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NS600 Factory Install

The following guide should be used only in the event that a factory re- install must be
performed due to an issue with original factory install.

The factory re-install will take a minimum of two hours therefore time should be
budgeted accordingly.

The commands and procedures used in this guide will destroy all data on the Celerra

The steps performed for the factory re-install are as follows…

4 Run the Backend cleanup and zerodisk commands from the Linux Control
Station to destroy all RAID group s and LUNs and zero the disks.

4 Install Linux on the Control Station.

4 Install DART.

4 Configure the Control Station using the Init Wizard.

4 Configure the Backend using the WebUI.

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L Prepare the Backend for Installation

~ Warning: The following commands will destroy all data on the Celerra NS600.

Perform the following steps to prepare the backend.

4 Step 1 – Start a HyperTerminal session with the Control Station using the front serial
port. Use the following settings: 19200:8:N:1.

4 Step 2 – Reboot the Control Station.

4 Step 3 – Log into the Control Station and change your user to ROOT.

4 Step 4 – Issue the following command to destroy all the RAID groups and LUNs.

P unset NAS_DB
P cd /nasmcd/tftpboot/setup_backend
P ./nas_raid -n ../bin/navicli -a -b -s cleanup

4 Step 5 – Check that all LUNs and RAID have been destroyed, by issuing the
command below. If the command returns any information repeat Step 4.

P ../bin/navicli -h getrg

4 Step 6 – Issue the following command to zero the disks. The zero disk operation can
take considerable time depending on the number of disks in the array.

P ./nas_raid -n ../bin/navicli -a -b –s zero

4 After the zero operation is complete, the backend is ready for installation.

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Install Linux and NAS

Perform the following steps to install Linux and NAS.

4 Step 1 – Start a HyperTerminal session with the Control Station using the front serial
port. Use the following settings: 19200:8:N:1.

4 Step 2 – Put the boot floppy and CD in the Control Station and reboot using the reset
button on the front of the Control Station.

4 Step 3 – When the “Red Hat Linux and EMC NAS Installation” appears type
serialinstall and hit the ENTER key.

4 “Performing Pre-Installation…” screen will appear.

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4 The “Package Installation” screen will appear to show install progress.

4 After the “Package Installation” completes the “Performing Post Install…” screen
will appear and then the screen will go blank. During this time the entire CD is being
copied to the Control Station and takes several minutes.

4 Step 4 – After the copy is finished the “Remove Boot Media…” screen will appear.
Hit the ENTER key and the CD will eject. Immediately remove the boot floppy and
the CD, you will not be needing them for the remainder of the install.

4 Step 5 – After the Control Station reboots the “Starting EMC NAS Factory
Installation” screen will appear. It should say “Unconfigured System
Detected…Continue with Installation?”. Type y and hit the ENTER key.

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4 “Waiting on Mover Status” will appear and give the status as the Data Movers reboot.
You should see the following…
Mover in slot_2 – No State
Mover in slot_3 – No State
Mover in slot_2 – DART Loaded
Mover in slot_3 – DART Loaded
Mover in slot_2 – DART Ready
Mover in slot_3 – DART Ready

If the install hangs on any Data Mover during this step, hard boot that Data

4 The Control Volume LUNs will be created and bound and the cache settings will be

4 Step 6 – When prompted for the username and password use nasadmin for both.

4 Step 7 – “Do you wish to continue with this installation?” will appear. Type y and hit
the ENTER key.

4 As NAS is installing you may see messages similar to “5, Unable find_req, req
d8f441e0 qlen 1. These messages are normal.

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4 After NAS is installed the RAID groups and LUNs will be created on the first DAE
and the Data Movers will reboot. The “Enclosure Info” will appear.
§ During the reboot you may see “5 Network Congestion”. This is normal.

4 Step 8 – The install will complete and you will be prompted to “Hit any key to exit
Installation”. Hit the ENTER key to exit. You are now ready to use the Init Wizard to
configure the Control Station network information.

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Configure the Control Station

Use the Celerra NS600 Init Wizard to configure the network information for the Control
Station’s external interface.

Before beginning ensure the Control Station is connected to the customer’s network and
the PC used to run the Init Wizard is on the same subnet as the Control Station.

The Init Wizard is located on the Celerra Tools and Applications CD. To access the Init
Wizard you need to browse or explore the CD.

Perform the following steps to configure the Control Station’s network settings.

4 Step 1 – Start the Init Wizard and click “Begin”.

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4 Step 2 – Select the Control Station to be configured and click “Configure”.

4 Step 3 – Enter the IP Address and Netmask and click “Next”.

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4 Step 4 – Enter the Gateway and click “Next”.

4 Step 5 – Click “Finish” and click “Yes” to open the WebUI.

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Configure the Backend

Use the document “Quick Install Procedure” to configure the backend using the Web

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