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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Subject: English
Grade: 6
Time Allotment: 50 minutes, 4 days a week


I Identify real or make- EN6VC- 1 Define and identify which are
believe, fact or non-fact IIIa-6.2 real, make believe, fact or non-
images fact images based on the
different images viewed.
2 Determine if the statements
1 imply real or make-believe, fact
or non-fact images
3 Relate each word to real life
experiences by supplying the
missing word in each short
4 Write sentences which are real
and make-believe.
1 Identify real or maker-believe,
fact or non-fact through a
language game puzzle.
2 Draw one best character of
2 one’s choice whether real or
make-believe story
3 Compose a one paragraph
description of the drawing in
Day 2.
4 Recite to the class the
description of the best
character drawn in Day 3.
Interpret the meaning EN5VC- 1 View and interpret visual media
suggested in visual IIIf-3.8 presentation inviting on visual
media through a focus elements and social distancing
on visual elements, for 2 Identify different lines found in
example, line, symbols, the media presentation
colour, gaze, framing 3 Recognize the colour found in
and social distance the visual elements
3 4 Associate the colour, line, frame
and colour found in the visual
media presentation with

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respect to social distancing
4 1 Give common frame usually
found in both the school and
2 Show how colour express one’s
3 Create a visual presentation
using line, colour, symbols and
frame to express one’s
4 Relate colour that signify
meaning to specific situation
(neon orange-used for workers
that works along the highways)
5 1 Recall concept on visual
elements and relate to real life
implications through
group/individual work activity.
2 Interpret short stories through
audio-video presentations like
“The Parable of a Good
Samaritan”, “The Ants and the
Grasshopper”, The Happy
Giver”,” The Forgiving Father”,
“The Grateful Son”.
3 Note down the values and
implications on the video
presentation (real stories/news
documentaries). Class
discussion and sharing with the
4 Differentiate printed stories
(story books) from visual media
presentation. Develop the
values displayed in the audio-
video presentation into a habit
and put in a real life situation.
Establish one value per day for
the whole of the first quarter.
Make connections EN6VC- 6 1 Retell information viewed from
between information IVd-1.4 television or social media forum
viewed and personal (tri-media).
experiences 2 Relate information viewed to
personal experiences by using
example to deepen expression.
3 Relate information and personal
views and experiences to the
whole class.
4 Describe emotions and feelings
after the information viewed or
heard. Sharing of one’s
reactions/feelings with the
7 1 Connect information viewed or
heard to personal or real life
experiences through
composition writing.
2 Draw real life experiences to
express emotions and feelings
3 Retell information viewed on
television or any media
platforms to one’s own
4 Organize through the use of
graphic organizers to show
relationship between viewed
and personal experiences
8 1 Match the words and the
picture to show a story
2 Recognize simple personal
experience and the lesson it
teaches about
3 Outline important details in the
information viewed
4 Rate the information based on
personal judgement
II Identify the purpose, EN6RC- 1 1 Define the meaning of
key structural and IIIa-3.2.8 informational/factual text
language features of through specific definition
various types of 2 Give examples of informational
information/factual text text such as biographies,
autobiographies of Filipino
heroes and local leaders with
remarkable achievements.
3 Show examples of factual text
through news reports,
interviews, recipes, records and
4 Differentiate informational and
factual text based on the series
of examples set.
2 1 Identify each of the examples
through a slide deck
presentation/video clips
whether informational/factual
2 Arrange slide deck
presentation/video clips
according to factual text
3 3 Collect information/factual text
4 Assess information/factual text
through reliability test
1 Demonstrate
information/factual text
through examples
2 Organize information according
to its purpose
(inform, persuade etc.)
3 Predict possible information
gather from any language
4 Categorize information/factual
Recognize evaluative EN6LC- 4 1 List down propaganda found in
word choices to detect IIIb-3.1.12 television
biases and propaganda 2 State the biases found in the
devices used by television program series
speakers especially in teleserye (K-drama)
3 Express out feelings after
watching the propaganda or
television program series.
4 Relate the values or feelings
into real life experiences
5 1 Distinguish the television
program series of today and its
2 Cite one television series and
briefly defect biases, twist and
turn in the story
3 Describe personalities that
usually reflects story biases
4 List names of propaganda
during election or even in
everyday situation
6 1 Give one best propaganda seen
over the television
2 List down propaganda
commonly viewed on television
3 Discuss one best character on
television through a monologue
4 Dramatize a scenario on
television in 2-minutes
presentation only
Compare and contrast EN7VC-IV- 7 1 Name important events found
content of materials c-15 in printed materials, non-
viewed to other sources printed and digital materials
of information (print, 2 Associate pictures according to
online & broadcast) print, non-print and digital
3 Demonstrate how print, non-
print and digital materials differ
in terms of presentation, figures
and colors.
4 Provide series of examples for
print, non-print and digital
8 1 Identify print sources of
2 Name several online sources of
3 Create a collage of printed
4 Compare and contrast the
content of materials for print,
online and broadcast sources of
III Present a coherent, EN10LC- 1 1 Define a coherent
comprehensive report IIId-3.18 comprehensive report on an
on differing viewpoints issue
on an issue 2 Describe the steps in making a
comprehensive report on an
3 Discuss viewpoints in a coherent
and comprehensive report on a
certain issue
4 Illustrate through a diagram the
steps on writing a
comprehensive report
2 1 Label the different steps on
writing a comprehensive report
on an issue
2 Examine the steps in writing a
comprehensive report on an
3 Infer a comprehensive report
from a viewpoint on an issue
4 Integrate a coherent
comprehensive report on an
issue differing viewpoints
3 1 Enumerate present issues the
country is facing today
2 Cite important individuals and
its contribution to the present
3 Critique both the positive and
negative effects of the
viewpoints of several famous
personalities on the crisis
4 Compare comprehensive report
of the television reporters on
certain issues (crisis)
4 1 Categorize places using the
present crisis especially on the
government protocol to the
2 Infer the viewpoints of several
television personalities to the
common or ordinary individual
on the crisis
3 Generate possible ideas and
viewpoints from ordinary
4 Summarize viewpoints of ideas
from ordinary individuals and
television personalities on the
Evaluate narratives EN6RC-Ig- 5 1 Explain about the different
based on how the 2.24.1 narrative elements.
author developed the EN6RC-Ig- 2 Discuss character as first
elements 2.24.2 element with several examples.
3 Describe the setting, time, place
of the story or selection.
4 Show conflict, plot and theme
that appear in the story and
how it affects the flow of the
6 1 Use of different narrative
elements to create a simple
2 Indicate the first element found
in the simple story.
3 Compare traits found in the
simple story.
4 Differentiate the characteristic
of each character in a simple
7 1 Describe the setting of the
simple story “ The Beggar”
2 Identify the plot of the simple
story “The Beggar”
3 Assess the purpose of the
author in the story “The Beggar”
4 Evaluate the whole story with
the use of element (character,
setting, plot, conflict)
8 1 Identify the title of the story
2 Classify the story read according
to character
3 Discuss the author’s purpose of
the story
4 Relate the story to the present
situation or real life experiences
IV Compose clear and EN6G-Ig- 1 1 Identify the common
coherent sentences 4.4.1 grammatical structures used in
using appropriate English.
grammatical structure 2 Discuss verb tenses with
(verb tenses, sentence examples.
conjunctions, adverbs) 3 Distinguish conjunctions used in
the sentences.
4 Explain the types of adverbs of
manner, place, time, frequency,
affirmation and negation.
2 1 Examine the different
grammatical structures used in
the sentence
2 Label the words according to its
grammatical structure or based
on how it functions in the
3 Write a simple sentence with
verb tenses according to
time(present, past, future)
4 Analyze carefully the verb
tenses in the sentences
3 1 Compose sentences using
2 Create a picture story to form a
3 Use adverb of manner in a
4 Rearrange the sentence using
adverb of time
4 1 Formulate a sentence using
adverb of place
2 Give examples of adverb of
affirmation & negation
3 Associate picture with the
words using adverb of
4 Differentiate the kinds of
adverbs using examples
Compose a persuasive EN6WC- 5 1 Define persuasive essay.
essay on self-selected IVb-2.2 2 Discuss the different parts of an
topic essay.
3 Practice writing.
4 Write down the second part of
an essay body
6 1 Sketch the mechanics on how to
write an essay
2 Explain how second part of an
essay looks like through series
of examples
3 Outline the whole parts of an
4 Compose briefly the conclusion
of an essay
7 1 Give examples of a selected
topic like : covid-19 pandemic
2 Tell them to give ideas based
from the given situation (covid-
19 pandemic)
3 Describe how present crisis or
situation affects the educational
system especially about
teaching-learning process
4 Express feelings about the crisis
(happy, sad, disappointed etc)
8 1 Predict how the crisis (covid-19)
affects the lives of the people
2 Show through pictures the
situations of today (crisis)
3 Name famous family affected by
the pandemic and how they
cope it
4 Summarize all the ideas to make
a simple and comprehensive
persuasive essay
1. Most Essential Learning Competencies
2. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
3. DepEd Order No. 21, s, 2019

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Head Teacher III

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