Lab - No2 - Force Table and Vector Addition of Forces - Flake

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Name: Charles Ivan A.

Flake Date: May 16, 2022

Course, Year and Section: BSME-1D Subject: Physics Lab

Lab No._4_: Second Condition of Equilibrium

1. Screenshot of Video Conference (Encircle your video panel)

2. Accomplished Assigned Task (Screenshot the group task post in your group’s channel and
highlight your name and task)
3. Answers to Guide Questions

1 The counterclockwise and clockwise that are found in the solution are almost the same with very
little difference of clockwise torque greater than the counterclockwise torque. These results may be
due to specific decimal values.

2. The pivot is at 17.86 deg which shows that it is not parallel to the meterstick

3 Technically, the sum should be equal to zero since equilibrium is achieved at second condition but
due to specific decimal values it is close to zero with clockwise torque of -1.68 N-m and
counterclockwise torque -1.67 N-m.

a= 3.0m
R= 5.0m
b= √𝑅2−𝑎2
b= 4.0m
𝜃= tan-1(𝑎/𝑏)
𝜃= tan-1(3.0/4.0)
𝜃 = 36.87°
T =( wmass ) ( d mass ) +(w beam) ¿ ¿
( 400 N ) ( 4.0 m )+(200 N )(2.0 m)
sin (36.87 ° ) ( 4.0 m)
T= 833.33N
Fx=Tcos 𝜃
Fx= (833.33N cos (36.87°)
Fx= 666.66N
Fy= Wbeam + Wmass - Tsin 𝜃
Fy= 200N + 400N – 833.33 sin 36.87°
Fy= 100N

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