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Chemical Bonds AMM

# What is chemical bond?

A chemical bond is defined as the attractive force that holds two or more atoms
together in a molecule or an ion.
# Discuss the ionic bonding with examples.
The chemical bond formed between two atoms by the transfer of one or more valence
electrons from one atom to the other is called ionic bond.
Ionic bond formation of NaCl
Sodium which has an electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1. The sodium will
readily give away the one electron in the 3s orbital in order to stabilize the outer
shell and become like the noble gas neon. In doing this the sodium takes on a +1
charge with 11 protons and 10 electrons.
Chlorine has an electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s5. The chlorine will readily
take on an extra electron to fill the 3p orbital and become like the noble gas argon.
In doing this the chlorine takes on a -1 charge with 17 protons and 18 electrons.

# Write down the factors required to the formation of ionic bonds.

1. Number of valence electrons.
The atom A which is converted into cation, A+ should possess 1, 2 or 3 valence
electrons while the atom B which is converted into anion, B- should have 5, 6 or 7
valence electrons. The element of groups IA, IIA and IIIA satisfy this condition for
atom A and those of groups VA, VIA and VIIA satisfy this condition for atom B.
2. The ionization energy of the metal atom should be low.
3. Electron affinity of the non-metal should be high.
4. The lattice energy of the ionic compound formed should be high.
5. Electronegativity difference of A and B should be high.

# What is octet rule?

In chemical bond formation, atoms interact by losing, gaining, or sharing of
electrons so as to acquire a stable noble gas configuration. Each noble gas, except
helium, has a valence shell of eight electrons
Chemical Bonds AMM

# Explain the electronic theory of valency or octet theory of valency.

The main points of this theory can be summarized as follows:
(i) Atom with 8 electrons in the outer most shell (2 in case of helium) are chemically
stable and hence are incapable of chemical combination.
(ii) An atom having less than 8 electrons its outer-most shell is chemically active and
hence has a tendency to combine with other atoms. The atoms possessing less than
4 electrons in their ultimate shell usually tend to lose them, while those having more
the 4 electrons in the outermost shell tend to gain the electrons during the chemical
combination or bond formation to attain stable configuration of the nearest inert gas.
(iii) Atoms combine chemically as a result of transferring of electrons from the outer-
most shell of one atom to that of the other or by sharing one, two or three electron
pairs between the valence-shell of both the combining atoms. The transfer of
electrons or sharing of electron pairs gives a stable configuration of 8 electrons to
the valence-shell of both the atoms.
(iv) The tendency of an atom for transference or sharing its electron pairs is a
measure of its chemical activity.

# What is covalent bond? Illustrate the formation of covalent bond.

The chemical bond between two atoms in which the electrons (in pairs) are shared
by both the participating atoms is called covalent bond.
H2 molecule is composed of two H atoms, each having one valence electron. Each
contributes an electron to the shared pair and both atoms acquire stable helium
configuration. Thus stable H2 molecule results.

N atom (2, 5) has five valence electrons and can achieve the octet by sharing three
electrons, one each with three H atoms. This gives the following Lewis structure to
NH3 molecule.
Chemical Bonds AMM

# What is meant by hybridization of atomic orbitals?

Hybridization is the concept of mixing atomic orbitals into new hybrid orbitals
suitable for the pairing of electrons to form chemical bonds. Hybrid orbitals are very
useful in the explanation of molecular geometry and atomic bonding properties.

# Predict the shapes of water (H2O) and ammonia (NH3) molecule using
hybridization process.

Electronic configuration of
C(6)- 1s22s22p2

N(7)-1s22s22p3 and O(8)-1s22s22p4

Chemical Bonds AMM

The valence shell of all atoms has four electron pairs in CH4, NH3 and H2O molecule.
In CH4, four of these electron pairs are bps. In NH3, three of these electron pairs are
bps and one lp. In H2O, two of these electron pairs are bps and two lps. Consequently
in H2O molecule there are three types of electron pair-electron pair repulsions which
are i) lp-lp repulsion ii) lp-bp repulsion and iii) bp-bp repulsion while in NH3
molecule there are two types of repulsions which are i) lp-bp and ii) bp-bp repulsion
and CH4 has one repulsion (bp-bp).
Repulsion order-lp-lp>lp-bp>bp-bp
Due to the net effect of this difference in electron pair-electron pair repulsions bond
angle are decreasing in NH3 = 1070, H2O = 1050.

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