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Background of the Study;

In 2019, a pandemic spread out in the whole world that caused deaths to millions of people and
force every countries to lockdown and that leave no choice to the students to undergo Modular
Distance Learning (MDL) in order to continue their studies.
A Modular Distance Learning (MDL) is a distance learning that is in the form of
individualized instruction where the learners will use Self Learning Modules in print or digital
format/ electronic copy which is applicable in the context of the learner and other learning
The use of modules encourage the independent study, One of the benefits of using modules
for instruction is the acquisition of better self study or learning skills among students, in order to
improve their task in the reason of no guidance/assistance by guardians or the teachers, it can
affect their academic performance. Moreover they cannot improve their knowledge and skills in
lack of understanding, according to “Student’s academic performance is affected
by several factors which include student’s learning skills, parental background, peer influence,
teachers quality and learning style,” which is like now Modular Distance Learning with the lack
of students learning skills and absence of guidance by guardians and teachers the student can’t
understand anything from his/her modules and that case of the low academic performance for
The aim of this study is to help the students improve their Academic Performance, because
when the Modular Distance Learning started, lot of the student’s Academic Performance
dropped and it’s hard for them to improve and understand the specific to them. When we conduct
this study it can benefit lot of students who struggle to answer their modules and those parents
who can be at ease and knows to do in order for their child to understand their modules and for
the teachers to assure that their students actually learn something from their topics.

Statement of the Problem;

In the past few years, Modular Distance Learning started because of a pandemic that spread
in the whole world, and ever since the Modular Classes started, lot of the Academic Performance
of the students begun to go down because of the reason of lacking of guidance and assist from
their parents/guardians and also it’s because of their lack of understanding because not all of
students have the ability to
So the point of this research is to find out the solution to help those students who is
struggling to answer their modules and to understand those specific topic that they are studying.
The researcher sought to find out the answer to the following questions;

1.What is the demographic profile of the students in terms of:

a. Age

2.What is the effect of the Modular Distance Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade11
students in terms of:
a. Behavior
b. Performance
c. Lifestyle

Conceptual Framework:

Scope and Delimitation:

Out of 34 Grade-11 students of Saint Paul High School, 30 students were used as a sample in
conducting the survey. This study limits its coverage on the Grade-11 students only.
It’s main purpose is to identify the common problems that they encounter and to propose
possible solutions regarding this problems. This Study considers every aspect of students
personal information that has an impact on their Academic Performances such as their gender,
age, and home location. Each of the respondents are given same questionnaires to answer, And
this Study focuses on the current second year students of the present School Year 2021-2022.
It can help them to understand every problems in their subjects and gain more knowledge on how
to handle things like overcoming the lack of understanding.
It can help them to handle and to assist their children on understanding the problem of that
specific subject.

This can give them knowledge on how to assure that their students can actually understand their
modules I dependently.

Future Researcher
This can give idea to them for their next research studies.

A person who is studying at a school or college
Student with lack of understanding
Student find it difficult to understood problems without the help of others.
Student with good understanding
A student who can understand problems with their own.
A person who teaches, specially in a school.
It is the Father and Mother of the child/student.
A person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their
own affairs, specially an incompetent or disabled person or a child who’s parents have died.


This chapter presents the Research design, the Population Sampling, the Research Instrument,
and Statistical treatement.

This research used descriptive research methods in gathering information on the effects of
modular distance learning on the academic performance of Grade-11 students of Saint Paul High
School in Villaviciosa,ABRA S.Y.2021-2022.


This study includes 15 boys and 15 girls as a respondents from Saint Paul High School of
Villaviciosa in total of 30 students.


The primary instrument in gathering data was a questionnaire. There is only one set of
questionnaire that was given to the Grade-11 students of St. Paul High School in Villaviciosa.


The procedure on gathering the data for the survey is applied as the researcher distributed the
questionnaires to the respondents to their homes, and then collect them after it was answered.
The following statistical methods and techniques was employing for in depth treatment of data:
1.Frequency count and percentage:
a. Frequency(f)
- Pertains to the number of respondents that have the same answers in specific questions.
b. Percentage (%)
- Used to determine the ratio of respondents.

Following statistical component:


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