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Detailed School J.

H Cerilles State Grade Level BSED-II

Teacher Dailyn Tagbo Learning Area Science
Teaching Dates and December 14, 2022 Quarter M
(DLP) in
(12:30 - 2:30 pm)
Mati, San Miguel, Zamboanga del Sur

Content The learners demonstrate and show an understanding on the

genetic code of life and how the process of transcription
Performance The learners should be able to perform an experiment
regarding how DNA is being replicated and transcribed into
messenger RNA.
Competency Differentiate the different processes of the central dogma
starting from replication followed by transcription and then
translation which pertains to how proteins are being
synthesized in our body
Competency Week 4
Code S11/12LT-IVhj-29
Genetic code and Transcription No. of Hours : 45 minutes


Defining Success
At the end of this lesson, the students can:
a. Discuss how Central Dogma of life works
b. Define what is DNA Transcription and how does this process occur
c. Describe how mRNA was made from a DNA sequence
d. Analyze the importance of Transcription in protein synthesis
Assessment Key points
Activity 1: “Fact or Bluff”  Genetic code refers to the instructions
contained in a gene that tell a cell how to
Activity 2: “4 pics 1 word” make a specific protein.
Activity 3: “Arrange Me!”  DNA Replication is the process by which a
double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to
Activity 4: “Multiple Choice” produce two identical DNA molecules.
Replication is an essential process because,
whenever a cell divides, the two new
daughter cells must contain the same
genetic information, or DNA, as the parent
 Transcription is the process by which
DNA is copied to RNA.
 Translation is the process by which RNA
is used to produce proteins (Protein


A. Prayer
Good morning, students! “Yes, sir…. To those who are Catholic, please
make the Sign of the Cross, bow down your head,
close your eyes, and pray. In the name of the
Let us start our afternoon with a prayer. Chico, Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…..
can you please lead the prayer? Amen.”

To start our class, please pick up some pieces of

trash under your seat, students.
(The students pick up the pieces of paper)

How are you today, class?

“We are doing fine, ma’am!”

Okay, that’s good to hear! I am Maria Shello
Sarueda and I am your teacher for today.

B. Attendance

I am going to check your attendance now. As I

call your name, raise your hand and say present.
C. Classroom Rules
(All students are present)
Now class, I want you to abide with these
following classroom rules. Would you please
read, Azur?

1.Treat others with respect at all times.

2.Listen to the teacher when he or she speaks.
3.Ask for help when you need it.
4.Be prepared every day with required items.
5.Respect another people’s opinion.
6.Listen and follow directions.
7.Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your
Are our classroom rules clear, class?

D. Review
“Yes ma'am.”
Now, who among you here remembered our last
topic and what was it all about?

Yes Kaye?

Very good. What about it? What have you

learned? “Our last topic is all about asteroid.”

“Ma'am our nine (9) planets and their moons are

not alone in space. There are other heavenly bodies
in the solar system like the planets. revolved
Excellent, what else? around the sun in fixed orbit. These bodies are
called asteroid.”

“We also learned that there was a theory that

asteroid were little pieces of a planet that broken
up by the gravitational force of Jupiter but it did
not have much support because the number of
asteroid is great and their combined mass is less
Very good! You have gained a lot of knowledge than five percent of the moon.”
from our previous class.

Now, are there any questions, clarifications, or

suggestions with regards to our last topic class?

“There is none ma'am.”

Since there is none, let us now proceed to our
next topic.

(The teacher will show a picture of stars and
ask the learners questions what the pictures are
all about.)

What can you say about the picture, class?

(A student raises her hand)

Yes, Anika?
“Ma'am those are stars.”

Yes, very good.

Who among of you loves to watch the sky

during the night? (Raising hands)

Who among of you loves stargazing?


Do you know that stars are also arranged in

“Yes ma'am!”

They also fall into patterns and designs imposed

by our mind Sky watchers during the ancient
times perceived stellar patterns and called such
patterns constellations. Are you ready class?

“Yes ma'am.”


For the next activity class, let's have a short

game in relation to our topic. We will be having
five groups: each group will be given cut
pictures of the different characteristics of stars
or constellations. You will examine the cut
pictures and then, you will arrange the cut
pictures on the board into their proper
arrangement. After you completed the puzzle,
you will identify what characteristics of stars or
constellations that the pictures show.
Is that clear class?

“Yes ma'am.”

Please count from the left to right, one to five

[The students are counting]

The first group will sit on the left side of the

room, the next one is on the middle then the
third one will be on the right side and then the
remaining groups will be on the back.
[ The groups proceed to their assigned area]

I will give you 10 minutes class to complete

this activity.
If you have trouble understanding some parts of
your assigned subtopics, just ask me and I will
explain it to you so that you can discuss it to “Yes ma'am”
your group clearly. Am I clear class?
Okay, you may start now.

[ The group proceed to do the activity]


Were you having fun, class?

“Yes ma'am”
So, class, what do you learn in our activity?

“Ma'am in our group, for us it says that the picture

represents “COLOR” which us one of the
characteristics of the stars”
Very good, what about the others?

“Ma'am in our group, the picture represents " SIZE

" ma'am”

“We also have the " TEMPERATURE " ma'am”

“Ma'am! Ours is the " BRIGHTNESS " ma'am”

Excellence class! Very good!


Our next activity is entitled “Watch me.” We

will present a short educational video about the
CONSTELLATION. While the video is
playing, I will ask you to jot down important
information regarding what the video is
explaining. After the activity, we will have a “Yes ma'am”
short question and answer portion as a sort of
discussion. Are the instructions clear, class?

Then let us begin.

(The video is playing)

[ insert link]
(The students are watching the video
while noting down necessary
Have you learned something from the video,

“Yes ma'am”
If so, let us now proceed to our question-and-
answer portion. I will add additional points to
the group who can answer my question. Are
you ready class?

“Yes ma'am”

What do you notice in the first 8 seconds in the

video class?


Yes, Kayla?

“I noticed that the color represents a different level

of temperature.”

Very good. It shows the relationship between

color and temperature. If you look up in the
night sky, you can see slight differences in the
colors of stars. Like hot objects on Earth, a
star's color reveals its surface temperature. If
you watch a toaster heat up, the wires inside
glow red hot. The wires inside a light bulb are
even hotter and glow white. Stars are the same.
Okay what else?

Very well said! Ms. Ukag and that is the

second characteristics of star is brightness, so
” Ma'am the stars are glowing too”
anyone what do you mean by brightness?

“Ma'am brightness means the quality or state of

being bright.”

Yes, that's a good idea! A star's brightness is

influenced by its size and temperature. A star's
apparent brightness from Earth is influenced by
both its distance and real brightness. There are
two alternative methods to describe a star's
brightness: apparent brightness and actual
brightness. As seen from Earth, absolute
brightness is how bright it is.

Ok so let's go to the fourth characteristics of

star which is size. So, anyone what is size?

Yes Mr. kang? “Yes ma'am”

You have an idea. How about the others?

Good so let's go to the last characteristics of

stars which is...?
“Ma'am size means the relative aggregate amount
Yes Chuna? or number”

“Ma'am size is related to small or large”

So, what about composition anyone?
Okay, great. As measured by mass, stars in the “Ma'am composition means the way in which
current Milky Way galaxy are made up of something put together or arrange”
roughly 71% hydrogen and 27% helium, with a
small number of heavier elements. Since iron is
a common element and its absorption lines are
very simple to measure, the number of heavy
elements is typically expressed in terms of the “Ma'am the combination of parts or elements that
iron content of the stellar atmosphere. The make up something.”
percentage of heavier elements could provide as
a clue as to whether or not the star has a
planetary system.
Any questions?

Okay, I am confident that you are all

prepared for an assessment based on
this task. But before that, we’ll have
another group activity.

“None ma'am”

Since this picture depicts the word genetics, what

do you think is the relation of this on how our
DNA is being replicated, transcribed, and

“For me sir, I think it is related because those

three processes comprises the central dogma of
every living eukaryotic organism.”

Very good! In addition to that, The central dogma

of molecular biology is a theory stating that
genetic information flows only in one direction,
from DNA, to RNA, to protein.
Now, since our focus is more on the transcription
process, Do you have any thought on how this
process takes place?

“Can I sir?”
Yes you can Jerum. You may now state your

“The process of transcription is a process by

which mRNA is synthesized based on the DNA
Very well said! That is the process of
template, that’s all sir”
transcription. To further discuss it to you, have a
close observation on this picture.

Transcription is the first step in the process of

using the genetic code in DNA to synthesize or
build all the different proteins in our body.

Now a question will emerge, Why do you think

transcription is needed and important?

“If there is no transcription then how will mRNA

Excellent idea miss Rubias. It is important for be synthesized? And how will the proteins be
protein to be synthesized. But before that, there is made? Hence, transcription is vital, sir.”
a specific step by step process for RNA to be
made which is responsible for decoding the
genetic codes that will result to the synthesis of
proteins. The first step is the attachment of an
enzyme called RNA Polymerase as shown in the
What can you say in this picture?

Fantastic! Mr. Bauto. The promoter region of

gene functions as the recognition site for an
“The RNA Polymerase binds to the segment of
enzyme to bind called RNA POLYMERASE.
our DNA, sir.”
Moving to the next step…

By looking at the picture on the ray of projector,

what do you think happened?

Very good! In addition, the first strand is the

template strand. It is the strand of DNA that read “Binding causes the double helix to unwind, open
or transcribed the mRNA. And the second strand and separate into two strand, sir.”
is the non-template strand. It is the strand of
DNA that isn’t transcribed by the mRNA. For the
next step, I want you to read miss Cyra.

Using the template strand as a guide, during the

process of elongation; RNA Polymerase uses the
base pair rule to assemble free nucleotides in the
nucleus into a complementary strand of RNA.
Thank you! Now what happened is that the
mRNA is being synthesized and is ready for the
As the complimentary bases pair up, the RNA
translation process.
Polymerase links nucleotides to the growing
RNA molecule.

Now to sum it all up, the following are the brief

and concise explanation of the process of

Did you understand our discussion for today


Do you have any questions? “Yes sir”

Ok if none, let’s have an activity.

“None sir”
Activity 3: “Arrange Me!”
In this activity, you are going to arrange the
following pictures using arrows based on the
chronological arrangement of the DNA
transcription process.

I will give you 5 minutes to do the task.

Afterwards, I will call students randomly to
present his/her output.
Am I clear, class?
“Yes sir”

The timer starts now!

The students start answering…….

After 5 minutes……..
Okay, time is up class.
Students’ answer:
For the first student to answer, we have Joanna.
You may now share your output to the class.
Next let’s have Raprap.
Then, Jumil followed by Elmie.

The answers of the students are just similar.

Wow, you figured it out that fast. You are really

working hard today. Congratulations everyone for
a very good job.
Let us give ourselves a round of applause.
Based on what you have learned, you can now
describe the process of transcription.

Activity 4: Multiple Choice QUIZ
Since we’re done on the discussion and you Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose
already have the knowledge regarding this topic, the correct answer to each questions and write the
it’s quiz time. letter of your answer on your paper.
Let’s have this activity to test your
1. The process of copying a gene's DNA
I want you to get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the sequence into a sequence of RNA is called
questions being projected. a. Replication.
You have 1 minute to answer each question. b. Transcription.
c. Translation.
d. PCR.
2. The transcribing enzyme is
a. Ligase.
b. DNA polymerase.
c. RNA polymerase.
d. Amino-acyl transferase.
3. Which molecule contains the genetic code?
a. DNA
b. mRNA
c. tRNA
d. rRNA
4. Transcription occurs along a ____ template
forming an mRNA in the ____ direction.
a. 5' to 3'; 5' to 3'
b. 5' to 3'; 3' to 5'
c. 3' to 5'; 5' to 3'
d. 3' to 5'; 3' to 5'
5. Which of the statements below is false?
a. The genetic code is overlapping.
b. The genetic code is universal.
c. Degenerate codons specify the
same amino acids.
d. The genetic code is triplet.

6. The first mRNA codon to specify an amino

acid is always
a. TAC.
b. UAA.
c. UAG.
d. AUG.
7. The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide
chain comprises the ____ structure of the
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Quaternary
8. Transfer RNA's bind during translation by the
a. Codon.
b. Anticodon.
c. Template.
d. Quaternary
9. Out of the ____ different possible codons,
____ specify amino acids and ____ signal
a. 20, 17, 3
b. 180, 20, 60
c. 64, 61, 3
d. 61, 60, 1
10. RNA contains which bases?
a. adenine, thymine, guanine,
cytosine, uracil
b. adenine, thymine, guanine,
c. thymine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
d. adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil

Answers’ Key:
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. d
7. a
8. b
9. c
10. d

Great job everyone! Congratulations for a job

well done!
Have we attained our class objectives?
“Yes sir.”

Alright! That’s good to hear.

Do you have any queries?

“None sir.”
Since there is none, I guess that’s all for today.
Thank you for your cooperation and May God
bless us all.
Goodbye class.
“Goodbye sir..”

Prepared by:
Nahiyan A. Diwa

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