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OPINION The ideal crystalloid – what is ‘balanced’?
Thomas J. Morgan

Purpose of review
This review explores the contemporary definition of the term ‘balanced crystalloid’ and outlines optimal
design features and their underlying rationale.
Recent findings
Crystalloid interstitial expansion is unavoidable, but also occurs with colloids when there is endothelial
glycocalyx dysfunction. Reduced chloride exposure may lessen kidney dysfunction and injury with a
possible mortality benefit. Exact balance from an acid–base perspective is achieved with a crystalloid
strong ion difference of 24 mEq/l. This can be done simply by replacing 24 mEq/l of chloride in 0.9%
sodium chloride with bicarbonate or organic anion bicarbonate substitutes. Potassium, calcium and
magnesium additives are probably unnecessary. Large volumes of mildly hypotonic crystalloids such as
lactated Ringer’s solution reduce extracellular tonicity in volunteers and increase intracranial pressure in
nonbrain-injured experimental animals. A total cation concentration of 154 mmol/l with accompanying
anions provides isotonicity. Of the commercial crystalloids, Ringer’s acetate solution is close to balanced
from both acid–base and tonicity perspectives, and there is little current evidence of acetate toxicity in the
context of volume loading, in contrast to renal replacement.
The case for balanced crystalloids is growing but unproven. A large randomized controlled trial of
balanced crystalloids versus 0.9% sodium chloride is the next step.
acid–base, balanced crystalloid, strong ion difference, tonicity

INTRODUCTION even reliably reduced by colloids [4 ,5]. At low


The advent of the Stewart approach has allowed capillary hydrostatic pressures, transcapillary fluid
greater insight into important design features of a losses for both crystalloids and colloids are similar.
‘balanced’ crystalloid from the acid–base perspec- Furthermore, the integrity of the endothelial glyco-
tive [1]. However, if the broader aim of balancing calyx layer, an active interface moderating macro-
crystalloids is to minimize all perturbations of the molecular transcapillary transit, is damaged by a
extracellular milieu when large volumes are admin- variety of insults including inflammatory states

istered rapidly, acid–base is one of several consider- and simple hypervolaemia [2,4 ]. The result is
ations. Accordingly, this review will focus on the higher than expected volume requirements for

following areas: colloids in various forms of critical illness [5,6,7 ],

almost identical to those of crystalloids in early
(1) Interstitial ‘spillover’ blunt trauma [5].
(2) Acid–base and chloride Some ‘context-specific’ drawbacks of colloids
(3) Ancillary cations: potassium, calcium and mag- versus crystalloids may be connected to their failure
(4) Tonicity.
Mater Medical Research Institute and University of Queensland, Mater
Health Services, Stanley Street, South Brisbane, Brisbane, Queensland,
Correspondence to Dr T.J. Morgan, Intensive Care Unit, Mater Adult
Eighty percent of a crystalloid volume load ends up Hospital, Mater Health Services, Raymond Terrace, South Brisbane,
in the interstitium [2]. The result can be tissue and Queensland 4101, Australia. Tel: +61 7 3163 8111; fax: +61 7 3163
organ oedema, and even in health this fluid takes 1503; e-mail:
days to be excreted [3]. However, it is now apparent Curr Opin Crit Care 2013, 19:299–307
that interstitial expansion is neither eliminated nor DOI:10.1097/MCC.0b013e3283632d46

1070-5295 ß 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Intravenous fluids

variables referenced to this IPE space. They are the

KEY POINTS strong ion difference (SID), the total concentration
 The ideal balanced crystalloid is normotonic with a of nonvolatile weak acid (Atot) and PCO2.
strong ion difference of 24 mEq/l. SID is the net charge (milliequivalents per litre)
of all fully dissociated cations (sodium, potassium,
 This can be achieved by excising 24 mEq/l of chloride calcium, magnesium) and anions (chloride, lactate,
from 0.9% sodium chloride and substituting
keto-acids and all other organic anions with pKa
bicarbonate or organic anions, which disappear
rapidly on infusion, such as L-lactate or acetate. values <4.0). Strong cationic charge exceeds strong
anionic charge such that the normal plasma SID is
 Interstitial expansion is inevitable on volume loading approximately 40 mEq/l. Atot in plasma consists
but colloids also have this problem to a varying extent. mainly of albumin and phosphate (again measured
 A large randomized controlled trial is required to in milliequivalents per litre), whereas haemoglobin
determine whether balanced crystalloids are superior to is the predominant nonvolatile weak acid in red
0.9% sodium chloride as suggested by current cells. Isolated SID increases/decreases move the
evidence. acid–base equilibrium towards metabolic alkalo-
sis/acidosis, respectively. Conversely isolated
increases/decreases in Atot shift the equilibrium
towards metabolic acidosis/alkalosis, respectively.
to target the intravascular space selectively. For From the Stewart perspective, the acid–base
example, 4% albumin resuscitation is associated properties of a given intravenous fluid are deter-
with increased mortality in traumatic brain injury mined by its SID and Atot. Rapid fluid adminis-
[8]. Starch-based colloids administered to general tration is modelled as an equilibration with
ICU patients are linked to renal injury and excess extracellular (more correctly IPE) fluid. Because all
blood product requirements [7 ,9] plus an increased crystalloids have zero Atot, they reduce extracellular
mortality rate in severe sepsis [10 ], and there are Atot by simple dilution of albumin and phosphate,
renal toxicity concerns with gelatine-based fluids whereas corresponding SID values are driven
[11 ,12]. towards those of the administered fluid.
Accordingly, crystalloids can be expected to The SID of saline is zero (equal concentrations of
retain a prominent role in rapid volume expansion the strong cation Naþ and the strong anion Cl).
in the foreseeable future despite interstitial ‘spill- When saline is administered rapidly and in large
over’ [13]. volumes (for example 4 l in 2 h), it forces simul-
taneous reductions in SID (metabolic acidosis) and
Atot (metabolic alkalosis). If there is no pre-existing
ACID–BASE acid–base disturbance, the net result is always
Several litres of intravenous 0.9% saline infused over metabolic acidosis.
a few hours will reliably cause hyperchloraemia
accompanied on most occasions by a normal anion
gap metabolic acidosis [14–17]. Identical phenom- CHLORIDE
ena occur during cardiopulmonary bypass [18–20] Although hyperchloraemia is inevitable in any
and following other forms of normovolaemic hae- metabolic acidosis induced by 0.9% sodium
modilution [21]. The Stewart approach provides a chloride, an identical acidosis without hyperchlor-
useful model framework on which to understand aemia can arise from fluids containing low chloride
the underlying mechanism, as well as a practical concentrations [26]. This is because the relevant
tool for designing fluids with predefined acid–base crystalloid property is the SID rather than the
properties [22]. chloride concentration alone. If crystalloids with
Stewart modelled the acid–base behaviour of low chloride concentrations cause metabolic acido-
plasma using a series of simultaneous equations sis, there may even be a fall in plasma chloride. The
expressing the laws of mass action, mass conserva- reduction in extracellular SID will then be caused by
tion and electrical neutrality as applied to aqueous a still greater fall in sodium.
solutions [23]. Expressions for Gibbs Donnan
transmembrane forces were added in subsequent
iterations, as the equilibrating environment deter- IS FLUID-INDUCED METABOLIC ACIDOSIS
mining the arterial PCO2/pH relationship is a com- HARMFUL?
posite domain consisting of the interstitium plus Saline-induced acidosis is characteristically mild to
plasma plus erythrocytes (IPE) [24,25]. Any final moderate. Standard base excess values are unlikely
equilibrium is a function of three independent to fall below 10 mEq/l even with administered

300 Volume 19  Number 4  August 2013

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The ideal crystalloid -- what is ‘balanced’? Morgan

volumes as high as 50 ml/kg over 2 h [27]. After densa, although an alternative explanation was
respiratory compensation, arterial pH rarely strays simple compression of renal cortical vessels by
below 7.3, a value unlikely to induce the classic raised intracapsular pressure.
complications of severe acidemia such as myo- A retrospective study analysed data extracted
cardial depression, dysrhythmias or pulmonary from nearly 500 000 patient records in a US hospital
hypertension. claims database [42 ]. Selection was on the basis
There are even theoretical benefits including the that patients had undergone emergency abdominal
Bohr effect [28] and acidemic protection against surgery for nontrauma. A further requirement was
hypoxic stress [29,30]. Acidosis caused by chloride that on the day of surgery either 0.9% saline or
accumulation certainly appears less harmful than Plasma-Lyte 148 had been administered exclusively.
acidosis caused by strong anions other than chloride, After propensity score matching to minimize con-
as evidenced by a retrospective study of 851 ICU founders, patients given saline suffered a higher
patients with metabolic acidosis in whom arterial mortality and were more prone to investigations
lactate concentrations were measured [31]. Inde- for acidosis and to complications, which included
pendent predictors of hospital mortality did not infection, renal failure requiring dialysis, blood
include chloride or acidosis severity, but did include transfusion and electrolyte disturbances.
lactate concentrations and the strong ion gap (which One important question is: Are perturbations
quantifies nonchloride anions other than lactate). associated with fluid-induced metabolic acidosis a
On the contrary, there is a spectrum of cell response to the acid–base disturbance itself or
culture, animal, human volunteer and clinical data simply because of hyperchloraemia [43]? A defini-
implicating hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis tive answer is elusive, partly because studying
as a proinflammatory stimulus causing pulmonary, sodium reduction instead of hyperchloraemia as a
renal, splanchnic, circulatory and coagulation way of reducing SID causes unacceptable hypoto-
dysfunction [32–40]. Recent evidence includes the nicity. Even when chloride is actively restricted,
following: In a human volunteer study compar- concentrations tend to rise in critical illness. A
ing responses to 2-l infusions of 0.9% saline 6-month low chloride fluid policy in a single ICU
[(Cl-) ¼ 154 mmol/l, Table 1] versus Plasma-Lyte failed to prevent steady plasma chloride increases in
148 [(Cl-) ¼ 98 mmol/l, Table 1] administered over the days following ICU admission [44]. Chloride was
1 h, saline generated more severe and sustained restricted by banning gelatine-based colloids, sub-
hyperchloraemia and SID reduction, along with stituting 20% for 4% albumin, and administering
more prominent extravascular expansion plus sig- Hartmann’s solution or Plasma-Lyte 148 instead of
nificant reductions in renal arterial flow velocity 0.9% saline. As expected, chloride elevations were
and cortical perfusion [41 ]. The authors speculated more marked when chloride was unrestricted, and
that afferent arteriolar resistance was increased in the increased rates of acute kidney injury reported in
response to the action of chloride on the macula this period along with a greater need for renal

Table 1. Five commercial crystalloids

0.9% Sodium chloridea Plasma-Lyte 148a Compound sodium lactatea Ringer’s acetateb Isolyte Ec

Sodium 154 140 129 145 140

Chloride 154 98 109 103 103
Potassium 5 5 4 10
Calcium 4 5 5
Magnesium 3 2 3
L-lactate 29
Acetate 27 24 49
Gluconate 23
Citrate 8
Malate 5
In-vivo SID 0 50 29 29 57

All concentrations are in mEq/l. SID, strong ion difference.

Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Deerfield, Illinois, USA.
Sterofundin, B Braun, Melsungen, Germany.
McGaw, Irvine, California, USA.

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Intravenous fluids

replacement therapy might therefore have been Some years ago, the Shimizu Pharmaceutical
because of higher chloride concentrations [45 ]. Company Ltd developed a ‘bicarbonated Ringer’s
However, there was also differential colloid solution’ of potential interest. It contained
exposure with administration of gelatine-based 25 mEq/l of bicarbonate and 5 mEq/l of citrate,
colloids and 4% albumin virtually eliminated in giving it an in-vivo SID of 30 mEq/l [50–52].
the chloride-restricted period.


HOW CAN FLUID-INDUCED METABOLIC Terms such as ‘bicarbonate precursor’ or ‘bicarbon-
ACID–BASE DISTURBANCES BE ate as lactate’ can be misleading. The final common
PREVENTED? metabolic pathway of substitute organic anions is a
If SID is held constant during crystalloid fluid variable split between glycolysis and gluconeogen-
loading, Atot dilution will be the sole consequence esis. Their role is not to generate HCO3 but simply
and progressive metabolic alkalosis will result. to disappear rapidly. Hence, the important attri-
Balanced crystalloids must therefore lower SID in butes of any potential bicarbonate substitute are
parallel with Atot at a rate that counteracts the that it should be nontoxic, efficiently metabolized
alkalosis. Assuming normocarbia [46 ], exact and should maintain a fluid pH, which minimizes
balance occurs with a crystalloid SID of 24 mEq/l, haemolysis and endothelial damage on peripheral
demonstrable theoretically at infinite dilution infusion. Exact pH requirements are unclear. In
(Atot ¼ zero) [1], in haemodilution simulations commercial preparations, pH values are usually
[47] and in actual haemodilutions of varying within the range pH ¼ 4.0–8.0.
severity [48,49]. Chloride will still increase as SID L-lactate administered at doses up to 100 mmol/h
falls with haemodilution, although not to the same will not accumulate unless there is severe liver dys-
extent as with 0.9% saline. function [53,54] or major liver resection [55]. To put
Saline is therefore balanced from an acid–base this in context, compound sodium lactate infused at
viewpoint by replacing 24 mEq/l of Cl with OH, 3.3 l/h delivers 100 mmol/h of L-lactate. Up to 70% of
HCO3 or CO32. HCO3 is the desirable option, as infused L-lactate undergoes gluconeogenesis follow-
OH generates a severely alkaline fluid pH ing conversion to pyruvate, potentially destabilizing
(pH ¼ 12.4 at 258C), and CO32 increases the risk glucose control. The remainder traverses the Krebs
of calcium precipitation. Unfortunately, HCO3 is cycle via acetyl CoA with ultimate generation of CO2.
problematic for manufacturers because a high PCO2 If L-lactate accumulates, glycolysis is retarded at the
must be maintained within the fluid to prevent even glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase step,
slight dissociation to CO32. CO2-impermeable con-
reducing ATP generation [56 ].
tainers are therefore required to block CO2 egress Acetate has several advantages over L-lactate.
during fluid preparation, autoclaving and storage. Because of its rapid metabolism, 300 mmol/h can
Glass is the ultimate CO2-impervious material. be tolerated without significant accumulation.
Flexible diffusion-retardant materials such as multi- Acetate is unlikely to cause hyperglycaemia and
layer polyvinyl chloride are more ‘user-friendly’ has less effect on oxygen consumption and carbon
but have a limited shelf life and introduce extra dioxide elimination. Unlike L-lactate, acetate is
cost. Small supplementary concentrations of citrate metabolized in several extrahepatic tissues, particu-
or L-lactate may be needed to inhibit precipitation larly muscle, and thus is subject to less accumulation
once traces of CO32 appear [50]. in shock states or severe liver dysfunction. These
favourable properties have made acetate a popular
component of ‘balanced’ crystalloids (Table 1). It is
THE STANDARD COMMERCIAL also a common constituent of cardioplegia and total
APPROACH parenteral nutrition solutions.
To circumvent the problem of atmospheric CO2 On the contrary, sustained high acetate concen-
loss, most manufacturers of ‘balanced’ salt solutions trations during renal replacement have been linked
substitute organic anions for HCO3. Examples to hypotension, direct myocardial toxicity [57,58]
include L-lactate, acetate, gluconate, malate and and complex metabolic disturbances [59]. As a
citrate (Table 1). The ex-vivo SID of all such fluids result, acetate-based haemodialysis has been discon-
is zero because bicarbonate substitutes are either tinued in Australia and elsewhere, even in supple-
strong or borderline strong anions. However, pro- mentary concentrations. Transient acetate surges
vided they disappear promptly on administration approaching 9 mmol/l have been documented on
their preinfusion concentrations can be regarded as commencement of cardiopulmonary bypass with
the effective in-vivo crystalloid SID. Plasma-Lyte 148 as the 2-L pump prime [60]. There

302 Volume 19  Number 4  August 2013

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The ideal crystalloid -- what is ‘balanced’? Morgan

has also been one report of lactic acidosis during dedicated infusion line is a more precise approach.
resuscitation with a sodium acetate-containing fluid The same can be said of calcium and magnesium,
[61]. which also introduce drug and blood product
Gluconate is metabolized more slowly than incompatibilities particularly in the case of calcium
L-lactate [62], but there is no evidence of toxicity [74], plus a tendency to precipitate in CO2-contain-
based on limited clinical and experimental data. On ing solutions.
the contrary, gluconate at plasma concentrations of The inclusion of calcium dates back to the clas-
2.4 and 4.8 mmol/l may protect against postischae- sic experiments of Sydney Ringer on ex-vivo beating
mic myocardial dysfunction and oxidative injury frog hearts [75]. Preservation of coagulation is a
[63]. Plasma gluconate elevations following more recent argument, although in thromboelasto-
Plasma-Lyte 148 administration can cause false- graphic studies the hypocalcaemic threshold for
positive tests for galactomannan antigenemia, a coagulopathy verges on extreme (<0.56 mmol/l)
biomarker for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis [76]. There are limited in-vivo data supporting
[64]. calcium inclusion. In one small study (n ¼ 66) of
Citrate has been limited to supplementary con- patients undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm
centrations in commercial crystalloids (Table 1) pre- repair, those administered 0.9% saline (calcium free)
sumably to avoid ionized calcium chelation. Malate required more blood products than those receiving
has also been used, again in smaller concentrations lactated Ringer’s solution [35]. In a haemorrhagic
(Table 1). Succinate has received experimental shock model, isotonic saline resuscitation was again
attention [65], but apart from malate and citrate, associated with increased blood loss versus lactated
no other Krebs cycle intermediates have appeared in Ringer’s solution [77].
commercial balanced salt solutions. Although calcium was conceivably a factor, the
elimination of metabolic acidosis with lactated
Ringer’s solution is an alternative explanation for
OTHER POTENTIAL BICARBONATE the reduced blood loss in both cases, especially
SUBSTITUTES because a hypercoagulable state occurs with both
Pyruvate has toxic breakdown products and is too Hartmann’s solution and 0.9% saline after in-vitro
unstable for inclusion in commercial preparations. haemodilution [78]. The driver for including mag-
Pyruvate can be rendered water-soluble as an enolate nesium in fluids such as Plasma-Lyte 148 is presum-
in the presence of calcium (‘Ringer’s Ethyl Pyruvate ably prevention of hypomagnesaemia associated
Solution’) [66] and is without toxic metabolites. with shock states and critical illness. In one haemor-
Although showing promise as an anti-inflammatory rhagic shock model, there was no evident benefit
agent and reactive oxygen species scavenger [67], [79].
ethyl pyruvate infused during cardiopulmonary
bypass proved disappointing in patients undergoing
high-risk cardiac surgery [68]. TONICITY
The novel carotenoid molecule trans-sodium In the late 19th century, Hamburger [80] concluded
crocetinate is of interest. Its unusual property of after observing the effects of various diluents on
increasing oxygen diffusivity in aqueous media plasma haemolytic thresholds and freezing points
may be beneficial in conditions of restricted oxygen that 0.9% aqueous sodium chloride is isotonic with
delivery [69,70]. D-b-Hydroxybutyrate is another the plasma of ‘warm-blooded animals’. More than
potential bicarbonate substitute (Ringer ketone a century later, 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl
solution) [71]. Described as a neuronal ‘superfuel’, 154 mmol/l, measured osmolality 284 mOsm/kg)
D-b-hydroxybutyrate is stable at room temperature, remains the normotonic standard [81].
bypasses insulin resistance, is rapidly metabolized Tonicity or ‘effective osmolality’ is an important
on administration and has neuroprotective proper- property of body fluids because it determines the
ties at high plasma concentrations [56 ,72,73]. partitioning of water between intracellular and extra-
cellular compartments, the driver being the resol-
ution of transmembrane tonicity gradients [82,83].
ANCILLARY CATIONS Normal plasma osmolality is 275–295 mOsm/kg
Sodium is the principle cation in balanced salt [84]. Tonicity can be defined as osmolality  [urea]
solutions. In many commercial fluids we find because urea is a permeant solute with no influence
additional cations such as Kþ, Ca2þ and Mg2þ on water partitioning. Normal plasma tonicity is
(Table 1). In each case the net benefit is debatable. approximately 270–290 mOsm/kg. Sudden changes
Because potassium requirements in critical illness in extracellular tonicity generate compartmental
are highly variable, separate administration via a water shifts, which can have neurological

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Intravenous fluids

consequences, for example cerebral oedema in acute

hypotonic hyponatraemia, or osmotic demyelina- HCO3–
tion after its subsequent correction [85–87]. 24

Even a mildly hypotonic solution such as

compound sodium lactate (measured osmolality
259 mOsm/kg, Table 1) can reduce extracellular
tonicity enough to affect water partitioning if large Na+ PCO2 760 mmHg
volumes are administered rapidly. For example, Cl–
130 pH 6.04
50 ml/kg of lactated Ringer’s solution (similar to
compound sodium lactate) infused over 1 h into
healthy volunteers reduced mean measured
plasma osmolality by 4 mOsm/kg [34]. In non-
brain-injured mammals, equivalent tonicity
reductions increased mean intracranial pressure FIGURE 1. ‘Gamblegram’ of the ideal balanced crystalloid
by >5 mmHg [88]. In a large randomized study of (author’s opinion). L-lactate can be substituted for
two resuscitation fluids, patients with traumatic bicarbonate if required for manufacturing reasons. All
brain injury administered 4% albumin solution concentrations are in mEq/l.
were found to have a higher mortality at 2 years
than patients administered 0.9% saline [8]. There
was a greater increase in intracranial pressure in the CHOOSING FROM AVAILABLE
albumin group in the first postinjury week, based ‘BALANCED’ CRYSTALLOIDS
on available pressure measurements [89]. The Recommendation 1 of The British Consensus Guide-
measured osmolality of the 4% albumin solution lines on Intravenous Fluid Therapy for Adult
was 260 mOsm/kg, approximately 24 mOsm/kg Surgical Patients [93] reads as follows: ‘Because of
below that of the alternative study fluid 0.9% saline, the risk of inducing hyperchloraemic acidosis in
and similar to that of compound sodium lactate. routine practice, when crystalloid resuscitation or
The cause of the intracranial pressure discrepancy replacement is indicated, balanced salt solutions, for
may thus have been the relative hypotonicity of example Ringer’s lactate acetate or Hartmann’s
the albumin preparation rather than colloid extra- solution should replace 0.9% saline except in cases
vasation [89]. of hypochloraemia, for example from vomiting or
Tonicity equilibrations after fluid gain or loss gastric drainage’.
occur throughout the total body water [90–92]. For From an acid–base perspective, these fluids are
tonicity ‘balance’ calculations, an administered appropriate choices. In fact, at 29 mEq/l, their
crystalloid can be represented as a mixture of iso- in-vivo SID should be slightly alkalinizing. This is
tonic saline (0.9% sodium chloride) and electrolyte- as intended by Dr Alexis Hartmann for his original
free water [91]. The contribution of infused potass- target group – children with gastroenteritis and
ium to plasma sodium concentrations and tonicity dehydration [94]. On available evidence, volume
is considered identical to that of infused sodium. replacement with compound sodium lactate and
Hence, a solution consisting of a mixture of NaCl its congeners reduces or eliminates infusion-related
150 mmol/l and KCl 4 mmol/l should have effects metabolic acidosis [34,35,79,95,96]. Although post-
on plasma sodium concentrations and tonicity infusion alkalosis has been evident in pig haemodi-
similar if not identical to those of isotonic NaCl lution experiments [33,46 ], these animals have a
(154 mmol/l). baseline metabolic alkalosis [46 ]. The lactate in
compound sodium lactate and congeners, originally
racemic [94], now consists solely of L-lactate.
THE IDEAL BALANCED CRYSTALLOID Ringer’s acetate solution with its increased total
Figure 1 illustrates the author’s concept of an ideal cation concentration (Table 1) has the added
balanced crystalloid. It is normotonic, has an in- advantage of normotonicity, and there is no current
vivo SID of 24 mEq/l, contains no ancillary cations, evidence of acetate toxicity after volume resuscita-
and uses HCO3 in preference to bicarbonate tion.
‘substitutes’. Given a commercial imperative for Fluids with higher in-vivo SID values, for
bicarbonate substitutes, L-lactate is preferred. With example Plasma-Lyte 148 and Isolyte E (Table 1),
inclusion of potassium (not recommended), the should force more rapid correction of a pre-existing
sodium concentration should be reduced by an acidosis. In diabetic ketoacidosis, both Plasma-
equal amount to ensure that the total cation con- Lyte 148 and its congener Plasma-Lyte A pH 7.4
centration remains at 154 mEq/l. clearly accelerate the rate of resolution of metabolic

304 Volume 19  Number 4  August 2013

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The ideal crystalloid -- what is ‘balanced’? Morgan

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306 Volume 19  Number 4  August 2013

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The ideal crystalloid -- what is ‘balanced’? Morgan

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