trips by the employer for the benefit of a
which, of course, who runs the credit supervisor manager, 100% thereof may be
cooperative. So that’s something that can be subject to Fringe Benefits Tax.
taken into consideration.
Why are there corporations going to Disneyland,
Another Fringe Benefit, you have: membership or they go abroad?
fees/dues in social and athletic clubs, 100%
In those cases, of course, they don’t claim it as
thereof may be subject to Fringe Benefits Tax.
holiday or vacation expense, they claim it as a
Take note that in this case, for it to be subject to necessary business expense.
Fringe Benefits Tax, the membership in the social
Because either they record it a strategic planning
and athletic club, should be in the name of the
expenses, which has something to do with the
manager or the supervisor. Not in the name of
operation of the business.
the corporation or of the employer because, let’s
say for example, City Sports Club, the corporate So, they go on strategic planning, or they go on
member is the company. But the company, development activity, employee development
corporate as it is, it has to assign its share to an activity which has something to do with the
assignee, to a natural person who can benefit business of the company. So, they claim that as
and who can use the facilities. an expense to avoid exposure from Fringe
Benefits Tax.
Usually, it’s the president or the vice president.
If you notice, some companies they go to
Disneyland but that’s just the side trip. Majority
of days or hours are spent for training.

I’m looking at a compliant company.

Spent for training, or spent for meetings, or

spent for planning.

This should be the status of the employee. It

must be present. It must be indicated that the
employee is a supervisor, a manager, the
president, etc., for you so say that FBT, or Fringe
Benefits Tax is applicable.

If it is an essay question, you are asked about

how much is the Fringe Benefits Tax, and there is
Just a quick illustration in how we compute the
no statement as to what type of employee, or
Fringe Benefits Tax.
what’s the rank of the employee receiving the
For example, you have ABC corporation. In this benefit, essay question, you should always start
case, ABC corporation paid for the monthly with the rank of the employee.
rental. So, this is rentals, meaning to say there is
If there is no statement, you can start with:
no transfer of ownership.
“Granting that employee D is a manager or
This alone will give you the idea that only 50% of
supervisor, then this is the Fringe Benefits Tax,
the monetary value will be subject to Fringe
Benefits Tax.

Because there is another perspective to it.

What if he is a rank-and-file employee?

So, if it’s a rank-and-file employee, your answer

to that question: “How much is the Fringe
Benefits Tax?” will be zero.

Because if it’s a rank-and-file employee who is

Of a residential house of its branch manager. receiving that benefit, the benefit will just form
part of their regular compensation which is
subject to the regular tax on compensation.

But in this case, that’s not of a problem because

it’s expressly indicated: manager employee D.

The amount of the rent it Php 65,000.00. How

much is the quarterly?
The filing is quarterly, that’s why you are asked, The monetary value actually is Php 97,500.00,
quarterly fringe benefits tax due on the housing plus the Php 52,500.00 that we have computed,
privilege. that will actually give us a total of Php 150,000.00
which is equivalent to the grossed up monetary
At this point, you should understand how many
months in one quarter. Why?
So that Php 150,000.00, this will be claimed as
Because here, the Php 65,000.00 given is
Fringe Benefits Expense, Total Expense, in the
monthly rental. So, if this is monthly rental, but
books of ABC corporation.
we are looking at quarterly fringe benefits tax.
The Php 65,000.00 convert into quarter, multiply Php 97,500.00 – Fringe Benefits Expense
that first by 3 months.
Php 52,500.00 – Fringe Benefits Tax Expense
There are 3 months in one quarter, there are 4
Php 150,000.00 – Total Expense
quarters in a year.

65,000 x 3 = 195,000

As what I’ve discussed, either you directly times

50%, or as what I did here, 195k because that is
the monetary value, this is the 65%, so for us to
compute the tax due, we have to divide 195k by
65% in order to get the grossed-up monetary

Since there is no transfer of ownership, then we

When should you file the Fringe Benefits Tax
multiply that by 50%.
So we get, 150,000 for the grossed up monetary
Don’t be confused.
Sir, when I am receiving a salary, a
Once you have the grossed up monetary value,
compensation, I am allowed to be substituted, so
simply multiply that by 35%.
I am required to file an Income Tax Return for my
150,000 x 0.35 = 52,500 compensation, subject to compensation income
tax 0-35%?
So, this is the amount that you will declare as a
Fringe Benefit Tax due, and in quarterly Fringe No, if you are qualified for substituted.
Benefits Tax return.
But, that’s a different story if you have a Fringe
Who pays for the Php 52,500.00? Benefits Tax return. In Fringe Benefits Tax
Return, the final tax would have to be withheld
It’s not employee D, instead it’s ABC corporation. by the employer. And the filing of the return is
In so far as ABC corporation in this case, how different from the usual return of compensation,
much is the expense that it will declare? or the tax on your compensation.

The expense that it will declare in total actually So, in this case, the BIR forms are different.
would be Php 150,000.00.
BIR Form 1603, whereas if you are a
compensation income earner, you will have
there 1700.

So, in this case, BIR Form 1603 for the Fringe

Benefits Tax will be remitted to the BIR, 10 days
after the end of each quarter for Non-EFPS tax

For EFPS tax payers, it will be 15 days after the

end of each quarter.

So that’s the deadline.

This is for FYI purposes only. This is the

appearance of your quarterly tax return of Final
Income Taxes Withheld.

For your Fringe Benefits Tax, so you have 1603Q.

Of course, you have the tax payer information

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