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EDuCATIONDirectorate of Distance Education Main Campus, Library Building, Mahal, Jagatpura, Jaipur-302017.

Website: Assignment Response Sheet

Program M 3. A. Specialization: AR KE TING MHNACEnEN
Enrollment / Ref. No. SGvU 4502oo2013043
ForOffice Use Only: Marks
Assignment 1 Assignment 2
Name of Evaluator

Signature of Evaluator
(Both the Assignment for the Subject to be Submitted in same response sheet)



A Fnchon o} ASEAN detil

A 50 h o n Sontheo ASian Nahons (AsEAN) as A
On A v g s t 8 , 1967, B a o k ( Thai land ) . A JP a nent ens

o i lan d and
I7 5igPove svnej, alojsia, PAipfines,
hone3i a h 2 to estaLUsA Common fetive Prfental a

eahon of AsEAN
Tat S (CEPT) Man G h regulted
Ogangahor Stvchre nde3 ASEAN
etono NC

ASEAN foreign indtexs,ASe AN Seenetyat, Fiaed Co-tees

rd xoati Comtees e Joalls * HsEAN oe to (a)
t h , Soial PypgreS, ord etuga
atue lena
dereloPret inthe ion amd (b) Poote reiona Peoir
Onnd St-biitt and ddhere tp Uded N«bows oten.he
Stots tho he amd PuTpo3e
ASEAN declo
aLelenrte ecOnenie H h , Soria
eA5oyato are ,() t
canltuad developen in
on amd
Px SS_ od
peoce amd StbGtE o ano
C2) t Psoote e o m a
*Stice nd t e l e af la the ebtnip
es pe to the
oudnes thee reion
he Unirdnotemy otes.
SvpPorE He Condst ASE HN75 entenra rotors
arlor-ohe iss îons the folovina capitals: eAji
elin Brvssels, canhea, tnero, 1slaohed, lorden
o s Cow, e w DelR, NEw York, o tta - Pa15, 2t-dt

Seoul,TOfo wasnirto D.C and Jto

Ase AN h Sevena SPesalized bodi es and 3 a e r e r t s
Pxooti e y -oversnental coopexahon anous iels
s d r he folarig SEAN At a l DereloprerF
Ponnig erte AsEAN Ec marogenenf (ente, sCAN
Certre emen ASEANN ath e bn-ohe
e t e ett
a d d i t o n , SeAN Psoote3 dalogue and onguanens
Gitk Profesional n d busineS O»gartons i t rebtd
am ard PuTPose, s v as the ASEAN-ehobers
Omd rdsstTt sEAN Bsines Aoum
ena d t i o s onre Leleyaia e
Cltvy derelo pnet and osas pyore3s te eqm
bJoint Hapires nthe sPint PastneSP
Ceert the fouotho for a peazeAl am d
Sto3Com H of ASE AN Covntme3. P ot pe
Gd stpit f the e o b inOTPeafiz spet
JShoe and e vle
vle la tLe elohos PS beteen
d adenenve to the Ute Natons Pnnirles -
Pomon atie Collo-tyrahor Ard wtva as aee
Svhjet6 } Com iteyes Sogal eiOnenC Ctha

min e , S u e r f i e ard eckmcal don-ons plori

wes foy rthey CeroPenapon thenselws
o a aSe ado ovS Ceopenap
CNt 1 ational Sin 0ectves.
0gar2hov e ebey S eS The
ctto e t e SEAN "on NSo,Onedent
CD eene hefv-ce do-egtic ard rtesroqov o b9in3
s s oj Dijenere Doeshc Trlee o e j r Tde

ourdT Tee w t t te Toe bejomd tte boundarf

bo vrd a purty } CouvtT

CoPeh ho nore

Cost oiaho meye

Cost o s eha
More eport3 egF
Fet o toreqn
i intresse fore
regersveg Etra eSenveg a Vie

o ves nnert iunge - ot aprletle HOes Ment3

tantio PrehXem Poiesof_ona foliceg oone Countr
one Courtd
e t e frofitbGtf | Cour feef e
fos transpest

udvn trde3 ma
Domesil b sin e8 Noles Thoße
tamSaehors tae Plare e Jeophcal
boydaries o Counfo t e nehoro bvsines inedeg
S e etonome tagneion t take pko re outsie
eograbhead bo u d o 3 o Cour t Bott
e Les d Sellex belar to tte Sar Cou
don-cStic bsie8S

. 2.
A. plain maske e tono t Amrket eeorom
econo tîc) SBtem 1n indiwdvals , zthey
State , wn
land hoy and cePitol. In a aske etomomt, indav idua
Cantp e se_ andPmue o hege resoues tooh
vontere decdsie nade the ATkeHloue. 14
wme e etonod ienome S tem Chee
SPP and deomd regulae the -

Jov e n e n t Tnte venhon A tue free naket etone

ono In_ah all eSountNS ae wnd b

indidals. e | e o now Iost btage

econe pPort3 mUreostA
Mnovpo -
and ndividvals emouY ed o
Copettive eAJe. Cith
eN PvodrS ard feknolo ' 3 nerteF
C d en n o m e s . The C

unfkonned. t s o t dtaned
thoi b 1tc
S p d deard eS md Sev CeS
rite SItS ard and pa n
B.ECo osfore Cnomc
Croy Y

naions thre
steted Uti lizol b b 9liqorse
toal d coerira e eurod
Pmay e e d b te se
etorome bloekode3. RoNqi e CnoPs6 the
e 15 efhod vsd foy fhev gords
SOm e
e embarho e3 , t a t t s , 3anions , tozij
diseinahon the eez CapiaM the
SsPersion o aid te
Pxb tom 1 estert ard otter
Copital {oas , ard enpoPnnon. fos tono e Puopos e
The Ghons ConstHtta Fenena
ge Cegone3 (1) voteefra Sou eg
2) Jvayartee a s t e t 3 (?) 1 P o i a t h e tes ws f
G) deo, amd (5)e
eLonomHC toke - oven, AXHovg a
Cen Pdvide a fe t b0S to daeshe dem-and, t 1s
ind e Co o a. m Pastiaulor
he Ppotut Cost o Xt Sperdi, the
o + ives , the Cost o} bdia tes e dea St*ton

C. Domestie mo e domhe
to a an 1essna
danegHe toodi 15 te
Sppla and deand o Serves ond
, ,
Gsit a
Sicge Cavop
doese a-seF, coPaNeS a

oPeryate U S wple Seetons S e e n Jos enafe

ith a CoPama
avctuey Suenfe nstnuren
ord medcal SupPieg. Cerst aess O e
nlde e to a noton plo, ploite4 b orPane
rn e to t e d-
t h c Sapp Cnd derord a 3ds a r d
Li oSSie Courtd l domeste tyrd
e3 v n e Se Conpet ttve , CeoYo e
mas sues ard gers ust de t On One
Sct sto~ens oltough he Copant o j ave
Seena Seaet3

. GieD -Poithizhon enre Hru-eves, S e tte

e eoPolHu 7po stap7e Sens,
hoee7e te etenvo ue of eto SteJt
eA3 d e PoXies Co e to e urd PouesK
i ries. T is f o k t 3Pate
Geopcl hcg de eie agreer , ay
tesitrnad aU¥naledgener , mte
md revert
were. TWo
ena-pKe3 e NAETA
ard the koto Proto ca.

E. EPost r d ImPost pesh Foe Ls d

Seym(es e to Send e te Fon
CurtE Similasd ifesh* Tuns and Semrive3
Pu asir 0s b a_ them m tthe T e gn
fe e Caunt A 1os a

0 e
Psodued amottes-
Pts and PoTS e
ee. he ale }
ovnj Ports
thev-e i's eposts, Coun ho
balarve tde algo s t e defi t
One_Countt amd Selmg hem
1 epost. the J e pes
posh3 are det mprsha rd die
po sta enposh Ttene
Corfar et se203 Podares D OvenSea3

A. EpNoin the ole of Gl bal S3Stem o sde rgeyene

(G STP) dela1{

The nko bal Sem Tye P eye n e s GSTP an Agrene

On etoemie Co- oPemhon fos Promotion t d e b} Po idig
feferyertied tmd Goa eebpPg Courtne. The
o G STP ks inclvded Coplemerbrz t e banali?rhor
t ngues as fellrus i) Tonf edethon
toiff bmers.
Reovad o drehon n onon torf and Paa

0rert taLe ne.ouyej e l l os id tesg and oa-tesm

1 Ssertoral reement.
ma OLjerve G$TP 13t x0metePyotetF wfva
tade beneE and e d the etroicCo- opeyapo
NeloPi venessCountms Unden te ASTP J t c e
yarhj Pfeyerhal toif tretet doye Hl{e Pvodeps
eat oundnes The Ce 5TP a fallerns
TO Pod Abn and emplote Go
deeo p a Contn eg
enteu e e etoromic Co- OPetion
ake abalanued and eRujtnlle P OeZS rh
eneloPr-ent Cnd t

e Galo ba ssfe Jde pyxferenues ( GSTP) S

ihi4b e VNCTn0 Jo deneloP adig oPpostvitie3
O o 4 he_deeoP Cau e3 Thush the fran wosk
o he 15TP t s PartiuParts a m to Promote
So t
amd derebprvet b cAPifaL7ia -
3. Po8ton
Olndía 'n tesrafional Tde
ests an epostS
and Seies amd
melhtrde Podre33
it s
pestanF tdirg Partney

dos mar
une3, snth as te uSA, ino the
A i 3
Ho kp*, lmdonegia Koyea and o, Jr9, Sigrpog
COutieg aount dos ont 98.76 %Arstaa
T getes, h=
23 2.15 t nhan tndk.
on (vs 3-12 tailion) Fy 2e 2) 2 2. a ' 3
ty e amd eterma

hd 3ri co Pa

GHD P 453wth a ell a

epansion Pes Copita
come from AP septerbes 2022, lnda
enposts wee
US$ 31 S8 bG6 aa 16.94 Tse
Cmpa to e Sane Pemod Phariovs
p r. lndsa
e it Pesiho 5 Si SAots and 15
as P-es t e etnont Pesdneag pael
nen 2022
CvR1 ) pet
2022 eleasd rert
mda '% Certl
lo Conon o h e heod o ndan OCeam
e s t a Jrea
Stateghe Pastane d helps
Commes ve It helps Ind t eep a oge
C H e g AS)a Coenctt
AJme a n d i pe m aneesn Cost
Ond Sowhess ard eos #sia fd the eatem ASia-
e r f o n a tde Poys avit e 1 the nan etonn
A the need to P o t divey3e_PmdrB 50
lnfersnaho nal a i e b Epee pestant to Canut
mda posts yas nunhey Prodiru5 ad also peyts
egal amount } othes pzdtbs. AH vk India hos
Stedi opevd P its eororT}, Its t s Cohnne t 5e
en Compened t tH otes unt1eS; and
are 5 HA e8tive THs )eols Sone SEe ndia
Gs a yapid ohali?ers' a l e Othes StiXl See i t a s
a Potechot eonond.IndAe nov agTeSSiv Pskg
Tey a more e a 7kls rie yeae, espeaially n Sevice
A. GWo bal LNasene Gh e m e z 13 nguiledge

oHe teelated neg o coal4obal, tesoheval

and en al SeS, terds and SStemS . Pgoytes
sehon help pv ]eaTn o o t t e woTa_
Co e n i t . Glo bad wareneS algo rS eelesge
a tnoyi meret PotenhalLs md qoha eto ne deesdes m

So a ard
ud peitc fyends o e nen few .

e mos o hanges w tke po-ue

aeRF even reon
Cohwevsj ontos .
obalt Pesgen mvi
onayeneg ame 2e-
ensohoral SovsuAS CN Comm at wth

On ovens ens O gan~ron ees a nen log amd

USem nd

d te (D R) 15 a Pesesr
B. AD P he
indicatr sed m fhe kespiUFE Seor t mweosne tt
enues eneattd . l t is esd as tte
Jenemtt b
wes all thc OUpied
otel oy lodge dinded b e tol nu
O c p d zms 0ves Given pemod } Hne .
oye e s out_0eeloPrent Peprsen e alyo
r stiden Petennal CmSpveny amd }enene nev

C. Glo b CoPchiton Clob Compethe e

Sesw Ces 0v PxDd ets Powded b Corpet_Co-Paries
S e s eS e e terso-toval Cstoer . The ane allerger
Gre f e d n Cepeh oballd n d t be 3 v u f
Ce porn e to P atttHar o lf'p
e we etoom foru demeg bas Copettenexs
a e a t alountrd t acexe sutaind om

donesnc prod t (GoP Pas


. Poey Disrmh^hon - P o u e dss bhon ` B e

t e SBtem h t anjmts elertiu m

a P swes
Poers enenafon

SBten t Pa-es Consvemb Co

icensee, n l u d r e Pruer s5tem opezatoy Com ha
ivenairen Paers datnbhon SBtem. fedenal TPvenmers
dsion aPseng. Te UNted stpteg i te h-et a l e
C edern Jovernet Te Cert , oy naona presd
ho Cert Pov-ess,,ard e 5o ste hav ote Poner
Te Uted Stntes Constitton otines te
TLe dinsíb oj Pemg.

E. Statec VSion A Stafee vsio delineoteg

menag enert Pifons dor jhe Copant fatre
Po10xanc iew ere

amd CoNintirg nHonae

d business Sense tStyatee vlgion Sttenent
SuPPo sts 3 l o n Stte bt 3 tage.
an aherde du e Ste o}
telin bt fOPîcolaamge goom
osee 10 eos. thk stateret Skou_help fou ard
e oteeg ilguaZe C e the 0»a7ahon

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