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Our youngsters are more worried about their grades than unplanned pregnancy and binge-

drunk. Generation Z those were born since 1997 has been researched about their thoughts and common
problem in their peer. The researcher found out hath generation Z are more hedonistic, better behaved
but more alone than generation Y those are called millennial living after 1980 and early in 1990.

Pew research center had a report about this generation’s mental health. In 2018s pew asked
920 American students between age13-17 about their own and their peer’s biggest problems. The
studies showed they are less concerned about unplanned pregnancy a binge- drunk and agreed about
the depression and anxiety among their peer. During research teens from poor households seemed
more worried that those who were from rich households but by all mean both were deeply affected.
But, question is here, what is the most effective reason for problems?

According to the surveys, they found that social media is making teens more isolated can effect
negatively on their morality. Another reason is their grads that is approximately the most important
issue among youngsters and they think that they have no enough time to spend on anything but
working on their grads. They even accepted and almost have no problem with drinking if can help the
about their scores and grades.

Today, a fifth of the American, adults are living with mental health conditions according to the
recent researches of national institute of mental health. WHO estimated that depression and anxiety
disorder cost the global economy about $1trn each year.

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