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The human body is over sixty percent water, and Dr Viviane's

new Vita Water is here to make sure all that water is good water!

millie lavelle

The Vita Water isn’t really much more than regular

tap water with barely a few added minerals to get it past
legislation that means it can be marketed as “health food”.
THE MERMAID These minerals, however, are key to Dr Livsey’s plan
though. They allow her to manipulate the appropriate ar-
““I could hear it singing down on the beach, strange eas of the brain easier, and the consumer becomes more
receptive to her sonic manipulations.
song, made me want to be a better sailor”

Joespeh Scofield, Blackpool, Lancashire, 1821

There’s a new health craze that’s taking over town. DR VIVIANE LIVSEY
Folks have been queueing up to try it, and it’s all the local
radio station has been talking about. Dr Viviane Livsey the "I don't think how I balance work and looking good
creator of Vita Water has been holding special events on
the local market handing out free kits to infuse your own is a valid question, did you ask that to the CEO of
Vita Water at home, so that you can have the “healthiest
town in all of the United Kingdom!” the Loop facility too?"

Other kids who have the Vita Water at home kits Dr Livsey is a multi discipline genius, musician,
seem to be doing better at school, their grades are bet- beautiful, charismatic and more. She’s also angry. All
ter and strangely they seem to be actually enjoying doing through her youth she was bullied for her love, and
extra schoolwork, and all the while their interest in “pop success in science class, branded a nerd, a weirdo and
culture” has dropped. Some also say listening to Dr Viv- things only got worse when she joined the school band.
iane’s concentration music helps them focus and achieve Her family couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t be
better results. happy and just accept one of the modeling jobs she
The results of the folks who have been using Vita Wa- was offered, or marry one of the many suitors she had,
ter are so going so well the Viat Water UK has announced and just settle down, have babies and leave all this sci-
that they will host the Academic Challenge of the century, ence stuff alone.
and the teaching staff at school seem to be very enthusi- Viviane’s frustration and anger only got worse the
astic about it. older she got. At university she excelled, but her aca-
demic achievements were never recognised or hon-
oured as much as how beautiful she was, people were
THE TRUTH more interested in who she was dating, or what her
diet and gym routine were. Although her research into
Up to 60% of the human body is made of water, and brain chemistry, frequency manipulation, and more
the human brain is over 70% water as well. The ability to where all ground breaking, her lecturers never gave
manipulate water could have profound effects upon the them the attention Viviane wanted, or they deserved/
human body. And this is exactly what Dr Viviane Livsey At the Loop facility she never reached the heights
has achieved. Tired of the general population thinking that she knew her brilliance and research should take
that TV and pop culture is of higher value than science her. Time after time she was asked to serve the coffee
and logic, and bitter from being bullied throughout her or take notes, when she should be leading the room.
youth, she has begun using her knowledge to create the Eventually Viviane left the Loop, set up her own
perfect town society, and once her method works perfect- small research company, and with funding from her
ly, she’ll start adding the Vita Water systems to the water family and inheritances she embarked on ways to cre-
treatment plants all across the UK. ate a society that would be impressed with substance
over style.



The Lancashire Loop is a "hometown hack" for the North West
1. Dr Viviane gives out free Vita Water kits on the local UK. These mysteries are based on some of the folk lore from the
market area, but you could move this mystery to any location.
2. The Kids school agrees to give out Vita Water in classes.
3. The school starts playing Dr Viviane’s concentration THE MIX TAPE
music in classes. The Lancashire Loop Mix Tape is 8 short mysteries based around
4. The locals shopping center and local radio station start the area, and were each written to be played in one 3 - 5 hour ses-
playing the music, non stop. sion, including charater creation. Great for introduction games or
5. The mayor announces that they will be installing Vita to be ran at a convention. Many of the mysteries can be worked
Water equipment at the local water processing plant together to make one larger mystery landscape for your players to
6. Dr Viviane counts the test as a success and uses the Aca-
demic challenge to give everyone who attends Vita Wa-
ter, and extend her perfect culture across the UK If you and your group are having fun exploring
The Lancashire Loop I'd love to hear about it. Come say hello
over on Twitter @MillietheGM

Mix Tape Tracks

The Mermaid is track 6 of the Lancashire Loop Mix Tape.

ST ORY HO OK S The rest of the tracklisting is

She’s finally ready to test her project, and although 1. The Bhargast - Available now
she hates it, she’s the perfect person to lead a health 2. The Boggart - Available now
The following story
revolution. Pretty, clever and s could help
charismatic, she’s
youready 3. The Witch - Available now
introduce this myste
to take over the town. ry to the Kids, or add 4. The King of Cats - Available now
them into a mystery
landscape; 5. The Ghost - Available now
6. The Mermaid
■ The Kids see on
e of their siblings 7. The Brownies - Expected early 2021
go from
poor results to acad 8. The Mystic - Expected early 2021
emic genius.
■ The Kids parent
refuses to allow th
e Vita
Water kit into thei Side B
r house and refuses
to let them be invo The Lancashire Loop Gazzeteer - Expected mid 2021
lved with this new
■ The kids get gi
ven a free Vita Water
Home kit at an even
Many thanks to Garbag Games for letting me run this mystery on
their channel. Check it out at

Also to Graham, Mike and Ollie for proof reading.

But the crispest of HIGH FIVES goes out to all my patrons for
their ongoing support. If you'd like early access to more RPG
content come join the crew at

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