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Sci Tech Integrated Academy Inc.

212 Pit-os, Cebu City

S.Y. 2022-2023

Title: A Day Living in the Future

Submitted by:

Sean Vincent F. Talaban

Submitted to:

Miss Evelyn A. Cuyno

The day was September 26, 2085. A young businessman named Sean Talaban woke up at 7:00
am by his electronic alarm and the sun rays flashed at him at the window after the curtains
automatically open themselves. He finally turned it off and a humanoid robot named Kara came
to his bedroom to greet him. Sean greeted back to the robot and Kara told him information about
what happened today, about weather whether it was going to be good or bad, and Kara reminded
him about an important business meeting later in his office. Sean thanked Kara for everything
and she told him to take a shower and she’ll prepare him breakfast. Sean then went to the
bathroom and after he entered the shower room, he commanded the shower head to turn it on for
him and it automatically did. Sean enjoyed his cold shower very much. After a bath, he
commanded the shower head to turn off and it complied. He went out of the shower room and a
floating hanger came toward him to hand him his towel. He wiped himself with his towel and
proceed to brush his teeth with an electric toothbrush that could brush his teeth without the need
to move his hand. While he was brushing, he was looking at his hologram panel to watch the
news. Afterward, he went to his bedroom and another floating hanger came toward him to hand
him his suit for work. He changed and went downstairs for breakfast. Kara just finished
“printing” his meal from the state-of-the-art 3D food printer which can 3D-print a food from a
simple command and after the food is finished printing, it can be eaten edible. His favorite meal
was “Tosilog or Tocino with egg and fried rice”. Sean was so excited to eat and proceed to dig in
the food. While he was eating, his mom came calling him from his smartphone so, Sean
transferred the call from his phone to his hologram panel beside his dining table and accepted the
call. His mom finally saw him and is asking him how is he. Sean said he was fine and he was
going to have a busy day. His mom apologized if she was disturbing him. Sean said it was alright
and proceed to ask his mom how is she with his dad. His mom said they’re doing fine at their old
house and they’re currently eating Tosilog, the meal Sean’s eating as well. Sean showed his meal
to his mom that they were eating the same thing and they laughed. After they’re calm, Sean said
he got to go and his mom said Ok. They told themselves to take care and said their goodbyes.
After Sean hung up the call, he already finished his breakfast and then grabbed his suitcase for
work. He said his goodbyes to Kara like he always does and went out of the house. The door
automatically closed after he went out. Sean went to sit on the passenger seat in his car because
his car can drive by itself. Sean commanded the car to turn on and it did, just like the shower
head. The voice coming from the hologram panel in his car greeted Sean and asked what’s his
destination. Sean said the “usual” which means his office and the car set the route to his office.
After the route was set, the car immediately lifted off and started flying to its destination. While
he was riding his self-driving flying car, he could never get tired of seeing the view of his
futuristic city. He saw a lot of flying and floating such as flying taxis and trains for transportation
and floating hoverboards that individuals can use to roam around the streets. Aside from floating
and flying things, he also saw different kinds of species walking around the city and driving their
vehicles. There aren’t just humans and robots in the city, there are aliens too from different
planets and galaxies, and animals who were once feral are now just like humans. They can talk,
walk on two legs, wear human clothing, and do anything else a human can do. After everything
Sean saw, it reminded him of the story told by his grandparents. Things were a lot different back
then. There was no floating stuff, no robots yet, there was limited technology, feral animals only
and so much more. Sean thought he was lucky he was born in his generation. Sean finally arrived
at one of the tallest towers in the world, where his office is located. The car touched down and
Sean got out of the car and commanded his car to find a parking spot for itself. It complied and
finally went to find one. Before Sean can enter the building, he has to through a full body
scanner to be checked if he has something illegal. Fortunately, the scanner detected he doesn’t
have any so he was permitted to enter. Just like what he saw while he was riding to his office,
there’s so much diversity of species in the tower’s lobby, from aliens to anthropomorphic
animals. Sean entered the elevator and a voice suddenly appeared, asking him what floor does he
want to go to. He said floor 216, which looks like it will take too long to arrive there but a good
thing in the future, there is such thing as a supersonic elevator that exceeds the speed of sound.
The voice complied and went up immediately to floor 216. It took less than 20 seconds to arrive
at his floor. He went out of the elevator and rushed to his office, passing by multiple offices with
diverse species. Sean finally arrived at his office and to enter his office, he had to place his hand
on the scanner to recognize that it was his office. It did and not only it opened the door for him
but, also everything turned on, from his cooling system to his holographic computer and Sean
immediately started working. It’s now lunchtime for him and he got to eat something. He was in
the mood for fast food so, he wanted to have Jollibee or specifically, the 2-piece burger steak
with rice and fries. To be able to get the meal he wanted, he had to use the 3D food printer, the
same one Sean has back home. The printer was already turned on when Sean entered the office
so, all he had to do is to type on the panel on the printer what exact meal Sean wanted to be
printed. He typed the exact details of the meal and when he clicked “Print Now”, it immediately
started to print out the food. It took the printer to print or create the meal in less than 15 seconds.
After it was done printing, Sean took the burger steak out of the printer and immediately started
to eat as he was very hungry. After he was finished, he still had more time until his meeting at 1
pm so he decided to do some extra work. It’s 1 pm later and Sean is ready to meet the investor.
The man finally called Sean and he transferred the call to his holoprojector which can display a
hologram of a person in a call or message. The transfer was complete and Sean immediately
accepted the call. The holoprojector displayed the hologram of a rich foreign investor. They
introduced themselves and began the meeting. In the meeting, Sean was trying to convince the
investor to invest in the company Sean worked at and why he should. After a long discussion, the
investor was impressed and he decided to do it. Sean sighed in relief and thanked him for the
decision. Then, Sean told the investor to wait until he receives an email regarding his investment,
said their goodbyes, and ended the meeting. Sean jumped in happiness as he secured another
investor. After the little celebration, Sean continued his work until 5 pm, the time Sean’s work
schedule is over. 5 pm later and he was ready to leave his office. As Sean’s office detected him
leaving, everything immediately turned off and the door is shut automatically. Sean was waiting
for the supersonic elevator and so are the other employees on floor 216. It finally arrived and the
elevator directly went down to the lobby floor in less than 20 seconds. Sean then called his car to
pick him up and it said it'll be coming. It arrived and picked up Sean to ride him home. The car
set the course to his house and immediately flew. Sean then called Kara and told her he’ll be
home soon. The call ended and Sean, tired from his work, decided to rest up a bit until he arrives.
Arrived home already and Sean is still sleeping. The car woke up Sean by setting off the same
alarm from his bedroom. Sean opened his eyes quickly and his car told him that they have
arrived. Sean thanked his car for waking him up and his car touched down. The door
automatically opened for him and Kara was by the door to welcome him. Sean thanked Kara and
ask her to prepare a steak with mashed potatoes. Kara asked Sean what’s the occasion, and Sean
answered by saying that he had secured another investor in his company. Kara then
congratulated him and Sean thanked her again. Afterward, Kara told him that she’ll prepare the
meal right away and Sean went upstairs to take a long bath. Sean finally finished his long bath
and changed to his usual sleepwear. He went downstairs and saw his prepared meal on the table
set in a fancy way. Kara pulled out the chair for him and Sean sat down. Sean thanked Kara first
and then, devoured his steak with mashed potatoes. After dinner, it made him so full that, he
decided to continue watching the final episode of his favorite show “Cobra Kai” in his living
room but before that, he made his holographic TV large enough to make him think he was in a
cinema. Kara went to continue her chores but Sean stopped her and asked if she wants to watch
with him. Kara asked him if he was sure about it and Sean gave her a thumbs up. So, Kara sat
down on the couch and they began watching the final episode. After the episode was finished,
Sean asked her how is it for her. Kara told Sean that she was amazed by the amount of plot twists
in one episode and Sean couldn’t agree more. It’s now 9 pm which is Sean’s bedtime so before
he goes, Sean told Kara that she should get some rest too. Kara said that she’ll make sure. Sean
nodded and said goodnight to her. Kara said it back. Sean finally arrived in his bedroom and
tucked himself into his bed. Sean then commanded his air conditioner to set in sleep mode which
will make his sleep comfortable and asked his alarm, which happens to have a speaker for music,
to play some sounds that will make him sleep instantly. A classic white noise was being played
for him and after listening to it for a few minutes, he finally dozed off. Sean Talaban, a young
businessman, has finished his day living in the future. The end.

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