Exercise 4 Going To. Intention or Prediction 2 (5)

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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras en el Valle de Sula

English III

Exercise 3 Future Tense. Prediction or Intention

Instruction. Read and mark which going to sentences are PREDICTIONS and which are
plan or INTENTIONS. (Write the word on the line)

Note. Remember a prediction represents something you don´t have the control on it.
Intention represents something is in your hand do it,

What is work going to be like for young people? We asked some high school
graduates for their plans and predictions for the world of work. This is what they
told us.

1. "I'm not going to be like my parents ______Intentions______________.

They have a DVD rental store. I'm going to change the business so that everything is
Saul, 17
2. "We're all going to live on the moon. _______Predictions_____________, so, I'm going
to be a space pilot and fly people to the moon and back
Mariana, 16

3. "We're not going to educate our kids in the same way in the future.
___Predictions_____________ We're gonna use video games to teach kids.
_______intentions______________. I'm gonna be an educational video games
Laisa, 18
4. "Humans are not going to use cars forever. ____Predictions_______________ I think
we're going to be able to teleport pretty soon"_________predictions________________
Margarita, 17
5. "I'm not going to work in an office. _________intetions______________. With new
technology everyone is going to be able to
Chris, 19
6. "Politics is a career that's not going to change. ____Predictions_________________
Even if you don't like politicians, this is a safe job and this is what I'm going to
Javier, 16
7. "Because we can print in 3D now, soon we're not going to need construction workers
______predictions_________________and we'll be able to 'print' new houses. I'm going
to work in this business."__________intentions______________
Marco, 18

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