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Nutritional Value of Vegetables

Chapter · December 2005

DOI: 10.1201/b15995-24

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2 authors:

Charles Titchenal Joannie Dobbs

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


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Volume 1

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J. D. Culbertson, S. Duncan, I. Guerrero-Legarreta,

E. C. Y. Li-Chan, C. Y. Ma, C. H. Manley, T. A. McMeekin,
W, K. Nip, L. M. L. Nollet, M. S. Rahman, F. Toldrá, Y. L. Xiong

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Handbook of food science, technology, and engineering / edited by Y.H. Hui.

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ISBN 1-57444-551-0 (v. 1 alk. paper) ISBN 0-8493-9848-7 ( v. 2 : elk, paper)
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Nutritional Value of Vegetables
C. Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs
Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, University of Hawaii


I. Introduction 21-1
II. Nuthents 21-1
A. Nutrients 21-1
B. Nutrient Profiles 21-2
C. Factors Affecting Nutrient Composition of Vegetables 21-2
D. Bioavailability 21-2
III. Non-Nutritive Phytochemicals 21-6
A. Phytochemicals 21-6
B. Phytochemical Profiles 21-7
C. factors Affecting Phytochemical Composition of Vegetables 21-7
IV. Health Benefits Derived from Vegetables 21-7
A. Gastrointestinal Tract Health 21-7
B. Immune System Health 21-9
C. Chronic Disease 21-9
V. Summary 21-9
Acknowledgment 21-10
References 21-10

I. INTRODUCTION vegetables. McCollum and colleagues realized that the

addition of vegetables to a seed diet was necessary to pre
Vegetables are considered a significant part of all major vent deficiency conditions in omnivore species (2).
dietary guidance systems. Their many chemical elements Researchers then realized that a diet deficient in even a
and compounds are known to affect thousands of physio single essential nutrient (required from food), could result
logical functions and to promote health (1). This chapter in a dietary deficiency disease or even death (3).
provides an overview of nutrients and non-nutrient phyto Strictly speaking, nutrients are compounds that
chemicals commonly found in vegetables, along with a cannot be synthesized by the human body from other
description of the basic nutrient profile for vegetables in chemicals or cannot be synthesized rapidly enough to
general. Factors affecting nutrient variations, both natu meet the needs of the body. Thus, by the classical defini
rally occurring and due to processing, are summarized. tion of nutrient, the term “essential nutrient” is redundant.
Lastly, this chapter reviews many of the purported health However, the terms “non-essential nutrient” or “dispensa
benefits derived from various vegetable phytochemicals. ble nutrient” are sometimes used to describe chemical
compounds that are contained in foods and have a func
II. NUTRIENTS tion in the body, but are typically synthesized by the body
in adequate amounts.
As nutrition science evolved, a third category of nuth
About a century ago, researchers observed that growth ents has been identified as “conditionally essential.” This
and survival of animals was directly affected by various terminology is used to describe substances that may
individual components in foods. These components were become essential under specific conditions that reduce the
termed nutrients and were to be considered required for body’s capability to synthesize adequate amounts of the
normal growth and health. In the early 1900s, researchers compound. This may be caused by changes in physiolog
began to focus on the disease-preventing properties of ical demands due to a genetic defect, a disease condition,

27-2 Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering, Volume 1

the stress of surgery, or the use of certain drugs such as Vegetables contain no cholesterol, very little fat, sugar,
statins and Co-enzyme Q10 (4,5). and sodium, yet provide concentrated sources of many
Presently, there are approximately 50 individual food vitamins and minerals. There are literally hundreds of
elements and chemical compounds identified as essential vegetables, with the majority of these cultivated in Asia
nutrients. These nutrients are classified into six broad (17). Table 21.3 presents representative nutrient ranges
chemical categories based on chemical structure and func and means for 38 of the more commonly consumed veg
tions including water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vita etables in America (18).
mins, and minerals. Table 21.1 lists nutrients by
essentiality category and the basic physiological functions
of providing energy, structure, or regulation of the body’s
thousands of chemical reactions.
Nutrients frequently act in concert to regulate specific Biological, chemical, and physical factors all affect the
physiological functions. for example, calcium, magne nutrient composition of vegetables, for these reasons,
sium, and potassium regulate muscle contraction and nutrient values for any particular vegetable may differ
relaxation (7,8). Vitamins B-6, B-12, and folate function significantly from published values commonly used in
in concert to prevent the excessive accumulation of homo databases. Table 21.4 presents a partial list of factors that
cysteine, which in turn reduces the risk of coronary artery can significantly affect variability of nutrient content in
disease (9). foods. Comprehensive texts and research papers (as well
The proper proportion of specific nutrients is also as references cited within) are referenced in this table for
important in maintaining health. For example, the ratio of those interested in a deeper understanding of any single
omega-3 fatty acids (primarily from fish oils and some production factor.
vegetable oils) to omega-6 fatty acids (primarily derived Because of the virtually endless possibilities of factor
from many vegetable oils) is an example of the essential combinations, there is no definite set of rules dictating
ity of correct nutrient proportions. Both types of fatty acid how the exact nutrient composition of any single plant
are essential for regulating eicosanoid synthesis which in may vary from the usual. Vitamins and minerals, rather
turn affects physiological functions such as blood pres than protein, fat, and carbohydrates, are the nutrients
sure, inflammation, and blood clotting. The appropriate likely to have the greatest variation even within a single
proportion of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is 1 to 4 up plant species.
to 1 to 10. An imbalance of these fatty acids appears to be Vitamins, functioning as cell regulating cofactors,
related to various chronic health problems (10). will continue to be utilized by the plant even after being
Nutrients, even essential nutrients, are known to be harvested (24). Other factors such as heating, acid, or
harmful in excessive amounts. The Institute of Medicine alkaline exposure, and processing techniques that cause
has published both the recommended levels of intake and oxidation can decrease the vitamin concentration to a
the tolerable upper intake levels for many nutrients. These fraction of the initial value (25).
recommendations provide guidelines on what constitutes The content of some minerals in plants is dependent
generally safe ranges of intake and what levels of a nutri upon the amount of a particular element available in the
ent may be excessive and even harmful to humans soil for the growing plant. for example, depending upon
(11—14). the selenium content in the soil, plants may have very low
The use of certain drugs may require nutrient intake to levels of selenium or contain toxic amounts.(26).
be maintained within a more narrow range. For example,
excess vitamin K intake, even from naturally occurring
plant sources, can interfere with the function of common
blood anticoagulant drugs (15). Even though vegetables may contain ample quantities of
nutrients and phytochemicals, some vegetables also con
tain chemicals that bind with nutrients and phytochemi
cals making the beneficial compounds unavailable for
foods from various common food groups (meat and poul absorption. An understanding of these bioavailability con
try, milk products, fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans) siderations is essential to avoid using nutrient data of veg
have classic nutrient profiles or distinctive nutrient finger etables in a misleading way (27,28).
prints. Typically, these nutrient profiles are expressed as Nutrient antagonists can significantly decrease the
the amount of various key nutrients typically contained in bioavailability of nutrients from foods. High levels of one
100 grams of edible portion. mineral may competitively reduce the absorption of another
Compared to other food group nutrient profiles, veg mineral element. For example, magnesium interferes with
etables provide the nutrient characteristics that most con calcium absorption (29). Zinc also is known to interfere
sumers perceive as health promoting (Table 21.2). with magnesium absorption (30). Phytochemicals, like
TABLE 27.7
Human Essentiality and Physiological Function of Nutrients Found in Plants C

Physiological Function
Essentiality Energy Structure Regulation Examples of Key Specific Functions (5
Water Essential x x Provides fluid structure tar every cell
PROTEIN—AMINO ACIDS: Source of kilocalories; protein CD
Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine Essential x x x structure of all cells; regulate C
chemical reactions through CD
Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine Essential x x x U,

Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid Dispensable x x x enzymes; necessary for

Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Proline, Serine Dispensable x x x DNA systhesis
Cysteine, Glutamine, 1’rosine Conditional x x x

UPID—FATTY ACIDS: Source of calories; cell membrane

Linoleic: omega-6, alpha-Linolenic: omega-3 Essential x x x structure; eicosanoid synthesis;
Other Fatty Acids Dispensable x x

CARBOHYDRATES: Energy source especially essential

Glucose Dispensable x for red blood cells and brain

Calcium, Fluoride, Magnesium, Phosphorus Essential x x Bone and tooth structure
Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Iodine Essential x Miscellaneous physiological and
Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum Essential x regulatory functions including: energy
Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc Essential x metabolism; synthesis and transport
of red blood cells and hormones;
water balance; and immune system
Arsenic, Boron, Nickel, Silicon Essential x Functions unclear

Biotin, Choline, Folate, Niacin (8-3), Essential x Miscellaneous regulatory ftinctions
Pantothenic acid including: preventing oxidation;
Riboflavin (B-2). Pyridoxine (B-6), Essential x energy metabolism; blood clotting;
Thiamin (B-I) and eye health
Vitamin A (carotenoids), Vitamin C Essential x
(ascorbic acid)
Vitamin E (tocopherol), Vitamin K Essential x

Essential nutrients not present in vegetables include Vitamin D and Vitamin B 2. Dietary fiber is commonly classified as a non-digestible form of carbohydrate. However, it is not a nutrient and has been
included in Table 5 as a phytochemical.
Source: Ref. 6.

TABL.E 27.2
Nutrient Profile of”Classic” Food Groups Based on 700 gram
(g) Edible Material as Raw or Minimally Prepared for Consumption; Information is Based
on USDA Nutrient Database Series 14 and Presented as Unrounded Range
and Rounded Mean for Each Food Group
Water Calories Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbohydrates Fiber Sugar Protein Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron
tg) (kcal) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (g) (g) (g) (g) (IU) (mg) (mg)
Vegetables (mg)
64—96 5—145 0.04—0.7 0.0—0.17 0 2—201 2—24 0—5 0—6 0—5 0—19000 3—93
90 35 0—119 0.1—3.3
0.25 0 0 35 7 2 1.5 2 1770 24 50 0.9
Fruits (not including 70—95 27—92 0.09—0.96 0—0.22 0 0—20 6—23 0—4 1—18 0—1
avocado) 10—3800 4—98 4—40 0.1—0.6
85 50 0.25 0 0 2 12 1.8 10 1 550
Grains—Cooked 65—90 43—135 28 15 0.3
0.16—1.08 0.2—2.0 0 1—35 9—30 0—7 0—1 1—4 0—98 0 1—13 0.2—1.5
76 96 0.5 1 0 15 I
20 2.2 0.5 2.5 10 Si
Beans—Cooked 61—70 118—173 0 8 0.8
0.38—8.98 0.05—1.32 0 1—13 tO—28 2—9 0—3 7—17 0—9 0—2 14—142
65 139 2.2 1.1—5.2
0.5 0 3 21 6 2 0
Nuts 10 3 1 62 2.8 0
2—47 224—71g 1.12—76.5 0.16—29.7 0 0—38 12—73 0—11 0—13 3—26 0—1091 0—36
12 533 45 1—234 0.9—9.2 0
7 0 9 28 5 4
Meat 13 130 8 74 3.2 -1,
47—76 110—274 1.25—21 0.33—8.54 41—440 39—102 0
0—6 0 0 17—32 0—35350 0—34 0
66 173 4—11 0.7—8.6
8.5 3 100 68 0
0 0 0 22 2165 3
Eggs 70—75 149—185 10.0—13.8 11 2.2
3.1—3.7 425—933 125—150 0—1 C.,
0 0—I 13—14 300—1328 0 50—100
73 170 12 1.4—4.1 Cs
3.5 790 140 1 0 1 D
Milk 13 820 0 67 3.3 n
81—91 35—108 0.18—7.01 0.12—4.6 2—27 44—52 Cs
4—5 0 4—5 3—6 126—205 1—4
87 64 119—193 0.0—0.1
3 2 II 50 5 0 5 4 180 2 C.,
138 0.1
Source: Ref. 16.

Nutritional Value of Vegetables 21-5

TABLE 21.3
Vegetable Composition Based on 100 g Edible Portion as Raw or Minimally Prepared for Consumption.
Range Information Based on Various Sources Including USDA Nutrient Database Series 74 and Others
Vegetable Water (g) kilocalories Fat fg) Protein (g) Total Carbohydrates* (g) Sugar (g) Fiber (g)
Artichoke (globe) 80—86 17—70 0.3—0.4 0.5—4.5 13 2 0.8—5.4
Asparagus 92—93 9—27 0.2 2.2—3.9 4.6 1.3—2.3 0.0.7—2.1
Beet root 83—89 44—58 Tr 0.7
- 1.3—1.8 10 6—7.3 0.6—3.1
Broccoli 89—91 28 Tr-O.3 3.1—4.0 5.3 0.4—2 1.3—3
Brussels sprouts 84—89 16—58 Tr 0.5
- 2.4—4.4 8.7 36—4 1.3—4.6
Cabbage 86—93 8—36 Tr 0.7
- 1.4—3.3 5.4 2.7—3.8 0.6—3.4
Carrot 84—95 19—47 Tr 0.7
- 0.6—2.0 10.1 5.4—7.5 0.6—2.9
Cassava 50—74 120—153 Tr- 0.7 0.7 27 1.2 0.6—1.7
Cauliflower 84—92 11—34 Tr - 0.3 1.8—3.4 5.2 2.4—2.6 0.8—2.4
Celery 89—96 5—22 Tr - 0.5 0.7—2.0 3.7 1—1.2 0.7—2.7
Chard 91—94 16—19 0.2—0.4 1.5—2.6 3.8 0.8—1.1 0.6—1.6
Chayote 74—95 24—29 0.1 0.8 5.1 — 0.4—0.6
Cucumber 91—97 9—16 Tr 0.2
- 0.6—1.4 2.8 1.8—2.6 0.3—0.7
Eggplant 89—94 15—38 Tr 0.7
- 0.7—2.4 6.7 2.1—4.2 0.9—2.5
Endive 93—94 11—24 Tr- 0.2 1.6—1.8 3.4 0.3—1.0 0.8—2.2
Leek 71—92 25—52 Tr 0.4
- 1.3—2.5 7.6 1—4 1.0—3.3
Lettuce 92—97 11—27 Tr- 0.5 0.8—1.6 2.2 1.1—2.2 0.3—1.4
Mustard 68—89 10—28 Tr 0.3 - 1.6—2.4 2.1 0.4—0.9 1.8—3.7
Onion 81—93 13-49 Tr 0.35
- 0.9—2.2 8.6 5.2—6.7 0.5—1.7
Parsley 68—89 21—60 Tr 1.0 - 3.7—5.2 6.9 Tr 0.9—9.1
Parsnip 79—83 56—83 Tr 0.5 - 1.5—1.7 19.5 5.5—9.5 2.2-4.4
Pea 65—81 49—138 Tr 0.8 - 4.6—8.2 15.6 2.3—7.4 1.8—5.5
Peppers 70—93 27—37 0.1—0.7 1.2—2.0 6.4 1.7—13.9 0.5—2.7
Plantain 58—74 116—128 0.05—0.8 1 31.2 5.6 0.3—2.3
Pumpkin 80—96 15—36 Tr 0.2 - 0.6—1.8 4.9 2.5—3.2 0.5—1.3
Potato 71—85 75—109 Tr 0.1 - 1.6—2.3 25.2 0.3—1.6 0.3—2.4
Radish 92—95 15—22 Tr 1.1 - 0.7—1.2 3.6 2.0—3.4 0.5—1.0
Spinach 91—93 16—35 0.3 2.3—5.1 3.5 0.3—0.4 0.6—2.7
Summer squash 86—95 19—44 0.03—0.3 0.6—1.5 4.4 1.0—3.9 0.3—1.9
Sweet corn 57—80 86—142 0.8—2.1 2.9—4.5 19 3.2—5.2 0.6—3.2
Sweetpotato 60—80 98—125 0.04—0.7 1.4—2.8 24.3 5.4—11.6 0.5—2.3
Taro 54—83 111—142 0.1—0.5 0.5—2.9 34.6 1 0.4—5.1
Tomato 90—96 14—23 Tr 1.26
- 0.7—1.2 4.7 1.2—3.4 0.4-1.8
Turnip 87—93 11—35 Tr 0.2
- 0.6—1.1 6.5 3.8-4.6 0.7—2.8
Watercress 90—94 11—29 Tr- 0.6 1.7—3.1 1.3 0.2—0.6 0.5—3.3
Yam 54—84 104—116 0.03 -4 1.5—2.4 27.6 0.5 0.4—3.9
Zucchini 95—98 7—16 Tr 0.4 4 1.3—2.2 0.6—1.4


dietary fiber and phytic acid, can reduce the bioavailability for absorption. Spinach is a good example of a vegetable
of minerals such as iron or calcium. with relatively high levels of calcium that are virtually
Minerals are the nutrient class most commonly unavailable to the body due to the high oxalate concentra
affected by decreased bioavailability. Most commonly, the tion in the spinach. Consequently, listing spinach as a
low availability of the mineral to the body is due to food that is high in calcium is technically correct, how
the mineral’s chemical form or to other components in ever, it is deceiving because it is not a good source of cal
the diet. Bioavailability for each mineral can vary exten cium for humans (31).
sively. For example, on the average, a human absorbs Another factor that can affect the bioavailability of
from the diet about 1 to 10% of the iron and manganese, minerals is the physiological status of a person. For some
ito 20% of the zinc, and 15 to 40% of the magnesium and minerals, the efficiency of absorption is increased (within
calcium. These percentages will vary based on the quan certain limits) during times of dietary deficiency and the
tity of food components such as dietary fiber and oxalic absorption efficiency is decreased during times of high
acid which bind with minerals making them unavailable intake (32).
21-6 Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering, Volume 1

TABLE 21.3
Ascorbic acid Vitamin A Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Folic Acid Calcium Iron
Vegetable (mg) (IU) fmg) (mg) (mg) (cg) (mg) (mg)
Artichoke (globe) 5—33 16 0.07—0.2 0.01—0.17 0.1—1.3 66 19—74 0.02—1.0
Asparagus 11—41 100—550 0.1—0.23 0.08—0.3 0.8—t.1 25—156 13—28 0.5—2.0
Beet root Tr -6 Tr 35 - 0.01—0.03 0.01—0.06 0.06—0.4 20—80 15 32 0.4—2.8
Broccoli 40—93 700—1550 0.06—0.07 0.12—0.2 0.6 50—71 48—160 0.9—1.5
Brussels sprouts 35—128 50-720 0.06—0.13 0.08—0.19 0.4—1.04 14—86 10—53 0.1—2.5
Cabbage 20—220 Tr 1330
- 0.03—0.17 0.03—0.21 0.15—1.55 20—37 30—204 0.5—1.9
Carrot 4—58 1660—28130 0.04—0.1 0.03—0.06 0.2—1.16 10—14 27—57 0.2—1.2
Cassava 9—48 10—240 0.04—0.23 0.02—0.1 0.25—1.4 22 23—91 0.6—3.6
Cauliflower 8—114 Tr- 20 0.04—0.13 0.04—0.06 0.25—0.89 30—48 13—43 0.2—1.9
Celery 5—15 Tr 220
- 0.02—0.5 0.02—0.5 0.2—0.4 7—28 31—53 0.4—9.9
Chard 30—72 390—3300 0.04—0.07 0.06—0.14 0.61—1.14 14 51—176 1.4—4.0
Chayote 8—20 Tr 50 - 0.01—0.03 0.02—0.04 0.4—0.45 18 12—13 0.3—0.4
Cucumber 5—19 Tr 215
- 0.02—0.1 0.02—0.11 0.1—0.6 6—13 14—23 0.3—0.8
Eggplant 1—5 Tr 65 - 0.05—0.08 0.02—0.04 0.5—0.8 14 6—36 0.4—1.0
Endive 7—12 560—2050 0.06—0.08 0.1—0.8 0.4 142 44—52 0.8—2.8
Leek 4-32 10—405 0.03—0.8 0.02—0.1 0.2—0.5 24 30—85 1—2
Lettuce 3—33 40—2200 0.04—0.14 0.03—0.1 0.2—0.5 20—73 17—107 0.05—4.0
Mustard 25—102 970—3030 0.04—0.09 0.06—0.2 0.36—0.8 29—73 65—220 0.7—4.5
Onion 6—10 Tr- 170 0.02—0.03 0.02—0.04 0.1—0.2 19 20—52 0.2—0.5
Parsley 90—200 1220—5200 0.08—0.2 0.11—0.6 0.53—1.8 40—183 130—325 2.3—19.2
Parsnip 10—18 Tr 0.07—0.11 0.05—0.09 0.2—0.7 20—58 36—57 0.6—1.5
Pea 12—35 50—600 0.25—0.52 0.06—0.15 1.3—3.3 8—63 13—52 1.2—3.6
Peppers 73—342 40—750 0.03—0.1 0.02—0.18 0.3—2.17 22 9—29 0.5—1.5
Plantain 6—54 15—910 0.02—0.1 0.01—0.1 0.16—1.4 26 2—23 0.1—2.1
Pumpkin 4—20 50—10820 0.03—0.05 0.03—0.08 0.4—0.9 9 15—66 0.3—0.8
Potato 8—64 Tr- 10 0.04—0.16 0.02—0.04 0.8—5.1 6—11 4—13 0.5—1.4
Radish 6—43 Tr- 10 Tr- 0.04 0.01—0.05 0.2—0.65 10—27 21—52 0.3—1.9
Spinach 1—59 800—6720 0.05—0.15 0.08—0.24 0.35—0.75 53—194 60—595 0.8—4.5
Summer squash 3—46 Tr- 1200 0.02—0.1 0.01—0.4 0.2—1.4 8—26 9—40 0.2—2.4
Sweet corn 7—10 Tr- 170 0.15—0.2 0.06—0.1 1.7 46 2—9 0.5—0.7
Sweetpotato 7—68 3340—17050 0.1—0.15 0.03—0.14 0.41—1.56 10—11 14—45 0.6—1.3
Taro 3—8 Tr-5 0.03—0.27 0.03—0.1 0.06—1.16 19 18—150 0.7—2
Tomato 19—48 50—625 0.04—0.11 0.02—0.12 0.45—0.91 5—15 5—14 0.4—1.2
Tumip 17—37 Tr 5 - 0.03—0.07 0.03—0.06 0.4—0.94 4—15 30—65 0.01—0.5
Watercress 37—153 450—4700 0.05—0.2 0.09—0.3 0.2—1.38 9—50 63—222 1.3—5.1
Yam Tr 13 - Tr 200
- 0.05—0.15 0.01—0.03 0.1—0.55 16 8—37 0.5—1.2
Zucchini 2—5 240 Tr 0.04
- 0.04 0.2—0.4 17 13—14 0.2—0.4
* USDA database values only — expressed as total carbohydrate by difference; includes sugar, starch, and dietary fiber. Tr = trace amount.
Source: Refs. 16, 18.

III. NON-NUTRITIVE PHYTOCHEMICALS In 1919, E.V. McCollum wrote in his book The Newer
Knowledge of Nutrition, “A plant structure, or an animal
A. PHYTOCHEMICALS body is an exceedingly complex mixture of chemical sub
Many components of foods are not strictly required by stances many of which are themselves individually as
the body for growth and daily maintenance, yet some complicated in their structure as the most complex
of these components may promote health and help machine. The first step in the direction of reaching an
prevent disease. It has become common to call these understanding of the chemistry in the living mass, must
compounds by the general term phytochemicals when involve the separation and the study of the structural units
present in plant foods or zoochemicals when present in of which the tissues are composed” (2, p. 2).
animal foods. Some phytochemicals are conspicuous by Although McCollum was likely writing this about
their colors (carotenoids) or flavors (tannins); however, nutrients, his statement is as true today as nearly a century
the presence of many other phytochemicals is not as ago. Presently the field of nutrition is identifying and
evident. quantifying thousands of non-nutritive phytochemicals.
Nutritional Value of Vegetables 21-7

TABLE 21.4
Factors That Can Affect Nutrient Content of Foods or Reported Nutrient Values
General References Relating to Multiple Factors (19—22)
Agriculture Production Environmental
Genetics: species and plant variety Geography, Altitude, Climate, Pest control, Season,
Sunlight, Soil composition/fertilization. Water

Harvesting, Shipping, and Storage

Plant maturity, harvesting time and method: Added Food Ingredients and/or Supplemented
Ripeness of plant. Harvesting time and temperature, with Nutrients
Time before, during, and after processing

Level and Type of Processing Preparation Methods

Fresh, Canned, frozen, Concentrated, Dehydrated. Whole or cut, Cut/grind size,
Dried, fermented, Salted, Smoked. With/without Mixed/whipped/blended, hot/cold preparation, Dry
sweeteners, salt, fat, added liquid or moist heat frying, Cooled/frozen

Heat Processing Laboratory Analysis (23)

Pasteurization, Irradiation, Ultra-high Sampling scheme, Chemical analysis methods,
temperature, High-temperature short Laboratory procedures, Use of calibration
term, Microwave, Pressure standards, Intra-laboratory variation,
Inter-laboratory variation, Data transcription

Source: Refs. 18—23.

Many of these plant chemicals have been identified as nutrients and beneficial phytochemicals relative to their
having health-promoting qualities. A partial list of veg body weight than the average American (58).
etable phytochemicals linked to beneficial biological Without a doubt, vegetables can be considered more
activities is presented in Table 21.5. Other phytochemicals nutrient dense (nutrient content per kilocalorie of food)
have negative effects upon health either by inhibiting spe than foods from other food groups. However, the phyto
cific nutrient utilization or by being toxic (57). chemicals in vegetables may provide equally important
benefits for the prevention of chronic diseases like cancer
B. PHYTOCHEMICAL PROFILES and heart disease (59).
Research on the purported health benefits of vegeta
The development of chemical profiles for vegetable phy bles focuses on two main areas of study:
tochemicals is in its infancy. Due to the enormity of the
task, it will likely be decades before good phytochemical 1) Maintenance of gastrointestinal tract health and
profiles exist. 2) Reduction of chronic disease risk


The gastrointestinal tract (GI-tract) is the gateway through
Many of the factors that affect nutrient composition (i.e., which the body transports nutrients and phytochemicals
genetics, environmental factors, and processing) likely into the circulation for delivery to body cells. A complex
also affect the phytochemical composition of vegetables. network of internal organs and tissues is responsible for
This is especially true for the phytochemicals functioning the digestion or breakdown of food components into com
as antioxidants. However, information on this topic is pounds and elements that can be absorbed into the body.
extremely limited. In addition, the GI-tract serves as a protective barrier to
prevent some substances from entering the body (60).
IV. HEALTH BENEFITS DERIVED FROM Due to the extremely active and chemically hostile
internal environment necessary to accomplish the diges
VEG [TAB LES tive process within the GI-tract, cells along the 25—30 feet
Modern society has dramatically affected how we eat. of intestine are exposed to a great deal of chemical and
Since the introduction of T.V. dinners, it appears that con physical damage. Consequently, many of these cells have
venience greatly influences people’s food choices. only a three- to five-day life span. This constant turnover
Researchers have found that monkeys or apes foraging in of GI-tract cells results in continuous cellular replacement
the wild appear to get far higher levels of many essential and repair of damage.
TABlE 21.5
Some Important Non-Nutrient Phytochemicals in Vegetables
Anti- Anti- Blood Detoxifi- Eye G.l.-Tract Heart Immune Osteo- Examples of
Phytochemical cancer Antioxidant inflamatory Clotting cation Health Health Health System porosis Food Sources Ref.
Capsaicin +1— + Hot chile peppers 33
Carotenoids +1— + + + Orange, yellow, & green 34—36
alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, vegetables
beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein,
lycopene, zeaxanthin
Curcumin (phenolic) + + + + Turmeric, mustard 37
Coumarins + Vegetables, tonka bean, 38,39
sweet clover, licorice
Dietary fiber + + + Wide variety of vegetable 33,40—43
Glucosinolates (glucobrassicin) + + Cruciferous vegetables, 36,37,40,
Isothiocyanates (sulphorophanc) broccoli sprouts 44—46
Indoles (indole-3-carbinol)
Inositol phosphates (phytate) + + a]
Whole grains, beans 47
Monoterpene (limonene) + Citrus fruit peel 36,37,40 0
Organosulfur compounds +1— 0
Garlic, onions, and other 33,48,49
diallyl sulfide, ally! methyl allium vegetables; 0
disulfide, ally! methyl thsulflde, mustard and horseradish 3,
S-ally! cysteine, diallyl
trisulfide, and others (1)
Protease inhibitors to
+1— Legumes, cereals, vegetables 36,5f) 0
Tannins +1— + + Grapes, tea, lentils, wine 51,52 to
Flavcnoids + ÷ + + a + Green vegetables, onions, 40,47,48, 0
apigenin, catechins, chrysin, 0
garlic, tea 53 0
kaempferol, myricetin, 0
quercetin era
Isoflavonoids, biochanin A, +1— + + soybeans, clover sprottts, 54,55 a)
daidzein, formononetin, alfalfa sprouts 0
genistein, glycitein at
Lignans ÷ flaxseed, berries, 54,56 at
whole grains
Coumestans + soybeans, clover sprottts, 54,56
alfalfa, beans <
Nutritional Value of Vegetables 21-9

There is a significant amount of nutrient recycling No doubt there are numerous triggers in the initiation
from injured GI-tract cells which allows many nutrients to of cancer and heart disease. And although there may be
be digested and absorbed along with new food compo many varied mechanisms of phytochemicals with anti
nents. This combination of recycled and dietary nutrients cancer and heart promoting properties, one mechanism
is utilized to support adequate replacement of the cell lin may be related to the antioxidant property shared by many
ing of the GI-tract. of these compounds. The process of normal cellular
Over the last decade there has been an increase in the metabolism produces chemicals that are reactive oxygen
number of reported cases of various gastrointestinal dis species like hydrogen peroxide and the superoxide anion
eases. Two of the most common GI-tract diseases are free radical. It is thought that free radical production
diverticulitis (inflammation of small pouches formed causes a secondary oxidative stress whenever there is an
along the gastrointestinal tract) and gastro-esophageal imbalance of antioxidants to oxidants. This can occur with
reflux disease (GERD), the common cause of indigestion an excess of oxidation stress or an inadequate amount of
which causes the pain popularly called “heartburn” (61). antioxidants in the diet.
In fact, GERD is so common and chronic in the United Research has shown that antioxidants are involved in
States that Prilosec® was one of the world’s top-selling delaying many diseases and conditions that are associated
drugs in the year 2000. with aging such as cancer, heart disease, decreased
Diverticulitis and GERD have one significant dietary immune functioning, and visual and cognitive impairment
factor in common. Both of these conditions appear to be (66). A number of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals
related to years of inadequate dietary fiber intake (6 1,62). provide antioxidant protection in the body. Based on a per
Ironically, fiber is the most abundant phytochemical in gram or per kilocalorie basis, vegetables contain signifi
vegetables. cant amounts of antioxidants.
Vegetables contain both soluble and insoluble forms Dietary phytoestrogens may help reduce the risk of
of dietary fiber. The physiological effects of these two developing certain hormone-stimulated cancers such as
dietary fiber types have both similarities and some signif breast and prostate cancers. However, much more
icant differences. research on this relationship is needed since some studies
Both soluble and insoluble fiber types hold water and indicate that phytoestrogen compounds may stimulate
create bulk inside the GI-tract. Soluble fibers slow the rate progression of some types of cancer (67).
of stomach emptying into the small intestine. It is thought flavonoids such as those found in onions, tea, and red
that the stomach distension caused by fiber bulk and the wine also are under study for potential cancer prevention.
slower stomach emptying produces an extended feeling of The possible mechanisms of action may vary from one
satiety after a meal (63,64). Intake of high soluble fiber flavonoid to another. They may prevent cancer cell prolif
also tends to decrease the overall nutrient absorption rate eration through specific enzyme inhibition (68).
and may also reduce the amount of nutrients and phyto
chemicals absorbed. This can benefit those with problems V. SUMMARY
in the management of blood glucose and may reduce the
absorption of cholesterol (65). Excessively high intake of As a major category of foods. vegetables have a variety of
dietary fiber can interfere with the absorption of minerals. qualities and characteristics that supports common recom
mendations to include them as a significant part of a bal
B. IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH anced and varied diet. They serve as important sources of
a wide variety of vitamins and minerals essential for nor
The immune system is part of the body’s natural defense mal human nutrition.
system against disease and disease-producing conditions. Vegetables supply these nutrients in forms that are
Approximately 80 percent of the immune system is generally low in energy and fat, making them more “nutri
located directly adjacent to the GI-tract. Ordinarily, undi ent dense” than most other food sources. The nutrient con
gested food molecules, microorganisms, and many toxins tent of a particular vegetable can vary, with the extent
cannot readily cross through the intestinal lining and do dependent on the nutrient, and a variety of factors includ
not enter the circulatory system. However, disruptions to ing plant genetics, agricultural factors, storage and han
the integrity of the 01-tract can challenge the immune sys dling, processing, packaging, and preparation. Nutrient
tem beyond its capacity to maintain health (60). content values in databases generally reflect averages.
The extent to which a vegetable food is a good source
C. CHRONIC DISEASE of a nutrient also depends on type of processing and the
Many phytochemicals have been associated with preventing bioavailability of the nutrient. In some cases, a vegetable
or decreasing the incidence of disease. Disease conditions can contain high levels of a mineral such as calcium or
and related mechanisms that are purported to be affected by iron, but the form of the mineral or interfering compounds
various phytochemicals are summarized in Table 21.5. in the vegetable allow very little of the mineral to be
27-10 Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering, Volume 1

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