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Kelompok 4

1. Andya Bunga Salsabilla

2. Annisa Silva Rentis
3. Dwi Cantika Anggraini
4. Dwiki Kevin Pratama
5. Rusma Renal Cholif
6. Yunissa Putri Haryo

How To Make Oreo Dessert Box

Ingridients :
1. Brownies
2. Whipcream
3. 2 Pack of Oreo
4. Liqiud Milk
5. Sweet Condensed Milk

Steps :
1. First, crush the oreos roughly in a plastic bag with a rolling pin until they crumble.
2. In a separate container, add whip cream powder, liquid milk and sweetened condensed milk.
Mixer until fluffy, transfer to a plastic piping bag, scissors the tip of the plastic.
3. After that, put the crushed oreos into the box that has been provided, then put the whipped
cream that was made earlier.
4. Put the brownies on the top of the whipped cream and then put the whipped cream again.
5. Sprinkle the crushed oreo on the top of the whipped cream
6. Last, put the oreo on top. And your oreo dessert box is ready.

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