Rozpiski Lokal - 2021

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Kozacki Zajazd

690 - duke, geneal, hippogriff, quesling oath, virtue of valour,(cleansing
light),dusk forged, uthers cpnviction, black knights tabar
305 - paladin ,battle standar, barded warhorse, grail oath,
lance,(wyrmwood core), lucky charm
440 - damsel ,wizard master,druidism, binding scroll, barded warhorse
245 - damsel ,wizard adept, shamanism, potion of strength, barded
115 - castellan, bannerman, horse, light lance
190 - 30 x peasant levy, spears, musician, champion
677 - 12 x knights of realms s, m, c, banner of the last charge
285 - 6 x knights of realms s, m, c
130 - siege war machine scorpion
130 - siege war machine scorpion
145 - 5 x yeoman outriders light armour shield throwing weapons
772 - 9 x knights of grails s, m, c, banner of roland
375 - green knight

Total Army Cost: 4499 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
335 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer, Hoardmaster, Light Armour, Ogre
Viper’s Curse
380 - Mammoth Hunter, Great Weapon, Headhunter, Hunting Spear,
Scout, Destiny’s Call
585 - Shaman, Army General, Firebrand, Iron Fist, Pyromancy,
Unarmoured, Wizard Master
Lygur’s Tongue, Magical Heirloom
865 - 11 Bruisers ,Champion, Musician, Pennant of the Great Grass Sky,
Standard Bearer
260- 35 Scraplings Musician, Scrapling Foreman, Spear, Standard Bearer
80 - Sabretooth Tiger
80 - Sabretooth Tiger
395 - 6 Yeti
340 - 5 Yeti
180 - 3 Bombardiers
180 - 3 Bombardiers
180 - 3 Bombardiers
180 - 3 Bombardiers
320 - Thunder Cannon
320 - Thunder Cannon

Total Army Cost: 4500 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
280 - Chieftain: BSB, 2x Aether Icon, Lifeseed Feathers on sylvan bow,
415 - Druid: Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll
520 - Forest Prince: Eagle king, Destiny Call, Titanic Might on sylvan
blades, Obsidian Rock, Dragonfire Gem
585 - Treefather Ancient: Adept, Divination, Lucky Charm
2x165 - 2x8 Dryads: C
375 - 25 Eternal Guards: FCG, Rending Banner, sylvan blades
205 - 5 Heath Hunters
227 - 6 Heath Riders: FCG, shields
430 - Treefather
2x190 - 2x5 Pathfinders
395 - 5 Briar Maidens: C, S, Banner of Deception
355 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels: C

Total Army Cost: 4497 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
240 - Vermin Senator, General; Orb of Ateus, Crown of Autocracy
325 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield; Secrets of the Doom Blade, Potion of
285 - Swarm Priest Adept Caelysian Pantheon; Wizard Adept; The
Thaumaturgy, Holy Triumvirate, Book of Arcane Mastery
310 - Swarm Priest, Caelysian Pantheon; Wizard Adept; The
Witchcraft;Holy Triumvirate, Crystal Ball, Crown of Hubris
185 - Swarm Priest Apprentice, Caelysian Pantheon; Wizard Apprentice;
The Witchcraft, Holy Triumvirate; Talisman of the Void
195 - House Prefect - Stygian Overseer, Map of the Deeps, Obsidian Rock
427 - 47x Vermin Legionaries, Shield & Spear; Eagle Standard, C, M,
Without Number, Rending Banner
245 - 25x Vermin Legionaries, Shield & Spear; Eagle Standard, M,
Without Number, Aether Icon
245 - 25x Vermin Legionaries, Shield & Spear; Eagle Standard, M,
Without Number, Aether Icon
210 - 30x Vermin Slaves; Tunnelling Tools; Without Number
210 - 30x Vermin Slaves; Tunnelling Tools; Without Number
315- 30x Plague Disciples, Great Weapon; Musician
80 - 10x Giant Rats
435 - 4x Murmillo Brutes, Canister Launcher, Eagle Standard; Musician
210 - Verminous Artillery - Rakachit Mauss Cannon
210 - Verminous Artillery - Rakachit Mauss Cannon
185 - 3x Experimental Weapon Teams - Rotary Gun
185 - 3x Experimental Weapon Teams - Rotary Gun

Total Army Cost: 4497 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
880 - Vampire Count of Brotherhood of the Dragon
General, Wizard Adept Occultism, Great Weapon, Blessed Inscriptions,
Legend of the Black King, Obsidian Rock, Crimson Rage, Skeletal steed
865 - Vampire Count of Brotherhood of the Dragon, Wizard Adept
Occultism, Reaper’s Harvest, Basalt Infusion, Dusk Forged, Eternal
Duelist, Spectral steed
372 - 39 Skeletons, fcg, Banner of Relentless Company
372 - 39 Skeletons, fcg, Banner of Relentless Company
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
125 - 8 Dire Wolves
125 - 8 Dire Wolves
465 - Dark Coach
465 - Dark Coach
348 - 9 Barrow Knights, fcg
345- 3 Vampire Knights, Champion, Musician

Total Army Cost: 4497 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
780 - Feldrak Ancestor, General, PW, Supernatural Dexterity
900 - Sorcerer Master, PW, Evocation, Plate armour, Shrine, Basalt, Lord
of the Damned, Heirloom, Legion Standard
150 - 5 Fallens
760 - 30 Warriors, FCG, Rending
2x175 - 5 Flayers, Shield, Lash
2x390 - Forsaken One
2x390 - 3 Feldraks, Halbers, FCG

Total Army Cost: 4500 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
600 - Avatar of Nature, General
365 - Druid, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sylvan Blades
320 - Thicket Shepherd, Battle Standard Bearer
280 - Dryad Ancient, Wizard (Wizard Adept, Druidism), Toxic Spores
453 - 26x Dryads, Scoring, Champion
355 - 15x Sylvan Archers, Musician
334 - 14x Sylvan Archers, Musician
2 x 430 - Treefather
375 - 4x Thicket Beasts, Champion
2 x 277 - 8x Sylvan Sentinels, Sylvan Blades

Total Army Cost: 4496 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
565 - Duke, Humility, Hippogriff, Shield, Questing Oath, Bastard Sword,
Crusader’s Salvation
555 - Duke, Humility, Hippogriff, Shield (Dusk Forged), Questing Oath,
Bastard Sword, Basalt Infusion
385 - Damsel, General, Barded Warhorse, Wizard Master, Druidism
295 - Paladin, Barded Warhorse, Shield, Questing Oath, Bastard Sword,
Lucky Charm, Battle Standard Bearer (2x Aether Icon)
225 - 5 Knights Aspirant
225 - 5 Knights Aspirant
677 - 12 Knights of the Realm, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Last
Charge), Champion, Musician
590 - 11 Knights of the Quest, Standard Bearer (Banner of Roland),
Champion, Musician
722 - 9 Knights of the Grail, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Champion
130 - Scorpion
130 - Scorpion

Total Army Cost: 4499 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
420 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sceptre of Power
415 - Dread Prince, General, Seal of the Republic, Paired Weapons (Hero’s
Heart), Mask of the War Crow, Obsidian Rock
410 - Temple Exarch, Alchemy, War Smith, Paired Weapons (Lacerating
Touch), Ring of the Obsidian Thrones
386 - 24 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline),
Musician, Champion
248 - 17 Silexian Spears, Musician, Champion
264 - 8 Shadow Riders, Repeater Crossbow
240 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
606 - 23 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
(Caedhren’s Pennon)
338 - 9 Warlock Acolytes
170 - 5 Harpies
170 - 5 Black Cloaks
170 - 5 Black Cloaks
400 - Hydra
260 - Mist Leviathan

Total Army Cost: 4497 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
490 - Prophet, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Paired
Weapons, Tablet of Vezodinezh
480 - Overlord, General, Shield (Willow’s Ward), Mask of Ages, Talisman
of Shielding, Gauntlets of Madzhab, Arrogance
290 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Aether Icon),
Destiny’s Call, Great Weapon, Obsidian Rock
270 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Book of Arcane Mastery
471 - 23 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Legion
Standard), Musician, Champion
451 - 18 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer, Musician,
203 - 21 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
540 - 6 Kadim Incarnates
265 - Infernal Bastion
245 - 6 Taurukh Enforcers, Paired Weapons, Musician
240 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar
240 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar
190 - 5 Vassal Cavalry
125 - Vassal Slingshot

Total Army Cost: 4500 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
Harry Axe
365 - 15x Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
365 - 15x Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
416 - 37x Vassal Levies, Bow, Flaming Standard, Musician, Paired
Weapons, Standard Bearer, Vassal Chieftain
375 - Lamassu Scholar, Book of Arcane Mastery
420 Prophet, Army General, Lugar, Pyromancy, Wizard Master
490 - Taurukh Commissioner, Battle Standard Bearer, Infernal Weapon,
,Death Cheater, Dragon Staff, Willow’s Ward
240 - Titan Mortar
240 - Titan Mortar
155 - Naphta Thrower
555 - 5xTaurukh Anointed, Champion, Great Weapon, Musician, Shield,
Standard Bearer
210 - 5xTaurukh Enforcers,Paired Weapons
190 - 5xVassal Cavalry
475 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Total Army Cost: 4496 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
515 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept,
Thaumaturgy, Light Armour, Rod of Battle, Obsidian Rock, Holy
Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
210 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
210 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
180 - Vermin Senator, General, Crown of Autocracy
145 - House Prefect, Jezail, Rakachit Technocrat
600 - 50x Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with
Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
255 - 32x Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician,
Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
220 - 25x Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician,
Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
139 - 16x Vermin Velites, Throwing Weapons, Musician
495 - 5x Murmillo Brutes, Rotary Gun, Musician, Standard Bearer with
Eagle Standard
455 - 6x Murmillo Brutes, Halberd and Shield, Musician, Standard
Bearer with Eagle Standard
2 x 80 - 10x Giant Rats
275 - 6x Experimental Weapon Teams, Jezail and Shield
190 - Vermin Artillery, Skorchit Ordnance
150 - 8x Ignifier Grenadiers
300 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast

Total Army Cost: 4499 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
470 - 1 Prophet of Ashuruk, Wizard Master, The Pyromancy, Seat of
230 - Vizier, Shield; Battle Standard; Legion Standard, Aether Icon,
Obsidian Rock. Alchemist’s Alloy
450 - Overlord, General; Shield; Mask of Ages, Talisman of Shielding,
Gauntlets of Madzhab, Willow’s Ward
225 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept; The Witchcraft; Ranger’s Boots
488 - 24 Infernal Warriors, Blunderbuss; Shield; Standard; Musician;
Champion, Legion Standard
265 - Infernal Bastion
413 - 37 Vassal Levies, Spear; Bow, Shield; Standard; Musician; Flaming
225 - 20 Vassal Levies, Hand Weapon; Bow; Shield; Standard; Musician
550 - 6 Kadim Incarnates, Champion
240 - Infernal Artillery - Titan Mortar
240 - Infernal Artillery - Titan Mortar
190 - 5 Vassal Cavalry
290 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons; Champion
220 - Kadim Chariot

Total Army Cost: 4496 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
590 - Chosen Lord, General, Black Steed, Entropic Aura, Favour of
Sugulag, God of Greed, Great Weapon, Halberd, Paired Weapons, Shield,
Hell-Forged Armour, Trophy Rack, Aether Icon, Immortal Gauntlets,
Talisman of Shielding
285 - Barbarian Chief, Heavy Armour, Paired Weapons, Shadow Chaser,
Throwing Weapons (4+), Symbol of Slaughter, Thrice¬Forged
840 - Sorcerer, Battleshrine, Wizard Master (Evocation), Plate Armour,
Veil Walker, Alchemist’s Alloy, Veilgate Orb, Magical Heirloom
310 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept (Alchemy), Black Steed, Plate Armour,
Obsidian Rock
612 - 18xWarriors, CMS, Banner of the Relentless Company, Favour of
Sugulag, God of Greed
300 - 10xWarriors, CM, Paired Weapons, Favour of Cibaresh, God of Lust
474 - 3xChosen Knights, CMS, Favour of Cibaresh, God of Lust
95 - 5xWarhounds
507 - 9xWarrior Knights, CMS, Aether Icon, Favour of Sugulag, God of
Greed, Great Weapon, Halberd, Paired Weapons, Shield
484 - 8xWarrior Knights, CMS, Wasteland Torch, Favour of Sugulag, God
of Greed, Great Weapon, Halberd, Paired Weapons, Shield

Total Army Cost: 4497 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
675 - Duke on Hippogriff; General; Questing Oath; Bastard Sword; Shield;
Blessed Inscriptions; Crusader’s Salvation; Dragonfire Gem; Virtue of
650 - Duke on Hippogriff; Grail Oath; Lance; Shield; Virtue of Might;
Fortress of Faith; Basalt Infusion; Supernatural Dexterity
420 - Damsel Master on Barder Warhorse; Wizard Master; The
Shamanism; Lightning Vambraces
375 - The Green Knight
130 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow
130 - 2x 11 Siege War Machine - Scorpion
275 - 6 Knights of the Realm, Champion
265 - 6 Knights of the Realm
772- 9 Knights of the Grail, FCG, Banner of Roland
677- 12 Knights of the Realm; Banner of the Last Charge

Total Army Cost: 4499 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
540 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Lygur’s Tongue, Magical
495 - Mammoth Hunter, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Wrestler’s
Belt), Iron Fist, Hunting Spear, Trolleater, Leader of the Pack
435 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Basalt Infusion), Great Weapon,
Hunting Spear, Talisman of Shielding, Tusker, General, Wildheart
330 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Destiny’s Call), Paired Weapons,
Hunting Spear, Leader of the Pack
495 - 8 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
175 - 3 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer, Champion
165 - 3 Tribesmen, Champion
115 - 20 Scraplings, Throwing Weapons
180 - Kin-Eater
180 - Kin-Eater
180 - Kin-Eater
80 - Sabretooth Tigers
80 - Sabretooth Tigers
375 - Frost Mammoth, Ogre Crossbow, Ogre Crossbow
375 - Frost Mammoth, Ogre Crossbow, Ogre Crossbow
295 - Slave Giant, Giant Club

Total Army Cost: 4495 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
475 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept,
Thaumaturgy, Hand Weapon (Swarm Master), Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
300 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Crown of Hubris, Obsidian
Rock, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
210 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
325 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade),
Potion of Swiftness
240 - Vermin Senator, General, Crown of Autocracy, Orb of Ateus
405 - 60 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician,
Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
405 - 60 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician,
Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
230 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician,
Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Aether Icon)
145 - 15 Vermin Velites, Throwing Weapons, Champion, Musician
585 - 6 Murmillo Brutes, Rotary Gun, Champion, Musician, Standard
Bearer with Eagle Standard
80 - 10 Giant Rats
80 - 10 Giant Rats
210 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Cannon
210 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Cannon
300 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast
300 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast

Total Army Cost: 4500 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
650 - High Prince, General, Light Armour (Destiny’s Call), Spear (Sliver
of the Blazing Dawn), Master of Canreig Tower (2 additionnal Learned
465 - Commander, Griffon, Shield, Longbow, Dragonforged Armour
(Daemon’s Bane), Lance, Diadem of Protection
345 - Commander, Longbow, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of
Becalming), Light Armour, Obsidian Rock, Queen’s Companion
225 - Mage, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy
720 - 30x Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician,
220 - 5x Highborn Lancers, Musician
185 - 5x Elein Reavers, Bow
505 - 20x Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician,
505 - 20x Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician,
220 - 5x Giant Eagles
100 - Giant Eagles
180 - Sea Guard Reaper
180 - Sea Guard Reaper

Total Army Cost: 4500 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
740 - Pharaoh, General, Sha Guardian, Great Weapon (Godslayer), Death
Mask of Teput, Obsidian Rock
425 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Talisman of the
Void, Soul Conduit
295 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Book of Arcane
Mastery, Hierophant
595 - 6 Skeleton Chariots, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician,
255 - 22 Skeleton Archers, Musician, Champion
225 - 20 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Entombed), Musician,
140 - 5 Skeleton Scouts
710 - 6 Tomb Cataphracts, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician,
155 - 3 Great Vultures
480 - Battle Sphinx
480 - Battle Sphinx

Total Army Cost: 4500 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
610 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Master, Occultism,
Paired Weapons (Flame of the East), Breath of the Brass Bull, Ring of
360 - Vizier, Seat of Authority, Shield (Kadim Binding), Battle Standard
Bearer (Blessed Icon of Zalaman Tekash, Aether Icon), Paired Weapons
(Hero’s Heart), Pistol
205 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Potion of Strength
693 - 28x Citadel Guard, Pistol and Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of
Speed), Musician, Champion
345 - 25x Vassal Levies, Spear and Shield, Bow, Musician, Standard
Bearer (Flaming Standard), Vassal Chieftain
335 - 25x Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Standard
Bearer (Their Master’s Banner), Vassal Chieftain
585 - 23x Disciples of Lugar, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Rending
Banner), Musician, Champion
264 - 7x Vassal Cavalry, Standard Bearer, Musician, Vassal Chieftain on
Vassal Steed
264 - 7x Vassal Cavalry, Standard Bearer, Musician, Vassal Chieftain on
Vassal Steed
240 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower
440 - Infernal Engine, Naphtha Thrower

Total Army Cost: 4496 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
460 - Marshal, Great Griffon, Shield, Hand Weapon (Hero’s Heart), Death
260 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Obsidian Rock, Great
390 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Pyromancy, Essence of a Free
385 - Prelate, General, Shield, Plate Armour (Imperial Seal), Hand
195 - Weapon (Death Warrant), Potion of Swiftness, Lucky Charm
Prelate, Shield, Plate Armour
410 - 40x Heavy Infantry, Spear, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Flaming
Standard), Musician, Champion
175 - 20x Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician,
267 - 18x Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
155 - 10x Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
135 - 10x State Militia
561 - 33x Imperial Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner),
Musician, Champion
155 - 5x Reiters, Pistol
155 - 5x Reiters, Pistol
160 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
160 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
475 - Steam Tank

Total Army Cost: 4498 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
Fabrice Ruard
655 - Duke, General, Humility, Hippogriff, Shield, Questing Oath, Bastard
Sword (Blessed Inscriptions), Crusader’s Salvation, Obsidian Rock
475 - Duke, Audacity, Pegasus, Paired Weapons (Hero’s Heart), Basalt
Infusion, Grail Oath
385 - Damsel, Barded Warhorse, Wizard Master, Shamanism
260 - Damsel, Barded Warhorse, Wafers of Penitence, Wizard Adept,
560 - 11 Knights of the Realm, Standard Bearer (Stalker’s Standard),
Champion, Musician
284 - 44 Peasant Levy, Standard Bearer, Champion, Musician
284 - 44 Peasant Levy, Standard Bearer, Champion, Musician
375 - The Green Knight
757 - 9 Knights of the Grail, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard),
Champion, Musician
145 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Shield, Light Armour, Throwing Weapons (5+)
320 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion

Total Army Cost: 4498 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
Kaare Siesing
935 - Count, General, Adept (Occultism), Brotherhood of the Dragon,
Shield, Halberd, The Dead Arise, Monstrous Revenant, Legend of the
Black King, Blessed Inscriptions, Obsidian Rock, Crimson Rage
370 - Barrow King, Paired Weapons, Battlestandard, Destiny’s Call,
Hero’s Heart, Legion Standard, Legion Standard
440 - Necromancer, Master (Evocation), Necromantic Staff
535 - 35 Ghouls, Champion
175 - 26 Zombies, Musician, Standard
335 - 35 Skeletons, Full Command, Flaming Standard
110 - 2 Bat Swarm
610 - 8 Ghasts, Champion
300 - 1 Court of the Damned
100 - 1 Fell Bats
590 - 7 Vampire Spawn, Champion

Total Army Cost: 4498 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
Nicolas Mercier
830 Exalted Herald, General
830 - Exalted Herald
300 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Favoured Champion, Musician
300 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Favoured Champion, Musician
300 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Favoured Champion, Musician
685 - 5 Chosen Knights, Greed, Favoured Champion, Musician, Standard
175 - 5 Flayers, Shield, Skinning Lash
95 - 5 Warhounds
490 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons
490 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons

Total Army Cost: 4495 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
Laurent Levrangi
930 – Courtesan of Cibaresh, General, Greater Dominion, Wizard Master
(witchcraft), Iron Husk, Kaleidoscopic Flesh
850 – Vanadra’s Scourge, Wizard Apprentice (evocation), Centipede Legs,
Darkhide, Living Shield
625 – 25x Myrmidons, Unhinged Jaw, S, M, C
245 – 10x Succubi, Mesmerizing Plumage, M
255 – 10x Succubi, Mesmerizing Plumage, M, C
497 – 4x Brazen Beasts, Centipede Legs, M, C
360 – Blazing Glories, fly
360 – Blazing Glories, fly
175 – 2x Mageblight Gremlins
195 – 5x Sirens

Total Army Cost: 4492 pts

Kozacki Zajazd
330 - Orc Shaman, Common Orc, Orc Boar Chariot, Wizard Adept,
Shamanism, Paired Weapons, Binding Scroll
325 - Orc Shaman, Common Orc, Orc Boar Chariot, Wizard Adept,
Pyromancy, Binding Scroll
215 - Goblin Witch Doctor, General, Common Goblin and Light Armour,
Wolf, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy
575 - 30 Orc ‚Eadbashers, Common Orc, Paired Weapons, Standard
Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
370 - 24 Orcs, Common Orc, Shield, Heavy Armour and Crossbow,
Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
210 - 20 Orcs, Common Orc, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer,
Musician, Champion
740 - 30 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
740 - 30 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
135 - Gnasher Wrecking Team
135 - Gnasher Wrecking Team
115 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin
160 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer, Orc Overseer
450 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer

Total Army Cost: 4500 pts


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