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Airline Marketing

Marketing is very important for airlines because it is the only way

they can connect with potential customers and transform their


current customers into loyal travelers.

Also, marketing teams can leverage a lot of factors to
find opportunities to help the airline company to
differentiate from the competition through innovative
marketing techniques and impactful campaigns to bring
in more customers.
To succeed in their marketing efforts, airlines need to
include all the players within their marketing tactics and to
take a step further when it comes to segmentation, creating
other segments such as:
The most successful and innovative
marketing strategies

There are plenty of options when it comes to describing successful and innovative
strategies in airline marketing, so we have done our best to select what we consider
to be the most relevant ones.
Loyalty programs

It is a business practice of the airlines to build trust among frequent

customers byrewarding them so that they conduct business with the
company continually.
For example, the customers are given an electronic account with the
airline where theairline can deposit frequent flyer miles which can be
redeemed for the next trip.
Impactful campaigns

To better understand this, let’s take one of American Airlines’ campaigns

where they send free food samples to people living near New York.
By doing so, American Airlines builds respect and trust as they are
committed to an important cause that helps a significant part of society.
As a result, more people will be willing to buy their air tickets as they feel
they are collaborating with a noble cause.
Social media presence

For example, Singapore Airlines took advantage of user-generated

content by partnering with Australian media agency MEC in a campaign
they called “The Storytellers”. This strategy helped them to increase
interaction with their brand and they were able to promote specific air
travel destinations alongside their tickets.
Another good example is how American Airlines used real-time tracking
of social mentions to keep interaction with loyal customers.
Que faire si vous ne
pouvez pas passer de
test ?

Restez chez vous et isolez-vous

volontairement pendant au moins 10
jours. Assurez-vous de rester à
l'écart des personnes souffrant d'une
maladie grave ou dont le système
immunitaire est défaillant pendant
au moins 14 jours.

Finally !
The airline industry is very competitive nowadays. You just
can’t implement regular strategies to reach your customers.
Thinking unique and studying the customer mindset can be
better ways to survive and grow in the airline business.

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