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Placement/Admissions Test—ENGLISH
For applicants to PIONEER A (1ero Basico / 7th grade)



_____ FINAL SCORE (60 possible points)





________ READING & USAGE (25 possible points)

________ WRITING (25 possible points)

________ SPEAKING (10 possible points)



Placement/Admissions Test—ENGLISH
For applicants to PIONEER A (1ero Basico / 7th grade)

Section 1:

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. b
10. a
11. c
12. a
13. a
14. c
15. c

Section 2:

16. Israel
17. a
18. a
19. eco-friendly
20. nails
21. b
22. c
23. b
24. a
25. b

Total number correct (out of 25): __________


Placement/Admissions Test—ENGLISH
For applicants to PIONEER A (1ero Basico / 7th grade)

________ TOTAL SCORE FOR WRITING (25 possible points)

________ Score for Writing Sample A: Fiction (13 possible points)

________ Score for Writing Sample B: Non-fiction (12 possible points)

RUBRIC TO SCORE Section A: Fiction

_____ Score for Content:

 Award 5 points for a clear story with a beginning, middle, and end.
 Award 4 points for a story that is relatively easy to follow, is fairly well-organized,
and is mostly complete.
 Award 3 points for a story that shows an effort to tell a story but is poorly
organized and/or confusing and/or significantly incomplete.
 Award 2 points for a writing sample that doesn’t seem to be in the form of a story
but that has some connection to the prompt.
 Award 1 point for a writing sample that has no connection to the prompt.
 Award 0 points for no writing sample.

_____ Score for Vocabulary:

 Award 3 points if a wide variety of vocabulary is appropriately used.
 Award 2 points if there is some variety in vocabulary but words are occasionally
used incorrectly.
 Award 1 point if there is significant repetition in vocabulary and/or words are
often misused.
 Award 0 points for no writing sample or a response that is not in English.

_____ Score for Grammar & Structure

 Award 3 points if a wide variety of sentence structure is used and the grammar is
mostly correct.
 Award 2 points if the same simple sentence structures are used repeatedly
and/or there are lots of grammar mistakes, but you can still understand what the
writer was trying to say.
 Award 1 point if there are so many grammar mistakes that it’s difficult to
determine what the writer was trying to say.
 Award 0 points if there are no complete sentences in English.

_____ Score for Spelling & Capitalization

 Award 2 points if nearly all of the words are spelled and capitalized correctly.
 Award 1 point if quite a few words are misspelled or not capitalized correctly.
 Award 0 points if so many words are misspelled that the sample is very difficult to
understand and/or if no words are capitalized and/or if there are no English
RUBRIC TO SCORE Section B: Non-fiction

_____ Score for Content:

 Award 4 points for a very well-organized sample that contains substantial
pertinent ideas.
 Award 3 points for a fairly well-organized sample that contains some pertinent
 Award 2 points for a writing sample that is poorly organized and/or has few ideas
but has some connection to the prompt.
 Award 1 point for a writing sample that has no connection to the prompt.
 Award 0 points for no writing sample or a response that is not in English.

_____ Score for Vocabulary:

 Award 3 points if a wide variety of vocabulary is appropriately used.
 Award 2 points if there is some variety in vocabulary but words are occasionally
used incorrectly.
 Award 1 point if there is significant repetition in vocabulary and/or words are
often misused.
 Award 0 points for no writing sample or a response that is not in English.

_____ Score for Grammar & Structure

 Award 3 points if a wide variety of sentence structure is used and the grammar is
mostly correct.
 Award 2 points if the same simple sentence structures are used repeatedly
and/or there are lots of grammar mistakes, but you can still understand what the
writer was trying to say.
 Award 1 point if there are so many grammar mistakes that it’s difficult to
determine what the writer was trying to say.
 Award 0 points if there are no complete sentences in English.

_____ Score for Spelling & Capitalization

 Award 2 points if nearly all of the words are spelled and capitalized correctly.
 Award 1 point if quite a few words are misspelled or not capitalized correctly.
 Award 0 points if so many words are misspelled that the sample is very difficult to
understand and/or if no words are capitalized and/or if there are no English

Placement/Admissions Test—ENGLISH
For applicants to PIONEER A (1ero Basico / 7th grade)

________ TOTAL SCORE FOR SPEAKING (10 possible points)

________ Score for Questions (Section 1) (5 possible points)

________ Score for Sustained Speaking (Section 2) (5 possible points)

RUBRIC TO SCORE Section 1: Questions

_____ Score for Questions

 Award 5 points if all the responses were clear, on-topic, fluent, an appropriate
length, and given within a reasonable amount of time following the question
being asked. *Note: If the applicant gave extremely long responses that fit this
description, but those lengthy responses meant that in terms of time, only one or
two questions could be asked, still award the full 5 points.
 Award 4 points if most of the responses were clear, on-topic, fluent, an
appropriate length, and given within a reasonable amount of time following the
question being asked.
 Award 3 points if two or three questions had to be repeated/rephrased; and/or if
about half the responses were unclear, off-topic, not fluent, and/or very short;
and/or if there were long gaps of time between the questions being posed and
the responses.
 Award 2 points if most of the questions had to be repeated/rephrased; and/or if
most of the responses were unclear, off-topic, not fluent, and/or very short;
and/or if there were such long gaps of time between the question being posed
and the response that the Proctor had to skip to the next question.
 Award 1 point if the applicant was able to answer only a question or two and/or
gave extremely short answers.
 Award 0 points if the applicant was unable to answer any questions and/or if the
candidate spoke mostly in a language other than English.
RUBRIC TO SCORE Section 2: Description

_____ Score for Description

 Award 5 points if the speaker used a wide variety of vocabulary and mostly
correct grammar to convey a detailed description that lasted the full two minutes.
 Award 4 points if the speaker used appropriate vocabulary and mostly correct
grammar to give a fairly good description that lasted at least 1.5 minutes, with the
speaker being able to continue longer when additional verbal nudges were given.
 Award 3 points if the speaker used fairly simple and/or repetitive vocabulary
and/or made enough grammar mistakes to make it difficult to understand and/or
was able to speak only 1.0 minute without further verbal nudges.
 Award 2 points if the speaker had very poor vocabulary and/or made so many
grammar mistakes that it was very difficult to understand and/or was able to
speak for less than 1.0 minute without further verbal nudges.
 Award 1 point if the speaker seemed to make some attempt to respond to the
prompt but had such difficulty in the areas of vocabulary, grammar, and/or timing
that the task was essentially not completed.
 Award 0 points if the speaker did not attempt the task and/or if the candidate
spoke mostly in a language other than English.

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