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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirement for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Architecture

Submitted by


Guided by




Writing a project of this nature is an arduous task. I was fortunate enough to get help and guidance from
a large number of persons. It is a pleasure to acknowledge them though it is still an inadequate
appreciation of their contributions.

I am grateful to 'Prof. Amit Garg’, Head of the Department of Architecture, GIATP; my supervisor
during the project, who inspired me to take up such an innovative project. Since the beginning, he
offered incisive and valuable suggestions, which significantly influenced my thinking process.

I would also like to thank PROF. SUDHARSHANA

With the exceptions credited, the majority of the illustrations used in this study belongs to me and
were parts of projects in which I have been involved academically. I am indebted to people and
archives who have given their permission to reproduce photographs. Every effort has been made
to trace copyright holders, but in a few cases, this has not been possible.

Date:-............................... NEHA SHARMA

Place :- Kabalana Branch :- Bachelor of Architecture

Semester:- VIITH

In the partial fulfillment of the B. ARCH degree program, this is to certify that NEHA SHARMA has
my guidance and supervision.

(Dissertation guide) (Director)



The aim of this paper is to discuss the idea of bioclimatic architecture from its genesis to the
presentation of the most advanced contemporary methods. Different ways of adapting dwelling to the
climate are compared and analyzed. The basic solutions are commonly found in vernacular building.
Some improvements and modifications can be also observed while particular methods differ depending
on the regional traditions, available materials, developed techniques etc. Today with the application of
cutting-edge technology, bioclimatic building is based on much more advanced systems, both passive
and active. Also, the respect towards nature is declared by most of the architects. However, in many
cases a more detailed investigation reveals the lack of understanding of the complexity and fragileness
of the existing ecosystems. So called green or sustainable buildings, although constructed from
renewable materials and even awarded with energy certificates, are often designed without proper
analysis of the specifics of local environment, neither natural nor cultural. The opportunities created by
the building location, especially in terms of occurring bioclimatic conditions are usually ignored. The
author of this paper describes how indigenous climatic solutions from vernacular building evolve from
simple to more complex systems and how they are smartly combined with the newest technology to
create mature and conscious bioclimatic architecture. Two presented case studies are some of the best
examples illustrating how the concept of bioclimatic architecture works in practice and what
opportunities are created by that.

Chapter — 1
Introduction of the study…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10-16
1.1 Introduction — ecological design………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
1.2 Need of ecological design……………………………………………………………………………………………………………11
1.3 Overview of ecological design……………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
1.4 Applications in design………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12
1.5 Introduction — Bioclimatic architecture……………………………………………………………………………………..13
1.6 Need of bioclimatic architecture…………………………………………………………………………………………………14
1.7 Aims……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
1.9 Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
1.10 Scope………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
1.11 Limitations………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
1.12 Study methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

Chapter - 2
Literature study…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17-35
2.1 CIMATE REVIEW………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18-20
2.1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
2.1.2 Various climate zones………………………………………………………………………………………………………...18-20
1. Hot and dry climate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………18
2. Warm and humid climate………………………………………………………………………………………………..18
3. Moderate climate……………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
4. Cold and cloudy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
5. Cold and sunny……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19
6. Composite climate………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20
2.2.1 Hot and dry climate……………………………………………………………………………………………………………20-22
2.2.2 Warm and humid climate…………………………………………………………………………………………………..22-25
2.2.3 Moderate climate………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26-28
2.2.4 Cold and cloudy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28-30
2.2. 5 Cold and sunny …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………31-32
2.2. 6 Composite climate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….33-35

Chapter – 3
Case studies and case studies analysis………………………………………………………………………………………36-50
3.1 Torrent research center- Ahemdabad………………………………………………………………………………….37-40
3.2 Indian habitat center- Delhi…………………………………………………………………………………………………41-44
3.3 Himurja office building- Shimla…………………………………………………………………………………………..45-48
3.4 case study analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..49-50

Chapter – 4
Conclusions & Reccomdation…………………………………………………………………………………………………..51-52

Chapter – 5

FIG 1 Concept of ecological design

FIG 2 Application of ecological design
FIG 3 Concept of Bioclimatic architecture
FIG 4 Map showing different climatic zones of India
FIG 5 Hot and dry climate
FIG 6 Warm and humid climate
FIG 7 Moderate climate
FIG 8 Cold and cloudy
FIG 9 Cold and sunny
FIG 10 Sun dried brick behavior in hot and dry climate
FIG 11 Sun orientation in hot and dry climate
FIG 12 Size of window opening in hot and dry climate
FIG 13 Thickness and height of wall in hot and dry climate
FIG 14 Roofing technique for hot and dry climate
FIG 15 Rainwater harvesting
FIG 16 Colour of exterior wall for hot and dry climate
FIG 17 Plant and vegetation for hot and dry climate
FIG 18 Façade showing use of shading devices improving both aesthetics and function
FIG 19 Balconies and courtyard placement for hot and dry climate
FIG 20 Form of building for warm and humid climate
FIG 21 Open elongated plan shapes, with single row of rooms
FIG 22 Thermal comforts
FIG 23 Building room model for warm and humid climate
FIG 24 Fenestration
FIG 25 Façade articulation
FIG 26 Design for warm and humid climate
FIG 27 Roofing pattern
FIG 28 Heat transfer between indoor and soil
FIG 29 Buried pipes cooling
FIG 30 Earth to air heat exchange
FIG 31 Earth to air heat exchanger, ventilation by day
FIG 32 Buried pipes

FIG 33 Evaporative cooling mechanism
FIG 34 Radiant cooling
FIG 35 Radiant cooling using geothermal energy
FIG 36 Passive downdraft evaporative cooling
FIG 37 Passive downdraft evaporative cooling
FIG 38 Natural ventilation
FIG 39 Wind tower
FIG 40 Sprinkler
FIG 41 Clustered buildings sharing walls to reduce exposure to cold winds
FIG 42 Building on south orientation
FIG 43 Light coloured smooth paving reflects light and heat
FIG 44 Light width to height ratio allows direct sunlight
FIG 45 Compact form can reduce the exposure to cold
FIG 46 Roofs with skylights heating the interior
FIG 47 Trombe wall
FIG 48 Mud and clay as a building material
FIG 49 Timber for roof
FIG 50 Stone and sand used for walls in Ladakh
FIG 51 Mud and clay house of Leh
FIG 52 Orientation of building in cold and sunny climate
FIG 53 Roof and wall in cold and sunny climate
FIG 54 Compact planning
FIG 55 Building material for cold and sunny climate
FIG 56 Building material for cold and sunny climate
FIG 57 Building orientation for composite climate
FIG 58 Courtyards
FIG 59 Behaviour of roof with pond in summer and winter (day/night)
FIG 60 Behaviour of roof with pond in summer and winter (day/night)
FIG 61 Roof pond for composite climate
FIG 62 Opening control for composite climate
FIG 63 Opening control for composite climate
FIG 64 Verendah
FIG 65 Courtyard

FIG 66 Control of opening in composite climate
FIG 67 Control of opening in composite climate
FIG 68 Zoning of Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 69 Site plan of Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 70 Amphitheatre surrounding of Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 71 Private spaces of Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 72 Sculptures in Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 73 Water harvesting system in Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 74 Water bodies in Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 75 Shading devices used in Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 76 Courtyard effect in Indian Habitat Centre
FIG 77 Torrent research centre, Ahmedabad
FIG 78 Site plan Torrent research centre
FIG 79 Wind tower mechanism in Torrent research centre
FIG 80 Passive downdraft cooling in Torrent research centre
FIG 81 Section diagram showing air flow in building in hot and dry climate
FIG 82 Section diagram showing mechanism of wind tower
FIG 83 Himurja office building, Shimla
FIG 84 Elevation showing material details of Himurja office building
FIG 85 Section showing material details of Himurja office building
FIG 86 Floor plan Himurja office building
FIG 87 Sunspaces in Himurja office building
FIG 88 Elevation of Himurja office building
FIG 89 Winter section of Himurja office building
FIG 90 Summer section of Himurja office building
FIG 91 Section showing Rockbed mechanism
FIG 92 Daylight, solarium, solar chimney, air heating panels
FIG 93 Daylight, sun radiation & heat gain
FIG 94 A view of curved ceiling with glass blocks to distribute daylight and roof-mounted solar water
heating system
FIG 95 Ventilation in Himurja office building


10 | P a g e

Ecological design or Eco design is an approach to designing products and services with special

consideration for the environmental impacts of the product during its whole lifecycle.

Fig 1


Eco design is a growing responsibility and understanding of our ecological footprint on the planet. Green

awareness, overpopulation, industrialization and an increased environmental population have led to the

questioning of consumer values.

It is imperative to search for new building solutions that are environmentally friendly and lead to a

reduction in the consumption of materials and energy.


As the whole product's life cycle should be regarded in an integrated perspective, representatives from

advance development, design, production, marketing, purchasing, and project management should

work together on the Eco design of a further developed or new product.

An eco-design product may have a cradle-to-cradle life cycle ensuring zero waste is created in the

whole process. By mimicking life cycles in nature, eco-design can serve as a concept to achieve a

truly circular economy.

Environmental aspects which ought to be analyzed for every stage of the life cycle are:

• Consumption of resources (energy, materials, water or land area)

• Emissions to air, water, and the ground (our Earth) as being

human health, including noise emissions

11 | P a g e

Eco design concepts currently have a great influence on many aspects of design; the impact of global
warming and an increase in C02 emissions have led companies to consider a more environmentally
conscious approach to their design thinking and process.
In building design and construction, designers are taking on the concept of Eco design throughout the
design process, from the choice of materials to the type of energy that is being consumed and the
disposal of waste.

Fig 2
12 | P a g e

Bioclimatic architecture is a type of ecological construction in which natural elements of the place are
used. Building designs that take into account climate and environmental conditions to achieve thermally
efficient buildings.
The bioclimatic concept uses available natural resources in a building design (sun, vegetation, rain, wind,
etc.). It is adapted and based on the local climate, so passive solar energy plays a fundamental role.
The bioclimatic approach is related to the principle of self - sufficiency. It aims to reduce the
environmental impact caused by fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Homes built using traditional architecture generate gas and CO2 emissions from air conditioning and
heating systems. These emissions harm air quality and promote climate change and the greenhouse
effect. We must adapt the location and orientation in bioclimatic designs to different climatic
conditions. The aim is to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption using passive
systems. Thermal comfort and energy savings are the most important goals.

Fig 3

13 | P a g e

Bioclimatic architecture and eco efficient buildings are beneficial to both building companies and their
users, as well as taking care of the environment and society at large:

• Saving on bills due to better energy management and integration with their surroundings.

• Optimal thermal comfort to keep temperatures stable in any climate and season of the year.

• A lower carbon footprint due to reduced greenhouse gas emissions (G GE) and water
footprint by optimising water consumption.

• Less noise pollution by using insulation.

• Improved sustainable habits by making sparing use of energy and other resources.

• Investment in innovation by using installations including aerothermal heating, renewable

energy and electrical self-consumption.

1.7 AIMS

The main aims of bioclimatic architecture are to create healthy, comfortable homes for the inhabitants
of these buildings, while respecting the environment. To do this, it is essential to avoid using polluting
materials, ensure the wellbeing of local biodiversity and make efficient use of energy, building materials,
water and other resources. The goal is the control of the internal microclimate with passive design
strategies. These strategies minimize mechanical systems' use and maximize heat exchanges' efficiency
between the building and the environment.

In general, in temperate climate regions, there are three thermal phases:

• Winter: solar radiation should be encouraged on the walls and windows to warm the interior.
The main objective is to reduce the energy consumption of heating.

• Summer: it is necessary to protect the building from solar radiation with shade systems. It is
intended to have high thermal inertia and favour the natural ventilation of the building. The goal
is to reduce the energy consumption of air conditioners.

• Mid-Season - Requires the combination of heating and cooling solutions.

14 | P a g e

• Ensuring insulation in winter

• Protection from winter winds

• Minimising heat loss in winter

• Protection from the summer sun

• Exploitation of cool winds in summer

• Removal of excess heat in summer


• The study will be focused on the traditional construction techniques, materials that are used to
achieve functional outcomes.

• This study will be focused on how bio climatic architecture is achieved in different climatic


 Expensive
They are very expensive or, if you want, higher cost than traditional houses.
 New to the market
This very novelty is what has made it difficult to find both the materials and the technicians who
understand about it.
 Involves great amount of knowledge
In fact, sustainable building methods have a creative side and involve a range of knowledge that
is foreign to many architects.

15 | P a g e

16 | P a g e
Chapter - 2 Literature study

17 | P a g e
2.1.2 Various climatic zones

India experiences varied climates ranging from tropical in

the south to temperate and alpine in the Himalayan north.
Snowfall is received by elevated areas during winters.
India has Tropical monsoon type of climate. These
varied climates occur due to vast area and latitudinal
differences. Climate of India is divided into five
different zones known as climate zones.
Following are the name of climate zones of India:


Fig 4

1. Hot and dry climate

• Hot dry weather in summer and cold in winter

• Very little rainfall
• Very low humidity
• Sandy or rocky ground with very low vegetation
• High temp. Difference between night and day
• Hot winds and frequent dust-storms
• High summer day time temp. (320 c - 36 'c). High solar
• Under this zone are Jaisalmer jodhpur and Sholapur Fig 5

2. Warm and humid

• The diurnal variation in temperature is quite low.

• In summer, temperatures can reach as high as 30 – 35oc
during the day, and 25 – 30O C at night.
• In winter, the maximum temperature is between
25 to 30oc during the day and 20 to 25 O C at night.
• Precipitation is also high, being about 1200 mm per year
or even more the wind is generally from one or two
prevailing directions with speeds ranging from extreme
low to very high. Fig 6
• Cities under this zone are Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.

18 | P a g e
3. Moderate

• Located on hilly or high-plateau regions with

fairly abundant vegetation.
• The temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold.
In summers, the temperature reaches 30 – 34 O C
during the day and 17 – 24O C at night
• In winter, the maximum temperature is between
27 to 33O C during the day and 16 to 18O C at night.
The relative humidity is low in winters and summers,
varying from 20 - 55%, and going up to 55 - 90% during
• Cities under this zone are Pune and Bangalore.
• The total rainfall usually exceeds 1000 mm per year. Fig 7

4. Cold and sunny

• The region is mountainous, has little vegetation,

and is considered to be a cold desert.
• In summer the temperature reaches 17-24o c
during the day and 4-11o c at night.
• In winter, the values range from -7 to 8o c
during the day and -14 to 0o c at night.
• The relative humidity is consistently low
ranging from about 10 - 50 %.
• Precipitation is generally less than 200 mm per year.
• Cold and sunny the cold and sunny type of
climate is experienced in leh ( ladakh ). Fig 8

5. Cold and cloudy

• Most cold and cloudy regions are situated at

high altitudes
• In summer, the maximum ambient temperature
is in the range of 20 – 30o c during the day and
17-27o c at night, making summers quite pleasant
• In winter, the values range between 4 and 8 o c
during the day and from –3 to 4o c at night,
making it quite chilly.
• The relative humidity is generally high and ranges
from 70 - 80 %.
• Annual total precipitation is about 1000 mm and is
distributed evenly throughout the year.
• Shimla, Shillong, Srinagar and Mahabaleshwar are
examples of places belonging to this climatic zone. Fig 9

19 | P a g e
6. Composite

• The composite climate zone covers the central part of India.

• In summers day time temperature is 32-45 degree Celsius and during night time temperature is
27-32 degree Celsius.
• In winters day time temperature is 10-25 degree Celsius and in night time temperature is degree
• Monsoon winds come from south-east and north-east.



1. Sun dried bricks

 Sun-dried bricks are well Known to be the poorest conductors of heat hence they make
a great choice for the exteriors of the buildings designed in
a hot and dry climate.
 The inspiration probably came from one of the oldest
civilizations of the world, Mohenjo-daro that is made of
sun-dried bricks to adapt to hot temperatures. Fig 10

2. North-South Orientation
 Orientation is the most basic and prominent element to
consider while designing in a hot and dry climate.
 The orientation of the building should help in minimizing
sun exposure during summer and provide warmth during
winter, for which the longer walls of the buildings should
face the North and South and avoid west orientation. Fig 11

3. Small window openings

 As much as it is vital to provide ventilation it is also
necessary to keep the size of the windows small and
minimal in number as to reduce heat when designing in
a hot and dry climate.
 One of the examples of this feature would be the
traditional Bungha house, which is several hundred
years old and displays simple but effective features to
beat the heat. Among the many features is the two little
windows that act as one of the three openings in total
to provide ventilation at the same time minimize heat.
These houses are so simple in their mode of construction,
that they can be built in 30 days with minimal labor but Fig 12
possess efficiency.

20 | P a g e
4. Thick and high exterior walls
 Another great feature to be used in these regions is the
usage of thick and high walls with insulation. Two sides
of concrete walls with the insulation material in the
middle is a smart solution to both temperature-related
issues as it helps in keeping the interiors cool during
summer and warm during winter.
 Houses of Kashan utilize this strategy in their architecture
to provide maximum protection from heat and also
provide shade. Fig 13

5. Roofing
 Roofs suffer the most direct contact with the sun
receiving solar radiation throughout the year that affects
the ambient temperature. Hence roofs become an
essential element to consider while designing for a hot
and dry climate. A double roof or single white roof is
preferred as they reflect heat to the maximum extent
along with a damp roof.
 Features like a terrace garden or a roof pool may
also come in handy while battling this predicament. Fig 14

6. Rainwater
 Dome roofs join to a container of some sorts surrounding
the building helps in storing rainwater that might help in
reducing the interior temperature as well as provide
preparedness during the dry summer season while
designing in a hot and dry climate. Fig 15

7. Colour
 White walls are preferred in the exteriors as they reflect
heat, given their high reflection ratio. Cool colors are
chosen in interiors for their adaptability to temperatures.
Mediterranean houses act as an example for this feature
as well. Fig 16

8. Plants and vegetation

 Other than water, plants act as a cooling element in the
regions of the hot and dry climate, and that is why
vegetation plays a key role. They help in the purification
of air along with increasing the humidity. They are
placed in and around the building, preferably in the
Fig 17

21 | P a g e
façade, terrace, or courtyard, providing natural shade and maintaining a lower temperature
during the summer. The Parekh House by Charles Correa in Ahmedabad has a garden near
the façade which acts as a cooling agent also providing shade during the daytime.

9. Shading devices/ Elements

 While designing in a hot and dry climate, it is important to
place shading devices such as awning, shutters, or
pergolas to prevent the excessive heat directly penetrating
the façade. Devices like visors can be provided on the roof,
offering protection to the façade from extreme radiations and
thus maintaining a comfortable temperature in the interiors.
 The curtain wall system of Al Bahar in Abu Dhabi consists
of hi-tech sunscreens that are controlled via a
management system to provide maximum heat protection
for the facade. Fig 18
 Also, the shading of openings in Havelis of Jaipur, be it courtyards, doors, or windows, was
 done in a beautiful manner. Jharokha windows were effective to block the harsh sun rays
 but allow cool air to enter inside.

10. Balconies/ Courtyard/ Verandahs

 These spaces help in cross ventilation and, when covered
with pergola and plants, can act as cooling systems
helping in reducing the temperature of the interiors
when connected. The Arabic houses that are built in a
hot climate to sustain extreme temperatures have
a central patio around where other spaces are
designed in a layout. Fig 19


1. Form and Planning

 Building will have to be opened up to breezes and orientated to catch whatever air
movement there is. Failure to do this would produce indoor conditions always warmer than
a shaded external space which is open to air movement.
 In this type of climate buildings tend to have open elongated plan shapes, with a single row
of rooms to allow cross- ventilation. Such rooms may be accessible from open verandahs or
galleries, which also provide shading. Door and window openings are, or should be, as large
as possible, allowing a free passage of air.
 Groups of buildings also tend to be spread out. Extended plans, in a line across the
prevailing wind direction, afford low resistance to air movement and is therefore the ideal
 As the openings are far larger than in hot-dry climates, the shading devices will be much
larger on both counts. Openness and shading will be the dominant characteristics of the

22 | P a g e
 Shading of all vertical surfaces, of both openings and solid walls will be beneficial. This task
will be much easier, if the building height is kept down. Very often the roof will extend far
beyond the line of walls, with broad overhanging eaves, providing the necessary shading to
both openings and wall surfaces.

Fig 20

Fig 21

23 | P a g e
2. Thermal comfort
 Comfort has been defined as the condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the

Fig 22

Fig 23
3. Fenestration
 Semi – open spaces for light and air movement
 Larger windows for ventilation.

Fig 24

24 | P a g e
4. Facade articulation
 Max. ventilation
 Orientation of smaller side of structure along east-west
 North-south orientation for maximum air movement
 High density of façade that is open and yet shaded.
 Faint/pale colors on outer surfaces
 Building materials with insulating/reflecting properties
that resist heat transfer.
Fig 25

Fig 26
5. Roofing pattern
 Voids in roof and courtyards provide max. light and cross ventilation
 Houses are tall with large openings to catch breeze
 Light colors and reflective surfaces on roofs will deflect solar radiations and keep the building
 Light materials such as timber are used in Construction Sloping roof is a characteristic of these
regions as it drains off rain water. Barrel vaulted roof can also be seen.
 Dense growth of plantations in the outdoors.

Fig 27

25 | P a g e
BUILDING MATERIALS USED:- Floor:-Lime stone Walls: stone masonry with lime motor Roof: Stone slabs
with lime concrete screed cover for flat roof.

1. Earth air contact

 Soil temper at a depth of about 12 feet or more stays fairly constant throughout the year
and is approximately equal to the average annual ambient air temperature the ground can
therefore be used as a heat sink for cooling in the summer and as a heat source for heating
in the winter
 For Bangalore the temperature below 12 ft is 24 deg .c and it is constant though the year in
Delhi the earth’s temperature at a depth of about 12 ft. is nearly constant at a level of
about 23dg c throughout the year .
 There are two strategies for using this principle are
(a) Direct earth contact cooling techniques, and
(b) Buried pipes cooling

1A. Direct earth contact

The building may be coupled with earth either by conduction, i.e., Where the building envelope is
in contact with the deep earth by burying or beaming.

 Limited infiltration and heat losses
 solar and heat protection,
 Reduction of noise and vibration
 Fire and storm protection
 Improved security.

 Inside condensation
 Slow response to changing conditions
 Poor day lighting and
 Poor indoor air quality Fig 28

1B. Buried pipes cooling

Concept – to pass air though an underground air tunnel the air thus cooled or heated can be used
directly for the conditioned space or indirectly with air conditioners of heat pumps the concept of
buried pipes involves the use of metallic or PVC pipes buried at 1 to 4m in depth (Sinha and
goswami, 1987).

Advantage of the system:

 Low energy : 1/3rd of the conventional AC system
power requirement
 Better indoor air quality
 100% fresh air circulation in the premises
 Min of 28 deg . C can be maintained during peak summer
Fig 29

26 | P a g e
 buried pipes technique, low-energy `sd worx ‘
 by day , an earth-to-air heat exchanger cools down
the supply air flow
 Concrete tubes with a diameter 80cm and length of
40cm each buried 3 to 5m deep and connected
ventilation system
 The maximum temperature is summer never exceeds
22 deg.c on the first floor
 The maximum temperature is between 23.5deg.c and
26deg.c on the 2nd floor Earth-to-air heat exchanger, Fig 30
ventilation by day

Fig 31 Fig 32

2. Evaporative cooling - Roof pond cooling system

 Evaporative cooling: lowers the indoor air
temperature evaporative water
 In dry climates this is commonly done directly
in the space
 But indirect methods such as roof ponds allow
evaporative cooling to be used in more moderate
climates too.
Fig 33
3. Radiant cooling – structural slab cooling
 Exchanging thermal energy space though convection
and radiation
 structural slab radiant cooling system
 This is a surface cooling system where
 water tubes are placed in the roof slab that absorbs the
heat from heat source in the heat and exchanges
it with the circulating water
 the warm water is then pumped to a chiller or a geothermal
heat exchanger, re-cooled heat returned to the slab. Fig 34

27 | P a g e
 Maximum comfort
 draft sensed temperature
 lower energy costs
 Architectural freedom
 Minimum maintenance
 Same pipes for heating and cooling Fig 35

4. Passive downdraft evaporative cooling (PDEC) with night sky cooling

 The system comprises a down draft evaporative
 cooling tower the fine drops of water is sprayed
 vertically downwards with the help of mirconisers.
 it is possible to achieve 26 deg.c in peak summer
 It is possible to achieve of 16 deg,c in Hyderabad
 using this system
 (PDEC) tower for providing comfort
 tinted glasses to reduce glare
 Complex walls (granite blocks – outer side
 Rat-trap bond brick walls on the inside) to reduce heat
 Filler slabs
 a center atrium to enhance cross ventilation and daylighting
 solar PV lighting and pumps Fig 36
 Rainfall harvesting and water conservation facilities

Fig 37 Fig 38

Fig 39 Fig 40

28 | P a g e
1. Site
 Landform - In cold climates, heat gain is desirable.Hence,
buildings should be located on the south slope of a hill or
mountain for better access to solar radiation .
 Open spaces and built form - Buildings in cold climates Fig 41
should be clustered together to minimise exposure to cold
winds .Open spaces must be such that they allow
maximum south sun. They should be treated with a hard
and reflective surface so that they reflect solar radiation
onto each other.
 Street width and orientation - The street orientation should
be east- west to allow for maximum south sun to enter the
building. The street should be wide enough to ensure that
the buildings on one side do not shade those on the other
side. Fig 42

2. Orientation and planform

 In the cold zones, the buildings must be compact with
small S/V ratios . This is because the lesser the surface
area, the lower is the heat loss from the building.
 Windows should preferably face south to encourage
direct gain.
 The north side of the building should be well-insulated. Fig 43
Living areas can be located on the southern side while
utility areas such as stores can be on the northern side.
 Air-lock lobbies at the entrance and exit points of the
building reduce heat loss.
 The heat generated by appliances in rooms such as
kitchens may be recycled to heat the other parts
of the building.
Fig 44
3. Building envelope
 Roof - False ceilings are a regular roof feature of houses
in cold climates. One can also use internal insulation such
as polyurethane foam (PUF), thermocol, wood wool, etc.
A sloping roof enables quick drainage of rain water and snow.
 Walls - Walls should be of low U-value to resist heat loss.
The south-facing walls could be of high thermal capacity
to store day time heat for later use rest of the walls should
also be insulated. Hollow and lightweight concrete blocks Fig 45
are also suitable . On the windward or north side, a cavity
wall can be adopted.
 Fenestration - It is advisable to have the maximum window
area on the southern side of the building to facilitate direct
heat gain. They should be sealed and double glazed.
Double glazing helps to avoid heat losses during winter nights
 Colour and texture - The external surfaces of the walls should
be dark in colour for high absorptivity to facilitate heat gains. Fig 46

29 | P a g e
4. Trombe wall
 A Trombe wall is a system for indirect solar heat gain and, although not extremely common, is a
good example of thermal mass, solar gain, and glazing properties used together to achieve
human comfort goals passively.
 It consists of a dark coloured wall of high thermal mass facing the sun, with glazing spaced in
front to leave a small air space. The glazing traps solar radiation like a small greenhouse.
 A successful Trombe wall optimizes heat gain and minimizes heat loss during cold times, and
avoids excess heat gain in hot times.

Fig 47

5. Building material
 The building is an innovative articulation of material like stone mud clay.
 In ladakh houses are very close to each other.
 All the building construction material used is locally available like the stone and sand of which
the walls are made, the timber is also readily available. - Mud and clay house in ladakh

Fig 48 Fig 49

Fig 50 Fig 51

30 | P a g e
2.2.5 Cold and sunny

1. Orientation
 Orientation and shape of building. Use of trees as wind barriers
 Decrease exposed surface area Fig 52
 The sun’s movement through the day and through the year is one of the most crucial
environmental factors to understand when designing high performance buildings. Altitude is
the vertical angle the sun makes with the ground plane (0° < alt < 90°). Azimuth is the
horizontal angle between the sun and true north (–180° < azi < 180°, positive in a clockwise
direction from north)

2. Roof and wall

 Roof insulation, wall insulation and double glazing.
 Building will have sloping roof.
 Timber panneled wall will be used instead of brick or stone masonry.
 By direct gain through thermal storage walls exposed to the sun -Glazed windows on east,
west, south sides.
 Increase thermal resistance
 Decrease of heat loss
 High thermal insulation of roof and walls
 High compound wall providing shelter from wind Humidity control by
absorption/desorption of unburnt brick walls.
 Balance of temperature fluctuation by massive wall construction.

Fig 53
3. Planning
 Compact and clustered planning
 Houses made up of mud and stone clay.

Fig 54
31 | P a g e
4. Building materials
 For plinth and floor: stone masonry with mud mortar or cement mortar finish
 For walls: unburnt bricks masonry with mud mortar and cow dung finish
 For ceiling and roof: wooden planks and twigs with a layer of dry grass, covered with

Fig 55

Fig 56
2.2.6 Composite

1. Orientation
 In composite climate the orientation of the buildings is
preferable in North-East & South-West Directions.
 This helps in receiving less radiations which results in
lesser heat gain & reduces the overall air conditioning
requirement thus saves energy
 Proper orientation also helps in receiving natural light Fig 57
& ventilation

2. Forms and planning

 Open spaces such as courtyards are beneficial.
 Buildings should be grouped in such a way as to take
advantage of prevailing breezes during the short periods
when air movement is necessary.
 A moderately dense low rise is also suitable for this
climate , which will ensure protection of outdoor spaces. Fig 58
Mutual sharing of external walls , shelter from the wind in the cold season, shelter from
dust and reduction of surfaces exposed to solar radiation.

32 | P a g e
3. Roofs and walls
 Roofs and external walls should be constructed of solid masonry or concrete to have a
9-12 hours time lag in heat transmission.
 Resistance insulation should be placed at the outside surfaces of external walls or roots.
Insulation on the inside would only reduce the beneficial effects of high thermal
capacity of walls and roofs.
 The roof pond building type, the passive collector storage mass has been relocated
,from the Floor & wall of building into the roof for radiant heat distribution to the
occupied space

3A. Roof

 The roof pond system requires a body of water to

be located in the roof, protected controlled by
exterior movable insulation .
 This body of water is exposed to direct solar gain
which absorbs & stores. Since thermal storage
of ceiling of the building it will radiate uniform
low temperature. Fig 59

Fig 60 Fig 61

3B. Openings
 Orientation of buildings is determined by 2 factors suitable
 Towards the breeze prevailing during the warm humid season to utilize its cooling
 Towards the sun during cold season, to utilize the heating effect of radiation entering
through the windows.
 Large openings in opposite walls are suitable which helps in cross ventilation.

Fig 62 Fig 63

33 | P a g e
4. External spaces
 A courtyard is a most pleasant outdoor spaces for most of the year because it excludes
the winds and traps the sun.
 The courtyard should be designed in such a way so as to allow sun penetration during
winter season, but also provides shading in hot season.
 Large projecting eaves and wide verandah are in deeded in composite climate as
outdoor living areas, to reduce sky glare and keep out of the rain and provide shade.

Fig 64 Fig 65

5. Ventilation

5A. Position of openings :

 In buildings air movements must be insured through he spaces mostly used by

occupants through the living zone( up to 2mts high).

5B. Size of openings;

 The largest air velocity will be obtained through a small inlet opening with large outlet.

 The west arrangement is full wall openings on both sides with adjustable sashes or
closing devices which can assist in channelling the air flow in required direction.

5C. Controls of openings:

•A gap between the building face and canopy would ensure a downward pressure . Thus a
flow is directed into the living zone.

Fig 66 Fig 67

34 | P a g e
6. Building mateirials

Traditional Method Modern Method

 Usually Roofing was made of stone  Usually made of concrete slabs. The
slabs of 50mm. thickness of slab is 150mm.

 Stone walls of 400-500 mm in  The thickness of wall is 230mm.

 The roof is mainly made of bamboo  Roofs are made of RCC slabs.
 Ventilation slits have been  Roof gardens which play a major roll
provided in the roofing. in insulating the building.

35 | P a g e

36 | P a g e

LOCATION: - Lodhi Road, Near Airforce Bal Bharati School, New Delhi, Delhi 110003
ARCHITECT: - Joseph Allen Stein
TOTAL BUILD-UP AREA: - 97000 sq. m
PARKING: - 1000 cars basement parking

1. Courtyard people sitting on the steps around the plants.

2. Amphitheatre group people use.
3. Along the visual art gallery lawn.
4. Front of the stein auditorium.
5. Lawn people use it as private space.

Fig 68

37 | P a g e

A Margosa Lawn
B Silk Cotton Lawn
C Ernerald Garden
D Amphitheatre
E The Plaza
F The Hub
G Convention Center
H Silver Oak Lawn


A Gate 1
B Gate 2
C Gate 3
D Gate 3A

Fig 69

Activity of the people along the amphitheater,

people use the for sitting and during lunch
time people sit here in group and eating the
lunch. Grouping prefer commonly amphitheater for sitting.

Fig 70

38 | P a g e
Private spaces people use for the

Fig 71

Stone sculpture and the use of

stone pebbles in courtyard.

Fig 72

Water harvesting in the gardens,

in the building more than 60% area
is covered for the landscape

Fig 73

Water bodies in the building around

the courtyard. On the front of

Fig 74

Shading effect in courtyard

through the reflectors.

Fig 75

39 | P a g e
The courtyard being green, creates an image of
a tropical rainforest with a constant airy flow
through the spaces.
The buildings blocks being separate create
interesting courtyards landscape with stone
sculpture and in green through outs.

Fig 76


• Segregation of pedestrian and vehicular entry with the use of level differences creates a
different approach to the complex.
• The height of the buildings is 30m. Connected by aerial walkways.
• The entire facade is cladded with red bricks giving a majestic look.
• Use of horizontal and vertical ribbon windows having slots in them for plantation purpose.
• The building blocks being separated create interesting courtyards landscaped with stone
sculptures and is green throughout.
• The courtyard being green, creates an image of a tropical rainforest with a constant airy flow
through the spaces.
• Sunlight Streams into The Complex Creating beautiful patterns on the textured surface with the
time of the day.
• The spaces are quiet except for the sounds of the gurgling fountains that relieves the
surroundings with the heat.
• The ventilation shafts are well design providing sunlight to the basement.
• Well-designed drainage system eliminates use of rainwater pipes and adds to the beauty of the
• Use of shading devices reflect back 70% of the summer heat. It is designed as a space frame
structure with blue reflectors that can be aligned providing shade during summer and allows
winter sun to enter.

40 | P a g e

Location: CIDC ghat, Bhat, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Architect and interior consultants: Nimish Patel and Parul Zaveri, Abhikram, Ahmedabad.
Total built-up area -19700Sqm
Project period :1994.1999

 The Torrent Research Centre (Gujarat, India) is a complex of research laboratories with
supporting facilities and infrastructures, locates on the outskirts Of Ahmedabad. This building
uses passive downdraft evaporative cooling for a large-scale Office building and demonstrates
that it is possible to achieve human comforts in dry hot regions without using regular HVAC
system and without compromising the cost of construction.
 This complex of research laboratories was designed to provide human comfort within the
building, with minimum use of electrical energy or mechanical appliances. A technique, based
on passive ventilation and evaporative cooling, was developed and tested with a pilot laboratory
before being applied to the ensemble. The result is the dramatic ventilation towers which are
the project's distinctive feature.
 Passive Downdraft Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) was attempted through a system of designated
inlets and outlet shafts which as a consequence of their locations, sizes and heights, and through
their complex but simulated and in-depth researched configuration, generate the required
movement of air in different spaces without using any mechanical or electrical energy.
 India s largest Passive Cooled Building for the past 14 years, with its energy consumption at
119th Of India s high end consumption and 114th Of energy benchmark recommended by TERI
 Torrent Research Centre is a complex of pharmaceutical research laboratories, with its
supportive and ancillary facilities and infrastructure.

Fig 77

41 | P a g e

 The design of the building facilitates generating an air draft, assuming still air conditions.
 The air heats up in the peripheral shafts, rises and escape through the openings at the top.
 The air in the volume gets replaced from the usable spaces, which in turn receives its own
replacement through the concourse area, on top of which the air inlets are located.
 The entering air is sprinkled with a fine spray of water mist at the inlets, during hot
temperature outside.
 At each floor levels, sets of hopper windows designed to catch the descending flow, can be
used to divert some of the cooled air into adjacent space having passed through the
space, the air then exits via high level glass louvers opening with connect directly to the
perimeter exhaust shaft towers that suck the air and design create a circulation across the
building insuring the displacement of fresh air along the day.

Fig 78

 During the warm humid monsoon when use of the

sprayed water would be inappropriate, the ceiling
are brought into operation to provide additional air
movement in the office and laboratories.
 In the cooler season the operating strategy is designed
to control the ventilation, particularly at night, to
minimize heat loss this is done simply by the users
adjusting the hooper windows and opening in
their individual spaces to suit their requirements.
 Overall control of the solar heat gain is achieved
by design of the glazing. Fig 79

42 | P a g e

Cool season strategy Hot season strategy Monsoon seasons strategy

(October - February) (March - June) (July - September)

• Minimize ventilations rates. • Passive evaporative • Maximize ventilation rate

cooling. with micronisers.

• Intels closed by shutters. • Micronisers provided a • Maximize ventilation rate

downdraft of cool air. with micronisers.
• Exhaust also closed by • Ambient temperature 410C • Ceiling and wall fans to
shutter. to 430C„ induce air movement in
the same direction as
natural flow.
• Encourage ventilation • Insulated building mass • Air speed upper limit
during the day. and roof. 1.5mtlsec.

• Insulated walls and roof • High air change rates • Possibly close all exhaust in
reduces heat losses. achievable (6-9). the afternoon

• Close inlets and • Micronisers to be

exhausts at night. controlled by reference
to ambient temperature
and relative humidity.

43 | P a g e

 Evaporation cooling has been used for many centuries

in parts of the middle east, notably Iran and Turkey.
In this system, wind catchers guides outside air over
water-filled pots, including evaporation and causing a
significant drop in temperature before the air enters
the interiors.
 Such wind catchers become primary elements of the
architectural form also.
 Passive downdraught evaporation cooling is
particularly effective in hot and dry climates. It has
been used to effectively cool the Torrent research
center in Ahmedabad.

Fig 80

 The consequences of this major experiment have

been under observation since the first occupation of
the building and will continue to be carried for the
coming years.
 In the summers, the inside temperature have generally
not exceeded 310C to 320C, when the outside
temperature has risen up to 440C, a 120C-130C drop.
 The temperature fluctuation inside the building have
rarely exceeded beyond 30C to 4 over any 24 hour
period, when the temperature fluctuations outside
were as much as to 170C.
 The economic viability of the project is demonstrated
by the following indicators, which are computed for
the total project, on the basis of the results from the
building under observation.
 Additional civil works cost of the project including Fig 81
insulation etc. works out to about 12Xt013Xof the
conventional building.
 200 m. tonnes of amount energy is saved from Air-
conditioning plant.
 The cumulative capital cost of the civil works and the
A.C. plant works out of approx. 501akhs more than the
conventionally designed buildings.

Fig 82

44 | P a g e

The Himurja building is a multi-storeyed office that is located on a sharply sloping site and
employs a number of passive solar strategies well suited for the Cold and Cloudy climate of
Shimla. It is also a good example of how to integrate renewable energy systems into the design
of a building.

 Solar Radiation: Low in winter with high
percentage of diffuse radiation
 Temperature :Summer Midday:- 20-30 deg. C ;
Summer night:-17-21 deg. C;
Winter Midday:-4-8 deg. C;
Winter night: -3 to -4 deg. C
 Relative humidity: Varies between 70% to 80%
 Precipitation: Moderate, distributed evenly
throughout year. Annual total around 1000 mm
 Winds: Generally intense, especially during rainfall.
mainly dependent on topography. Fig 83
 Sky Condition: Overcast for most part of the year.
 Vegetation: Highland regions with abundant vegetation in summer

BUILDING Description

Typology 4 storeyed building of built up

area 635 sq. m terraced with an
existing building. The ground
and first floor are coupled with
the earth.
Structure RCC Structure Fig 84
Roof System Well insulated sloping roof clad
with metal sheets and ideally
oriented solar panel
Wall System Stone masonry in exposed
walls, while insulated RCC
diaphragm walls coupled with
the earth. All external walls
have good insulation of 5 cm
thick glass wool.
Door/Windows South facing openings of double
glazed panels and hard plastic
windows in some faces
Buffer Spaces South facing solarium
Fig 85

45 | P a g e

Fig 86


Sunspaces can be used to collect the suns heat, store it

centrally and distribute it to other rooms. The wind is
pre- heated in the sunspace before entering the building.
A sunspace, unlike direct gain and tromba wall system,
adds a room to the building.

Fig 88
Fig 87


Two openings are provided on the wall dividing the

sunspace and room. The air in the sunspace rises
when heated by radiation, and is drawn inside the
room and cool air in the room which is at a lower
level is let back in sunspace. This forms a cycle
of passive heating air flow.

Fig 89
46 | P a g e

Low inlets and high outlets can be used in a "stack effect"

which can be in the form of wind catchers. Since warn
air will rise. A wind catcher placed with an opening
exposed to the prevailing wind direction forces the
air inside and warm air inside the room is drawn out
due to negative pressure formed inside the room.
Sunspace can be ventilated to the outside to avoid heating.
Fig 90

Rock beds are a means of enlarging the thermal mass
of the building and thereby increasing the ability to store
energy. Air is drawn from the sunspace and through bed
of rocks. Heat is given off to the rocks and air is
recirculated to a location in the hot space to collect more
heat. AT night when heat is needed,air from the occupied
space is drawn through the rock bed, where it picks up
heat and distributed back to the occupied space. The rock
bed can be located under a concrete slab that will be
Fig 91
heated by bed.


1. Sitting And Orientation:

 The building is set into the slope of the site and the
orientation provides maximum exposure to the
south side
2. Daylight Design:
 Distribution of daylight in spaces is achieved
through careful integration of window and light
 Light reflected off the light shelves is distributed
into the deep plan of the building .by designing
a ceiling profile that provides effective reflectivity. Fig 92
 Artificial lighting is seldom required in the south
oriented spaces, which are well-lit during working
3. Insulation:
 Good insulation of 5cm thick glass wool in RCC
diaphragm walls prevents heat loss.
 Infiltration losses are minimized through
weather- proofed hard plastic windows.
 Double glazing helps control heat loss from
glazing without creating any internal condensation.
Fig 93

47 | P a g e

1. Thermal Strategy:
 Coupling the ground and first floor with the earth prevents heat loss to a great
 With the openings on the south and west facades, the building maximizes solar
 The plan of the building and its three dimensional form allow maximum
penetration of sun maximizing both solar heat gain and daylight.
 The judiciously designed thermal mass absorbs and provide heat in the spaces
throughout the day.
 Air heating panels designed as an integral part of the southern well panels
provide effective heat gain. Distribution of heat gain in the entire building is
achieved through a connective loop

Fig 94

2. Ventilation:
• To optimize ventilation during summer, the contraceptive loop is coupled with solar
chimneys designed as an integral part of the roof.

3. Buffer spaces:
• A solarium or sunspace is built as an integral part of the southern wall maximizing
heat gain.

4. Renewable energy systems:

• The photovoltaic system of 1.5kWp meets the energy demand for lighting whenever
required. Roof-mounted solar water system (1000 litre per day) has been used in the
building. The water is circulated through radiators for space heating especially in the
northern spaces A view of curved ceiling with glass blocks to distribute daylight and
roof-mounted solar water heating system

Fig 95

48 | P a g e

In reference of above case studies aiming to the bioclimatic towards an ecological design approach.
With above mentioned case methods we can understand, various energy saving methods and how
a little step saves us with various means.

These three case studies used different methods for conserving energy to obtain thermal comfort


The larger scale Of the IHC building also prompted Stein to transform his design
approach from 'building in a garden', to a new approach of ' garden in a building.
Shaded gardens at ground level between the building blocks act as an oasis of quietness
and greenery amidst the traffic and bustle of the city.

Through this study we can commute that a little steps can lead us to bioclimatic architecture
and take us to an ecological development. Its gives only benefits to the inhabitants of the
building. And it would be a contribution to mitigate climate change and we can save our future
like wise.

There are various ways in which a building can reduce energy usage through passive design.
Of these strategies have limitations and most of the benefits are dependent heavily of the
building and the type of building being developed. Most of these strategies rely upon the
climate or weather in the location of the Site, which is likely to be variable and will cause
problems in reliability.

The passive design measures proposed for the building shall focus on maximizing daylighting,
reducing lighting energy consumption and reducing heat/loss gain. This is achieved through
improving building fabric, maintaining maximum natural daylight provision by employing
narrow office plans and implementing daylight dimming controls for both office and warehouse
spaces. The passive design measures aim to significantly reduce the energy demand and carbon
emissions of the building.


This building uses Passive Downdraft Evaporative cooling for a large scale office building and
demonstrates that it is possible to achieve human comfort in dry hot regions without
using regular HVAC systems and without compromising the cost of construction.
At each floor levels, sets of hopper windows designed to catch the descending flow, can be
used to divert some of the cooled air into adjacent space having passed through the
space, the air then exits via high level glass louvers opening with connect directly to the
perimeter exhaust shaft towers that suck the air and design create a circulation across the
building insuring the displacement of fresh air along the day.

49 | P a g e

This building is build using many passive techniques that can help to achieve human comfort
rather than using high end technology
• Rockbeds
• Sunspaces

The passive design measures proposed for the building shall focus on maximizing daylighting,
reducing lighting energy consumption and reducing heat/loss gain. Distribution of daylight in
spaces is achieved through careful integration of window and light shelves.
This is achieved through improving building fabric, maintaining maximum natural daylight. The
passive design measures aim to significantly reduce the energy demand and carbon emissions of
the building.
To optimize ventilation during summer, the contraceptive loop is coupled with solar chimneys
designed as an integral part of the roof.

50 | P a g e

51 | P a g e

The study described the idea of bioclimatic architecture from its gensis and showed how basic methods
of adapting architecture to the local climatic originated in vernacular building evolved from simple to
more complex systems. The study explains how indigenious solutions, developed in different regions of
India, gained support by the application of cutting- edge technologies and how contemporary
knowledge transfer increase the awareness of the available possibilities. That allow to choose strategies
most appropriate to the climate and ecosystem which is especially helpful in the regions that did not
develop their own sustainable vernacular example. The research revealed that how basic passive design
methods were successfully hybridized with the most advanced technologies to provide comfortable
indoor microclimate and optimal building performance. The study explained the importance of
individual analysis of biological and climatic determinants that must be carried out for each location
which excludes the practice of copying some techniques and producing dwellings without completely
checking their potential environmental impact. The approach results with developing innovative systems
designed specifically for the location needs. The main goal is the architectural environment, which is
comfortable for the user and maximally integrated with the ecosystem in purpose to retain its harmony
and continuity.

52 | P a g e
• Local building materials should be given top priority during construction as they provide
maximum protection against local climate
• Orientation of building should be according to climate
• Vernacular architecture techniques should be considered while designing
• Natural methods to achieve bioclimatic architecture is the best choice as it provide maximum
comfort levels
• Trombe walls should be used as is an effective way for designing in different climatic condition
• Form and planning should be done properly both at micro and macro level to achieve maximum
• The building envelope should be treated according to the environment
• Fenestration should be provided according to the need
• Passive and active cooling and heating systems should be properly arranged in order to get
maximum benefit from it

53 | P a g e

54 | P a g e


 https://www.sIideshare.net/Joann931/merg ed-document-50221188

 http ://bioclimaticx.com/bioclimatic-architecture1/

 http s://www.viatechnik.com/bioclimatic-buildings-their-benefits-features-challenges/


 Greek traditional bioclimatic architecture.

Cllhstos Floros, architect
 Bioclimatic Architecture Potential in Buildings Durability and in their Thermal and Environmental
 Bioclimatic House
 Bioclimatic Architecture
Barbara Widera
Faculty of Architecture, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw 50317, Poland
 Bioclimatic Architecture Potential in Buildings Durability and in their Thermal and Environmental
Nuno Serafim Cruz 1
M. Isabel M. Torres 2
J. A. Raimundo Mendes da Silva 3
 Bioclimatic design strategies in temperate climate
Consistency of passive cooling and heating

55 | P a g e

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