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By: Sophia Ortega

English 3rd B

Famous Writer
Gabriel garcía márquez

Gabriel García Márquez (Gabo) was a

colombian journalist and writer, mostly recognized by his narrative
movement characterized by the coexistence of fantastic or mythical
phenomena in a realistic story.

His basic inspiration were his grandparents (Tranquilina and Papalelo).

They influenced on his world perspective and had a great inspiration for
this tipe of novels.
He was born on March 6, 1927 in Aracataca, Colombia, in his place
of origin where he spent his early years in a Caribbean area near
northern Colombia. That was where he began to develop his
interest for novels with the inspiration of his grandparents and
their traditions.

At the age of 20, he began his studies in "Law" at the National University, shortly
after he decided that it was not his desired field and he abandoned to dedicate
himself to journalism. His first collaborations were made with the newspaper "El
Espectador" and "El Heraldo".

His first novel "La hojarasca" was published in 1955, characterized as a work of fiction. The
same year he embarked on a trip to Europe to live in Geneva, Paris, and Rome for the next 4
years. But he went through several economic difficulties for which he decided to publish his
next two books. "El coronel no tiene quien le escriba" and "La mala hora" (published in 1961
and 1962, respectively).
The famous writer, died in D.F. on April 17, 2014. He won the nobel prize for literature (1978).
, Years later, he won the "Rómulo Gallegos" International Novel Prize, and a few years before
returning to America.

Cien años de soledad
Cronica de una muerte anunciada
El amor en los tiempos de cólera
Relato de un naufrago
El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
Del amor y otros demonios
Doce cuentos peregrinos
El escándalo del siglo
My conclussion for this proyect is the importance that this
colombian writter had in our daily community development.
Most of the teachers or adults we are surrounded of, had read at
least one of his great novels (mostly, "Cien años de soledad").
In my personal opinion, he was a man with a lot of vision for new
ideas and gave a lot of little details of the stories backgrounds,
which I think is amazing.

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