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3 – 1/8


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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

Column web panel in shear - § EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

Shear area of the column (HEA160):

    2 ·  ·
  2 ·   ·
  3877  2 · 160 · 9 6 2 · 15 · 9  1321 

Plastic moment of the column:

!"# ·
$ ().+·,)
,    67.40 /0
%&' +.--

Plastic moment of the column a flange:

-.)·12 ·342 ·
$ -.)·+6-·75 ·,)
,  %&'
 0.891 /0

Plastic moment of the column a stiffener (thickness of a stiffener = 15 mm):

-.)· 12 93:2 ·3;<
5 ·

-.)· +6-96·+)5·,)
,83,    2.38 /0
%&' +.--

Design plastic shear resistance:

(·?"#,42,@A (·-.B7+·+-C
= ,> , ,+   D,7
 9.40 /0

·?"#,42,@A E·?"#,;<,@A ·-.B7+·+-C E·.DB·+-C

= ,> , ,   D,7
 17.26 /0

= ,> ,  FGH= ,> , ,+ ; = ,> , , J  9.40 /0

P.Q·RS ·TUV P.Q·\X]\·]^_

KLM,NO  KLM,[OO,NO  Q. `P  \aa. a Q. `P  \Qa. ] bc
√X·YZP √X·\.PP

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2/17
Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

Column web in transverse compression - § EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

Effective width of column web in compression:


,,   5 · e
  f 2 ·   5 · 9 15 2 · 16  152 

Reduction factor for interaction with shear:

g  1 then h  h+
+ +
h+   5
k ·< 5
i+E+.D·j l44,2,:2 :2 o rC5r

Slenderness of the web plate:

v   w  2 · e
  f  152  2 · 9 15  104 

yyy 1
x  0.932 · p l44,2,:2
· :2 ·
 0.932 · p
 0.707 { 0.72 | }  1
z·3 5 :2 +----·65

Design resistance of stiffened column web:

·bLV ·€RR,V,LV ·‚LV ·RS P.^aƒ·\·\_]·ƒ·]^_
KLM,[OO,NO  Q. `P  ]Pƒ. _X bc

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3/17
Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

Column web in transverse tension - § EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

Effective width of column web in compression:


,,   5 · e
  f  5 · 9 15  120 

Reduction factor for interaction with shear:

g  1 then h  h+
+ +
h+   5
kl44,2,:2 ·<:2 5 p+E+.D·qr5'·tu
i+E+.D·j o rC5r

Design resistance of stiffened column web:

·€RR,V,LV ·‚LV ·RS P.a`Q·\]P·ƒ·]^_
~‚,LV,NO  KLM,[OO,NO  Q. `P  \^^. _P bc

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4/17
Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

Column flange in transverse bending - § EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

Resistance of the first row (bolt row adjacent to a stiffener):

Effective length:

  42  0.8 · 15  30 


„  35 
x+  D-ED)  0.46
… † | ‡  5.60
x  D-ED)  0.95

G  FG „; 1.25 ·   35 

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8
Bolt-row considered individually:


,  2 · ‰ ·   188.50 


,Š  ‡ ·   168 

For Mode 1: ˆd

,+  ˆd

,Š  168  { ˆd


For Mode 2: ˆd

,  ˆd

,Š  168 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

`·ZMŒ,\,NO `·qP.]_·ŒRR,\ ·‚RV u·RS `·eP.]_·\ƒa·Q] f·]^_
~‹,\,NO     \]`. ^` bc
 ·YZP XP·\.PP

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  2 · %&5
 352.80 /0

·?"#,5,@A EŠ·’“,C,@A ·q-.)·l44,5 ·342 u·
$ EŠ·’“,C,@A ·e-.)·+6B·75 f·,)ED)·D).B·+-C
Ž,,   ”EŠ·%&'
 218.76 /0

~‚•,NO,\  \]`. ^` bc

Resistance of the second row (inner bolt row):

Bolt-row considered individually:


,  2 · ‰ ·   188.50 


,Š  4 ·  1.25 · „  163.75 

For Mode 1: ˆd

,+  ˆd

,Š  163.75  { ˆd


For Mode 2: ˆd

,  ˆd

,Š  163.75 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

`·ZMŒ,\,NO `·qP.]_·ŒRR,\ ·‚RV u·RS `·eP.]_·\ƒX.^_·Q] f·]^_
~‹,\,NO  
 \]\. _a bc

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  2 · 2·  352.80 /0
%&5 +.)

·?"#,5,@A EŠ·’“,C,@A ·q-.)·l44,5 ·342 u·
$ EŠ·’“,C,@A ·e-.)·+6D.,)·75 f·,)ED)·D).B·+-C
Ž,,  ŠE”
 218.03 /0

~‚•,NO,]  \]\. _a bc

Resistance of the third row (bolt row adjacent to a stiffener):

Bolt-row considered individually:


,  2 · ‰ ·   188.50 


,Š  ‡ ·   168 

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8
For Mode 1: ˆd

,+  ˆd

,Š  168  { ˆd


For Mode 2: ˆd

,  ˆd

,Š  168 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

`·ZMŒ,\,NO `·qP.]_·ŒRR,\ ·‚RV u·RS `·eP.]_·\ƒa·Q] f·]^_
~‹,\,NO     \]`. ^` bc
 ·YZP P.PX·\.PP

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  2 · %&5
 352.80 /0

·?"#,5,@A EŠ·’“,C,@A ·q-.)·l44,5 ·342 u·
$ EŠ·’“,C,@A ·e-.)·+6B·75 f·,)ED)·D).B·+-C
Ž,,   ”EŠ·%&'
 218.76 /0

~‚•,NO,X  \]`. ^` bc

Resistance of the first row and second row considered as a part of a group

∑ ˆd

,  2 · ‰ ·  —  2 · ‰ · 30 120  428.5 

∑ ˆd

,Š  e0.5 · — ‡ ·   2 ·  0.625 · „f 2 ·  0.625 · „ 0.5 · —  e0.5 · 120 5.6 ·

30  2 · 30 0.625 · 35f 2 · 30 0.625 · 35 0.5 · 120  288 

For Mode 1: ∑ ˆd

,+  ∑ ˆd

,Š  288  { ∑ ˆd


For Mode 2: ∑ ˆd

,  ∑ ˆd

,Š  288 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

`·ZMŒ,\,NO `·qP.]_·∑ ŒRR,\ ·‚RV u·RS `·eP.]_·]aa·Q] f·]^_
~‹,\,NO  

  ]\X. a` bc

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  4 · %&5
4· +.)
 705.6 /0

·?"#,5,@A EŠ·’“,C,@A ·q-.)·∑ l44,5 ·342 u·
$ EŠ·’“,C,@A ·e-.)·BB·75 f·,)ED)·,-).6·+-C
Ž,,  ŠE”
 429 /0

~‚•,NO,\9]  ]\X. a` bc

Resistance of the second row and third row considered as a part of a group

∑ ˆd

,  2 · ‰ ·  —  2 · ‰ · 30 120  428.5 

∑ ˆd

,Š  e0.5 · — ‡ ·   2 ·  0.625 · „f 2 ·  0.625 · „ 0.5 · —  e0.5 · 120 5.6 ·

30  2 · 30 0.625 · 35f 2 · 30 0.625 · 35 0.5 · 120  288 

For Mode 1: ∑ ˆd

,+  ∑ ˆd

,Š  288  { ∑ ˆd


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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8
For Mode 2: ∑ ˆd

,  ∑ ˆd

,Š  288 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

`·ZMŒ,\,NO `·qP.]_·∑ ŒRR,\ ·‚RV u·RS `·eP.]_·]aa·Q] f·]^_
~‹,\,NO     ]\X. a` bc
 ·YZP XP·\.PP

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  4 · 4·  705.6 /0
%&5 +.)

·?"#,5,@A EŠ·’“,C,@A ·q-.)·∑ l44,5 ·342 u·
$ EŠ·’“,C,@A ·e-.)·BB·75 f·,)ED)·,-).6·+-C
Ž,,  ŠE”
 429 /0

~‚•,NO,]9X  ]\X. a` bc

Resistance of the first row, the second row and third row considered as a part of a group

∑ ˆd

,  2 · ‰ ·  — 2 · —  2 · ‰ · 30 120 2 · 120  668.5 

∑ ˆd

,Š  2 · e0.5 · — ‡ ·   2 ·  0.625 · „f —  2 · e0.5 · 120 5.6 · 30  2 · 30 0.625 ·

35f 120  412.25 

For Mode 1: ∑ ˆd

,+  ∑ ˆd

,Š  412.25  { ∑ ˆd


For Mode 2: ∑ ˆd

,  ∑ ˆd

,Š  412.25 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

`·ZMŒ,\,NO `·qP.]_·∑ ŒRR,\ ·‚RV u·RS `·eP.]_·`\].]_·Q] f·]^_
~‹,\,NO  
 XPƒ bc

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  6 · 6·  1058.4 /0
%&5 +.)

·?"#,5,@A EŠ·’“,C,@A ·q-.)·∑ l44,5 ·342 u·
$ EŠ·’“,C,@A ·e-.)·(+.)·75 f·,)ED)·+-)B.(·+-C
Ž,,  ŠE”
 640.5 /0

~‚•,NO,\9]9X  XPƒ bc

Summary of the resistance of the bolt row considered individually:

∑™›+ Ž3˜, ,™  124.74 121.58  246.32 /0 š Ž3˜, ,+9  213.84 /0

∑D™› Ž3˜, ,™  124.74 121.58  246.32 /0 š Ž3˜, ,9D  213.84 /0

∑D™›+ Ž3˜, ,™  124.74 121.58 124.74  371.06 /0 š Ž3˜, ,+99D  306 /0

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

End plate bending - § EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

Resistance of the first row (bolt row below tension flange of beam)

Effective length:

  37  0.8 · œ · √2  37  0.8 · 6 · √2  30.22 


„  35 
x+  D-.ED)  0.46
… † | ‡  5.70
x  D-.ED)  0.92

G  FG „; 1.25 ·   35 

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

Bolt-row considered individually:


,  2 · ‰ ·   2 · ‰ · 30.22  189.9 


,Š  ‡ ·   5.70 · 30.22  172.25 

For Mode 1: ˆd

,+  ˆd

,Š  172.25  { ˆd


For Mode 2: ˆd

,  ˆd

,Š  172.25 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

(·?"#,r,@A (·e-.)·l44,r ·3"5 f·
$ (·e-.)·+,.)·+65 f·,)
Ž,+,     401.3 /0
” ”·%&' D-.·+.--

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  2 · %&5
2·  352.80 /0

]·ZMŒ,],NO E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·ŒRR,] ·‚]M f·RS E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·\^].]_·\ƒ] f·]^_EX_·X_].a·\PX

~‹,],NO   E·YZP
 ]a]. XP bc

~‚•,NO,\  ]a]. XP bc

Resistance of the second row (inner bolt row):

Bolt-row considered individually:


,  2 · ‰ ·   2 · ‰ · 30.22  189.9 


,Š  4 ·  1.25 · „  4 · 30.22 1.25 · 35  164.63 

For Mode 1: ˆd

,+  ˆd

,Š  164.63  { ˆd


For Mode 2: ˆd

,  ˆd

,Š  164.63 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

(·?"#,r,@A (·e-.)·l44,r ·3"5 f·
$ (·e-.)·+6(.6D·+65 f·,)
Ž,+,     383.52 /0
” ”·%&' D-.·+.--

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  2 · %&5
2· +.)
 352.80 /0

]·ZMŒ,],NO E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·ŒRR,] ·‚]M f·RS E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·\ƒ`.ƒX·\ƒ] f·]^_EX_·X_].a·\PX

~‹,],NO  E
 ]^a. \a bc

~‚•,NO,]  ]^a. \a bc

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8
Resistance of the third row (end bolt row):

Bolt-row considered individually:


,  2 · ‰ ·   2 · ‰ · 30.22  189.9 


,Š  4 ·  1.25 · „  4 · 30.22 1.25 · 35  164.63 

For Mode 1: ˆd

,+  ˆd

,Š  164.63  { ˆd


For Mode 2: ˆd

,  ˆd

,Š  164.63 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

(·?"#,r,@A (·e-.)·l44,r ·3"5 f·
$ (·e-.)·+6(.6D·+65 f·,)
Ž,+,     383.52 /0
” ”·%&' D-.·+.--

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  2 · %&5
2·  352.80 /0

]·ZMŒ,],NO E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·ŒRR,] ·‚]M f·RS E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·\ƒ`.ƒX·\ƒ] f·]^_EX_·X_].a·\PX

~‹,],NO   E·YZP
 ]^a. \a bc

~‚•,NO,X  ]^a. \a bc

Resistance of the first row and second row considered as a part of a group

∑ ˆd

,  2 · ‰ ·  —  2 · ‰ · 30.22 120  430 

∑ ˆd

,Š  e0.5 · — ‡ ·   2 ·  0.625 · „f 2 ·  0.625 · „ 0.5 · —  e0.5 · 120 5.7 ·

30.22  2 · 30.22 0.625 · 35f 2 · 30.22 0.625 · 35 0.5 · 120  292.25 

For Mode 1: ∑ ˆd

,+  ∑ ˆd

,Š  292.25  { ∑ ˆd


For Mode 2: ∑ ˆd

,  ∑ ˆd

,Š  292.25 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

(·?"#,r,@A (·q-.)·∑ l44,r ·342 u·
$ (·e-.)·7.)·+65 f·,)
Ž,+,  ”
 680.83 /0

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  4 · 4·  705.6 /0
%&5 +.)

]·ZMŒ,],NO E·~‹,X,NO ]·qP.]_·∑ ŒRR,] ·‚RV u·RS E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·]Q].]_·\ƒ] f·]^_EX_·^P_.ƒ·\PX
~‹,],NO  E

_Xƒ. Xa bc

~‚•,NO,\9]  _Xƒ. Xa bc

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11/17
Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8
Resistance of the second row and third row considered as a part of a group

∑ ˆd

,  2 · ‰ ·  —  2 · ‰ · 30.22 120  430 

∑ ˆd

,Š  2 · 2 ·  0.625 · „ 0.5 · —  2 · 2 · 30.22 0.625 · 35 0.5 · 120  284.63 

For Mode 1: ∑ ˆd

,+  ∑ ˆd

,Š  284.63  { ∑ ˆd


For Mode 2: ∑ ˆd

,  ∑ ˆd

,Š  284.63 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

(·?"#,r,@A (·q-.)·∑ l44,r ·342 u·
$ (·e-.)·B(.6D·+65 f·,)
Ž,+,     663 /0
” ”·%&' D-.·+.--

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  4 · %&5
 705.6 /0

]·ZMŒ,],NO E·~‹,X,NO ]·qP.]_·∑ ŒRR,] ·‚RV u·RS E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·]a`.ƒX·\ƒ] f·]^_EX_·^P_.ƒ·\PX
~‹,],NO   E·YZP

_X]. ]^ bc

~‚•,NO,]9X  _X]. ]^ bc

Resistance of the first row, the second row and third row considered as a part of a group

∑ ˆd

,  2 · ‰ ·  — 2 · —  2 · ‰ · 30.22 120 2 · 120  669.9 

∑ ˆd

,Š  e0.5 · — ‡ ·   2 ·  0.625 · „f — 2 ·  0.625 · „ 0.5 · —  e0.5 · 120 5.7 ·

30.22  2 · 30.22 0.625 · 35f 120 2 · 30.22 0.625 · 35 0.5 · 120  412.25 

For Mode 1: ∑ ˆd

,+  ∑ ˆd

,Š  412.25  { ∑ ˆd


For Mode 2: ∑ ˆd

,  ∑ ˆd

,Š  412.25 

Design resistance of a T - stub flange:

(·?"#,r,@A (·q-.)·∑ l44,r ·342 u·
$ (·e-.)·(+.)·+65 f·,)
Ž,+,     960.4 /0
” ”·%&' D-.·+.--

-.7·; ·
‘k -.7·()·+---
Ž,D,  6 · %&5
6· +.)
 1058.4 /0

]·ZMŒ,],NO E·~‹,X,NO ]·qP.]_·∑ ŒRR,] ·‚RV u·RS E·~‹,X,NO ]·eP.]_·`\].]_·\ƒ] f·]^_EX_·\P_a.`·\PX
~‹,],NO   E·YZP

^QP. _ bc

~‚•,NO,\9]9X  ^QP. _ bc

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8
Summary of the resistance of the bolt row considered individually:

∑™›+ Ž3˜, ,™  282.30 278.18  560.48 /0 š Ž3˜, ,+9  536.38 /0

∑D™› Ž3˜, ,™  278.18 278.18  556.36 /0 š Ž3˜, ,9D  532.27 /0

∑D™›+ Ž3˜, ,™  282.30 278.18 278.18  838.66 /0 š Ž3˜, ,+99D  790.5 /0

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

Beam web in compression - § EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

∑   ·¡  --·+6·BED,B·+6· +6E-.)·D,B

žŸ    136.84 
 --·+6ED,B·+6

~V,R€,NO  ‚L€ · e¢€L ‚€R  £¤ f · Y S  \ƒ · X^a \ƒ  \Xƒ. a` · \.PP  \\X\ bc

Beam web in tension - § EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

~‚,L€,NO  €RR,‚,L€ · ‚L€ · Y S

The effective width of the beam web in tension should be taken as equal to the effective length of the
equivalent T-stub representing the end plate in bending, obtained for an individual bolt row or a bolt group.

Ž3, 1, ,+  d

,3, 1 · 1 · % $  172.25 · 16 · +.--  757.9 /0


Ž3, 1, ,  d

,3, 1 · 1 · % $  164.63 · 16 · +.--  724.4 /0


Ž3, 1, ,D  d

,3, 1 · 1 · % $  164.63 · 16 · +.--  724.4 /0


Ž3, 1, ,+9  d

,3, 1 · 1 · % $  292.25 · 16 · +.--  1286 /0


Ž3, 1, ,9D  d

,3, 1 · 1 · % $  284.63 · 16 · +.--  1252.4 /0


Ž3, 1, ,+99D  d

,3, 1 · 1 · % $  412.25 · 16 · +.--  1814 /0


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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8


§ – (6)

Ž3, ,  177.50 /0

1. First bolt row considered as an individual bolt - row :
- The column web in tension:
- The column flange in bending: ~‚,RV,NO  \]`. ^` bc
- The end plate in bending: Ž3,d,  282.30 /0
- The beam web in tension: Ž3, 1,  757.9 /0

2. Second bolt row considered as an individual bolt - row:

- The column web in tension: F¦,§¨,©ª  177.50 kN
- The column flange in bending: ~‚,RV,NO  \]\. _a bc
- The end plate in bending: F¦,­®,©ª  278.18 kN
- The beam web in tension: F¦,§¯,©ª  724.4 kN

3. Third bolt row considered as an individual bolt - row :

- The column web in tension: F¦,§¨,©ª  177.50 kN
- The column flange in bending: F¦,°¨,©ª  \]`. ^` ±²
- The end plate in bending: F¦,­®,©ª  278.18 kN
- The beam web in tension: F¦,§¯,©ª  724.4 kN

§ – (7)

4. Total design resistance:

∑D™›+ Ž3,
,™  124.74 121.58 124.74  371.06 /0 š ´
 198.2 /0

~‚,NO,\  \]`. ^` bc

~‚,NO,]   Ž3, ,+  198.2  124.74  ^X. `ƒ bc
~‚,NO,X  P bc

5. Total design resistance:

∑D™›+ Ž3, ,™  124.74 121.58 124.74  371.06 /0 š Ž, ,  206.53 /0

Ž3, ,+  124.74 /0

Ž3, ,  Ž, ,  Ž3, ,+  206.53  124.74  81.79 /0 š 73.46 /0

Ž3, ,D  0 /0

§ – (8) row considered as a part of a group:

∑™›+ Ž3˜, ,™  124.74 73.46  198.2 /0 { Ž3˜, ,+9  213.84 /0

∑D™› Ž3˜, ,™  73.46 0  73.46 /0 { Ž3˜, ,9D  213.84 /0

∑D™›+ Ž3˜, ,™  124.74 73.46 0  198.2 /0 { Ž3˜, ,+99D  306 /0

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Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8

JOINT MOMENT RESISTANCE - § (1) EC3 – 1 – 8 :2005

124.74 kN

73.46 kN

Design moment resistance:

Zµ,NO  ~‚•,NO,\ · ¢\ ~‚•,NO,] · ¢]  \]`. ^` · P. XPQ_ ^X. `ƒ · P. \aQ_  _]. _X bc

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16/17
Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010
EC.3 – 1/8


a. Resistance of on bolt - row:

-.)·; ·
‘k -.)·()·+---
Ž,    98 /0
%&5 +.)

KNO,\  €,•¶L · ~U,NO  ] · Qa  \Qƒ bc

b. Bearing resistance of the column flange of one bolt - row:

r + +- +
‡  FG ·  ; 1¸  FG ·  ; 1¸  1.00
D· ' ( D· (
d5 D)
/  FG ·2.8 ·  1.7; 2.5¸  FG ·2.8 ·   1.7; 2.5¸  2.50

¹·º·342 · ·
‘ +.--·.)-·7·-·(D-
Ž1,    154.8 /0
%&5 +.)

KNO,]  €,•¶L · ~€,NO  ] · \_`. a  XPQ. ƒ bc

The shear joint resistance is due to the resistance of the bolts, but the resistance of the single bolt row
should be reduced, as follow, in presence of shear and tensile force:

Ž3˜, ,+  124.74 /0
» -.( …
K‚•,NO,\  +.( · = ,+  _ƒ bc
- Shear resistance of the first bolt row:

Ž3˜, ,  73.46 /0
» -.( …
K‚•,NO,]  · =  _ƒ bc
- Shear resistance of the first bolt row:
+.(  ,+
Ž3˜, ,D  0 /0 …
K‚•,NO,X  = ,+  \Qƒ bc
- Shear resistance of the first bolt row:

196 kN 56 kN

Joint Shear Resistance:

196 kN 56 kN Kµ,NO  ] · _ƒ \Qƒ  XPa bc

196 kN 196 kN

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17/17
Edit by Simone Caffè and Emanuela Fantin – 01 Ottobre 2010

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