Diverse and Inclusive - Group Project Rubric

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Group Project Rubric

Emerging Limited
Criterion Advanced Proficient No Proficiency Weight
Proficiency Proficiency
Limited attempt
Fully develops a Competently Vaguely develops a made at developing Fails to develop a
Slide Focus and
clear purpose with develops a clear purpose and is a purpose, and is purpose and is 5% of
title slide and purpose with title missing either the missing both the missing both the grade
introduction slide. slide and title slide or the title page and the title page and the
introduction slide. introduction slide. introduction slide. introduction slide.
Score 10 8 5 3 0

Define UDL & Effectively defines Competently Somewhat defines Attempt at Fails to meet
UDL and its defines UDL and its UDL and its purpose. definition of UDL guidelines.
purpose; 3 guidelines 10% of
purpose. Lists the purpose. List the List two to three and/or purpose, but
of UDL grade
three guidelines of three guidelines of guidelines of UDL. some component
UDL. UDL. are lacking. List two
guidelines of UDL.
Score 10 8 5 3 0
Effectively Competently Somewhat summarizes Attempt at summary Fails to meet
Summarize 3 of UDL
summarizes 3 of UDL summarizes 3 of UDL 3 of UDL guidelines & of UDL guidelines & guidelines.
guidelines & provide 20% of
guidelines & guidelines & provides provides a brief provide classroom
a brief classroom grade
provides a brief a brief classroom classroom scenario. scenario.
classroom scenario. scenario.
Score 10 8 5 3 0
Explain UDL Effectively explains Competently explains Somewhat explains UDL Attempt at discussion Fails to meet
15% of
principles UDL principles. UDL principles. principles. of UDL principles. guidelines.
10 8 5 3 0
Chart/table of 3 UDL Effectively displays Competently displays Somewhat displays Attempt at chart or Fails to meet
strategies for use in chart or table of UDL chart or table of UDL chart or table of UDL table of UDL strategies guidelines.
the inclusive strategies with strategies with strategies with rationale with explanations. 20% of
classroom with rationale and mode. rationale and mode. and mode. grade
rational and mode of
Score 10 8 5 3 0
Effectively and Competently Limited attempt to Limited attempt to No attempt to
logically organizes organizes organize presentation; organize presentation; organize
presentation; uses presentation; uses writing is clear and uses writing is clear but not presentation;
Organization &
clear, concise, and mostly clear, concise, academic language, but concise. Language is Presentation is not 10% of
Presentation academic language. and academic is not concise. Limited not academic. visually appealing. grade
Graphics reinforce language. Graphics attempted to use Graphics only slightly
and enhance written competently reinforce graphics to enhance represent content.
content. written content. content.
Score 10 8 5 3 0
Free of punctuation, Contains a few Contains several (mostly Contains many serious Errors in punctuation,
spelling, and punctuation, spelling, common) punctuation, errors in punctuation, spelling, and
Mechanics & 10% of
capitalization errors and capitalization spelling, and spelling, and capitalization are so
Grammar grade
errors capitalization errors capitalization frequent they detract
from meaning
Score 10 8 5 3 0
Reference slide Reference slide Reference slide References and/or Errors are severe for
Reference slide with contains 3 course contains 3 course resources and citations citations contain references and/or
3 course resources resources and 2 resources and 2 attempt correct APA (6th multiple errors. citations.
and 2 outside outside resources in outside resources in ed.) format.
10% of
resources in APA (6th correct APA (6th ed.) slightly correct APA
ed.) format. Citations format. Citations are (6th ed.) format.
in APA format. Citations are in APA
are in APA format.
format with only
minimal errors.
Score 10 8 5 3 0
Total 100

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