Prelim Examination (SANGRIA, Trisha Nicole R.) N12Ar

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Belief in an Ultimate Reality, the Divine (which may be personal and/or impersonal)
and/or a system of doctrines which give ultimate meaning and purpose to human life.

The purpose of human life is indicated by beliefs; guided by a system of

doctrines, a person to look forward to, and a meaning to chase. To assert, our purpose as mere
dust in the system of the universe is not to make sense out of everything but to create meaningful
purposes outside of our personal gain, and thus by the system of doctrines - generally carries the
principle to live for others.

Therefore, when you live by the ultimate meaning - purpose of living for others (the
system), you will reckon the opportunity to see your purpose to human life (ultimate meaning to
chase); given by something bigger than yourself (May it the divine or ultimate reality of the
Universe- the person to look forward to) - an impersonal God without specific attributes but one
who inspires a divine life. To illustrate my perspective, an example of which is the reason behind
Studying law. My purpose is to become a lawyer, but at the end of the day, what is it to become a
lawyer if I will not practice it to defend others; hence, the purpose to human life or the ultimate
meaning. Whereas, defending others and becoming a lawyer demands strategy to be developed;
discipline to study, behavior to absorb the provisions of the law, owning sacrifices, being
grounded etc. Hence, the system of doctrines I should exhibit for the attainment of my
purpose-becoming lawyer. Consequently, when I have enabled myself to achieve the purpose by
the set doctrines I embodied, I have to consequently seek for something that inspires me to keep
moving - The Divine. Thus, when I already am a lawyer, defending marginalized sectors through
law, the reason for its continuity is motivated by the ultimate reality.

Wherefore, I do agree with the above statement, but not absolutely with the structure. It
is what we owe to ourselves that gives us the belief in the Ultimate reality. The system of our
doctrines and our purpose behind patronizing it is developed before we can deservedly submit
ourselves to the belief of ultimate reality.

3. Belief that the Divine and/or the system of doctrines requires adherence to a specified
code of behaviour.

Our code of conduct or behavior is an adherence to the system of doctrines. The

principles given by doctrines are what conditions our behavior and actions.

As I have noted on the first statement of my choice, the doctrine comes first before
affirming ourselves with the Divine. Hence, it is not the system of doctrines that adjusts for our
behavior, we apply our behavior upon the doctrine. Albeit, the normal system accepted is to
believe God or the divine before insisting to codify our mind and adhere to specific doctrines, I
somehow realized that it should turn otherwise. If belief comes first, how can we scrutinize?
How do we assess our behavior? How can we free ourselves from doubts and inclusive

These are the inconsistencies of the structure. However, if the argument lies alone on
whether you can believe something yet not practice believing it is moot; there is an immediately
evident paradox. Merely vesting your faith without the actualization of it is an act propelled to
not believing at all. To simplify, you cannot adhere to coldness if you have not tried being in
warm places or you cannot adhere to being truthful if you are not honest. Thus, in order to feel
cold you have to be in cold places or in order to be honest, you have to know truthfulness.
Disregarding the behavior needed while adhering or believing to the system doctrines does not
solidify beliefs rather it destroys and confuses it.

5. The making of a commitment, often recognized by means of a ceremony, to a system of

beliefs and a way of life.

In connection with the first two questions and answers professed, the making of
commitment is the actualization of the code of behavior indicated in the system of doctrines to
achieve ultimate meaning and purpose to human life in chasing the divine or ultimate reality.

The second statement pertains to the consistency of one’s actions to behavior; whereas, this
statement pertains to the embodiment of one’s belief - the enactment of the code of behavior.
Hence, if the doctrine enforces you to be truthful, the code of behavior is you as an honest
person, and the commitment of which is the actualization by not lying, robbing, or confessing a
wrong done. Furthermore, the commitment and recognition of ceremonies or other ways to
propel it is what makes your beliefs tangible for others - influencing and convincing them the
very ground of your beliefs that may either impress or confuse them. Just as when most religions
believe that God is loving and forgiving yet condemns or embarrasses a person because of one’s
sexuality or race.

To conclude, the making of commitment is the application of beliefs and behavior on

your way of life. Without which, such doctrines will merely become words, and behaviors are
merely ideas.

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