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Assessment in the Affective Domain & Portfolio Assessment Tools

Do the following:
1. Develop your tool for assessment on any of the following:
a. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward Mathematics
A positive attitude towards math can lead to higher achievement, and
high achievement can result in more favorable attitudes.
Students’ attitude toward math can affect their overall achievement.
Value, self-confidence, enjoyment, motivation, and anxiety surrounding math
are all reflected in a student’s attitude. Getting involved as early as possible is
the best way to prevent long-lasting negative attitudes towards math.
Digital game-based learning is a promising option for improving
opinions on math. Since kids have so much fun playing video games,
incorporating them into learning can increase motivation and engagement —
leading to better attitudes towards math and greater achievement.
b. Demonstrate motivation to study
c. Adopt the principle of non-violence in one's life

2. Construct a checklist for any of the following:

a. classroom observation for a teacher to determine if she creates a conducive
learning atmosphere
b. emotional intelligence quotient to determine when a student is strong or weak
c. growth mindset to determine if a student has a growth mindset or fixed

3. Research on:
a. How a Thurstone scale differs from a Likert scale
Thurstone scale has a complex scoring system, and time-consuming
developing format, the Likert scale is simplified, and has less development
The Thurstone scale is built upon the fundamentals of the Likert scale, but this
method of constructing an attitude scale not only takes value of each item of
into consideration while evaluating the final attitude score but also caters to
neutral items.
b. Semantic scale differs from bipolar adjective scale
c. construct a checklist from any of the rating scales mentioned above.

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