Journal Week 1 GEAMH

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Form 004


BS Medical Technology BS Pharmacy BS Radiologic Technology

Name: Rowen Alexander M Tamayo School Year:

Hospital: PPGP Lab Section:
Week No. 1 Date Submitted:

In our first week as an Pharmacy intern, it is a great opportunity to be a part of the public health setting which it
gives me an insight on how hospital setting can hard be when it comes to dispensing and clearance procedures for the
patients requested medications such as vials and fluids. In my first week I am having a hard time because I am confused
to the medications which it has different manufactures and dosage forms especially vials that are requested, in which I
need to ask and double check to the pharmacy aides if I correctly grabbed the right requested medication for the patient.
Little by little we interns have improved and familiarized ourselves to talk with the patients but in our night shift it is more
on hospital wards request the medication for inpatients. It is hard to work at midnight shifts because of the work loads of
request and errors within but it is a wonderful experience to work on our careers as a Pharmacists. In my experience it
really gives me anxiety and excitement when it comes to receiving clearance forms, dispensing procedures, and reading
the request medication papers.

Student’s Signature over Printed Name / Date

Comments/Feedback (To be filled up by Coordinator):

Internship Coordinator’s Signature over Printed Name / Date

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