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What is Chartered Engineer?

 Chartered Engineer is an exclusive badge that one can add to their

professional life that describes the knowledge, expertise, and
competence in the field of Engineering. This Certificate is recognized by
government, corporate & industries.
 Chartered Engineer is the honorary accreditation in engineering.

Eligibility Criteria for Chartered Engineer Certificate

 Applicant must have a Bachelor in Engineering in any stream

(Mechanical, Electrical, IT, Civil etc.) & 5 Years of professional work

How to become professionally registered in India?

1) To join Professional Engineering Institution like Indian Engineers of India

(IEI), Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET) etc. to assess
candidates for CEng registration. The institution you choose is most
likely to be one that relates to your engineering discipline. Required fees
to be paid for application to join as a member.

2) Professional Engineering Institution gives membership through

assessment of submitted documents of academic qualification & work

3) As per guidelines of institution and as soon as you feel that you are able
to demonstrate the required technical and personnel competence, apply
for assessment by your institution along with fees payment. Based on
successful assessment, institution issues Chartered Engineer

Roles & Responsibilities of a Chartered Engineer

1. Solution for Complex Engineering Problem

Characterized by their ability, Chartered Engineers offer appropriate solutions to

complex engineering problems using existing or new technologies through creativity,
innovation, technical & fundamental analysis in multiple fields.

2. Inspection of Shipping of Industrial equipment

Chartered Engineers are only authorized to perform validation and inspection for any
industrial equipment or machinery before shipping.

3. Analyse problems and provide solutions

Organizations often require chartered engineers to help them grow by identifying

and nullifying problems. As a certified chartered engineer, you need to scrutinize the
situation and offer a feasible solution concerning the organization’s interests.

4. Perform valuation of Plant and Machinery

Organizations prepare a balance sheet at the end of March, during the end of a
financial year. The tally of assets and liabilities should be appropriately matched.
That’s where chartered engineer certificate holders have a role to play. Evaluating
and recording the right value of plants and machinery is crucial.

5. Perform valuation of Plant and Machinery

Organizations prepare a balance sheet at the end of March, during the end of a
financial year. The tally of assets and liabilities should be appropriately matched.
That’s where chartered engineer certificate holders have a role to play. Evaluating
and recording the right value of plants and machinery is crucial.

6. Involvement in the Auction process

An auction process involves the right valuation and validation of assets so that its
auction price can be desirable. Like in mergers and acquisitions, chartered engineers
in India are required in the auction process done by banks.

Other Career Scope in Chartered Engineering

 Chartered Engineer can works as a valuer, loss assessor in banks,

insurance companies and financial organizations.
 Chartered Engineer can works in central Excises & customs, High courts
and other govt. bodies
 Chartered Engineer can work as a chartered Civil Engineer on civil works
of different government projects
 Chartered Engineer can work independently as a consultant in India and
foreign countries

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