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NaZMuL HossaiN
Chapter—One Roll No-
Introduction Mobile—

Question No—
No—1 Definition of human resource management.
HRM is an important part of an organizational management system. HRM involves all
management decisions and practices that directly affect or influence the people or human resources
who works for the organization.
According to R. W. Griffin, “HRM is the set of organizational activities directed at attracting,
developing and maintaining an effective workforce.”
According to Milkovich, “HRM is a series of decisions that affect the relationship between
employees and employers, it affects many constituencies and it’s intended to influence the
effectiveness of employees and employers.”
At last we can say that HRM refers the employment of management forces to encourage
develop the human resources of an organization.

Question No—
No—2 Identify the external environment influences
influences affecting HRM
The external forces are as follows—
1. Political legal: The political environment covers the impact institutions as the HRM
department. In a democratic political set up there are three institutions with together
constitute the total political environment. They are—
a. The legislature
b. The executive
c. The judgment
2. Economic: Economic environment refers to all those economic forces which have a
bearing on the human resource function.
3. Technological: With the advent of technology, jobs tend to become more intellectual or
upgraded, along with up grading jobs, technology has its requirements for much of the
human interaction in organization.
4. Cultural forces: Cultural forces refers to the complex whole which includes knowledge,
belief, art, morals, laws, custom and other capabilities and habits acquired by an individual
as a member of a society.

Question No—
No—3 Discuss the effect of labor union on HRM.
Labor unions were founded and exist today to assist in dealing with the management of an
organization. The effect of labor union are as follows—
1. Favorable impact
2. Negative impact
Favorable impact: The following favorable impact of labor union upon the HRM are discussed
1. Ideal working condition: Labor union helps to provide ideal working condition to the
human resource management.
2. Improved management policy and procedure: Labor union helps to formulate or improve
labor policy. In this case, labor union inform to the management about labor dissatisfaction.
3. Reduce labor unrest: Labor union gives necessary advice to the management for reducing
labor unrest.
4. Aid to decision making: Management take decision relating to interest of labor after
discussion with the labor union.
5. Settlement of individual dispute:
6. Establishment of rules and regulation:
Negative impact: Sometimes create negative situation in activities of management for presenting
labor union. Negative impacts are as follows—
1. Obstacle to decision making: In many times labor union create obstacle in decision making
progress to management.
2. Excess employment: Labor union create strong pressure on management to appoint excess
3. Equal power: Labor union seems to equal power in case of legality of labor union and
creating opportunity to discuss with management.
4. Political interference:
5. Increasing criminal activities:
6. Rescuing self-interest:
7. Dishonor to managers:

Question No—
No—4 Outline in
in brief the major objectives or responsibilities of HRM
Objectives of HRM are as follows—
1. Attraction—
a. Full utilization of manager.
b. Recruiting the proper personnel
c. Identifying job requirement
d. Estimating the people and skill mix requirement.
2. Selection—
a. Choosing the most suitable personnel.
3. Retention—
a. Creating the conditions necessary rewording performance and providing a healthy
conducive work environment.
b. Principles of dignity of labor.
c. Principles of fair remuneration.
4. Development—
a. Preserving and improving employee’s knowledge, skills, abilities and other
5. Motivation—
a. Developing the techniques that reflect needs each individual job satisfaction behavioral
and structural method for stimulating.
Question No—
No—5 What are the functions or activities of HRM?
We can classify the function of HRM in four broad category. These are—
a. Staffing
b. Training and development.
c. Motivation
d. Maintenance
Staffing: Staffing means seeking and hiring qualified employees. It includes the followings—
1. Strategic human resource planning: It can be defined as a strategy for the procurement
development, allocation and utilization of human resource of an organization.
2. Recruiting: Recruiting is the process of discovering the potential candidates for the actual
and anticipated vacancies.
3. Selection: Selection is the measurement and evaluation of potential candidates and select
the best candidates for the actual vacancies.
Training and development: Training and developing function refers to prepare the employee
develop the skill, knowledge, ability of the employees. Training and development functions
includes the followings—
1. Orientation: It is the process in which the candidates are introduced with the organization.
2. Employees training: It is designed to assist employees in acquiring better skill for the job.
3. Employee development: It is the process to make a person effective for managing a job
4. Carrier development: Carrier development is a sequence of positions occupied by a person
during the course of a life time.
Motivation: Motivation is the willingness to do something and is conditioned by this actions ability
to satisfy some need for the individual. It includes the following—
1. Motivation theories and job design
2. Performance appraisal
3. Rewards and compensation
4. Employee benefits
Maintenance: Maintenance refers to maintain the employee property. Maintenance includes the
following functions—
1. Safety and healthy
2. Communication
3. Employee relation
The above are the main functions of human resource management department of an organization.
Question No—
No—6 Who manage HRM?
HRM is a complex procedure because this task related with human resource of an
organization. It is generally managed by the top executive of the organization that are known as
human resource manager.
Human resource manager must have the following quality—
1. Efficiency in management and technical
2. Efficiency in solving the problem.
3. Decision making skill.
4. Knowledge about logic, ethics and social science economic and lows.
5. Must have the leadership quality.
6. Neutrality.
7. High communication skill
8. Capacity to persuasion.
9. Realistic attitude
10. Intelligence.
If one passes the above quality he/she manage HRM.

Question No—
No—7 Conflict rises between human resource manager and operation
Human resource manager does the following activities—
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Recruitment
4. Selecting
5. Motivating
6. Provide training
Normally human resource manager is one who involved with human resource planning, staffing,
and recruitment and selecting human resource in an organization.
On the other hand operating manager is one who helps typically to implement the idea of human
resource manager. The conflict are as follows—

Human resource manager Operating manager

This manager develop a new idea in the field This manager normally implement the HR
of management. manager’s idea.
Human resource manager implement its Operating manager requires support from
activity without the support of operating human resource manager to operate its
manager. activity.
In case of working condition transfer, In case of operating manager it is separated
promotion, and employment decision is from human resource manager.
separated from operating manager.
Human resource does not perform a cost Operating manager try to minimize the cost of
minimize activities. production.
Human resource manager is liable to top Operating manager is liable to human resource
manager. manager.

Question No—
No—8 Outline the policies and principles of HRM
Policies: A policy is a plan of action. A few specific policies are as follows—
1. Hiring people: Policy of hiring people with due respect to factors like reservation, sex,
marital status.
2. Terms and conditions: Policy on terms and conditions of employment, compensation
policy and method, hours of work overtime promotion etc.
3. Medical assistance: Policy with regard to medical assistance that is sickness benefit,
company medical benefit.
4. Housing & transport: Policy regarding housing, transport, uniform and allowances.
5. Training and development: Policy regarding training and development, need for method
of and frequency of training and development.
6. Industrial relations: Policy regarding industrial relations, trade union recognition,
collective bargaining etc.
Principles: There are many principles in HRM. These are as follows—
1. Individual development: Principle of individual development to offer full and equal
opportunity to every employee.
2. Scientific selection: Principles of scientific selection to select right person for the right job.
3. Free flow of communication: Principles of free flow of communication to keep all
channels of communication open and encourage upward, downward, horizontal, formal
and informal communication.
4. Participation: Principles of participation to associate employee representatives of every
level of decision making.
5. Incentive: Principles of incentive to recognize and reward good performance.
6. Dignity of labor: Principle of dignity of labor to treat every job holder with dignity and
7. Labor management co-operation: Principle of labor management co-operation to promote
cordial industrial relations.
8. Team spirit: Principle of team spirit to promote co-operation and team spirit among
9. Contribution to national prosperity: Principle of contribution to national prosperity to
provide a higher purpose of work to all employees and to contribute to national prosperity.

Question No—
No—9 Importance of HRM
It is the people who possess skills, ability and attitude that offer competitive advantage to a
firm. It is human resources that is capable of deciding, implementing and controlling activities.
The importance of HRM as follows—
1. It is important to increase productivity of a firm.
2. It is important to achieve the objectives of a firm.
3. To maintain and utilize human resource property.
4. To face modern competition.
5. To increase efficient workforce by providing training.
6. To control labor and production cost.
7. For human resource planning and implementation.
8. Creation of cordial labor management relationship.
9. To maintain job satisfaction.
10. Development of human behavior and relationship.
These are the importance of human resource management.

Question No—
No—10 Personnel management vs. HRM
Normally, personnel management is the management of working people of an organization. It
is narrow concept than HRM. Personnel management is a part of HRM. There are also many
differences between these two. These are as follows—
Subject Personnel management HRM
Focus PM focuses on personnel HRM focuses on acquisition,
administration, welfare and labor development, motivation and
relation. maintenance of human resource of an
Assumption PM assumes people as an input for HRM assumes people as an important
achieving desired output. and valuable resources for achieving
desired output.
Area/scope The scope of personnel management The scope of HRM is larger than PM.
is smaller than HRM. PM is a part of HRM.
Job design Under PM Job design is done on the Under HRM job design is done on the
basis of division of labor. basis of group work.
Training Under PM employees are provided Under HRM, employees are provided
with less training and development with more training and development
opportunities. opportunity.
Responsibility Personnel management is concerned HRM is concerned with all level of
with personnel manager. managers from top to bottom.
Job Here job categories and grades are Here job categories and grades are
categories many. few.
and grades
Speed of Decisions taking speed is slow. Decision taking speed is fast.
These are the differences between HRM and PM.

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