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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PA 104: HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION Module No. 8





This module aims to discuss in greater detail the various behavior of individual organization
members and groups within organizations. The emphasis will be on the conversion of organizational
behavior theories to practices that may result in organizational effectiveness and efficiency. The
primary goal of this module is to provide the students with an extensive knowledge for advanced
leadership roles and to prepare them in facing the challenges involved in modern organization as well.

This module asserts the significance of groups in Organizations. It’s focused will be on the
reasons why people form groups, the stages of Group development, roles within groups, the
advantages and disadvantages of groups will also be tackled under this module as well as the various
techniques in group decision making.


At the end of this module, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the concept of Groups
2. Explain why people form groups
3. Identify the stages of group development
4. Enumerate the roles within group
5. Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of groups
6. Identify the techniques in group decision making

LEARNING CONTENTS (title of the subsection)

A. What is a Group
A group is a collection of individuals who interact with each other such that one person’s actions
have an impact on the others. In organizations, most work is done within groups.
In organizations, you may encounter different types of groups. Informal work groups are made up
of two or more individuals who are associated with one another in ways not prescribed by the formal
organization. A formal work group is made up of managers, subordinates, or both with close
associations among group members that influence the behavior of individuals in the group.
B. Why People Form Groups
People form groups for reason such as: (Medina, 2011)
1) Need satisfaction. People join groups because they believe that groups are venues for
satisfying their needs. Social needs, for instance, may be satisfied through interaction with
group members.
2) Proximity is another reason why people form groups. When people work near each other, it is
not hard for them to form a group.
3) Attraction. People are attracted to each other because of similarities. This condition is a
positive factor in the formation of groups.
4) Goals. A group is formed when a number of people are required to achieve goal.
5) Economics. Individual person join groups so they can obtain economic benefits not otherwise
made available if they are not members of a group.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PA 104: HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION Module No. 8

C. Stages of group development

1) The forming stage
2) The storming stage
3) The storming stage
4) The norming stage
5) The performing stage
6) The adjourning stage

(Note: to better understand the stages of group development, modified hand-outs will be provided to
students thru Messenger class GC)

D. Roles within Groups

As to Medina (2011), Groups can be made more effective if relevant roles are played within the
group. There are specific roles that are deemed important in the group process. These are the

1) Knowledge Contributor. Any group would largely benefit from a member who plays this role. If
he is technically proficient enough, he will be providing useful and valid information. He can
be of great help in task accomplishment and the value of sharing technical expertise with
other members of the group.

2) Process Observer. The person occupying this role forces members to look at how the group
functions. He is the first member affected when the group is starting to fail in doing its
function. However, he is also the first to acknowledge excellent group performance.

3) People Supporter. Some group members are not emotionally strong to face various difficulties
heaped upon them in the performance of their functions. There is a need for one member to
assume the role of people supporter who provides emotional support to teammates and
resolve conflicts. Even if he disagrees with others, he supports and encourages them.

4) Challenger. The group needs someone who confronts and challenges bad ideas. He must not
appear as someone who challenges anything for the sake of challenging.

5) Listener. There is a need for someone to listen to whatever ideas or proposals presented by
any member of the group. Even the best proposals will go to waste if nobody cares to listen.

6) Mediator. It is not uncommon for group members to get involved in disputes between each
other. To avoid this, it is important for the group to have assume the role of mediator.

7) Gatekeeper. There is always a chance that one or two overeager members will dominate
discussions. As a result, timid members may not be heard even if their views are worth
listening to. The role of the gatekeeper is to provide the opportunity for every member to
express his or her opinion. The gatekeeper will also remind every member about good ideas
that were recognized previously.

8) Take-charge leader. There are occasions when a group has no appointed leader, or if there is
one, he could not play his role for one reason or another. A team member should assume the
role of the take-charge leader. With the leader, the group can then move forward by defining
its mission and determining its objectives.

Source: Medina, Roberto G. 2011. Human Behavior in Organization



FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PA 104: HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION Module No. 8

Case Study No. 12

(to be posted on google meet)

1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Groups?
2) What are techniques in group decision making

Reminder: Expect a graded recitation next meeting based on the assignment given

LEARNING CONTENTS (title of the subsection)

E. Advantages and Disadvantages of Groups

Working in groups offers the following advantages:

1) More inputs from various perspectives can be made available for effective decision
2) Synergism is more likely when people work together as a group;
3) People in the groups are more supportive of decisions that were formulated with their
4) It allows the efficient exchange of information for effective problem solving;
5) The opportunity for fulfilling the safety, affiliation, and esteem needs of group members is
made available; and
6) Group members get mutual support from each other.

Disadvantages of working in a group:

1) Group activity is usually slower
2) Group meetings are held to disseminate strictly routine data that could be more efficiently
conveyed in writing through interoffice memorandum
3) The group’s decision may be diluted by every members input making the decision
4) Accountability is often a problem with group activity
5) There are occasions when some members shirk responsibility and let other members of
the group do the work.
6) When the group is high cohesive and motivated, outside criticism tends to be ignored as
group members look inward for reinforcement of each other’s opinion.

Source: Medina, Roberto G. 2011. Human Behavior in Organization

F. Techniques in group Decision Making

According to Medina (2011), there are various techniques used in group decision making, four of
these are as follows:
1) Interacting Groups. Interacting groups are typical groups in which members interact with
each other face-to-face. The essence of interaction is the sending and receiving of
information through oral and nonverbal communication.
2) Brainstorming. Brainstorming is a group problem-solving technique which promotes
creativity by encouraging members to come up with any ideas, no matter how strange,
without fear of criticism. In brainstorming, the participants are required to observe the
following procedures: 1) generate as many ideas as possible; 2) be creative,
freewheeling, and imaginative; 3) withhold criticism of others’ ideas
3) Nominal Group Technique. The nominal group technique is a group decision-making
method in which individual members meet face-to-face to collect their judgments in a
systematic but independent fashion.
4) Electronic Meeting. It is a decision-making technique wherein members interact through
computers, allowing anonymity of comments. Any group member can anonymously type
any message he wants and it flashes on the screen for the entire group to see at the push
of a member’s keyboard. Since anonymity is assured, members can honestly express
their views.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in PA 104: HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION Module No. 8


Quiz (to be posted on google meet/LMS)

Item for Research:

Prepare a short report on the relevance of work groups in universities


Work Group is an essential concern of organizations. In pursuit of common goals, work group
is indeed a must.
A group consists of two or more interacting persons who have come together to achieve
certain objectives.

Groups may be classified as either formal or informal. People form groups due to need of
satisfaction, proximity, attraction, goals, and economics.

There are five stages of groups development, these are: the forming stage, storming stage,
norming stage, performing stage, and adjourning stage.

Roles are played within groups consisting of: knowledge contributor, process observer,
people supporter, challenger, listener, mediator, gatekeeper, and take-charge leader.

Groups comes with advantages and disadvantages to the organization. There are various
techniques used in group decision making, these are: interacting groups, brainstorming, nominal
group technique, and electronic meeting.


Electronic Resources:

Boone, Louis E. and David Kurtz, Contemporary Business, 9th Edition
Medina, Roberto G. 2011. Human Behavior in Organization


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